
rechtzeitig Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

in time
on time
early enough
in due time
so rechtzeitig
in sufficient time
kam rechtzeitig an
arrived in good time
so rechtzeitig, dass
in sufficient time to
rechtzeitig anzeigen
to advise in time
er kam rechtzeitig an
he arrived in good time
rechtzeitig für den Zug
in time to catch the train
Er kam rechtzeitig an.
He arrived in good time.
rechtzeitig, zeitgemaess
rechtzeitig für Mr. Smith
in time to see Mr. Smith
rechtzeitig bekannt geben
give due notice
rechtzeitig für das Schiff
in time to meet the boat
rechtzeitig für das Schiff
in time to catch the boat
Kommen Sie ja rechtzeitig!
Be sure to come on time!
rechtzeitig die Ware liefern
to deliver the goods in time
rechtzeitig für das Flugzeug
in time to catch the plane
rechtzeitig, zeitgemäß adv
rechtzeitig, guenstig, passend
die Ware kam nicht rechtzeitig an
the goods did not arrive in time
hat Sie nicht rechtzeitig erreicht
did not reach you in time
rechtzeitig adv; pünktlich adv
duly {adv} formal
rechtzeitig; günstig; passend adj
rechtzeitig, günstig, passend adj
gerade noch rechtzeitig
in time
just in time
die Ware wurde nicht rechtzeitig geliefert
the goods were not delivered in time
frühzeitig, rechtzeitig, zeitig, beizeiten adv
am frühzeitigsten
in good time
in better time
in best time
rechtzeitig; zeitgerecht; termingerecht adv
gerade noch rechtzeitig um ...
weit vor der Zeit ankommen
in time
just in time to ...
to arrive in good time
rechtzeitig; zeitgerecht; termingerecht adm.; fristgerecht adm. adj
etw. zeitnah zügig rasch erledigen
bessere und raschere Entscheidungen treffen
Das rechtzeitige Eingreifen der Polizei verhinderte Schlimmeres.
timely (sufficiently early) (timelier)
to do sth. in a timely fashion manner
to make better and timelier decisions
The timely intervention of the police prevented something worse happening.
Arbeit f; Auftrag m; Aufgabe f
Arbeiten pl; Aufträge pl; Aufgaben pl
eine schwierige Aufgabe
eine Aufgabe übertragen
Das ist nicht meine Aufgabe.
Meine Aufgabe ist es dafür zu sorgen dass die Arbeit rechtzeitig fertig ist.
an uphill job
to assign a job
It isn't my job.
It's my job to make sure that the work is finished on time.
rechtzeitig (vor einem Ereignis) etw. tun v
rechtzeitig einen Parkplatz finden
rechtzeitig die Wintervorbereitungen treffen
rechtzeitig seine Weihnachtseinkäufe erledigen
Ich möchte früher gehen, damit ich rechtzeitig vor dem Berufsverkehr wegkomme.
to get gain a jump on sth. Am.
to get a jump on the parking situation
to get a jump on winter preparation
to get a jump on your Christmas shopping
I want to leave early so I can get a jump on the rush-hour traffic.
rechtzeitig (vor einem Ereignis) etw. tun v
rechtzeitig einen Parkplatz finden
rechtzeitig die Wintervorbereitungen treffen
rechtzeitig seine Weihnachtseinkäufe erledigen
Ich möchte früher gehen damit ich rechtzeitig vor dem Berufsverkehr wegkomme.
to get gain a jump on sth. Am.
to get a jump on the parking situation
to get a jump on winter preparation
to get a jump on your Christmas shopping
I want to leave early so I can get a jump on the rush-hour traffic.
etw. mit einem (großen) Fragezeichen versehen (ungewiss machen) übtr.
Hinter dem Stürmer steht nach seiner Verletzung noch ein Fragezeichen ob er rechtzeitig für das Turnier fit sein wird.
Die Zukunft der Tagesklinik ist mit einem (großen) Fragezeichen versehen.
to put a (big) question mark over sth. fig.
The striker's injury puts a question mark over his being fit in time for the tournament.
There's a question mark (hanging) over the day-care clinic's future.; A big question mark hangs over the day-care clinic's future.
etw. mit einem (großen) Fragezeichen versehen v (ungewiss machen) übtr.
Hinter dem Stürmer steht nach seiner Verletzung noch ein Fragezeichen, ob er rechtzeitig für das Turnier fit sein wird.
Die Zukunft der Tagesklinik ist mit einem (großen) Fragezeichen versehen.
to put a (big) question mark over sth. fig.
The striker's injury puts a question mark over his being fit in time for the tournament.
There's a question mark (hanging) over the day-care clinic's future.; A big question mark hangs over the day-care clinic's future.
Arbeit f; Auftrag m; Aufgabe f
Arbeiten pl; Aufträge pl; Aufgaben pl
eine schwierige Aufgabe
jdm. eine Aufgabe übertragen
ganze Arbeit leisten
Das ist nicht meine Aufgabe.
Meine Aufgabe ist es, dafür zu sorgen, dass die Arbeit rechtzeitig fertig ist.
an uphill job
to assign a job to sb.
to make a good job of it
It isn't my job.
It's my job to make sure that the work is finished on time.
Protest m (Beurkundung der Annahme- Zahlungsverweigerung eines Wechsels) fin.
rechtzeitig erhobener Protest
Protest in Bezug auf einen ausländischen Wechsel
Protest mangels ausreichender Sicherheit
Protest mangels Annahme
Protest mangels Zahlung
Ohne Protest.
protest in due course
protest of a foreign bill of exchange
protest for better security Br.
protest for non-acceptance
protest for non-payment
Protest waived.
rechtzeitig; zeitgerecht Ös. Schw.; termingerecht adm.; fristgerecht adm.; früh genug; beizeiten; zur rechten Zeit geh.
beizeiten aufbrechen
(gerade) noch rechtzeitig, damit um etw. zu tun
beim Konzerthaus lange weit vor der Zeit ankommen
Fang also beizeiten damit an!
in time; in good time
to set off in good time
(just) in time, in good time Br. for sth. to do sth.
to arrive at the concert hall in good time in plenty of time
So get started in good time! Br.
noch; noch bevor adv (rechtzeitig vor nachfolgendem Ereignis)
Ich möchte noch meinen Bruder anrufen, bevor ich schlafen gehe.
Ich schreibe das noch fertig, dann gehe ich.
Ich muss morgen Vormittag noch Schuhe einkaufen (gehen).
Du musst dir noch die Hände waschen, bevor wir essen können.
just; still (in time for a subsequent event)
I'd just still like to call my brother before I go to sleep.
I'll just still finish writing this, then I'll leave.
I still have need to go shopping tomorrow morning for shoes.
You have need to wash your hands first before we are ready to eat.
noch; noch bevor adv (rechtzeitig vor nachfolgendem Ereignis)
Ich möchte noch meinen Bruder anrufen bevor ich schlafen gehe.
Ich schreibe das noch fertig dann gehe ich.
Ich muss morgen Vormittag noch Schuhe einkaufen (gehen).
Du musst dir noch die Hände waschen bevor wir essen können.
just; still (in time for a subsequent event)
I'd just still like to call my brother before I go to sleep.
I'll just still finish writing this then I'll leave.
I still have need to go shopping tomorrow morning for shoes.
You have need to wash your hands first before we are ready to eat.
rechtzeitig; zeitgerecht; termingerecht adj
zur rechten Zeit zum richtigen Zeitpunkt kommen
ein Wort zur rechten Zeit geh.
etw. zeitnah zügig rasch erledigen
Dieser Vorschlag kommt zum richtigen Zeitpunkt.
Das rechtzeitige Eingreifen der Polizei verhinderte Schlimmeres.
Die Reaktorkatastrophe führt uns wieder deutlich vor Augen wie trügerisch unser Sicherheitsgefühl ist.
to be timely
a timely word
to do sth. in a timely fashion manner
This is a timely proposal.
The timely intervention of the police prevented something worse happening.
The reactor disaster is a timely reminder of how deceptive our sense of security is. Br.
Gelegenheit f; Möglichkeit f; Chance f
Gelegenheiten pl; Möglichkeiten pl; Chancen pl
keine Chance
überhaupt keine Chance
gar keine Chance haben
eine faire Chance bekommen
Ich hatte Gelegenheit zweimal mit ihr zu sprechen.
Krieg ich einen Kaffee?
Sie lassen keine Gelegenheit aus sich zu produzieren.
'Sie sagt sie ist rechtzeitig da' - 'Nie im Leben!' 'Denkste!' 'Keine Chance!'
not a chance
a snowball's chance fig.
not have a dog's chance
a fair crack of the whip
I've had the chance to talk to her twice.
Any chance of a coffee?
They never miss a chance to make an exhibition of themselves.
'She says that she'll get here on time.' - 'Fat chance of that happening!' 'Fat chance!' 'Not a chance!'
(jdm.) etw. (im Voraus) bekanntgeben; anzeigen v adm.
ohne vorherige Benachrichtigung; ohne vorherige Verständigung
etw. formgerecht bekanntgeben; etw. ordnungsgemäß anzeigen
von etw. umgehend Mitteilung machen
im Voraus bekanntgeben, dass …; im Voraus Mitteilung machen, dass …; vorher Bescheid sagen, dass … ugs.
Hiermit wird bekanntgegeben, dass …
Sie müssen das mindestens 2 Wochen im Voraus bekanntgeben ankündigen.
Geben Sie uns bitte rechtzeitig Bescheid, damit wir alles für Ihre Ankunft arrangieren können.
Sie haben vorher nicht Bescheid gesagt, dass sie umziehen.
to give (sb.) notice of sth.
without notice
to give due notice of sth.
to give prompt notice of sth.
to give advance notice that …; to give prior notice that …
This is to give notice that …; Notice is hereby given that …
They must give not less than 2 weeks' notice.
Please give us enough notice to prepare for your arrival.
They gave no advance notice that they were moving.
Wahrscheinlichkeit f (eines zukünftigen Ereignisses)
Es ist ziemlich sicher, dass …
Es kann immer etwas schiefgehen.
Es besteht eine 70-prozentige Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass es morgen regnen wird.
Es sieht ganz so aus als würden wir rechtzeitig fertig werden.; Die Chancen stehen gut, dass wir rechtzeitig fertig werden.
So eine Ernährungsweise erhöht verringert die Wahrscheinlichkeit, daran zu erkranken.
Wie wahrscheinlich ist es, dass sie die Stelle bekommt?
Für wie wahrscheinlich hältst du das?
Er hat gute Chancen, die Präsidentenwahl zu gewinnen.
Er hat wahrscheinlich schon davon gehört.
chance; chances (probability of a future event)
There's every chance that …
There's always the chance that something will go wrong.
There is a 70 percent chance of rain tomorrow.
There's a good chance that we'll finish on time.
Such a diet increases reduces the chance of getting the disease.
What are the chances that she'll get the job?
What do you think the chances are of that happening?
His chances of winning the presidential election are good.
Chances are he has already heard the news.
unruhig sein; besorgt sein v; sich (unnötig) Gedanken Sorgen machen; sich einen Kopf machen Dt. ugs. v (wegen jdm. einer Sache)
unruhig seiend; besorgt seiend; sich Gedanken Sorgen machend; sich einen Kopf machend
unruhig gewesen; besorgt gewesen; sich Gedanken Sorgen gemacht; sich einen Kopf gemacht
Mach dir deswegen keinen Kopf.
Er schaute nochmals unruhig auf seine Armbanduhr.
Ihr Baby wird unruhig, sobald sie aus dem Zimmer geht.
Sie ist ständig wegen der Kinder besorgt.
Wie sich herausstellte, war es nichts, worüber man sich Sorgen machen musste.
Mach dir keine Gedanken. Wir kommen schon rechtzeitig zum Zug.
to fret about over sb. sth.
fretting about over
fretted about over
Don't fret yourself about it.
Fretting, he looked again at his wrist watch.
Her baby starts to fret as soon as she goes out of the room.
She's always fretting about the children.
It turned out that it was nothing to fret about over.
Don't fret. We won't miss the train.
Gelegenheit f (zu etw.); Möglichkeit f +Gen.; Chance f (auf ein Ereignis)
Gelegenheiten pl; Möglichkeiten pl; Chancen pl
bessere Chancen auf eine Anstellung
keine Chance
überhaupt keine Chance
gar keine Chance haben
eine faire Chance bekommen
nicht die geringste Chance nicht den Hauch den Funken die Spur einer Chance haben, etw. zu erreichen
Ich hatte Gelegenheit, zweimal mit ihr zu sprechen.
Krieg ich einen Kaffee?
Sie lassen keine Gelegenheit aus, sich zu produzieren.
„Sie sagt, sie ist rechtzeitig da.“ „Nie im Leben!“ „Denkste!“ „Keine Chance!“
Sie haben mit uns nie Verbindung aufgenommen und uns auch keine Gelegenheit zu einer Stellungnahme gegeben.
Es gibt immer noch eine kleine Chance, dass wir gewinnen.
Gegen so starke Konkurrenten hat er keine Chance.
chance (at for of something happening to do sth.)
better chances at for of employment
not a chance
a snowball's chance fig.
not have a dog's chance
a fair crack of the whip
not to have stand the ghost of a chance not to have a dog's chance a snowball's chance Buckley's chance Austr. NZ not to have a prayer of achieving sth.
I've had the chance to talk to her twice.
Any chance of a coffee?
They never miss a chance to make an exhibition of themselves.
'She says that she'll get here on time.' – 'Fat chance of that happening!' 'Fat chance!' 'Not a chance!'
They never contacted us nor gave us a chance to comment.
There's still a slight slim outside chance that we can win.
He doesn't stand a chance against such strong competitors.

Deutsche rechtzeitig Synonyme

passend  Ârechtzeitig  Âzeitgemäß  
beizeiten  Âfrühzeitig  Âpünktlich  Ârechtzeitig  Âzeitig  
fristgemäß  Âfristgerecht  Ârechtzeitig  Âtermingemäß  Âtermingerecht  
Weitere Ergebnisse für rechtzeitig Synonym nachschlagen

Englische in time Synonyme

in  a la mode  access  adit  advanced  air lock  among  an in  approach  at  avant-garde  by  chic  clout  contemporary  corridor  drag  entering  entrance  entranceway  entree  entry  entryway  far out  fashionable  favor  favorable regard  fellow feeling  forward-looking  friendly relations  from  gangplank  gangway  good graces  good terms  good understanding  goodwill  hall  harmony  herein  in favor  in with  inbound  incoming  inflooding  inflowing  influence  ingoing  ingress  ingressive  inlet  inpouring  inside  inside of  intake  into  intrusive  invasive  inward  inward-bound  inwardly  inwards  irruptive  means of access  mod  modern  modernistic  modernized  modish  mutual regard  near  newfashioned  next to  now  on  on good terms  on speaking terms  open arms  open door  opening  passage  passageway  present-day  present-time  progressive  rapport  regard  respect  streamlined  swank  swish  sympathy  therein  to  toward  trendy  twentieth-century  ultra-ultra  ultramodern  up-to-date  up-to-datish  up-to-the-minute  vestibule  way  way in  way out  with  with-it  within  
in a bad way  ailing  ausgespielt  bad  below par  between two fires  cornered  critically ill  done  done up  down  effete  emptied  endangered  exhausted  faint  faintish  far-gone  fatigued  feeling awful  feeling faint  feeling something terrible  frazzled  ill  imperiled  in a predicament  in danger  in desperate case  in extremis  in jeopardy  indisposed  jaded  jeopardized  laid low  mortally ill  not quite right  off-color  on the spot  out of sorts  played out  pooped  rocky  run-down  seedy  shotten  sick  sick unto death  sickish  spent  taken ill  threatened  tired  under the weather  unwell  used up  worn-out  
in a bind  arrested  back  backward  behindhand  belated  blocked  delayed  delayed-action  detained  held up  hung up  in Dutch  in a fix  in a mess  in a pickle  in a predicament  in a scrape  in a spot  in abeyance  in deep water  in trouble  jammed  late  latish  moratory  never on time  obstructed  on Queer Street  on the spot  overdue  retarded  slow  stopped  tardy  unpunctual  unready  untimely  
in a rut  addicted  addicted to  dependent  dependent on  dully  equably  evenly  habituated  habitue  hooked  hooked on  monotonously  never free from  routinely  spaced out  tediously  uniformly  unrelievedly  used to  
in a stew  abashed  abroad  adrift  agitated  all-overish  antsy  antsy-pantsy  anxious  anxioused up  apprehensive  astray  at sea  balled-up  bewildered  bothered  breathless  chafing  chaotic  clueless  concerned  confused  discomposed  disconcerted  dismayed  disordered  disorganized  disoriented  disquieted  distracted  distraught  disturbed  eager  edgy  embarrassed  excited  fearful  flustered  fluttered  foreboding  fretful  fretting  fussed  guessing  hasty  hopped-up  impatient  impetuous  in a bother  in a dither  in a ferment  in a fix  in a flurry  in a fluster  in a flutter  in a foofaraw  in a huff  in a jumble  in a lather  in a maze  in a pet  in a pickle  in a pother  in a pucker  in a quiver  in a scrape  in a sweat  in a swivet  in a temper  in a tizzy  in a turmoil  in a twitter  in an uproar  jumbled  lost  mazed  misgiving  mixed-up  nervous  off the track  on edge  on tenterhooks  overanxious  overapprehensive  perplexed  perturbed  put-out  rattled  restive  restless  ruffled  shaken  shook  shuffled  solicitous  squirming  squirmy  strained  suspenseful  tense  troubled  turned around  uneasy  unpatient  unquiet  unsettled  upset  without a clue  zealous  
in a way  a bit  a little  after a fashion  appreciably  as it were  at any rate  at best  at least  at most  at the least  at the most  at the outside  at worst  comparatively  detectably  extremely  fairly  in a manner  in a measure  in part  in some measure  incompletely  kind of  leastwise  merely  mildly  moderately  modestly  not comprehensively  not exhaustively  only  part  partially  partly  pretty  pro tanto  purely  quite  rather  relatively  scarcely  simply  slightly  so far  so to speak  somewhat  sort of  thus far  to a degree  to some degree  to some extent  tolerably  very  visibly  
in action  acting  active  at work  behavioral  functional  functioning  going  going on  in exercise  in force  in hand  in operation  in play  in practice  in process  in the works  inaction  on foot  on the fire  ongoing  operating  operational  performing  practicing  running  serving  working  
in advance  ahead  ahead of time  ante  before  beforehand  beforetime  betimes  early  first  fore  foremost  foresightedly  forward  headmost  in advance of  in anticipation  in anticipation of  in front  in preparation for  in the forefront  in the foreground  in the front  in the lead  on loan  on security  precociously  previous  previous to  prior to  to the fore  to the front  up ahead  
in all conscience  actually  all joking aside  analytically  appropriately  as is proper  as is right  assuredly  bluffly  bluntly  broadly  brusquely  by right  by rights  candidly  certainly  clearly  condignly  correctly  decidedly  demonstrably  directly  duly  fittingly  for a certainty  for real  frankly  genuinely  in all fairness  in all reason  in all seriousness  in plain English  in plain words  in reason  indeed  indubitably  inequity  injustice  logically  manifestly  noticeably  observably  obviously  openheartedly  openly  outspokenly  patently  plain-spokenly  plainly  positively  properly  quite  rationally  really  reasonably  right  rightfully  rightly  roundly  sanely  sensibly  seriously  sincerely  soundly  straightforwardly  syllogistically  to be fair  truly  unambiguously  unconstrainedly  undeniably  unmistakably  unreservedly  unrestrainedly  verily  visibly  with no nonsense  within bounds  within reason  within reasonable limitations  without doubt  
in all respects  absolutely  across the board  ad infinitum  all  all over  all put together  altogether  as a body  as a whole  at all points  at full length  at large  bodily  collectively  corporately  dead  definitely  directly  en bloc  en masse  entirely  even  every bit  every inch  every whit  exactly  expressly  faithfully  head and shoulders  heart and soul  in a body  in all  in bulk  in every respect  in extenso  in its entirety  in the aggregate  in the gross  in the lump  in the mass  in toto  inside and out  ipsissimis verbis  just  literally  literatim  neck deep  on all counts  overall  plumb  point-blank  positively  precisely  right  rigidly  rigorously  root and branch  square  squarely  straight  strictly  through and through  throughout  to the brim  to the death  to the end  to the hilt  to the letter  totally  tout ensemble  undeviatingly  unerringly  verbally  verbatim  verbatim et litteratim  wholly  word by word  word for word  you name it  
in any case  after all  again  albeit  all the same  although  anyhow  anyway  anywise  at all  at all events  at any rate  but  by any means  even  even so  for all that  howbeit  however  if  in any event  in any way  in case  in case that  in either case  irregardless  just in case  just the same  nevertheless  nohow  nonetheless  notwithstanding  provided  rather  regardless  still  though  when  yet  
in cahoots  affiliate  affiliated  allied  associate  associated  cabalistic  confederate  confederated  conspiratorial  corporate  coupled  enleagued  federate  federated  in collaboration  in collusion  in cooperation  in league  in partnership  in with  leagued  married  paired  partners with  teamed  wed  wedded  
in charge  ascendant  at the head  at the helm  at the reins  boss  chief  commanding  controlling  dominant  general  governing  head  hegemonic  hegemonistic  in ascendancy  in authority  in chief  in command  in control  in custody  in detention  in hold  in power  in the ascendant  in the saddle  leading  master  on the throne  overseeing  paramount  predominant  predominate  prepollent  preponderant  preponderate  prepotent  prevalent  regnant  regulating  regulative  regulatory  reigning  ruling  sovereign  superintendent  supervising  supervisory  supreme  under close arrest  under house arrest  
in clover  affluent  charmed  comfortable  comfortably situated  content  contented  cozy  delighted  easy  eupeptic  euphoric  exhilarated  favorably impressed with  glad  gladsome  gratified  in comfort  in ease  in good case  in luxury  in velvet  intrigued  on Easy Street  on velvet  pleased  pleased as Punch  pleased with  prosperous  satisfied  sold on  successful  taken with  thrilled  tickled  tickled pink  tickled to death  wealthy  
in cold blood  advisedly  by design  calculatedly  cold-bloodedly  coldheartedly  coldly  consciously  contemplatedly  deadpan  deliberately  designedly  dispassionately  heartlessly  intentionally  knowingly  meditatedly  on purpose  pointedly  premeditatedly  purposefully  purposely  purposively  spiritlessly  unemotionally  unfeelingly  unpassionately  voluntarily  willfully  with dry eyes  with full intent  with intent  with malice aforethought  with purpose  wittingly  
in condition  alive and kicking  bright-eyed and bushy-tailed  chipper  enjoying health  eupeptic  fine  fit  fit and fine  fixed  full of beans  healthful  healthy  in apple-pie order  in commission  in fine fettle  in fine whack  in good case  in good condition  in good form  in good health  in good shape  in good trim  in health  in high feather  in kilter  in mint condition  in order  in repair  in shape  in the pink  in trim  in working order  out of commission  out of kelter  out of kilter  out of order  out of whack  to rights  up to scratch  up to snuff  
in detail  accurately  at large  at length  bit by bit  by degrees  by inches  by inchmeal  by snatches  completely  concretely  conscientiously  definitely  distinctly  drop by drop  especially  exactingly  exactly  expressly  exquisitely  foot by foot  fully  fussily  in driblets  in extenso  in full  in installments  in lots  in particular  in small doses  in snatches  in toto  inch by inch  inchmeal  item by item  little by little  meticulously  minutely  nicely  part by part  particularly  piece by piece  piecemeal  precisely  punctiliously  punctually  refinedly  rigorously  scrupulously  separately  singly  specially  specifically  strictly  to be specific  wholly  with exactitude  with great nicety  with precision  
in due course  after a while  anon  auspiciously  before long  betimes  by and by  directly  ere long  eventually  in a moment  in a while  in due season  in due time  in good time  in proper time  in time  just in time  now or never  opportunely  presently  propitiously  seasonably  shortly  soon  ultimately  
in extremis  bad  between two fires  cornered  despaired of  desperate  done for  dying  endangered  expiring  facing death  given up  going  hard pressed  hard up  hopeless  imperiled  in a predicament  in articulo mortis  in danger  in desperate case  in desperate straits  in extremities  in jeopardy  incapable of life  jeopardized  low  moribund  near death  nonviable  on the spot  pinched  sinking  slipping  slipping away  sorely pressed  straitened  terminal  threatened  up against it  
in fact  absolutely  actually  certainly  de facto  factually  forsooth  genuinely  historically  in actuality  in effect  in reality  in truth  in very sooth  indeed  indeedy  manifestly  nothing else but  obviously  of a truth  positively  really  really-truly  truly  undoubtedly  verily  veritably  with truth  

rechtzeitig Definition

Benting time
() The season when pigeons are said to feed on bents, before peas are ripe.
(n.) Duration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms which designate limited portions thereof.
(n.) A particular period or part of duration, whether past, present, or future
(n.) The period at which any definite event occurred, or person lived
(n.) The duration of one's life
(n.) A proper time
(n.) Hour of travail, delivery, or parturition.
(n.) Performance or occurrence of an action or event, considered with reference to repetition
(n.) The present life
(n.) Tense.
(n.) The measured duration of sounds
(v. t.) To appoint the time for
(v. t.) To regulate as to time
(v. t.) To ascertain or record the time, duration, or rate of
(v. t.) To measure, as in music or harmony.
(v. i.) To keep or beat time
(v. i.) To pass time
(a.) Honored for a long time
(n.) A tabular statement of the time at which, or within which, several things are to take place, as the recitations in a school, the departure and arrival of railroad trains or other public conveyances, the rise and fall of the tides, etc.
(n.) A plane surface divided in one direction with lines representing hours and minutes, and in the other with lines representing miles, and having diagonals (usually movable strings) representing the speed and position of various trains.
(n.) A table showing the notation, length, or duration of the several notes.

in time Bedeutung

time the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past
pursuit sideline
spare-time activity
an auxiliary activity
time and motion study
time-and-motion study
time-motion study
motion study
time study
work study
an analysis of a specific job in an effort to find the most efficient method in terms of time and effort
waste of time the devotion of time to a useless activity, the waste of time could prove fatal
time exposure exposure of a film for a relatively long time (more than half a second)
harvest time
the season for gathering crops
haying time
the season for cutting and drying and storing grass as fodder
break time out
a pause from doing something (as work), we took a -minute break, he took time out to recuperate
free time
spare time
time that is free from duties or responsibilities
character printer
character-at-a-time printer
serial printer
a printer that prints a single character at a time
line printer
line-at-a-time printer
printer that serves as an output device on a computer, prints a whole line of characters at a time
page printer
page-at-a-time printer
a printer that prints one page at a time
time-ball a ball that slides down a staff to show a fixed time, especially at an observatory
time bomb
infernal machine
a bomb that has a detonating mechanism that can be set to go off at a particular time
time capsule container for preserving historical records to be discovered at some future time
time clock clock used to record the hours that people work
time-delay measuring instrument
time-delay measuring system
chronoscope for measuring the time difference between two events
time exposure a photograph produced with a relatively long exposure time
time-fuse a fuse made to burn for a given time (especially to explode a bomb)
time machine a science fiction machine that is supposed to transport people or objects into the past or the future
time-switch a switch set to operate at a desired time
time of origin
the oldness of wines
rhythm as given by division into parts of equal duration
light time distance measured in terms of the speed of light (or radio waves), the light time from Jupiter to the sun is approximately minutes
space-time continuum
the four-dimensional coordinate system ( dimensions of space and of time) in which physical events are located
time series a series of values of a variable at successive times
pulse-time modulation modulation of the time between successive pulses
time sheet a record of the hours worked by employees
time signal a signal (especially electronic or by radio) indicating the precisely correct time
time signature
musical time signature
a musical notation indicating the number of beats to a measure and kind of note that takes a beat
good time
a highly pleasurable or exciting experience, we had a good time at the party, celebrating after the game was a blast
time a person's experience on a particular occasion, he had a time holding back the tears, they had a good time together
semantic error
run-time error
runtime error
an error in logic or arithmetic that must be detected at run time
an instance or single occasion for some event, this time he succeeded, he called four times, he could do ten at a clip
time zone any of the regions of the globe (loosely divided by longitude) throughout which the same standard time is used
double time a doubled wage (for working overtime)
time and a half a rate of pay that is . times the regular rate, for overtime work
installment plan
installment buying
time plan
a system for paying for goods by installments
time deposit account
deposit account
a savings account in which the deposit is held for a fixed term or in which withdrawals can be made only after giving notice or with loss of interest
time deposit a certificate of deposit from which withdrawals can be made only after advance notice or at a specified future date
time loan a loan that is payable on or before a specified date
time note a note that specifies the time (or times) of repayment
time draft
time bill
a draft payable at a specified future date
real-time processing
real-time operation
data processing fast enough to keep up with an outside process
time-scale factor the ratio of the simulation time to the time of the real process
time constant the ratio of the inductance of a circuit in henries to its resistance in ohms
time sharing (computer science) the use of a central computer by many users simultaneously
time bomb
ticking bomb
a problematic situation that will eventually become dangerous if not addressed, India is a demographic time bomb, the refugee camp is a ticking bomb waiting to go off
hard time
rough sledding
a difficulty that can be overcome with effort, we had a hard time getting here, analysts predicted rough sledding for handset makers
big time the highest level of an occupation (especially in entertainment)
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