
geschlossener Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

geschlossener Kreislauf
closed circuit
geschlossener (Strom-) Kreis
closed circuit
geschlossener (Regel-) Kreis
closed loop
geschlossener Güterwagen (US)
box car
geschlossener Rechenzentrumsbetrieb
closed shop
Lieferwagen, geschlossener LKW (Br.)
Coupé n; Kupee n (geschlossener zweitüriger PKW) auto
coupé; coupe (closed car with two doors)
Coupé n (Sportlimousine; geschlossener zweitüriger PKW) auto
coupé; coupe (closed car with two doors)
Schleudersitz m aviat.
Schleudersitze pl
geschlossener Schleudersitz
ejection seat; ejector seat
ejection seats; ejector seats
ejection capsule
Regelkreis m
Regelkreise pl
geschlossener Regelkreis
offener Regelkreis
control loop; control system
control loops; control systems
closed loop
open loop
Verband m aviat.
Verbände pl
geschlossener Verband; geschlossene Formation
close formation
Verband m aviat.
Verbände pl
geschlossener Verband, geschlossene Formation
close formation
Verbretterung f; Holzsichtschutzwand f mit geschlossener Lattung mit auf Lücke montierter Lattung
visual screen with horizontal boards
prozessgekoppelt adj techn.
prozessgekoppelt offener Betrieb
prozessgekoppelt geschlossener Betrieb
on-line open-loop operation
on-line closed-loop operation
Wertstoffkreislauf m; Stoffkreislauf m envir.
offener Stoffkreislauf
geschlossener Stoffkreislauf
recycling system
open recycling system
closed recycling system
Stromkreis m
Stromkreise pl
angekoppelte Stromkreise
eigensicherer Stromkreis
geschlossener Stromkreis
electric circuit; circuit
electric circuits
coupled circuits
intrinsically safe circuit
closed circuit cc
Gebissstellung f; Bissstellung f; Biss m anat.
geschlossener Biss
offener Biss
tiefer Biss
vorstehender Biss
dental occlusion; occlusion; bite
closed bite
open bite; open-bite malocclusion; non-occlusion; infra-occlusion
supra-occlusion; supraclusion
anterior bite; anterior-bite occlusion
Schrägschulterring m (Reifen)
abnehmbarer geschlitzter Schrägschulterring
abnehmbarer geschlossener Schrägschulterring
bead seat ring
spring tapered bead seat ring
detachable endless tapered bead seat ring
konkludent adj adm. jur.
konkludente Absicht
konkludentes Verhalten
konkludente Gewährleistung
konkludent geschlossener Vertrag
implied intent
implied behaviour
implied warranty
implied contract
Fund m; Fundstück n
Funde pl; Fundstücke pl
einen Fund machen
archäologische Fundstücke
geschlossener Fund
vergesellschafteter Fund
finding; find
findings; finds
to make a find
archaeological finds
closed find
associated find
Fund m, Fundstück n
Funde pl, Fundstücke pl
einen Fund machen
archäologische Fundstücke
geschlossener Fund
vergesellschafteter Fund
finding, find
findings, finds
to make a find
archaeological finds
closed find
associated find
Strafvollzug m; Vollzugsform f; Vollzug m jur.
gelockerter Vollzug
geschlossener Vollzug
offener Vollzug
eine Strafe im offenen Vollzug verbüßen
prison regime
semi-open prison regime; partially open prison regime
closed prison regime
open prison regime
to serve a sentence under an open prison regime
Seitenring m
abnehmbarer geschlitzter Seitenring
abnehmbarer geschlossener Seitenring
abnehmbarer Seitenring
abnehmbarer Seitenring (Felge)
geschlitzter Seitenring
side ring
detachable spring flange
detachable endless flange
removable flange
detachable flange (rim)
split side ring
geschlossen adj
geschlossener (Regel-) Kreis
geschlossener (Strom-) Kreis
geschlossener Kreislauf
geschlossener Rechenzentrumsbetrieb
geschlossenes Regelkreissystem
closed loop
closed circuit
closed circuit
closed shop
closed system
Seitenring m
Seitenringe pl
abnehmbarer geschlitzter Seitenring
abnehmbarer geschlossener Seitenring
abnehmbarer Seitenring
abnehmbarer Seitenring (Felge)
geschlitzter Seitenring
side ring
side rings
detachable spring flange
detachable endless flange
removable flange
detachable flange (rim)
split side ring
Seitenring m
Seitenringe pl
abnehmbarer geschlitzter Seitenring
abnehmbarer geschlossener Seitenring
abnehmbarer Seitenring
abnehmbarer Seitenring; Kombiring (Felge)
geschlitzter Seitenring
side ring
side rings
detachable spring flange
detachable endless flange
removable flange
split side ring; detachable spring flange (of a rim)
split side ring
Fund m; Fundstück n
Funde pl; Fundstücke pl
Hortfund m; Depotfund m; Verwahrfund m (Archäologie)
einen Fund machen
archäologische Fundstücke
geschlossener Fund
vergesellschafteter Fund
finding; find
findings; finds
hoard find (archaeology)
to make a find
archaeological finds
closed find
associated find
Formkasten m; Sandkasten m; Kasten m; Kastenform f; Flasche f (Gießerei) techn.
Formkästen pl; Sandkästen pl; Kästen pl; Kastenformen pl; Flaschen pl
geschlossener Formkasten
die Form ausklopfen
moulding box; flask (foundry)
moulding boxes; flasks
tight flask
to maul the flask
etw. mit Draht befestigen; verstärken; fixieren v
mit Draht befestigend; verstärkend; fixierend
mit Draht befestigt; verstärkt; fixiert
etw. mit Draht zusammenbinden
den Unterkiefer in geschlossener Stellung mit Draht fixieren med.
to wire sth.
to wire together () sth.
to wire the lower jaw shut
Blütenstand m; Infloreszenz f geh. bot.
Blütenstände pl
geschlossener Blütenstand
offener Blütenstand
Rumpfblütenstand m; Rumpfinfloreszenz f
Teilblütenstand m; Teilinfloreszenz f
zymöser Blütenstand; Zyme; Zyma; Zymus
flower cluster; inflorescence
flower clusters
determinate inflorescence
indeterminate inflorescence
truncated inflorescence
partial inflorescence
cymose inflorescence; cyme
Stromkreis m electr.
Stromkreise pl
Verbraucherstromkreis m; Belastungsstromkreis m
angekoppelte Stromkreise
eigensicherer Stromkreis
geschlossener Stromkreis
Unterbrechung im Stromkreis
einen elektrischen Stromkreis schließen
eine Induktanz usw. in den Stromkreis schalten legen
electric circuit; circuit
electric circuits
load circuit
coupled circuits
intrinsically safe circuit
closed circuit cc
discontinuity in the circuit
to close an electrical circuit
to place an inductance etc. in the circuit
Benutzergruppe f; Benützergruppe f Süddt. Ös. Schw.; Benutzerkreis m; Benützerkreis m Süddt. Ös. Schw.; Anwendergruppe f; Anwenderkreis m adm. comp.
Benutzergruppen pl; Benützergruppen pl; Benutzerkreise pl; Benützerkreise pl; Anwendergruppen pl; Anwenderkreise pl
geschlossener Benutzerkreis; Sperrkreis m Ös.
user group; users
user groups; users
restricted user group
Benutzergruppe f; Benützergruppe f Süddt. Ös. Schw.; Nutzerkreis m; Benutzerkreis m; Benützerkreis m Süddt. Ös. Schw.; Anwendergruppe f; Anwenderkreis m adm. comp.
Benutzergruppen pl; Benützergruppen pl; Nutzerkreise pl; Benutzerkreise pl; Benützerkreise pl; Anwendergruppen pl; Anwenderkreise pl
geschlossener Benutzerkreis; Sperrkreis m Ös.
user group; users
user groups; users
restricted user group
Bahnhof m Bhf.
Bahnhöfe pl
Aufenthaltsbahnhof m; Unterwegsbahnhof m
Dateneingabebahnhof m für Gütertransporte
Fernbahnhof m
Haltebahnhof m
Kreuzungsbahnhof m
Bahnhof mit Reise- und Güterverkehr; Bahnhof mit Güter- und Reiseverkehr
angeschlossener Bahnhof; Satellitenbahnhof; Satellit
durchgehend besetzter Bahnhof
(für den Verkehr) geschlossener Bahnhof
selbständiger Bahnhof
zeitweise unbesetzter Bahnhof
Zugfolgeregelungsbahnhof m; Zugsfolgeregelungsbahnhof m Ös.
Bahnhof in Hochlage constr.
auf dem Bahnhof; im Bahnhof
von Bahnhof zu Bahnhof
railway station Br.; railroad station Am.; train station Am.; station Sta. Stn
railway stations; railroad stations; train stations; stations
stopover point; intermediate stop-off point Am.
goods movements data centre Br.; freight movements data center Am.
long-distance railway railroad train station
station at which stops are made; calling point; stop-off point Am.
station with passing loop
mixed station
auxiliary station
staffed station; attended station
station closed to traffic
independent station
unstaffed station; unmanned station
regulating station
upper-level station
at the train station
from station to station
(privatrechtlicher) Vertrag m (mit zwischen jdm. über etw.)
Verträge pl
Basisvertrag m
Folgevertrag m
Mustervertrag m
Scheinvertrag m
ausdrücklich geschlossener Vertrag; ausdrücklicher Vertrag
befristeter Vertrag
einseitig verpflichtender Vertrag
erfüllter Vertrag
fingierter Vertrag
formbedürftiger Vertrag
formfreier Vertrag
förmlicher Vertrag
formloser Vertrag; einfacher Vertrag
gegenseitiger Vertrag; synallagmatischer Vertrag
kaufähnlicher Vertrag
mündlicher Vertrag
stillschweigend geschlossener Vertrag; Vertrag, der durch konkludentes Handeln zustande gekommen ist
unbefristeter Vertrag
getreu dem Vertrag
laut Vertrag
noch zu erfüllender Vertrag
den Vertrag ändern
einen Vertrag annehmen
einen Vertrag aufsetzen
einen Vertrag beenden
den Vertrag beglaubigen
einen Vertrag bestätigen
einen Vertrag eingehen
einen Vertrag kündigen; einen Vertrag aufkündigen
einen Vertrag schließen; einen Vertrag abschließen
einen Vertrag stornieren
einen Vertrag verlängern
Vertrag läuft aus
unter Vertrag stehen
nicht unter Vertrag stehend (Sportler; Musiker)
contract (with between sb. on sth.)
basic contract; base contract; underlying contract
subsequent contract; follow-up contract
model contract
fictitious contract; feigned contract; sham contract
express contract
fixed-term contract; contract of limited duration
unilateral contract
executed contract
fictitious contract
contract requiring a specific form
informal contract
formal contract; deed
simple contract
reciprocal contract; contract imposing reciprocal obligations; synallagmatic contract
sales-like contract
verbal contract
implied contract; implied-in-fact contract Am.; contract implied in fact Am.
open-end contract; contract of unlimited duration
abiding by a contract
as per contract
executory contract
to amend the contract
to accept a contract
to draft a contract
to end a contract
to certify the contract
to confirm a contract
to enter into a contract
to terminate a contract
to make conclude a contract
to cancel a contract
to extend a contract
contract expires
to be under contract; to be contracted
Knochenbruch m; Bruch m (in Zusammensetzungen); Knochenfraktur f; Fraktur f med.
Knochenbrüche pl; Brüche pl; Knochenfrakturen pl; Frakturen pl
einfacher geschlossener unkomplizierter Knochenbruch
falsch verwachsener Knochenbruch
gesplitterter Knochenbruch
multiple Knochenbrüche; Fraktur mehrerer Knochen
nichtdurchgebauter Knochenbruch
nichtreponierter Knochenbruch
nichtverwachsener Knochenbruch
offener komplizierter Knochenbruch
perforierender Knochenbruch
querer Knochenbruch
spontanter Knochenbruch m; Spontanfraktur f; pathologischer Knochenbruch m; pathologische Fraktur f
unvollständiger Knochenbruch
verkeilter Knochenbruch
verschobener Knochenbruch
zusammengewachsener knöchern durchgebauter Knochenbruch
Mehrfachknochenbruch m; Mehrfachfraktur f (eines Knochens)
Schädelbasisbruch m; Schädelbasisfraktur f
Schienbeinfraktur f
Serienknochenbruch m; Serienfraktur f
Serienrippenbruch m
Unterschenkelbruch m; Unterschenkelfraktur f
einen Knochenbruch einrichten richten einstellen
einen Knochenbruch verplatten osteosynthetisch versorgen
bone fracture; fracture
bone fractures; fractures
closed uncomplicated fracture
imperfectly united fracture
splintered comminuted fracture
multiple fractures
ununited not consolidated fracture
old dislocation
non-united fracture
open complicated fracture; compound fracture
perforating fracture
transverse fracture
spontaneous fracture; pathologic fracture
incomplete fracture, infraction
impacted fracture
displaced fracture
united consolidated fracture
multiple fracture (of a bone)
fracture of the base of the skull; fractured base of the skull; base of skull fracture; basal skull fracture; basilar skull fracture
tibial fracture; tibia fracture
serial fracture
serial rib fracture; series of rib fractures
lower leg fracture
to set reduce a bone fracture
to plate a fractued bone
Eisenbahnzug m; Zug m (Bahn)
Eisenbahnzüge pl; Züge pl
abfahrbereiter Zug; fertiggebildeter Zug
abfahrender Zug; Zug bei der Abfahrt
ankommender Zug; eintreffender Zug; Ankunftszug; Zug bei der Ankunft
abgestellter Zug; zurückgestauter Zug
Ausflugszug m; Touristenzug m; Zug aus touristischem Anlass
ausgelasteter Zug
Ausstellungszug m
Autoreisezug m mit Motorradbeförderung; Zug mit begleiteten Motorrädern
Beförderungszug m; besetzter Zug
Belastungszug m; Lastenzug m (für den Brückentest)
Charterzug m; gecharterter Zug; vercharterter Zug Dt.
Dampfzug m; mit Dampflok bespannter Zug
doppelt geführter Zug; Entlastungszug; Verstärkungszug
durchgehender Zug
elektrischer Zug
ganzjährig verkehrender Zug
Ganzzug m; Blockzug m
geschlossener Zug
Gleisbauzug m; Gleisumbauzug m
Gleisbaumaschinenzug m; Oberbau-Erneuerungszug m
grenzüberschreitender Zug; internationaler Zug
kreuzender Zug (auf eingleisiger Strecke); begegnender Zug (auf zweigleisiger Strecke)
Nachtzug m
Panzerzug m; gepanzerter Zug
Postzug; Zug für Postbeförderung
Regionalzug m; Bummelzug m ugs.
Schotterzug m
Städtezug m
Städteschnellzug m; Intercity-Express-Zug m Dt. ICE ; Intercity-Express m ICE ; Städteexpress m (DDR)
Triebwagenzug m
Tunnelhilfszug m
Zug bestehend aus Gliederelementen
Zug des öffentlichen Verkehrs
Zug im Zulauf
Zug mit besonderen Beförderungsaufgaben
Zug mit besonderen Benutzungsbedingungen
Zug mit bestimmten Verkehrstagen
Zug ohne Zwischenhalt
mit dem Zug; mit der Bahn
im Zug
mit dem Zug fahren; mit der Bahn fahren (nach)
den Zug erreichen
den Zug verpassen
gerne Zug fahren
einen Zug abstellen; einen Zug in Ãœberholung nehmen
einen Zug auf Abruf stellen, einen Zug zurückstellen
einen Zug in den Bahnhof aufnehmen
außerplanmäßiger Zug
Züge beobachten und notieren (als Hobby)
train (railway)
train about to depart
departing train
arriving train
waiting train
tourist train
fully-loaded train
exhibition train
train of accompanied motorcycles
general-purpose train
test train (for bridge testing)
charter train; chartered train
steam train
extra train; relief train; second conditional train Am.; second section train Am.
direct train; through train
electric train
regular train
block train
special-purpose train
track-renewal train
mechanised track-relaying train
international train
train running passing in opposite direction; opposing train Am.
overnight train; night train
armoured train Br.; armored train Am.
mail train
regional train; non-express train
ballast train
intercity train
intercity express train ICE
divisible train set; multiple-unit set; MU set
tunnel emergency train
articulated train
revenue-earning train
expected train
single-commodity train
special train
non-regular train
non-stop train
by train
on the train
to go by train; to take the train (to)
to catch the train
to miss the train
to love to ride on trains
to stable a train; to recess a train; to park a train Am.
to hold a train
to accept a train into a station
wildcat train Am.
train spotting

Deutsche geschlossener Synonyme


Englische closed circuit Synonyme

closed  arcane  authoritarian  beyond reach  bigot  bigoted  blank  blind  blind-alley  borne  cabalistic  cecal  censored  choked  choked off  classified  close  closed forever to  closed to  concealed  constricted  contracted  cramped  creedbound  cryptic  dark  dead  dead-end  deaf  deaf to reason  enigmatic  esoteric  fanatical  hermetic  hidden  hidebound  hush-hush  illiberal  impenetrable  impersuadable  impersuasible  impervious  inaccessible  inflexible  inhospitable  insular  latent  little  little-minded  lost to  mean  mean-minded  mean-spirited  mysterious  narrow  narrow-hearted  narrow-minded  narrow-souled  narrow-spirited  nearsighted  obstinate  occult  out of reach  parochial  petty  provincial  purblind  restricted  secret  shortsighted  shut  small  small-minded  smothered  squeezed shut  stifled  straitlaced  strangulated  stuffy  suppressed  top secret  ulterior  un-come-at-able  unaccessible  unamenable  unapproachable  unattainable  unavailable  unbreatheable  uncatholic  uncharitable  uncordial  under security  under wraps  undisclosable  undisclosed  undiscoverable  undivulgable  undivulged  unfriendly  ungenerous  ungettable  ungracious  unhospitable  unimpressionable  uninfluenceable  unliberal  unmovable  unneighborly  unobtainable  unopen  unopened  unpersuadable  unpliable  unprocurable  unreachable  unreceptive  unresponsive  unrevealable  unrevealed  unsecurable  unspoken  unsuggestible  unsusceptible  unswayable  untellable  untold  unutterable  unuttered  unvented  unventilated  unwhisperable  unyielding  
closed minded  authoritarian  bigot  bigoted  borne  closed  constricted  cramped  creedbound  deaf  deaf to reason  fanatical  hidebound  illiberal  insular  little  little-minded  mean  mean-minded  mean-spirited  narrow  narrow-hearted  narrow-minded  narrow-souled  narrow-spirited  nearsighted  parochial  petty  provincial  purblind  shortsighted  small  small-minded  straitlaced  stuffy  uncatholic  uncharitable  ungenerous  unliberal  

geschlossener Definition

(n.) A key or other device for breaking an electrical circuit.
(n.) The act of moving or revolving around, or as in a circle or orbit
(n.) The circumference of, or distance round, any space
(n.) That which encircles anything, as a ring or crown.
(n.) The space inclosed within a circle, or within limits.
(n.) A regular or appointed journeying from place to place in the exercise of one's calling, as of a judge, or a preacher.
(n.) A certain division of a state or country, established by law for a judge or judges to visit, for the administration of justice.
(n.) A district in which an itinerant preacher labors.
(n.) Circumlocution.
(v. i.) To move in a circle
(v. t.) To travel around.
(imp. & p. p.) of Close
Short circuit
() A circuit formed or closed by a conductor of relatively low resistance because shorter or of relatively great conductivity.
(v. t.) To join, as the electrodes of a battery or dynamo or any two points of a circuit, by a conductor of low resistance.

closed circuit Bedeutung

closed primary a primary in which only registered members of a particular political party can vote, closed primaries strengthen party unity
lap circle
movement once around a course, he drove an extra lap just for insurance
a journey or route all the way around a particular place or area, they took an extended tour of Europe, we took a quick circuit of the park, a ten-day coach circuit of the island
closed-heart surgery heart surgery in which a small incision is made (the chest cavity is not opened)
AND circuit
AND gate
a circuit in a computer that fires only when all of its inputs fire
bridge bridge circuit a circuit consisting of two branches ( arms arranged in a diamond configuration) across which a meter is connected
electrical circuit
electric circuit
an electrical device that provides a path for electrical current to flow
circuit board
circuit card
board card plug-in
a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities
circuit breaker
a device that trips like a switch and opens the circuit when overloaded
closed circuit
a complete electrical circuit around which current flows or a signal circulates
closed loop
closed-loop system
a control system with a feedback loop that is active
computer circuit a circuit that is part of a computer
control circuit
negative feedback circuit
a feedback circuit that subtracts from the input
feedback circuit
feedback loop
a circuit that feeds back some of the output to the input of a system
integrated circuit
a microelectronic computer circuit incorporated into a chip or semiconductor, a whole system rather than a single component
light circuit
lighting circuit
wiring that provides power to electric lights
NAND circuit
NAND gate
a logic gate that produces an output that is the inverse of the output of an AND gate
open circuit an incomplete electrical circuit in which no current flows
OR circuit
OR gate
a gate circuit in a computer that fires when any of its inputs fire
parallel circuit
shunt circuit
a closed circuit in which the current divides into two or more paths before recombining to complete the circuit
printed circuit computer circuit consisting of an electronic sub-assembly, copper conductors are laminated on an insulating board or card and circuit components are inserted into holes and dip soldered
pulse timing circuit a circuit that times pulses
racing circuit
a racetrack for automobile races
resonator resonant circuit an electrical circuit that combines capacitance and inductance in such a way that a periodic electric oscillation will reach maximum amplitude
series circuit a circuit having its parts connected serially
short circuit
accidental contact between two points in an electric circuit that have a potential difference
squelch circuit
an electric circuit that cuts off a receiver when the signal becomes weaker than the noise
tank circuit an oscillatory circuit
telephone line
phone line
telephone circuit
subscriber line
a telephone connection
X-OR circuit
XOR circuit
XOR gate
gate for exclusive OR, a circuit in a computer that fires only if only one of its inputs fire
closed book
something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained, how it got out is a mystery, it remains one of nature's secrets
closed interval
bounded interval
an interval that includes its endpoints
closed couplet a rhymed couplet that forms a complete syntactic unit
executive session
closed session
a session (usually of a legislative body) that is closed to the public
closed-end fund
closed-end investment company
a regulated investment company that issues a fixed number of shares which are listed on a stock market
closed shop a company that hires only union members
circuit court of appeals one of the twelve federal United States courts of appeals that cover a group of states known as a `circuit'
circuit (law) a judicial division of a state or the United States (soalled because originally judges traveled and held court in different locations), one of the twelve groups of states in the United States that is covered by a particular circuit court of appeals
closed corporation
close corporation
private corporation
privately held corporation
a corporation owned by a few people, shares have no public market
the boundary line encompassing an area or object, he had walked the full circumference of his land, a danger to all races over the whole circumference of the globe
circuit an established itinerary of venues or events that a particular group of people travel to, she's a familiar name on the club circuit, on the lecture circuit, the judge makes a circuit of the courts in his district, the international tennis circuit
borscht circuit
borsht circuit
borscht belt
borsht belt
(informal) a resort area in the Catskill Mountains of New York that was patronized primarily by Jewish guests, many comedians learned their trade playing the borscht circuit
closed chain
(chemistry) a chain of atoms in a molecule that forms a closed loop
closed universe (cosmology) a universe that is spatially closed and in which there is sufficient matter to halt the expansion that began with the big bang, the visible matter is onlypercent of the matter required for closure but there may be large amounts of dark matter
closed gentian blind gentian bottle gentian
Gentiana andrewsii
gentian of eastern North America having tubular blue or white flowers that open little if at all
closed gentian blind gentian Gentiana clausa similar to Gentiana andrewsii but with larger flowers
closed curve a curve (such as a circle) having no endpoints
simple closed curve
Jordan curve
a closed curve that does not intersect itself
acute glaucoma
closed-angle glaucoma
anglelosure glaucoma
glaucoma in which the iris blocks the outflow of aqueous humor, closed-angle glaucoma can cause a rapid buildup of high intraocular pressure that results in permanent visual damage in a couple of days
simple fracture
closed fracture
an uncomplicated fracture in which the broken bones to not pierce the skin
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