
geistiges Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

(geistiges) Vorstellungsvermögen
(mental) imagery, imaging
Lebensalter n
geistiges Alter
age; chronological age
mental age
Lebensalter n
geistiges Alter
age, chronological age
mental age
(geistiges) Vorstellungsvermögen n
(mental) imagery; imaging
Weltorganisation für Geistiges Eigentum
WIPO : World Intellectual Property Organization
geistiges Produkt n; Idee f; Erfindung f
(optisches geistiges) Bild n (im Gegensatz zu Sprache und Text)
Bilder pl
Im Traum spricht die Psyche in Bildern.
In the dream, the psyche speaks in images.
etw. (kommerziell) verwerten; nutzen; ausbeuten pej. v econ.
verwertend; nutzend; ausbeutend
verwertet; genutzt; ausgebeutet
ein geistiges Werk verwerten
künstlerische Leistungen gewerblich verwerten
to exploit sth.; to commercialise sth.
exploiting; commercialising
exploited; commercialised
to exploit an intellectual work
to commercialize artistic performances
Kapital n
arbeitendes Kapital
gezeichnetes Kapital
totes Kapital
totes Kapital, totes Inventar
geistiges Kapital, intellektuelles Kapital
betriebsnotwendiges Kapital
nicht betriebsnotwendiges Kapital
Kapital und Arbeit
active capital
subscribed capital
dormant capital, unemployed capital
dead stock
intellectual capital, intellectual assets
operating capital
non-operating capital
capital and labour
etw. (kommerziell) verwerten; nutzen; ausbeuten pej. v econ.
verwertend; nutzend; ausbeutend
verwertet; genutzt; ausgebeutet
ein geistiges Werk verwerten
eine Erfindung praktisch verwerten
künstlerische Leistungen gewerblich verwerten
to exploit sth.; to commercialise sth.
exploiting; commercialising
exploited; commercialised
to exploit an intellectual work
to reduce an invention to practice
to commercialize artistic performances
Eigentum n, Besitz m, Grundbesitz m, Grundstück n
Eigentum n, Grundbesitze pl
geistiges Eigentum
gewerbliches Eigentum
Besitz erwerben, Eigentum erwerben
bewegliches Eigentum
unbewegliches Eigentum
unbelasteter Grundbesitz
unveräußerlicher Grundbesitz
intellectual property
industrial property
to acquire property
moveables, movable property
immoveables, real property
unencumbered property
entailed property
Eigentum n; Besitz m; Grundbesitz m; Grundstück n
Eigentum n; Grundbesitze pl
geistiges Eigentum
gewerbliches Eigentum
gewerblich genutztes Grundstück
Besitz erwerben; Eigentum erwerben
bewegliches Eigentum
unbewegliches Eigentum
unbelasteter Grundbesitz
unveräußerlicher Grundbesitz
Eigentum an Patenten und Gebrauchsmustern
Eigentum an einer Ware
intellectual property IP
industrial property
income-producing property; income property
to acquire property
moveables; movable property
immoveables; real property
unencumbered property
entailed property
industrial property
property in goods
Traum m (geistiges Schlaferlebnis) med.
Träume pl
ein böser Traum
ein erotischer Traum; ein feuchter Traum
wie in einem Traum
schlecht geträumt haben
Ich habe letzte Nacht von dir geträumt.
In meinen wildesten Träumen hätte ich mir nicht ausmalen können mir niemals vorgestellt, dass das so viel Spaß macht.
Gute Nacht. (Schlaf gut und) träum schön träum was Schönes!
a bad dream
an erotic dream; a wet dream
as if in a dream
to have had a bad dream
You were in my dream last night.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it would be so much fun.
Good night. (Sleep tight and have) sweet dreams!
Eigentum n; Besitz m; Grundbesitz m; Grundstück n
Eigentum n; Grundbesitze pl
Hausgrundstück n
Sondereigentum n
geistiges Eigentum
gewerbliches Eigentum
gewerblich genutztes Grundstück
Besitz erwerben; Eigentum erwerben
bewegliches Eigentum
unbelasteter Grundbesitz
ungestörte Nutzung seines Eigentums (Grundrecht)
unveräußerlicher Grundbesitz
Eigentum an Patenten und Gebrauchsmustern
Eigentum an einer Ware
property with house
special property
intellectual property IP
industrial property
income-producing property; income property
to acquire property
moveables; movable property
unencumbered property
peaceful enjoyment of your property (fundamental right)
entailed property
industrial property
property in goods
Kapital n econ. fin.
akkumuliertes Kapital
arbeitendes Kapital
brachliegendes Kapital
durch Verluste gemindertes Kapital
einbezahltes Kapital
eingefrorenes Kapital
eingeschriebenes Kapital
eingesetztes Kapital
erforderliches Kapital
gezeichnetes Kapital
kurzfristiges Kapital
totes Kapital
totes Kapital; totes Inventar
geistiges Kapital; intellektuelles Kapital
betriebsnotwendiges Kapital
nicht betriebsnotwendiges Kapital
Erhöhung des Kapitals
Kapital und Arbeit
accumulated capital
active capital
inactive capital; loose capital; unemployed capital
impaired capital
paid up capital; paid-in capital
frozen capital
capital subscribed
capital employed
capital required
subscribed capital
short-term capital
dormant capital; unemployed capital
dead stock
intellectual capital; intellectual assets
operating capital
non-operating capital
increase of capital
capital and labour
Kapital n econ. fin.
akkumuliertes Kapital
arbeitendes Kapital
betriebsnotwendiges Kapital
brachliegendes Kapital
durch Verluste gemindertes Kapital
einbezahltes Kapital
eingefrorenes Kapital
eingeschriebenes Kapital
eingesetztes Kapital
erforderliches Kapital
geistiges Kapital; intellektuelles Kapital
gezeichnetes Kapital
kurzfristiges Kapital
Menschenkapital n; Humankapital n
Sachkapital n
totes Kapital; totes Inventar
nicht betriebsnotwendiges Kapital
Erhöhung des Kapitals
Kapital und Arbeit
Kapital festlegen
accumulated capital
active capital
operating capital
inactive capital; loose capital; unemployed capital
impaired capital
paid up capital; paid-in capital
frozen capital
capital subscribed
capital employed
capital required
intellectual capital; intellectual assets
subscribed capital
short-term capital
human capital
physical capital; real capital
risk-bearing capital
dead stock
non-operating capital
increase of capital
capital and labour
to immobilize immobilise Br. capital
jds. Lebensalter n; jds. Alter n
Alter pl
jds. biologisches Alter
jds. geistiges Alter
im Alter von
in meinem Alter
im höheren hohen Alter
bis ins hohe Alter
das fortgeschrittene Alter; das hohe Alter; die Bejahrtheit selten von jdm.
in diesem Alter
im zarten Alter von
von mittlerem Alter; in mittlerem Alter; mittleren Alters
Leute meines Alters; Leute in meinem Alter
Männer im wehrfähigen Alter mil.
eine Frau im fortgeschrittenen Alter
im fortgeschrittenen Alter sein
ein hohes Alter erreichen
in hohem Alter
sich seinem Alter gemäß verhalten
Benimm dich wie ein erwachsener Mensch (und nicht wie ein pubertierender Teenager).
sb.'s chronological age; sb.'s age
sb.'s biological age
sb.'s mental age
at the age of; aged
at my age
in old age; in great age
till in old great age
the advanced age of sb.
at this age
at the tender age of
people my age
males of military age
a woman of advanced age years
to be advanced in age years.
to attain a great age
at a great age
to act one's age
Act your age (and not your shoe size).
Auge n anat.
Augen pl
geistiges Auge übtr.
ein Auge zudrücken übtr.
mit aufgerissenen Augen
mit bloßem Auge
mit freiem Auge nicht erkennbar
unter vier Augen
jdn. aus dem Auge verlieren übtr.
sich sehenden Auges auf ein Risiko einlassen
mit offenen Augen durch's Leben gehen übtr.
blaues Auge; Veilchen n ugs. med.
schrägstehende Augen
stechende Augen
wässrige Augen
große Augen machen
direkt vor den Augen von
Augen mit schweren Lidern
mit aufgerissenen Augen; großäugig adj
mit zusammengekniffenen Augen
vor meinem geistigen Auge
seine Augen überall haben; alles sehen; hellseherische Fähigkeiten haben
jdn. etw. vor Augen haben
jdm. die Augen öffnen
nicht nur ein, sondern beide Augen zudrücken (bei etw.) übtr.
Er hat ein blaues Auge.
mind's eye
to turn a blind eye fig.
saucer eyed
with the naked eye; for the naked eye
cannot be seen with the naked eye
in private
to lose sight of sb.
to go into a risk with one's eyes open fig.
to go through life with one's eyes open fig.
black eye; shiner coll.
slanted eyes
ferrety eyes
liquid eyes
to be all eyes
in full view of
hooded eyes
wide-eyed; round-eyed
with narrowed eyes
in my mind's eye
to have eyes at the back of your head
to see sb. sth. in one's mind's eye; to keep sb. sth. in mind; to keep sb. sth. in sight
to give sb. a reality check
to turn not just a blind eye but an entire blind sense-set (to sth.) fig.
He has a black eye.
Sonderorganisationen der Vereinten Nationen
UNO-Organisation für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft FAO
Weltbank; Internationale Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung
Internationale Zivilluftfahrtorganisation ICAO
Internationale Entwicklungsorganisation IDA
Internationaler Fonds für landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung IFAD
Internationale Finanzkorporation IFC
Internationale Arbeitsorganisation IAO
Internationale Seeschifffahrtsorganisation IMO
Internationale Fernmeldeunion IFU
Internationaler Währungsfonds IWF
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur UNESCO
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für industrielle Entwicklung UNIDO
Welttourismusorganisation UNWTO
Weltpostverein WPV
Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO
Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum WIPO
Weltorganisation für Meteorologie WMO
United Nations specialized agencies
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
World Bank; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBRD
International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO
International Development Association IDA
International Fund for Agricultural Development IFAD
International Finance Corporation IFC
International Labour Organization ILO
International Maritime Organization IMO
International Telecommunication Union ITU
International Monetary Fund IMF
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization UNESCO
United Nations Industrial Development Organizatio UNIDO
World Tourism Organization UNWTO
Universal Postal Union UPU
World Health Organization WHO
World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO
World Meteorological Organization WMO
Sonderorganisationen der Vereinten Nationen
UNO-Organisation für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft FAO
Weltbank; Internationale Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung
Internationale Zivilluftfahrtorganisation ICAO
Internationale Entwicklungsorganisation IDA
Internationaler Fonds für landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung IFAD
Internationale Finanzkorporation IFC
Internationale Arbeitsorganisation IAO
Internationale Seeschifffahrtsorganisation IMO
Internationale Fernmeldeunion IFU
Internationaler Währungsfonds IWF
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung Wissenschaft und Kultur UNESCO
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für industrielle Entwicklung UNIDO
Welttourismusorganisation UNWTO
Weltpostverein WPV
Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO
Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum WIPO
Weltorganisation für Meteorologie WMO
United Nations specialized agencies
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
World Bank; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBRD
International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO
International Development Association IDA
International Fund for Agricultural Development IFAD
International Finance Corporation IFC
International Labour Organization ILO
International Maritime Organization IMO
International Telecommunication Union ITU
International Monetary Fund IMF
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO
United Nations Industrial Development Organizatio UNIDO
World Tourism Organization UNWTO
Universal Postal Union UPU
World Health Organization WHO
World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO
World Meteorological Organization WMO

Deutsche geistiges Synonyme

Copyright  Âgeistiges  Eigentum  ÂUrheberrecht  
geistiges  Eintauchen  ÂKontemplation  ÂNachdenken  ÂNachsinnen  ÂVersenkung  
geistiges Eintauchen  Kontemplation  Nachdenken  Nachsinnen  Versenkung  
Weitere Ergebnisse für geistiges Synonym nachschlagen

Englische imagery imaging Synonyme

imagery  Vorstellung  allusion  alphabet  apparition  art  asiaticism  blueprint  brainchild  bubble  cameo  catalog  cataloging  character  character sketch  charactering  characterization  chart  chimera  choreography  concept  conception  conceptualization  conventional representation  dance notation  delineation  delirium  demonstration  depiction  depictment  description  details  device  diagram  drama  drawing  eidetic image  eidolon  envisaging  envisioning  euphuism  evocation  exemplification  fancy  fantasque  fantasy  fiction  figment  figuration  figurative language  figurativeness  figure  figure of speech  floridity  flourish  flower  flowery style  graphic account  hallucination  hieroglyphic  iconography  ideogram  idle fancy  illusion  illustration  image  imagery study  imagination  imaging  imagining  imagism  imagistic poetry  impression  insubstantial image  invention  itemization  letter  lifelike image  limning  logogram  logograph  maggot  make-believe  manner of speaking  map  mental image  mental picture  mental representation  musical notation  myth  nonliterality  nonliteralness  notation  objectification  ornament  particularization  phantasm  phantom  photograph  pictogram  picture  picturing  picturization  plan  poetic imagery  portrait  portraiture  portrayal  prefigurement  presentment  printing  profile  projection  purple passage  realization  rendering  rendition  representation  romance  schema  score  script  sick fancy  sketch  specification  syllabary  symbol  symbolism  tablature  thick-coming fancies  trip  trope  turn of expression  vapor  vignette  vision  visual image  visualization  vivid description  way of speaking  whim  whimsy  wildest dreams  word painting  word-painting  writing  

geistiges Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Image
(n.) The work of one who makes images or visible representation of objects
(n.) Fig.: Unreal show
(n.) The work of the imagination or fancy
(n.) Rhetorical decoration in writing or speaking
(a.) Of or pertaining to the chin
(n.) A plate or scale covering the mentum or chin of a fish or reptile.
(a.) Of or pertaining to the mind

(mental) imagery imaging Bedeutung

(medicine) obtaining pictures of the interior of the body
magnetic resonance imaging
the use of nuclear magnetic resonance of protons to produce proton density images
functional magnetic resonance imaging
a form of magnetic resonance imaging of the brain that registers blood flow to functioning areas of the brain
blood-oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging
functional magnetic resonance imaging that relies on intrinsic changes in hemoglobin oxygenation
creating by mental acts the act of creating something by thinking
mental measurement a generic term used to cover any application of measurement techniques to the quantification of mental functions
test mental test
mental testing
psychometric test
any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc, the test was standardized on a large sample of students
mental hospital
psychiatric hospital
mental institution
institution mental home
insane asylum
a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person
mental age the level of intellectual development as measured by an intelligence test
learning ability
mental capacity
mental ability, he's got plenty of brains but no common sense
mental quickness
intelligence as revealed by an ability to give correct responses without delay
mental dexterity
intelligence as revealed by quickness and alertness of mind, nimbleness of wit and imagination
mental ability
the power to learn or retain knowledge, in law, the ability to understand the facts and significance of your behavior
mental block
an inability to remember or think of something you normally can do, often caused by emotional tension, I knew his name perfectly well but I had a temporary block
mental retardation
slowness subnormality
lack of normal development of intellectual capacities
abnormality mental defectiveness retardation sufficient to fall outside the normal range of intelligence
mental deficiency
mild mental retardation
mental faculty
one of the inherent cognitive or perceptual powers of the mind
mental lexicon
a language user's knowledge of words
mental confusion
a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior, a confusion of impressions
mental reservation
arriere pensee
an unstated doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly
mental rejection
doubt about the truth of something
cognitive process
mental process
cognitive operation
(psychology) the performance of some composite cognitive activity, an operation that affects mental contents, the process of thinking, the cognitive operation of remembering
mental note special attention with intent to remember, he made a mental note to send her flowers
imagination imaging
mental imagery
the ability to form mental images of things or events, he could still hear her in his imagination
mental synthesis
the creation of a construct, the process of combining ideas into a congruous object of thought
cognitive content
mental object
the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned
mental representation
internal representation
a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image
mental image
an iconic mental representation, her imagination forced images upon her too awful to contemplate
mental picture
a clear and telling mental image, he described his mental picture of his assailant, he had no clear picture of himself or his world, the events left a permanent impression in his mind
mental hygiene
the branch of psychiatry concerned with psychological methods
mental attitude
a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways, he had the attitude that work was fun
mental anguish sustained dull painful emotion
psychic energy
mental energy
an actuating force or factor
mental case
a person suffering from neurosis
mental telepathist
mind reader
someone with the power of communicating thoughts directly
mental exhaustion
exhaustion that affects mental keenness
mental disorder
mental disturbance
disturbance psychological disorder
(psychiatry) a psychological disorder of thought or emotion, a more neutral term than mental illness
mental abnormality any abnormality of mental function
psychological state
psychological condition
mental state
mental condition
(psychology) a mental condition in which the qualities of a state are relatively constant even though the state itself may be dynamic, a manic state
strain mental strain
nervous strain
(psychology) nervousness resulting from mental stress, his responsibilities were a constant strain, the mental strain of staying alert hour after hour was too much for him
mental health the psychological state of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment
mental soundness
mental balance
the healthy psychological state of someone with good judgment
mental illness
mental disease
any disease of the mind, the psychological state of someone who has emotional or behavioral problems serious enough to require psychiatric intervention
mental unsoundness
a state of mental disturbance and disorientation
create by mental act
create mentally
create mentally and abstractly rather than with one's hands
mental affected by a disorder of the mind, a mental patient, mental illness
mental involving the mind or an intellectual process, mental images of happy times, mental calculations, in a terrible mental state, mental suffering, free from mental defects
of or relating to the chin or median part of the lower jaw
mental of or relating to the chin- or liplike structure in insects and certain mollusks
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