
laufende Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

laufende Preis
price current
laufende Schuld
floating debts
laufende Risiken
current risks
laufende Rechnung
running account
laufende Inventur
permanent inventory
laufende Inventur
perpetual inventory
laufende Maschine
running machine
laufende Einnahmen
current receipts
laufende Zahlungen
current payments
laufende Geschäfte
current transactions
laufende Reparaturen
maintenance repairs
laufende Kalendertage
running days
für laufende Rechnung
on open account
laufende Finanzplanung
continuous budgeting
laufende Verbindlichkeiten
current liabilities
lfd. Nr. : laufende Nummer
ser. no. : serial number
laufende Instandhaltungsarbeiten
general maintenance work
laufende Versicherung, offene Police
open policy
laufend; permanent adj
laufende Evaluierung eines Projekts
continuous evaluation of a project
routinemäßig; anlassunabhängig; laufend adj
laufende Wartung f
routine maintenance
jds. Bezüge pl (Steuerrecht) fin.
laufende Bezüge
sonstige Bezüge
sb.'s wages or salary (fiscal law)
regular wages or salary
supplemental wages; supplemental salary
Nummer f Nr.
Nummern pl
laufende Nummer lfd. Nr.
Ich wohne gleich ums Eck auf in Nummer 5.
number no.; No.
serial number ser. no.
I live just round the corner at number 5.
Nummer f Nr.
Nummern pl
laufende Nummer lfd. Nr.
Ich wohne gleich ums Eck auf in Nummer 5.
number no.; No.
serial number ser. no.
I live just round the corner at number 5.
Ãœberwachung f
Echtzeitüberwachung f
automatische Ãœberwachung
die laufende Ãœberwachung der Preise
real-time monitoring
automatic monitoring
continuous monitoring of prices
langfristig; lang laufend adj; mit langer Laufzeit fin.
langfristige Miete
lange laufende Finanzierung(en)
long-dated lease
long-dated funding
Betriebsausgaben pl; aufwandsgleiche Ausgaben pl; Ausgaben pl für den laufenden Betrieb (einer Sache); Betriebskosten pl; laufende Kosten pl econ.
operation expenses; operational expense; working expenses; business expenses; current expenses; running costs (for a thing)
Wartung f
Wartungen pl
Wartung f nach Aufwand
laufende Wartung
planmäßige Wartung
vorbeugende Wartung
unterbrechungsfreie Wartung
vorbeugende Wartung
attention, maintenance, service
per-call maintenance
routine maintenance
scheduled maintenance
corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance
on-line maintenance
preventive maintenance
rinnen; strömen; fließen v
rinnend; strömend; fließend
geronnen; geströmt; geflossen
es rinnt
es rann
es ist war geronnen
es ränne
rinnende Nase; laufende Nase
to run; to stream; to flow
running; streaming; flowing
run; streamed; flowed
it runs
it ran
it has had run
it would run
running nose
rinnen, strömen, fließen v
rinnend, strömend, fließend
geronnen, geströmt, geflossen
es rinnt
es rann
es ist
war geronnen
es ränne
rinnende Nase, laufende Nase
to run, to stream, to flow
running, streaming, flowing
run, streamed, flowed
it runs
it ran
it has
had run
it would run
running nose
kriminalpolizeilich adj
kriminalpolizeiliche Arbeit
kriminalpolizeiliche Ermittlungsarbeit
kriminalpolizeiliche Zusammenarbeit
kriminalpolizeiliche Erfahrung
laufende oder abgeschlossene kriminalpolizeiliche Ermittlungen
CID; criminal; in criminal matters investigations (postpositive)
detective work; CID work Br.
criminal investigation work
co-operation in criminal matters
experience in criminal investigations
an ongoing or completed criminal investigation
Wartung f; Service m
Wartungen pl
Wartung f nach Aufwand
laufende Wartung
planmäßige Wartung
vorbeugende Wartung
unterbrechungsfreie Wartung
Eine regelmäßige Wartung ist für den reibungslosen Betrieb unerlässlich.
attention; maintenance; service
per-call maintenance
routine maintenance
scheduled maintenance
corrective maintenance; preventive maintenance
on-line maintenance
Regular maintenance is essential for the proper operation.
Scheibenwischer m auto
Scheibenwischer pl
Doppelscheibenwischer pl
Pendelscheibenwischer pl
parallel laufende Scheibenwischer; parallele Schreibenwischer
gegeneinander laufende Scheibenwischer; gegenläufige Schreibenwischer
windscreen wiper; windshield wiper; wiper
windscreen wipers; windshield wipers; wipers
double wipers; tandem wipers
pendulum-type wipers
parallel windscreen wipers
opposed windscreen wipers
Pauschalpolice f; Pauschalpolizze f Ös.; Abschreibepolice f; Abschreibepolizze f Ös.; offene Police f; offene Polizze f Ös.; laufende Police f; laufende Polizze f Ös. (Versicherungswesen)
Pauschalpolice über persönliches Eigentum über bewegliche Sachwerte
declaration policy; floating policy; floater Am. (insurance business)
personal property floater
Verbindlichkeiten pl; Passiva pl; Kreditoren pl (Bilanzposten) econ. adm.
kurzfristige Verbindlichkeiten
laufende Verbindlichkeiten
sonstige Verbindlichkeiten
Verbindlichkeiten aus Wertpapiergeschäften
Verbindlichkeiten aus Warenlieferungen und Leistungen
Die Verbindlichkeiten übersteigen die Vermögenswerte.
liabilities; accounts payable; payables; creditors Br. (balance sheet item)
current liabilities
floating liabilities
other liabilities
accounts payable for securities purchase
trade accounts payable; trade payables; trade creditors Br.
Liabilities exceed assets.
Wartung f; Unterhaltung f Dt.; Unterhalt f Schw.; Instandhaltung f; Servicierung f Ös. (von technischen Anlagen) techn.
fehlerbehebende Wartung; Instandsetzung f
laufende Wartung
planmäßige Wartung
unterbrechungsfreie Wartung
vorbeugende Wartung
Vor-Ort-Wartung; Vor-Ort-Servicierung
Wartung f nach Aufwand
Eine regelmäßige Wartung ist für den reibungslosen Betrieb unerlässlich.
maintenance; servicing (of technical facilities)
corrective maintenance
routine maintenance
scheduled maintenance
on-line maintenance
corrective maintenance; preventive maintenance
field servicing; field service
per-call maintenance
Regular maintenance is essential for the proper operation.
Gleisinstandhaltung f; Oberbauinstandhaltung f; Gleisunterhaltung f Dt.; Geleiseunterhalt m Schw. (Bahn)
laufende Gleisinstandhaltung; laufende Oberbauinstandhaltung; laufender Unterhalt des Geleises Schw.
mechanisierte Gleisinstandhaltung; mechanisierte Oberbauinstandhaltung; machanisierter Geleiseunterhalt Schw.
Durcharbeiten des Oberbaus; planmäßiger Unterhalt des Oberbaus Schw.
kleine Instandhaltung des Oberbaus; Kleinunterhalt m des Oberbaus Schw.
maintenance of track; track maintenance (railway)
current track maintenance
mechanical track maintenance; mechanised track maintenance
scheduled full track maintenance
day-to-day track maintenance
Kosten pl, Ausgabe f, Aufwand m, Spesen pl, Unkosten pl ugs. fin.
Kosten pl, Ausgaben pl, Aufwendungen pl, Auslagen pl
allgemeine Kosten
auf Kosten von
auf meine Kosten
laufende Kosten, laufende Ausgaben
abzugsfähige Ausgaben, Spesen
rasant steigende Kosten
verrechnete Kosten
einmalige Ausgaben
zusätzliche Kosten
kleine Auslagen
mit großen Kosten
zu enormen Kosten
Kosten senken
Kosten umlegen
sich in Unkosten stürzen ugs.
sich in große Unkosten stürzen ugs.
Kosten sparend, kostensparend alt
die Kosten übernehmen, die Kosten tragen (für)
expense, cost
overhead charges
at the expense of
at my expense
current expenses, running costs
allowable expenses
soaring costs
allocated costs
non-recurring expenses
additional costs
petty expenses
at great expense
at vast expense
to reduce costs
to split costs
to go to expense
to incur heavy expenses
cost-saving, at low cost
to bear the expense, bear the costs, to accept the costs (of)
Kosten pl; Ausgabe f; Aufwand m; Spesen pl; Unkosten pl ugs. fin.
Kosten pl; Ausgaben pl; Aufwendungen pl; Auslagen pl
alle Kosten; jegliche Kosten
allgemeine Kosten
horrende Kosten
auf Kosten von
auf meine Kosten
laufende Kosten; laufende Ausgaben
abzugsfähige Ausgaben; Spesen
durchschnittliche Kosten; Stückkosten pl
erhöhte Kosten
rasant steigende Kosten
variable Kosten
verrechnete Kosten
einmalige Ausgaben
zusätzliche Kosten
kleine Auslagen
mit großen Kosten
zu enormen Kosten
alle weiteren Kosten
Kosten senken
die Kosten auf jdn. (anteilsmäßig) aufteilen
bei etw. Kosten senken
sich in (große) Unkosten stürzen ugs.
kostensparend; Kosten sparend
die Kosten übernehmen; die Kosten tragen (für)
der eingeklagte Betrag samt aufgelaufenen Kosten samt Anhang Ös. s.A.
alle Kosten die der geschädigten Partei entstanden sind
alle zusätzlichen Kosten tragen
Unkosten von der Steuer absetzen
expense; cost
any costs; the full cost
overhead charges
fiendish costs
at the expense of
at my expense
current expenses; running costs
allowable expenses
average costs
increased costs
soaring costs
variable costs; running costs
allocated costs
non-recurring expenses
additional costs
petty expenses
at great expense
at vast expense
any other expenses
to reduce costs
to split apportion the costs among between sb.
to cut costs of sth.
to go to (great) expense
cost-saving; at low cost
to bear the expense; to bear the costs; to accept the costs (of)
the sum claimed plus accrued costs
any expenses whatsoever incurred by the aggrieved party
to bear any additional costs
to set costs off against tax
Lauf m (einer Schusswaffe) mil.
Achtkantlauf m
Damastlauf m
Doppellauf m
Drehlauf m
Einschublauf m
Einstecklauf m; Futterlauf m
Kipplauf m
Kleinkaliberlauf m; KK-Lauf m
Pistolenlauf m
Prüflauf m
Revolverlauf m
Schnellwechsellauf m
Wechsellauf m; Einlegelauf m
beweglicher Lauf
extra schwerer Lauf
fester Lauf
frei schwingender Lauf
gezogener Lauf; Büchslauf; Kugellauf
gezogener Lauf nach dem Knopfdruckverfahren
glatt gebohrter Lauf; Flintenlauf; Schrotlauf; Schrotrohr
kompletter Lauf; Lauf komplett
konischer Lauf
nebeneinanderliegende Läufe
schwerer Lauf zum Scheibenschießen
seitlich schwenkbarer Lauf
starrer Lauf
übereinanderliegende Läufe
Lauf für auswechselbare Choke-Aufsätze
Lauf mit Hartverchromung innen
Lauf mit integrierter Ventilationsschiene
Lauf mit länglichen Nuten
Lauf mit Mündungsverstärkung
Lauf mit Paradoxbohrung
Ausbrennen des Laufs
Laufsprengung f; Gewehrsprengung f
Kühlung des Laufs; Laufkühlung
(hintere) Stirnfläche des Laufs; Laufstirnfläche
vorderes Laufende n; Vorderlauf m
barrel (of a gun)
octagon barrel
Damascus barrel
double barrel; dual barrel
rotating barrel
sleeved barrel
insert barrel; internal barrel; liner barrel; subcalibre barrel Br.; subcalibre barrel Am.; subcalibre tube Br.; subcaliber tube Am.
drop-down barrel; drop barrel; swing-down barrel; tip-down barrel; tip-up barrel
small-bore barrel
pistol barrel
test barrel
revolver barrel
quick-change barrel
interchangeable barrel; conversion barrel
mobile barrel
bull barrel
stationary barrel
floating barrel
rifled barrel
button-rifled barrel
smooth-bore barrel; shot barrel
barrel assembly
tapered barrel
side-by-side barrels
target weight barrel
side-swing barrel
fixed barrel
over-and-under barrels; superposed barrels
quick choke barrel
hard chrome-lined barrel
integral ventilated barrel
fluted barrel
barrel with crowned muzzle
paradox-rifled barrel
erosion of the barrel
burst of barrel
cooling of the barrel
face of the barrel
front end of the barrel; muzzle end of the barrel

Deutsche laufende Synonyme

laufende  Nummer  Âlfd.  Nr.  
Betriebskosten  Âlaufende  Kosten  
laufende Nummer  lfd. Nr.  
Weitere Ergebnisse für laufende Synonym nachschlagen

Englische price current Synonyme

price  amends  amount  appraisal  appraise  asking price  assay  assess  atonement  bank rate  bearish prices  bid price  blood money  bonus  book value  bounty  bullish prices  call price  charge  closing price  compensation  compensatory interest  compound interest  consequence  consideration  cost  cost out  damages  dearness  decline  discount rate  equivalent odds  evaluate  evaluation  even break  even chance  exorbitant interest  expenditure  expense  extraordinary worth  face value  fair-trade  fee  figure  fixed price  flash price  flurry  flutter  good chance  great price  great value  gross interest  guerdon  high  honorarium  hundred-to-one shot  indemnification  indemnity  interest  interest rate  invaluableness  issue par  issue price  long odds  long shot  low  lucrative interest  market price  market value  meed  mortgage points  net interest  no chance  nominal value  odds  offering price  opening price  outlay  par  par value  parity  payment  penal interest  penal retribution  penalization  penalty  penance  preciousness  premium  price of money  price tag  priceless  pricelessness  prize  punishment  put price  quittance  quotation  quote a price  quoted price  rally  rate  rate of interest  recompense  redress  remuneration  reparation  requital  requitement  restitution  retribution  return  reward  sacrifice  salvage  satisfaction  settling price  short odds  simple interest  small chance  smart money  solatium  square odds  stated value  swings  tab  tariff  toll  usury  valorize  valuableness  valuate  valuation  value  wergild  worth  
price cut  abatement  agio  allowance  bank discount  break  breakage  cash discount  chain discount  charge-off  cheapening  concession  cut  decline  deduction  deflation  depreciation  devaluation  discount  dive  drawback  kickback  lowering  markdown  nose dive  penalty  penalty clause  percentage  plummet  plummeting  plunge  premium  price cut  price fall  price reduction  rebate  rebatement  reduction  refund  rollback  sag  salvage  setoff  slash  slump  tare  time discount  trade discount  tret  underselling  write-off  
price support  TLC  aid  alimony  allotment  allowance  annuity  assistance  autarky  bimetallism  bounty  bread  care  daily bread  depletion allowance  dole  economic self-sufficiency  economic support  endowment  fair trade  fair-trade agreement  fair-trading  fellowship  financial assistance  flexible supports  free enterprise  free trade  governmentalism  grant  grant-in-aid  guaranteed annual income  help  keep  laissez-faire  laissez-faireism  line  livelihood  living  localism  maintenance  managed currency  managed prices  manna  meat  mothering  noninterference  nonintervention  nourishment  nullification  nurture  old-age insurance  party line  party principle  pecuniary aid  pension  planned economy  policy  polity  position  price controls  price supports  price-fixing  protection  protectionism  provision  public assistance  public policy  public welfare  pump-priming  relief  rent control  retirement benefits  rigid supports  scholarship  sectionalism  stipend  subsidization  subsidy  subsistence  subvention  support  sustainment  sustenance  sustentation  tax benefit  tender loving care  upkeep  valorization  welfare  welfare aid  welfare payments  
price tag  amount  billhead  book stamp  bookplate  brand  broad arrow  cachet  charge  check  colophon  cost  counterfoil  countermark  damage  docket  expenditure  expense  figure  government mark  government stamp  hallmark  imprint  label  letterhead  logo  logotype  masthead  plate  price  rate  registered trademark  running head  running title  score  seal  sigil  signet  stamp  sticker  stub  tab  tag  tally  tariff  ticket  title page  token  trade name  trademark  trademark name  
priceless  absurd  amusing  beyond price  bizarre  cherished  comical  costly  dear  droll  eccentric  expensive  funny  golden  good as gold  high-priced  hilarious  humorous  hysterical  incalculable  incongruous  inestimable  invaluable  irreplaceable  laughable  ludicrous  of great price  precious  prized  quaint  quizzical  rich  ridiculous  riotous  risible  screaming  treasured  unique  valuable  valued  whimsical  witty  worthy  
pricey  costly  dear  dear-bought  excessive  exorbitant  expensive  extortionate  fancy  high  high-priced  luxurious  not affordable  of great cost  outrageous  premium  rich  steep  stiff  sumptuous  top  unpayable  

laufende Definition

(a.) Running or moving rapidly.
(a.) Now passing, as time
(a.) Passing from person to person, or from hand to hand
(a.) Commonly estimated or acknowledged.
(a.) Fitted for general acceptance or circulation
(a.) A flowing or passing
(a.) General course
(n. & v.) The sum or amount of money at which a thing is valued, or the value which a seller sets on his goods in market
(n. & v.) Value
(n. & v.) Reward
(v. t.) To pay the price of.
(v. t.) To set a price on
(v. t.) To ask the price of
Rossel current
() A portion of the southern equatorial current flowing westward from the Fiji Islands to New Guinea.

price current Bedeutung

price cutting
price cut
cutting the price of merchandise to one lower than the usual or advertised price
price reduction
the act of reducing the selling price of merchandise
price freeze a freeze of prices at a given level
current intelligence intelligence of all types and forms of immediate interest, usually disseminated without delays for evaluation or interpretation
price-fixing control (by agreement among producers or by government) of the price of a commodity in interstate commerce
price increase increase in price
price the high value or worth of something, her price is far above rubies
monetary value
the property of having material worth (often indicated by the amount of money something would bring if sold), the fluctuating monetary value of gold and silver, he puts a high price on his services, he couldn't calculate the cost of the collection
bargain rate
cut rate
cut price
a price below the standard price
price cost toll value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something, the cost in human life was enormous, the price of success is hard work, what price glory?
price gouging pricing above the market price when no alternative retailer is available
price list a listing of prices for different goods or services
price index
price level
an index that traces the relative changes in the price of an individual good (or a market basket of goods) over time
retail price index an index of changes in retail prices
producer price index
wholesale price index
an index of changes in wholesale prices
consumer price index
cost-of-living index
an index of the cost of all goods and services to a typical consumer
price control restriction on maximum prices that is established and maintained by the government (as during periods of war or inflation)
price floor floor below which prices are not allowed to fall, the government used price supports to maintain the price floor
price a monetary reward for helping to catch a criminal, the cattle thief has a price on his head
price tag a tag showing the price of the article it is attached to
tidal flow
tidal current
the water current caused by the tides
rip current
a strong surface current flowing outwards from a shore
a steady flow of a fluid (usually from natural causes), the raft floated downstream on the current, he felt a stream of air, the hose ejected a stream of water
price bracket a category of merchandise based on their price
dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas, two streams of development run through American history, stream of consciousness, the flow of thought, the current of history
Post Emily Post
Emily Price Post
United States female author who wrote a book and a syndicated newspaper column on etiquette (-)
Leontyne Price
Mary Leontyne Price
United States operatic soprano (born )
Wood Mrs. Henry Wood
Ellen Price Wood
English writer of novels about murders and thefts and forgeries (-)
alternating current
alternating electric current
an electric current that reverses direction sinusoidally, In the US most household current is AC atcycles per second
current electric current a flow of electricity through a conductor, the current was measured in amperes
direct current
direct electric current
an electric current that flows in one direction steadily
ocean current the steady flow of surface ocean water in a prevailing direction
equatorial current any of the ocean currents that flow westward at the equator
North Equatorial Current an equatorial current that flows west across the Pacific just north of the equator
South Equatorial Current an equatorial current that flows west across the Pacific just south of the equator
Japan current
Kuroshio current
a warm ocean current that flows northeastwardly off the coast of Japan into the northern Pacific ocean
Peruvian current
Humboldt current
a cold ocean current that flows north along the Pacific Coast of South America before turning west
dynamic electricity
current electricity
a flow of electric charge
thermionic current an electric current produced between two electrodes as a result of electrons emitted by thermionic emission
air current current of air
air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure, trees bent under the fierce winds, when there is no wind, row, the radioactivity was being swept upwards by the air current and out into the atmosphere
red currant
garden current
Ribes rubrum
cultivated European current bearing small edible red berries
bride price money or property given (in some societies) by the bridegroom to the family of his bride
price support a government subsidy used to maintain prices at a certain level
the amount of money needed to purchase something, the price of gasoline, he got his new car on excellent terms, how much is the damage?
price cost of bribing someone, they say that every politician has a price
asking price
selling price
the price at which something is offered for sale
bid price (stock market) the price at which a broker is willing to buy a certain security
closing price (stock market) the price of the last transaction completed during a day's trading session
offer price (stock market) the price at which a broker is willing to sell a certain security
upset price (auction) the minimum price at which a seller of property will entertain bids
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118 Bewertungen 3


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