
reparaturfreundlich Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

reparaturfreundlich; instandsetzungsfreundlich geh. adj techn.
easy to repair
reparaturfreundlich; instandsetzungsfreundlich geh. adj techn.
easy to repair
reparieren, Reparatur
Reparatur f, Instandsetzung f
in Reparatur
misslungene Reparatur
under repair
failed repair
Reparatur f
Reparaturen pl
Reparatur f, Korrektur f
Reparatur f mit Pfropfen
plug repair
reparieren, Reparatur, Korrektur, ausbessern
in Reparatur
under repair
Kulanz f econ.
Garantie und Kulanz
in aus auf Kulanz; auf dem im Kulanzweg; kulanzhalber; kulanzweise
Die Reparatur geht auf Kulanz.
courtesy; accommodation; goodwill; fairness
guarantee and policy
on an ex gratia basis Br.; as an act of courtesy goodwill; as a gesture of goodwill; to accommodate your customers
The repair will be covered by the company as an ex-gratia gesture.
Reparatur f; Instandsetzung f
in Reparatur
misslungene Reparatur
Reparatur f mit Pfropfen (Reifen)
geringfügige Reparaturen
Die Straße wird gerade ausgebessert.
under repair
failed repair
plug repair
minor repairs
The road is under repair.
Reparatur...; Korrektur...
Schweißverbindung f techn.
Schweißverbindungen pl
Reparatur f von Schweißverbindungen
welded connection; welded joint
welded connections; welded joints
repair of welded connection
klein; gering adj
kleiner; geringer
am kleinsten; am geringsten
geringe Temperatur
trotz der geringen Mitarbeit
in Anbetracht des geringen finanziellen Schadens
Eine Reparatur lohnt sich aufgrund des geringen Werts des Autos nicht.
low temperature
despite the low level of participation
in view of the low level of financial losses
The repair is not worthwhile due to the car's low value.
Baureparaturen m; Reparatur an Gebäuden constr.
building repairs
Anlagenmechaniker m; Monteur m
Anlagenmechaniker pl; Monteure pl
Anlagemechaniker im Bereich Apparate- und Behälterbau; Apparatetechniker m; Apparatemonteur m
Anlagenmechaniker im Bereich Wartung und Instandhaltung; Wartungsmechaniker m; Wartungsmonteur m
Anlagenmechaniker für Rohrleitungstechnik; Rohrleitungsmonteur m
Anlagenmechaniker für Schweißtechnik; Reparatur- und Instandhaltungsschweißer m
Anlagenmechaniker für Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik; SHK-Anlagenmechaniker
plant fitter; fitter
plant fitters; fitters
apparatus fitter
maintenance fitter
piping fitter
maintanance welder
contractor technician for heating, ventilation; air conditioning and plumbing services; mechanical contractor for HVAC and plumbing services Am.
Leihgerät n; Leihwagen m (für die Dauer der Reparatur)
Leihgeräte pl; Leihwagen pl
loaner Am. (provided for the duration of the repair)
Reparatur f; Instandsetzung f
in Reparatur
Schiffsreparatur f
Reparatur vor Ort
Reparatur in der Außenstelle (einer Firma)
geringfügige Reparaturen
misslungene Reparatur
Reparatur f mit Pfropfen (Reifen)
Die Straße wird gerade ausgebessert.
under repair
ship repair
on-the-spot repair
depot repair
minor repairs
failed repair
plug repair
The road is under repair.
Reparatur f (biologische Reaktion im DNS-Molekül nach Bestrahlung) biochem.
reparaturanfällig adj
prone to break down
Reparaturanfälligkeit f techn.
low reliability
Anleitung f (zu etw.)
Anleitungen pl
Bastelanleitung f
Reparaturanleitung f; Reparaturhinweise f
laut Anleitung; nach Anleitung
Unser Lehrer gab uns Anleitungen zum Bau des Modells wie wir das Modell bauen sollten.
instruction; instructions (for sth.)
craft instructions
repair instructions; repair guide
as per instructions; according to instructions
Our teacher gave us instructions for building the model on how to build the model.
Handbuch n; Leitfaden m; Anleitung f; Fibel f veraltend
Handbücher pl; Leitfäden pl; Anleitungen pl; Fibeln pl
dokumentiertes Handbuch
Reparaturhandbuch n; Reparaturanleitung f
ein Handbuch erstellen
Lies das Handbuch! (Chat-Jargon)
Lies das feine verdammte Handbuch! (Chat-Jargon)
Lies das feine verdammte Handbuch noch einmal! (Chat-Jargon)
handbook hdbk ; manual
handbooks; manuals
documented manual
repair manual
to prepare a handbook
Read the manual! RTM (chat jargon)
Read the fine fucking manual! RTFM (chat jargon)
Read the fine fucking manual again! RTFMA (chat jargon)
Reparaturarbeiten pl
repair work
Dock n (zum Trockensetzen von Schiffen bei Reparaturarbeiten) naut.
Docks pl
anfallen v; sich ergeben v (Arbeiten)
anfallend; sich ergebend
angefallen; sich ergeben
anfallende Reparaturarbeiten am Haus
to come up; to crop up
coming up; croping up
come up; cropped up
house repairs that crop up
Dock n (zum Trockensetzen von Schiffen bei Reparaturarbeiten) naut.
Docks pl
Pontondock n
Reparaturdock n
pontoon dock
repair dock; repairing dock
Reparaturarbeiten pl; Ausbesserungsarbeiten pl; Instandsetzungsarbeiten pl; Instandstellungsarbeiten pl Schw. auto constr. techn.
Reparaturarbeiten an Baumaschinen
repair work; repair jobs
repair work on construction machines; construction machine repair work
(durch Abwohnen) notwendige Reparaturarbeiten pl an einem Mietobjekt
dilapidations Br.
anfallen v; sich ergeben v (Arbeiten)
anfallend; sich ergebend
angefallen; sich ergeben
anfallende Reparaturarbeiten am Haus
to come up; to crop up
coming up; cropping up
come up; cropped up
house repairs that crop up
umfangreich; umfassend; umfänglich geh. adj
nicht umfassend
eine umfassende Reform
eine umfangreiche Sammlung besitzen
eine umfangreiche Wunschliste haben
über ein umfangreiches umfassendes Wissen über etw. verfügen
umfassende Befugnisse haben
mit jdm. ein umfassendes Abkommen abschließen
größere Reparaturarbeiten notwendig machen
Das Haus musste umfassend renoviert werden, bevor es vermietet werden konnte.
comprehensive; extensive; wide-ranging
a comprehensive reform
to hold a comprehensive extensive wide-ranging collection
to have a comprehensive an extensive wish list
to have an extensive a wide-ranging knowledge of sth.
to have wide-ranging powers
to sign a wide-ranging agreement with sb.
to necessitate more comprehensive more extensive repair work
The house needed an extensive facelift before it could be rented.
Reparaturauftrag m
Reparaturaufträge pl
repair order
repair orders
Reparaturausrüstung f
repair outfit
reparaturbedürftig adj
in need of repair
in need of repair
reparaturbedürftig adj
in need of repair; in want of repair
Reparaturbericht m
repair report
Reparaturblech n auto
replacement panel; service panel Am.
Reparaturdauer f
maximale Reparaturdauer
mittlere Reparaturdauer
time to repair (TTR)
maximum time to repair, maximum TTR
mean time to repair (MTTR)
Reparaturdauer f; Reparaturzeit f techn.
maximale Reparaturdauer; maximale Reparaturzeit
mittlere Reparaturdauer; mittlere Reparaturzeit
repair time; time to repair TTR
maximum time to repair; maximum TTR
mean time to repair MTTR
Reparaturdauer f; Reparaturzeit f techn.
maximale Reparaturdauer; maximale Reparaturzeit
mittlere Reparaturdauer; mittlere Reparaturzeit
repair time; time to repair TTR
maximum time to repair; maximum TTR
mean time to repair MTTR
Reparaturservice n; Reparaturdienst m
repair service
geringfügige Reparaturen
minor repairs
laufende Reparaturen
maintenance repairs
Anfahrtspauschale f; Fahrtpauschale f; Fahrtenpauschale f (bei Reparaturen vor Ort)
call-out charge; call-out fee (for on-site repair work)
Enzym n; Ferment n frühere Bezeichnung biochem.
Enzyme pl; Fermente pl
DNS-spaltendes Enzym
adaptives Enzym
allosterisches Enzym
isodynamisches Enzym
konstitutives Enzym
manganhaltiges Enzym
pektisches Enzym
Reparaturenzym n
Ektoenzym n; sekretorisches Enzym
intrazelluläres Enzym; Zellenzym; Endoenzym
enzyme; ferment former name
enzymes; ferments
adaptive enzyme
allosteric enzyme
isoenzyme; isozyme
constitutive enzyme
manganese enzyme
pectic enzyme
repair enzyme
intracellular enzyme; cellular enzyme; endoenzyme
reparierbar; reparabel; reparaturfähig; instandsetzbar geh. adj techn.
irreperabel sein; nicht mehr zu reparieren sein ugs.
to be beyond repair
Reparaturfähigkeit f (einer Sache)
repair capability (of a thing)
Instandhaltungsrücklage f; Reparaturrückstellung f; Reparaturfonds m (für eine Liegenschaft) adm.
sinking fund (for real property)
Instandhaltungsrücklage f; Reparaturrückstellung f; Reparaturfonds m (für eine Immobilie) adm.
sinking fund (for real property)
reparaturfreundlich; instandsetzungsfreundlich geh. adj techn.
easy to repair
Reparaturfreundlichkeit f; Instandsetzungsfreundlichkeit f geh. techn.
ease of repair
Wagenausbesserungsgleis n; Ausbesserungsgleis n; Ausbesserungsgeleise pl Schw.; Reparaturgleis n; Reparaturgeleise pl Schw.; Wagenausbesserungsstelle f; Visiteurposten m Schw. (Bahn)
Anlage für Schnellausbesserungen; Anlage für Schnellreparaturen
maintenance siding; repair siding; track for vehicles in repair (railway)
rapid repair sidings
Arbeitsgrube f; Reparaturgrube f auto
Arbeitsgruben pl; Reparaturgruben pl
working pit; repair pit; inspection pit; engine pit
working pits; repair pits; inspection pits; engine pits
Reparaturhaken m constr.
Reparaturhaken pl
roof hook
roof hooks
Reparaturhandwerker m
Reparaturhandwerker pl
repairer; shopman Am.
repairers; shopmen
Reparaturhauer m min.
Reparaturhauer pl
top ripper; repair man; repairer; waste man
top rippers; repair men; repairers; waste men
Reparatursatz m; Reparaturset n; Reparaturkasten m veraltet techn.
Reparatursätze pl; Reparatursets pl; Reparaturkästen pl
repair kit; repairing kit; repair set; repairing set; service package Am.; repair outfit dated
repair kits; repairing kits; repair sets; repairing sets; service packages; repair outfits
Reparaturkit n
repair outfit
Reparaturkitt m (Keramik)
plugging compound (ceramics)
repair crew
cost of repairs
repairing charges
Reparaturkosten pl
repair costs {pl}
Krach m; Krawall m
Er hat wegen der Reparaturkosten Krach geschlagen.
rumpus Br.; ruckus Am.
He raised a rumpus ruckus over the cost of the repairs.
Reparaturkosten pl; Instandsetzungskosten pl; Instandstellungskosten pl Schw.; Instandsetzungsaufwand m; Instandstellungsaufwand m Schw.
repair costs; expenditure for repairs
etw. auszählen; zusammenrechnen; zusammenzählen v
auszählend; zusammenrechnend; zusammenzählend
ausgezählt; zusammengerechnet; zusammengezählt
die Stimmen zählen auszählen v pol.
die Punkte zusammenzählen
die Reparaturkosten zusammenrechnen
to tally sth.; to tally up sth.
tallying; tallying up
tallied; tallied up
to tally the votes
to tally up the points
to tally up the cost of the repairs
repair load
Reparaturlast f
repair load
Reparaturmanschette f für Reifen
tyre gaiter Br.; tire gaiter Am.

Deutsche reparaturfreundlich Synonyme

Englische easy to repair Synonyme

easy  Attic  Bohemian  Ciceronian  Mickey Mouse  Paphian  accepting  accommodating  acquiescent  affable  affluent  agreeable  ambling  amenable  amiable  amicable  apparent  at ease  at home  at rest  bagging  baggy  blase  bone-lazy  bonhomous  budget  cadging  calm  calmly  cannily  carefree  carefully  careless  casual  casually  cautious  cautiously  chambering  charmed  chaste  cheap  circumspect  circumspectly  classic  claudicant  clear  clear-cut  clement  comfortable  comfortably situated  comfy  commodious  compassionate  complaisant  compliant  composed  content  contented  convenient  cordial  cosy  cozy  crawling  credulous  creeping  cullible  cushioned  cushiony  cushy  dainty  dangling  deceivable  degage  deliberate  delicate  delighted  deludable  devil-may-care  dilatory  direct  discreetly  distinct  do-nothing  docile  doless  down-to-earth  dronish  drony  drooping  dupable  easeful  easy as pie  easy-natured  easygoing  economic  economy  effortless  effortlessly  elegant  elementary  ergophobic  eupeptic  euphoric  even  evident  exhilarated  exploitable  facile  faineant  faltering  familiar  favorably impressed with  finished  flagging  flapping  flexible  flowing  fluent  folksy  foolable  foolproof  foot-dragging  forbearant  forbearing  forgiving  free and easy  friendly  frugal  genial  gentle  gingerly  glad  gladsome  glib  good-for-nothing  good-humored  good-natured  good-tempered  graceful  gracile  gracious  gradual  gratified  green  guardedly  gullible  halting  hands down  hanging  happy  hasteless  haymish  heedfully  hoaxable  hobbled  hobbling  homelike  homely  homey  hoodwinkable  humane  humbugable  idle  impotent  imprecise  in clover  in good case  in luxury  inactive  indifferent  indolent  indulgent  inexpensive  informal  ingenuous  intrigued  irregular  judiciously  lackadaisical  laggard  languid  languorous  lax  lazy  leisurely  lenient  light  limpid  limping  lived-in  loose  loose-moraled  low  low-priced  lu  
easy going  clarity  clear coast  clear road  ease  easiness  effortlessness  facileness  facility  freedom  highroad  intelligibility  lack of hindrance  plain sailing  plane sailing  royal road  simplicity  smooth road  smooth sailing  smoothness  straight sailing  uncomplexity  uncomplicatedness  
easy mark  babe  boob  butt  chump  cinch  credulous person  cull  dupe  easy pickings  fall guy  fish  fool  gobe-mouches  greener  greenhorn  greeny  gudgeon  gull  innocent  leadpipe cinch  mark  monkey  patsy  pigeon  plaything  prize sap  pushover  sap  saphead  schlemiel  sitting duck  soft  stooge  sucker  toy  trusting soul  victim  
Easy Street  affluence  bed of roses  clover  comfort  ease  easy circumstances  felicity  fleshpots  gracious life  gracious living  happiness  lap of luxury  life of ease  loaves and fishes  luxury  prosperity  prosperousness  security  success  the affluent life  the good life  thriving condition  upward mobility  velvet  weal  wealth  welfare  well-being  
easygoing  Bohemian  Micawberish  accepting  affable  afoot and lighthearted  airy  apathetic  at ease  at large  at liberty  ataractic  backward  blase  breezy  carefree  careless  casual  clear  clement  collected  comfortable  common  compassionate  composed  content  contented  cordial  cursory  dallying  degage  delaying  detached  devil-may-care  dilatory  dillydallying  disengaged  disinterested  dispassionate  disregardant  disregardful  drony  easy  emancipated  eupeptic  euphoric  even-tempered  faineant  familiar  flexible  flippant  folksy  foot-dragging  footloose  footloose and fancy-free  forbearant  forbearing  forgetful  forgiving  free  free and easy  free as air  freeborn  freed  gentle  go-as-you-please  gracious  happy  haymish  heedless  homely  homey  humane  impotent  imprecise  in the clear  inattentive  inconsiderate  incurious  indifferent  indolent  inexcitable  informal  insouciant  irregular  lackadaisical  laggard  lagging  lax  lazy  lenient  liberated  lingering  listless  loitering  loose  low-pressure  mellow  merciful  mild  mindless  moderate  natural  negligent  nonchalant  oblivious  of good comfort  offhand  offhanded  on the loose  overindulgent  overpermissive  patient  perfunctory  permissive  placid  plain  pleased  pococurante  poised  procrastinating  procrastinative  procrastinatory  reckless  reconciled  regardless  relaxed  released  remiss  resigned  respectless  sans souci  satisfied  scot-free  self-possessed  serene  shuffling  simple  slack  slipshod  sloppy  slothful  slow  sluggish  sociable  soft  tactless  tender  thoughtless  tolerant  tranquil  turned-off  unaffected  unambitious  unanxious  unassuming  unattached  unceremonious  uncommitted  uncomplaining  unconcerned  unconstrained  unconventional  undemanding  undiplomatic  undiscriminating  unengaged  unfussy  unheedful  unheeding  uninhibited  uninterested  uninvolved  unmindful  unofficial  unprepared  unready  unrepining  unreserved  unrestrained  un  

reparaturfreundlich Definition

(v. t.) At ease
(v. t.) Free from pain, distress, toil, exertion, and the like
(v. t.) Free from care, responsibility, discontent, and the like
(v. t.) Free from constraint, harshness, or formality
(v. t.) Not causing, or attended with, pain or disquiet, or much exertion
(v. t.) Not difficult
(v. t.) Causing ease
(v. t.) Not making resistance or showing unwillingness
(v. t.) Moderate
(v. t.) Not straitened as to money matters
(n.) An armchair for ease or repose.
(a.) Moving easily
(v. i.) To return.
(v. i.) To go
(n.) The act of repairing or resorting to a place.
(n.) Place to which one repairs
(v. t.) To restore to a sound or good state after decay, injury, dilapidation, or partial destruction
(v. t.) To make amends for, as for an injury, by an equivalent
(n.) Restoration to a sound or good state after decay, waste, injury, or partial restruction
(n.) Condition with respect to soundness, perfectness, etc.

easy to repair Bedeutung

the act of putting something in working order again
inspection and repair
periodic maintenance on a car or machine, it was time for an overhaul on the tractor
plain sailing
clear sailing
easy going
easy unobstructed progress, after we solved that problem the rest was plain sailing
repair shed
a large structure at an airport where aircraft can be stored and maintained
easy chair
lounge chair
overstuffed chair
a comfortable upholstered armchair
repair shop
fix-it shop
a shop specializing in repairs and maintenance
soap scoop max
liquid ecstasy
grievous bodily harm
Georgia home boy
easy lay
street names for gamma hydroxybutyrate
resort repair
stamping ground
a frequently visited place
sitting duck
easy mark
a defenseless victim
easy money
gravy train
income obtained with a minimum of effort
easy money the economic condition in which credit is easy to secure
easy street financial security
repair a formal way of referring to the condition of something, the building was in good repair
recreate reanimate
repair quicken
give new life or energy to, A hot soup will revive me, This will renovate my spirits, This treatment repaired my health
sit back
take it easy
settle into a comfortable sitting position
repair amend
set straight or right, remedy these deficiencies, rectify the inequities in salaries, repair an oversight
fix bushel
doctor furbish up
restore touch on
restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken, She repaired her TV set, Repair my shoes please
move, travel, or proceed toward some place, He repaired to his cabin in the woods
compensate recompense repair
make amends for, pay compensation for, One can never fully repair the suffering and losses of the Jews in the Third Reich, She was compensated for the loss of her arm in the accident
easy obtained with little effort or sacrifice, often obtained illegally, easy money
easy less in demand and therefore readily obtainable, commodities are easy this quarter
casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior, her easy virtue, he was told to avoid loose (or light) women, wanton behavior
easy affording comfort, soft light that was easy on the eyes
easy posing no difficulty, requiring little effort, an easy job, an easy problem, an easy victory, the house is easy to heat, satisfied with easy answers, took the easy way out of his dilemma
easy free from worry or anxiety, knowing that I had done my best, my mind was easy, an easy good-natured manner, by the time the chsild faced the actual problem of reading she was familiar and at ease with all the elements words
natural and unstudied, using their Christian names in a casual way, lectured in a free-and-easy style
marked by moderate steepness, an easy climb, a gentle slope
having little impact, an easy pat on the shoulder, gentle rain, a gentle breeze, a soft (or light) tapping at the window
not hurried or forced, an easy walk around the block, at a leisurely (or easygoing) pace
easy affording pleasure, easy good looks
in fortunate circumstances financially, moderately rich, they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards, easy living, a prosperous family, his family is well-situated financially, well-to-do members of the community
easy readily exploited or tricked, an easy victim, an easy mark
easily easy ,un with ease (`easy' is sometimes used informally for `easily'), she was easily excited, was easily confused, he won easily, this china breaks very easily, success came too easy
in a relaxed manner, or without hardship, just wanted to take it easy (`soft' is nonstandard)
slowly slow
easy tardily
without speed (`slow' is sometimes used informally for `slowly'), he spoke slowly, go easy here--the road is slippery, glaciers move tardily, please go slow so I can see the sights
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