
russlandfeindlich Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

russlandfeindlich; antirussisch adj pol.
russlandfeindlich; antirussisch adj pol.
Russland, Rußland alt, Russische Föderation geogr.
Russia, Russian Federation (ru)
Moskva, Moskau (Hauptstadt von Russland)
Moskva, Moscow (capital of Russia)
Sankt-Petersburg, Leningrad (Stadt in Russland)
Sankt-Peterburg, Leningrad (city in Russia)
Niznij Novgorod, Gor'kij (Stadt in Russland)
Niznij Novgorod, Gor'kij (city in Russia)
Jekaterinenburg, Ekaterinburg, Jekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk, Swerdlowsk (Stadt in Russland im Ural)
Ekaterinburg, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk (city in Russia)
Novosibirsk (Stadt in Russland)
Novosibirsk (city in Russia)
Samara, Kujbysev (Stadt in Russland)
Samara, Kujbysev (city in Russia)
Volgograd (Stadt in Russland)
Volgograd (city in Russia)
Celjabinsk (Stadt in Russland)
Cel'abinsk (city in Russia)
Omsk (Stadt in Russland)
Omsk (city in Russia)
Kasan (Stadt in Russland)
Kazan (city in Russia)
Rostov-na-Donu: Rostov am Don (Stadt in Russland)
Rostov-na-Donu (city in Russia)
Saratov (Stadt in Russland)
Saratov (city in Russia)
Ufa (Stadt in Russland)
Ufa (city in Russia)
Perm (Stadt in Russland)
Perm' (city in Russia)
Wolgograd (Stadt in Russland)
Volgograd (city in Russia)
Gasstreit m
der Gasstreit zwischen Russland und der Ukraine
gas dispute
the gas dispute between Russia and the Ukraine
Krieg m (gegen jdn. etw.) mil. auch übtr.
Kriege pl
jdm. den Krieg erklären
in einem Krieg kämpfen
einen Krieg gewinnen verlieren
Krieg führen (gegen jdn. etw.)
vom Krieg betroffen
kalter Krieg
heiliger Krieg pol.
schmutziger Krieg
Krieg geringer Intensität
(gegen jdn.) in den Krieg ziehen
1920 waren Polen und Russland nach wie vor im Kriegszustand.
Krieg ist die Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln. (Clausewitz)
Du siehst ja ganz schön ramponiert aus.
war (on against sb. sth.)
to declare war on sb.
to fight in a war
to win lose a war
to fight wage (a) war (on against sb. sth.)
cold war
holy war
dirty war
low-intensity war
to go to war (with sb.)
In 1920 Poland and Russia were still at war.
War is the continuation of politics by other means. (Clausewitz)
You look like you've been in the wars. Br.
Monostadt f (in Russland)
Monostädte pl
mono-city (in Russia)
jdn. etw. darstellen; etw. wiedergeben; etw. schildern v (als etw.)
darstellend; wiedergebend; schildernd
dargestellt; wiedergegeben; geschildert
Sie stellt in dem Film eine Tänzerin dar.
Der Roman schildert das Leben in Russland vor der Revolution.
Das Gemälde stellt den Tod von Nelson dar.
Religion wurde negativ dargestellt.
to portray; to depict sb. sth. (as sth.)
portraying; depicting
portrayed; depicted
She portrays a dancer in the film.
The novel depicts life in prerevolutionary Russia.
The painting portrays the death of Nelson.
Religion was portrayed in a negative way.
einreisen v
in die Schweiz nach Russland einreisen
aus Tunesien einreisen
to enter the country
entering the country
entered the country
to enter Switzerland Russia
to enter the country from Tunesia
geostrategisch adj pol.
geostrategischer Konflikt pol.; historischer Konflikt zwischen Großbritannien und Russland um die Vorherrschaft in Zentralasien hist.
Great Game
sich als etw. sehen v
Russland sieht sich nicht mehr als Teil Europas.
to see yourself as sth.
Russia no longer sees itself as part of Europe.
Russland n; Rußland alt n (Russische Föderation) RU (Kfz: RUS ) geogr.
Russia (Russian Federation)
Moskau (Hauptstadt von Russland) geogr.
Moscow (capital of Russia) (Moskva)
Sankt-Petersburg; Leningrad (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Sankt-Peterburg; Leningrad (city in Russia)
Niznij Novgorod; Gor'kij (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Niznij Novgorod; Gor'kij (city in Russia)
Jekaterinenburg; Ekaterinburg; Jekaterinburg; Sverdlovsk; Swerdlowsk (Stadt in Russland im Ural) geogr.
Ekaterinburg; Yekaterinburg; Sverdlovsk (city in Russia)
Novosibirsk (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Novosibirsk (city in Russia)
Samara; Kujbysev (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Samara; Kujbysev (city in Russia)
Celjabinsk (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Cel'abinsk (city in Russia)
Omsk (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Omsk (city in Russia)
Kasan (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Kazan (city in Russia)
Rostov-na-Donu: Rostov am Don (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Rostov-na-Donu (city in Russia)
Saratov (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Saratov (city in Russia)
Ufa (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Ufa (city in Russia)
Perm (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Perm' (city in Russia)
Tschita (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Chita (city in Russia)
Sotschi n (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Sochi (city in Russia)
Wolgograd (Stadt in Russland früher Stalingrad) geogr.
Volgograd (city in Russia former name: Stalingrad)
Irkutsk (Stadt in Sibirien Russland) geogr.
Irkutsk (city in Siberia Russia)
Krieg m (gegen jdn. etw.) mil.
Kriege pl
Angriffskrieg m; Aggressionskrieg m
Atomkrieg m
Befreiungskrieg m
Blitzkrieg m
Bruderkrieg m
Bürgerkrieg m
Drohnenkrieg m
Eroberungskrieg m
Gebirgskrieg m
Glaubenskrieg m; Religionskrieg m; Glaubenskampf m
Grabenkrieg m
Guerillakrieg m; Partisanenkrieg m
Krieg gegen Aufständische
Krieg gegen Guerillagruppen; Krieg gegen Partisanenverbände
Landkrieg m
Luftkrieg m
Mehrfrontenkrieg m
Präventivkrieg m
Revolutionskrieg m
schmutziger Krieg
Seekrieg m
Stellungskrieg m
Stellvertreterkrieg m
U-Boot-Krieg m
Unabhängigkeitskrieg m
Vernichtungskrieg m
Verteidigungskrieg m
Wüstenkrieg m
Zermürbungskrieg m; Abnutzungskrieg m
Zweifrontenkrieg m
der Hundertjährige Krieg hist.
im Krieg
begrenzter strategischer Krieg
durch Zufall ausgelöster Krieg
jdm. den Krieg erklären
in einem Krieg kämpfen
einen Krieg gewinnen verlieren
Krieg führen (gegen jdn. etw.)
vom Krieg betroffen
Krieg geringer Intensität
(gegen jdn.) in den Krieg ziehen
1920 waren Polen und Russland nach wie vor im Kriegszustand.
Krieg ist die Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln. (Clausewitz)
Du siehst ja ganz schön ramponiert aus.
war (on against sb. sth.)
war of aggression; aggressive war
nuclear war
war of liberation; liberation war
blitzkrieg; blitz; fast moving war
fratricidal war
civil war
drone war
war of conquest
mountain war
war of religion; religious war
trench war
guerilla war; partisan war
counterinsurgency war
counter-guerilla war; counter-partisan war
land war
aerial war
multi-front war; multiple-front war
preventive war
revolutionary war
dirty war
naval war
static war
proxy war
submarine war
war of independence
war of extermination; destructive war
defensive war
desert war
war of attrition
two-front war
the Hundred Years' War
at war
limited strategic war
accidental war
to declare war on sb.
to fight in a war
to win lose a war
to fight wage (a) war (on against sb. sth.)
low-intensity war
to go to war (with sb.)
In 1920 Poland and Russia were still at war.
War is the continuation of politics by other means. (Clausewitz)
You look like you've been in the wars. Br.
einreisen v
in die Schweiz nach Russland einreisen
aus Tunesien einreisen
to enter the country
entering the country
entered the country
to enter Switzerland Russia
to enter the country from Tunisia
Russland n; Rußland alt n (Russische Föderation) RU (Kfz: RUS ) geogr.
Russia (Russian Federation)
Nowosibirsk; Nowonikolajewski frühere Bezeichnung (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Novosibirsk; Novonikolaevsk former name (city in Russia)
Rostow am Don (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Rostov-na-Donu (city in Russia)
Murmansk n (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Murmansk (city in Russia)
Pleskau; Pskow (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Pskov (city in Russia)
Chabarowsk (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Khabarovsk (town in Russia)
Syktywkar (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Syktyvkar (town in Russia)
Archangelsk (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Arkhangelsk; Archangel (town in Russia)
Twer (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Tver (town in Russia)
Tscheljabinsk (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Chelyabinsk (city in Russia)
Woronesch (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Voronezh (city in Russia)
Wolgograd; Stalingrad frühere Bezeichnung; Zarizyn (historischer Name) (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Volgograd; Stalingrad former name; Tsaritsyn (historical name) (city in Russia)
Krasnodar (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Krasnodar (city in Russia)
Wladiwostok (Stadt in Russland) geogr.
Vladivostok (city in Russia)
Irkutsk (Stadt in Sibirien, Russland) geogr.
Irkutsk (city in Siberia, Russia)
russlandfeindlich; antirussisch adj pol.
Feldzug m mil.
Feldzüge m
Russlandfeldzug m
einen Feldzug führen
military campaign
military campaigns
campaign in against Russia; Russian campaign
to wage a campaign
Taiga f (borealer Nadelwald Sibiriens und des europäischen Russlands) geogr.
Taiga, boreal forest
Sinn m; Sinne pl (Intentionen) (von jdm. +Gen.)
echte Pazifisten im Sinne Ghandis
eine Einigung im Sinne Russlands
in jds. Sinne handeln
ganz im Sinne von jdm. sein
Diese Aktivitäten sind ganz im Sinne der Schule.
Das wäre im Sinne des Verstorbenen.
Das ist nicht im Sinne des Erfinders.
Das ist auch im Sinne der anderen Beteiligten.
Kann dieser Konflikt in unserem Sinn gelöst werden?
intentions; wishes; philosophy; interest; terms (of sb.)
pure pacifists in Ghandi's tradition
a settlement on Russia's terms
to act as sb. would have wished
to be (very) much in line with the philosophy of sb.
These activities fit in very well with the school's philosophy.
This is what the deceased would have wanted.; This would be in accordance with the intentions of the deceased.
This is not really what was intended.
This is also in the interest of the other stakeholders.
Can the conflict be resolved in a manner favourable to us to our interests?
Sinn m (Intentionen) (von jdm.)
echte Pazifisten im Sinne Gandhis
eine Einigung im Sinne Russlands
in jds. Sinne handeln
ganz im Sinne von jdm. sein
Diese Aktivitäten sind ganz im Sinne der Schule.
Das wäre im Sinne des Verstorbenen.
Das ist nicht im Sinne des Erfinders.
Das ist auch im Sinne der anderen Beteiligten.
Kann dieser Konflikt in unserem Sinn gelöst werden?
intentions; wishes; philosophy; interest; terms (of sb.)
pure pacifists in Gandhi's tradition
a settlement on Russia's terms
to act as sb. would have wished
to be (very) much in line with the philosophy of sb.
These activities fit in very well with the school's philosophy.
This is what the deceased would have wanted.; This would be in accordance with the intentions of the deceased.
This is not really what was intended.
This is also in the interest of the other stakeholders.
Can the conflict be resolved in a manner favourable to us to our interests?

Deutsche russlandfeindlich Synonyme

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Englische anti-Russian Synonyme

russlandfeindlich Definition

() A prefix meaning against, opposite or opposed to, contrary, or in place of
(a.) Opposed to the Americans, their aims, or interests, or to the genius of American institutions.
(n.) One of party opposed to a federative government
(a.) Opposed to what is Gallic or French.
(n.) A tropical wind blowing steadily in a direction opposite to the trade wind.
(a.) Of or pertaining to Russia, its inhabitants, or language.
(n.) A native or inhabitant of Russia

anti-Russian Bedeutung

Russian roulette a stunt in which you spin the cylinder of a revolver that is loaded with only one bullet and then point the muzzle at your head and pull the trigger
Russian bank
solitaire with two players using separate packs
anti-takeover defense resistance to or defense against a hostile takeover
anti-war movement a campaign against entering or continuing a war
Russian Revolution February Revolution the revolution against the czarist government which led to the abdication of Nicholas II and the creation of a provisional government in March
Russian Revolution October Revolution the coup d'etat by the Bolsheviks under Lenin in November that led to a period of civil war which ended in victory for the Bolsheviks in
Russian wolfhound
tall fast-moving dog breed
anti-G suit
G suit
worn by fliers and astronauts to counteract the forces of gravity and acceleration
anti-inflammatory drug
a medicine intended to reduce inflammation
anti-submarine rocket a shipboard system to fire rockets at submarines
anti-TNF compound a class of drugs that block the action of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), used in cases of rheumatoid arthritis because TNF instigates inflammation of the joints
fragmentation bomb
antipersonnel bomb
anti-personnel bomb
daisy cutter
a bomb with onlytoper cent explosive and the remainder consisting of casings designed to break into many small high-velocity fragments, most effective against troops and vehicles
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
an anti-inflammatory drug that does not contain steroids, NSAIDs inhibit the activity of both Cox- and Cox- enzymes
stabilizer bar
anti-sway bar
a rigid metal bar between the front suspensions and between the rear suspensions of cars and trucks, serves to stabilize the chassis
tail rotor
anti-torque rotor
rotor consisting of a rotating airfoil on the tail of a singleotor helicopter, keeps the helicopter from spinning in the direction opposite to the rotation of the main rotor
virility drug
anti-impotence drug
drug to treat impotence attributable to erectile dysfunction
the intense dislike for and prejudice against Jewish people
anti-Catholicism a religious orientation opposed to Catholicism
anti-drug law a law forbidding the sale or use of narcotic drugs
anti-virus program a computer program that checks a computer for viruses and prevents their spread
Russian the Slavic language that is the official language of Russia
White Russian
the Slavic language spoken in Belarus
Russian dressing
Russian mayonnaise
mayonnaise with horseradish grated onion and chili sauce or catsup, sometimes with caviar added
White Russian a cocktail made with vodka, coffee liqueur, and milk or cream
Japanese Red Army
Anti-Imperialist International Brigade
a terrorist group organized into overthrow the Japanese government and monarchy and to foment world revolution, is said to have close ties with Palestinian terrorists, in the Japanese Red Army was responsible for a massacre at an airport in Israel
Russian Orthodox Church an independent church with its own Patriarch, until it was the established church or Russia
Anti-Masonic Party a former political party in the United States, founded in in opposition to Freemasonry in public affairs
Russian agency an administrative agency of the Russian government
capital of the Russian Federation
Russian capital
a city of central European Russia, formerly capital of both the Soviet Union and Soviet Russia, since the capital of the Russian Federation
Russia Russian Federation a federation in northeastern Europe and northern Asia, formerly Soviet Russia, since an independent state
Soviet Russia
Russia Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
formerly the largest Soviet Socialist Republic in the USSR occupying eastern Europe and northern Asia
Russian River a river in northern California
White Russian
a native or inhabitant of Byelorussia
Russian a native or inhabitant of Russia
Great Russian a member of the chief stock of Russian people living in European Russia, used to distinguish ethnic Russians from other peoples incorporated into Russia
anti a person who is opposed (to an action or policy or practice etc.), the antis smelled victory after a long battle
anti-American a person who is opposed to the United States and its policies
someone who hates and would persecute Jews
philistine anti-intellectual
a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits
Russian thistle
Russian tumbleweed
Russian cactus
tumbleweed Salsola kali tenuifolia
prickly bushy Eurasian plant, a troublesome weed in central and western United States
Russian dandelion
Taraxacum kok-saghyz
perennial dandelion native to Kazakhstan cultivated for its fleshy roots that have high rubber content
Russian olive
silver berry Elaeagnus augustifolia
deciduous shrubby tree of Europe and western Asia having grey leaves and small yellow fruits covered in silvery scales, sometimes spiny
silver lace vine
China fleece vine
Russian vine
Polygonum aubertii
twining perennial vine having racemes of fragrant greenish flowers, western China to Russia
Russian almond
dwarf Russian almond
Prunus tenella
Asiatic shrub cultivated for its rosy red flowers
anti-dumping duty a tariff imposed to prevent dumping
Russian monetary unit monetary unit in Russia
discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion
Russian-speaking able to communicate in Russian
smug and ignorant and indifferent or hostile to artistic and cultural values
anti not in favor of (an action or proposal etc.)
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