
raumplanerisch Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

raumplanerisch adj (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
raumplanerische Maßnahme
spatial planning-related; spatial planning … (spatial planning)
spatial planning measure
raumplanerisch adj (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
raumplanerische Maßnahme
spatial planning-related; spatial planning … (spatial planning)
spatial planning measure
Ãœbersichtsplan m; Lageplan m; Raumplan m constr.
Übersichtspläne pl; Lagepläne pl; Raumpläne pl
site plan; layout plan; key plan; floor space plan; location plan Am.
site plans; layout plans; key plans; floor space plans; location plans
Raumplan m (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
regionaler Raumplan; Regionalplan m
spatial plan (spatial planning)
regional spatial plan; regional plan
raumplanerisch adj (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
raumplanerische Maßnahme
spatial planning-related; spatial planning … (spatial planning)
spatial planning measure
Raumplanung f; Raumentwicklung f
spatial planning
Raumplanung f pol.
regional development
regionaler Strukturatlas (Raumplanung)
regional atlas
sozialer Raum m; Raum m für soziale Aktivitäten (Raumplanung)
social space (space planning)
Stadtplanung f
Raumplanung f
städtebauliche Planung f
Suburbanisierung f; Verstädterung f des Stadtrandes (Raumplanung)
suburbanization; suburbanisation Br.
Altbaugebiet f (Raumplanung) adm. geogr.
old part of the city town village (spatial planning)
Altbausanierung f (einer Fläche) (Raumplanung) adm. geogr.
area rehabilitation (spatial planning)
Aufwertung f einer Stadt (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
urban improvement (spatial planning)
ökologischer Ausgleichsraum m (Raumplanung)
ökologische Ausgleichsräume pl
open space compensation area; offsetting open space Am. (spatial planning)
open space compensation areas; offsetting open spaces
alter Baubestand m; Altbebauung f (Raumplanung) adm. geogr.
poor-quality housing stock Br.; poor-quality housing Am.; slum housing; run-down housing fit for rehabilitation (spatial planning)
Baubestand m (Raumplanung)
building stock; building inventory Am. (spatial planning)
Baufläche f (Raumplanung) adm. geogr.
Fläche für Freizeit und Erholung
Wohnbaufläche f
gemischte Baufläche
gewerbliche Baufläche
Sonderbaufläche f
urban land-use category; general land-use area; zoning category Am. (spatial planning)
recreational land use area
residental land use area; housing zone Am.
mixed land use area
industrial land use area
institutional land use area
Baugebiet n Dt.; Bauland n Ös. (Raumplanung) adm. geogr.
allgemeine Zweckbestimmung des Baugebiets
Eigenart des Baugebiets
specific land-use area; zoning district Am. (spatial planning)
general function of the specific land-use area
special character of the specific land-use area
Baugrundstück n; Baugrund m; Bauparzelle f; Bauplatz m ugs. (Raumplanung)
Baugrundstücke pl; Baugründe pl; Bauparzellen pl; Bauplätze pl
unerschlossenes Baugründstück; unerschlossenes Bauland
building plot; building lot Am.; settlement site Am. (spatial planning)
building plots; building lots; settlement sites
greenfield site
Bauleitplanung f; Stadtentwicklungsplanung f; Richtplanung f Schw. (Raumplanung) adm. geogr.
urban land-use planning Br.; urban development planning Br.; development control Br.; town and country planning Br. former name; community development planning Am. (spatial planning)
Baulücke f (Raumplanung)
Baulücken pl
gap in the line of buildings; gap in street frontage; street frontage gap (spatial planning)
gaps in the lines of buildings; gaps in street frontages; street frontage gaps
Bebauung f; Ãœberbauung f Schw. (Vorgang und Ergebnis) (Raumplanung) pol. geogr.
Blockbebauung f
Blockrandbebauung f
Hofrandbebauung f
Wohnbebauung f
lockere Bebauung; aufgelockerte Bebauung
rückwärtige Bebauung f
unzulässige Bebauung f
vorhandene Bebauung f
Bebauung von Wiesenflächen außerhalb des Siedlungsgebiets; Bebauung im Außenbereich Dt.
building development (process and result) (spatial planning)
enclosed block development; block development
perimeter block development
courtyard building development
housing development
low-density building development
rear development
inadmissible development
existing development
greenfield development
Bebauungsart f; Bebauungsweise f; Bauweise f (Raumplanung)
geschlossene Bebauungsart; geschlossene Bauweise
offene Bebauungsart; offene Bauweise
abweichende Bauweise mit einseitiger Grenzbebauung
type of building development (spatial planning)
attached building development (uninterrupted building rows)
detached building development (interrupted building arrangement)
boundary line development Br.; zero lot line development Am.
Bebauungsdichte f (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
building density; density of development; land use density Am. (spatial planning)
Bebauungsplan m; verbindlicher Bauleitplan m; Ãœberbauungsplan m Schw.; Gestaltungsplan m Schw. (Raumplanung) adm. geogr.
Beschluss des Bebauungsplans
proposals map Br.; site allocations development plan document Br.; zoning map Am. (spatial planning)
adoption of the proposals map Br.; adoption of the zoning map Am.
Bebauungsplanänderung f; Änderung f des Flächenwidmungs- und Bebauungsplanes (Raumplanung) adm.
rezoning (spatial planning)
Bebauungsplangebiet n; Geltungsbereich m des Bebauungsplans (Raumplanung) adm. geogr.
plan area of the proposals map Br.; plan area of the zoning map Am. (spatial planning)
Bestandsaufnahme f; Bestandserfassung f; Ist-Stand-Erhebung; Ist-Aufnahme f; Bestandsinventur geh. (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
Bestandsaufnahme von Böden; Bodenaufnahme f
Bestandsaufnahme von Grünflächen; Bestandserfassung der Grünflächen
Bestandsaufnahme Ist-Aufnahme Bestandskartierung einer Landschaft
Bestandsaufnahme des Umweltzustands (eines Gebiets)
Bestandsaufnahme der Vegetation; großräumige Vegetationsaufnahme
Bestandsaufnahme der städtischen Bausubstanz; städtebauliche Bestandsaufnahme Ist-Stand-Erhebung
regionalplanerische Bestandsaufnahme Ist-Stand-Erhebung Ist-Aufnahme
Bestandsaufnahme Aufnahme Bestandsinventur der Tier- und Pflanzenarten (eines Gebiets)
survey (spatial planning)
soil survey
green space survey
landscape survey
environmental survey
vegetation survey; plant ecological survey
survey of the built-up area of the town city; town planning survey
regional survey
survey of the fauna and flora (of an area)
Bewohner m (eines bestimmten Lebensraums) (meist in Zusammensetzungen) (Raumplanung, Umweltkunde; Zoologie) envir. soc. zool.
Bewohner pl
Bewohner der Finsternis
Bewohner von Innenstadtwohnungen
Bergbewohner pl; Gebirgsbewohner pl; Gebirgler pl ugs.
Erdbewohner pl; Erdenbürger pl; Erdlinge pl lit.
Höhlenbewohner pl
Klippenbewohner pl
Landbewohner pl
Stadtbewohner pl; Städter pl; Großstädter pl
Slumbewohner pl
Waldbewohner wie Wildschweine und Wölfe
Fische und andere Wasserbewohner
Wüstenbewohner pl
dweller (of a particular living environment) (typically in compounds) (spatial planning, ecology; zoology)
dwellers of darkness
inner-city flat dwellers Br.; inner-city apartment dwellers Am.
mountain dwellers; mountaineers rare
Earth dwellers; eathlings
cave dwellers
cliff dwellers
land dwellers
urban dwellers; urbanites; city dwellers; town dwellers
slum dwellers
forest dwellers like boars or wolves
fish and other aquatic dwellers
desert dwellers
Brachfall m; Verbrachung f (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
lack of cultivation (spatial planning)
Brachflächenrevitalisierung f; Neunutzung f brachliegender Flächen; Flächenrecycling n (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
Neunutzung von Industriebrachen
recycling of derelict sites; site recycling (spatial planning)
recycling of brownfields
Entwicklungsplanung f; Richtplanung f Schw. (Raumplanung)
development planning; establishing of a structure plan (spatial planning)
Erholungsvorsorge f (Raumplanung) adm. geogr.
provisions for recreation; recreational provisions (spatial planning)
Flächenausweisung f Dt.; Ausweisung f von Flächen Nutzungen Dt.; Flächenwidmung f Ös.; Einzonung f Schw. (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
Flächenausweisung im Bebauungsplan; Flächenwidmung im Bebauungsplan Ös.; Einzonung im Überbauungsplan Schw.
land use specification; land use designation; designation of land uses (spatial planning)
designation by proposals map Br.; designation by zoning map Am.
Flächennutzung f; Raumnutzung f; Bodennutzung f; Landnutzung f (Raumplanung) adm. geogr.
gewerbliche Flächennutzung; gewerbliche Raumnutzung
landwirtschafliche Flächennutzung; Agrarnutzung f
Änderungen bei der Raumnutzung
land use; land utilization rare; land utilisation Br. rare (spatial planning)
industrial land use
agricultural land use
changes in land use
Flächennutzungsplan m Dt.; Flächenwidmungsplan m Ös.; Nutzungszonenplan m Schw.; Zonenplan m Schw. (Raumplanung) adm. geogr.
Flächennutzungspläne pl; Flächenwidmungspläne pl; Nutzungszonenpläne pl; Zonenpläne pl
land use plan; site allocations development plan Br.; comprehensive plan Am. (spatial planning)
land use plans; site allocations development plans; comprehensive plans
Flächennutzungsplanung f; Flächenwidmungsplanung f Ös.; Nutzungszonenplanung f Schw.; Zonenplanung f Schw. (Raumplanung)
land-use planning; establishing of a land use plan (spatial planning)
Flächennutzungsüberlagerung f; Nutzungsüberlagerung f (Raumplanung) adm. geogr.
overlapping of land uses; layering of different land uses; combination of different land uses (spatial planning)
Flächennutzungsverflechtung f; Nutzungsverflechtung f (Raumplanung) adm. geogr.
pattern of interrelated land uses (spatial planning)
Flächennutzungsverteilung f; Raumnutzungsverteilung f; Landnutzungsverteilung f (Raumplanung) adm. geogr.
land use pattern (spatial planning)
Freifläche f; Freiraum m (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
open space; open terrain (spatial planning)
Freiraumstruktur f (Raumplanung)
Freiraumstrukturen pl
kammförmige Freiraumstruktur
open space pattern; open space system (spatial planning)
open space patterns; open space systems
interfingering open space pattern; open space system of peninsular interdigitation (spatial planning)
ohne Garten (nachgestellt) (Raumplanung)
gardenless (spatial planning)
Gebiet n; Gelände n; Fläche f (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
bebautes verbautes Ös. überbautes Schw. Gebiet Gelände n; bebaute verbaute Ös. überbaute Schw. Fläche f
unbebautes unverbautes Ös. unüberbautes Schw. Gebiet Gelände; unbebaute unverbaute Ös. unüberbaute Schw. Fläche
unerschlossenes Gebiet; unerschlossenes Gelände; unerschlossene Fläche
freie Wiesenfläche außerhalb des Siedlungsgebiets; Außenbereich m Dt.; grüne Wiese ugs. (Raumplanung)
area; land (spatial planning)
built-up area; developed land
undeveloped land; unimproved property Am.
non-accessed land Br.; unserviced land Am.
open land; non-zoned land; greenfields Br. undeveloped peripheral area Br.; undeveloped outskirs area Am.; rural outskirts Am.; white land Br. obs. (spatial planning)
Gebotsbereich m (auf einem Gefahrenzonenplan) (Raumplanung)
Gebotsbereiche pl
conditional use area; regulated area (on a hazard zone map) (spatial planning)
conditional use areas; regulated areas
Gefahrenzonenplan m (Raumplanung) adm.
Gefahrenzonenpläne pl
hazard zone map; hazard zoning map (spatial planning)
hazard zone maps; hazard zoning maps
Geh-, Fahr- und Leitungsrecht n auf Grundstücken (Raumplanung)
right-of-way on plots of land (spatial planning)
unbebaute unverbaute Ös. unüberbaute Schw. Grundstücksfläche f; nicht bebaute nicht verbaute Ös. nicht überbaute Schw. Fläche f eines Grundstücks (Raumplanung)
unbebauter Teil des Hauptgrundstücks; bauakzessorisch genutzter Grundstücksteil Dt.
unbuilt plot area Br.; unbuilt site area Br.; unbuilt yard Am. (spatial planning)
curtilage; unbuilt plot area attached to a building
Häusergruppe f (Raumplanung)
Häusergruppen pl
cluster of houses; clump of houses (spatial planning)
clusters of houses; clumps of houses
Hinweisbereich m (auf einem Gefahrenzonenplan) (Raumplanung)
Hinweisbereiche pl
area of sensitization; index zone (on a hazard zone map) (spatial planning)
areas of sensitization; index zones
Hochwasserschutzkonzept n (Raumplanung)
flood protection scheme; flood protection plan; flood control plan; flood mitigation scheme (spatial planning)
Hochwasserschutzstrategie f (Raumplanung)
Hochwasserschutzstrategien pl
flood protection strategy; flood control strategy; flood mitigation strategy (spatial planning)
flood protection strategies; flood control strategies; flood mitigation strategies
Hochwassersicherheit f (Raumplanung)
security against floods (spatial planning)
Kleingartenentwicklungsplan m (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
allotment garden development plan Br.; community garden development plan Am. (spatial planning)
Kleingartenleitplanung f (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
allotment garden development planning Br.; community garden development planning Am. (spatial planning)
Landesplaner m; Regionalplaner m (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
Landesplaner pl; Regionalplaner pl
regional planner (spatial planning)
regional planners
freie Landschaft f; offenes Land n; freies Feld n (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
auf freiem Feld
open countryside; open country; open field (spatial planning)
in the open countryside
bauliche Nachverdichtung f (Raumplanung)
infill housing development; infill development (spatial planning)
Nachverdichtungsbau m; Neubau m in einer Baulücke (Raumplanung)
infill (spatial planning) Br.
Nachverdichtungsbauten pl (Raumplanung)
infill housing (spatial planning)
Nutzungsfläche f (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
designated land-use area (spatial planning)
Objektkategorie f (Raumplanung)
Objektkategorien pl
facility class (spatial planning)
facility classes
zusammenhängend bebauter Ortsteil m; im Zusammenhang bebauter Ortsteil m; Ortsgebiet n Ös.; Siedlungseinheit f Ös. adm. (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
built-up area of a community (spatial planning)
Ortsplanung f (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
community planning (spatial planning)
Parzelle f; Stück Land n; Flurstück n; Landparzelle f (Raumplanung)
Parzellen pl; Flurstücke pl; Landparzellen pl
Ackerparzelle f; Ackerschlag m
Grabelandparzelle f; Zeitgarten m
plot; lot Am.; parcel of land; parcel; tract of land; patch of ground; piece of ground (spatial planning)
plots; lots; parcels of land; parcels; tracts of land; patches of ground; pieces of ground
arable parcel
temporary alottment plot Br.; temporary community garden plot Am.
Parzellierungsplan m (Raumplanung) geogr.
Parzellierungspläne pl
plat map Am. (spatial planning)
plat maps
Planfeststellungsbeschluss m Dt. (Raumplanung) adm.
Secretary of State approval of a plan Br.; design and location approval Am. (spatial planning)
Planfeststellungsverfahren n Dt. (Raumplanung) adm.
determination process of a plan Br.; design and location approval process Am. (spatial planning)
Platz m Pl. (in bebautem Gebiet) (Raumplanung)
Plätze pl
Arkadenplatz m arch.
Potsdamer Platz
square Sq. (in a built-up area) (spatial planning)
archaded square
Potsdam Square
Raumentwicklungsplan m (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
Raumentwicklungspläne pl
Raumentwicklungsplan auf Landesebene; Landesraumentwicklungsplan m; Landesentwicklungsplan m LEP ; Landesraumentwicklungsprogramm n LEPro
kantonaler Richtplan Schw.
spatial development plan; statutory regional plan; regional plan report; regional strategy plan Br.; regional strategic plan Am. (spatial planning)
spatial development plans; statutory regional plans; regional plan reports; regional strategy plans; regional strategic plans
state development plan Am.
cantonal structure plan
Raumforschung f (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
regionale Raumforschung; Regionalforschung f
spatial research (spatial planning)
regional spatial research; regional research

Deutsche raumplanerisch Synonyme

Englische spatial planning-related; spatial planning … Synonyme

raumplanerisch Definition

(n.) A standard of dimension
(n.) An instrument by means of which size or quantity is measured, as a graduated line, rod, vessel, or the like.
(n.) The dimensions or capacity of anything, reckoned according to some standard
(n.) The contents of a vessel by which quantity is measured
(n.) Extent or degree not excessive or beyong bounds
(n.) Determined extent, not to be exceeded
(n.) The quantity determined by measuring, especially in buying and selling
(n.) Undefined quantity
(n.) Regulated division of movement
(n.) A regulated movement corresponding to the time in which the accompanying music is performed
(n.) The group or grouping of beats, caused by the regular recurrence of accented beats.
(n.) The space between two bars.
(a.) The manner of ordering and combining the quantities, or long and short syllables
(a.) A number which is contained in a given number a number of times without a remainder
(a.) A step or definite part of a progressive course or policy
(a.) The act of measuring
(a.) Beds or strata
(n.) To ascertain by use of a measuring instrument
(n.) To serve as the measure of
(n.) To pass throught or over in journeying, as if laying off and determining the distance.
(n.) To adjust by a rule or standard.
(n.) To allot or distribute by measure
(v. i.) To make a measurement or measurements.
(v. i.) To result, or turn out, on measuring
(v. i.) To be of a certain size or quantity, or to have a certain length, breadth, or thickness, or a certain capacity according to a standard measure
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Plan
(imp. & p. p.) of Relate
(p. p. & a.) Allied by kindred
(p. p. & a.) Standing in relation or connection
(p. p. & a.) Narrated
(p. p. & a.) Same as Relative, 4.
(a.) Of or pertaining to space.
Water measure
() A measure formerly used for articles brought by water, as coals, oysters, etc. The water-measure bushel was three gallons larger than the Winchester bushel.

spatial planning-related; spatial planning … (spatial planning) / spatial planning measure Bedeutung

how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify
measure step any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal, the situation called for strong measures, the police took steps to reduce crime
desperate measure desperate actions taken as a means to an end, he had to resort to desperate measures
natural family planning any of several methods of family planning that do not involve sterilization or contraceptive devices or drugs, coitus is avoided during the fertile time of a woman's menstrual cycle
birth control
birth prevention
family planning
limiting the number of children born
basal body temperature method of family planning
basal body temperature method
natural family planning in which the fertile period of the woman's menstrual cycle is inferred by noting the rise in basal body temperature that typically occurs with ovulation
ovulation method of family planning
ovulation method
natural family planning in which the fertile period is inferred from changes in the character and quantity of cervical mucus, ovulation is marked by an increase in mucus that becomes sticky and then clearer and slippery
planning the act or process of drawing up plans or layouts for some project or enterprise
city planning
town planning
urban planning
determining and drawing up plans for the future physical arrangement and condition of a community
defensive measure
(military) military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies, they died in the defense of Stalingrad, they were developed for the defense program
the act or process of assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule, the measurements were carefully done, his mental measurings proved remarkably accurate
planning an act of formulating a program for a definite course of action, the planning was more fun than the trip itself
measure a container of some standard capacity that is used to obtain fixed amounts of a substance
measuring stick
measuring rod
measuring instrument having a sequence of marks at regular intervals, used as a reference in making measurements
security system
security measure
an electrical device that sets off an alarm when someone tries to break in
tape tapeline
tape measure
measuring instrument consisting of a narrow strip (cloth or metal) marked in inches or centimeters and used for measuring lengths, the carpenter should have used his tape measure
yard measure
a ruler or tape that is three feet long
spatial property
any property relating to or occupying space
spatial relation
the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated, the position of the hands on the clock, he specified the spatial relations of every piece of furniture on the stage
spatial arrangement
the property possessed by an array of things that have space between them
the cognitive process of thinking about what you will do in the event of something happening, his planning for retirement was hindered by several uncertainties
urban planning the branch of architecture dealing with the design and organization of urban space and activities
bill measure a statute in draft before it becomes law, they held a public hearing on the bill
musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beats, the orchestra omitted the last twelve bars of the song
measure beat cadence
(prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse
common measure
common meter
the usual (iambic) meter of a ballad
measure touchstone
a basis for comparison, a reference point against which other things can be evaluated, the schools comply with federal standards, they set the measure for all subsequent work
planning commission a commission delegated to propose plans for future activities and developments
advisory board
planning board
a board appointed to advise the chief administrator
fundamental quantity
fundamental measure
one of the four quantities that are the basis of systems of measurement
information measure a system of measurement of information based on the probabilities of the events that convey information
long measure a measure of length
area unit
square measure
a system of units used to measure areas
volume unit
capacity unit
capacity measure
cubage unit
cubic measure
cubic content unit
displacement unit
cubature unit
a unit of measurement of volume or capacity
linear unit
linear measure
a unit of measurement of length
circular measure measurement of angles in radians
liquid unit
liquid measure
a unit of capacity for liquids (for measuring the volumes of liquids or their containers)
dry unit
dry measure
a unit of capacity for dry commodities (as fruit or grain)
board measure a system of units for measuring lumber based on the board foot
common divisor
common factor
common measure
an integer that divides two (or more) other integers evenly
common time
four-four time
quadruple time
common measure
a time signature indicating four beats to the bar
express as a number or measure or quantity, Can you quantify your results?
measure out
determine the measurements of something or somebody, take measurements of, Measure the length of the wall
measure evaluate
appraise value
evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of, I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional, access all the factors when taking a risk
go all out
give one's best
do one's best
give full measure
perform a task as well as possible, The cast gives full measure every night
measure up
prove capable or fit, meet requirements
measure have certain dimensions, This table surfaces measuresinches by inches
safety-related providing or ensuring safety
related connected by kinship, common origin, or marriage
cognate consanguine
related by blood
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