
schl�sselfertiges Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Halle, Saal, Diele
Saal, Salon
Saal m
Säle pl
Saal, Halle
Ausgang m
Ausgänge pl
Der Saal hat drei Ausgänge.
The hall has three exits.
etw. dolmetschen; verdolmetschen Dt. v (von einer in eine Sprache) ling.
dolmetschend; verdolmetschend
gedolmetscht; verdolmetscht
die Gesamtzahl gedolmetschter verdolmetschter Tagungen
die Qualität der gedolmetschten Rede
Plenartagungen und Sitzungen von parlamentarischen Gremien werden gedolmetsch verdolmetscht.
Eine Sprache wird direkt im Saal und die anderen in den Kabinen gedolmetscht.
Diese Dolmetscherin hat auch schon auf der Hauptversammlung Italienisch gedolmetscht.
Bei der organisierten Führung soll gedolmetscht werden es wird dabei aber nicht mehr als zwei zu dolmetschende Sprachen geben.
Redebeiträge werden in die übrigen Arbeitssprachen gedolmetsch verdolmetscht.
Tagungen mit Teilnehmern aus verschiedenen Ländern müssen unter Umständen in mehrere Sprachen gedolmetscht verdolmetscht werden.
to interpret sth.; to provide interpretation for sth. (from into a language)
the total number of meetings with interpretation
the quality of the interpreted speech
Interpretation is provided for plenary sessions and meetings of parliamentary bodies.
One language will be interpreted in the room itself and the others from the booths.
This interpreter has already interpreted Italian at the shareholders' general meeting.
The guided tour needs interpretation but there will be no more than two languages to be interpreted.
Contributions will be interpreted into the other working languages.
Meetings involving participants from different countries may require interpretation into a number of languages.
(Straße) freimachen; räumen v
freimachend; räumend
freigemacht; geräumt
eine Straße räumen
den Saal räumen
den Weg freimachen
den Weg für das Projekt freimachen übtr.
to clear
to clear a street
to clear the hall
to clear the way
to clear the way for the project to get started fig.
Terminplatz m; (freier zugewiesener) Termin m; Programmplatz m; Platz m im Programmablauf adm.
Terminplätze pl; Termine pl; Programmplätze pl; Plätze pl im Programmablauf
Arzttermine für den OP-Saal med.
Zeitabschnitt, der einer Fluggesellschaft für Starts und Landungen zugewiesen wird aviat.
zugewiesene Flugstartzeiten aviat.
zugewiesene Landezeiten aviat.
time slot
time slots
theatre time slots for surgeons Br.
airport slot allocated to an airline
take-off slots
landing slots
etw. dolmetschen; verdolmetschen Dt. v (von einer in eine Sprache) ling.
dolmetschend; verdolmetschend
gedolmetscht; verdolmetscht
die Gesamtzahl gedolmetschter verdolmetschter Tagungen
die Qualität der gedolmetschten Rede
Plenartagungen und Sitzungen von parlamentarischen Gremien werden gedolmetsch verdolmetscht.
Eine Sprache wird direkt im Saal und die anderen in den Kabinen gedolmetscht.
Diese Dolmetscherin hat auch schon auf der Hauptversammlung Italienisch gedolmetscht.
Bei der organisierten Führung soll gedolmetscht werden, es wird dabei aber nicht mehr als zwei zu dolmetschende Sprachen geben.
Redebeiträge werden in die übrigen Arbeitssprachen gedolmetsch verdolmetscht.
Tagungen mit Teilnehmern aus verschiedenen Ländern müssen unter Umständen in mehrere Sprachen gedolmetscht verdolmetscht werden.
to interpret sth.; to provide interpretation for sth. (from into a language)
the total number of meetings with interpretation
the quality of the interpreted speech
Interpretation is provided for plenary sessions and meetings of parliamentary bodies.
One language will be interpreted in the room itself and the others from the booths.
This interpreter has already interpreted Italian at the shareholders' general meeting.
The guided tour needs interpretation, but there will be no more than two languages to be interpreted.
Contributions will be interpreted into the other working languages.
Meetings involving participants from different countries may require interpretation into a number of languages.
Saalaufseher m; Saalaufseherin f; Saalaufsicht f art
Saalaufseher pl; Saalaufseherinnen pl; Saalaufsichten pl
exhibition caretaker; exhibition custodian
exhibition caretakers; exhibition custodians
Gerichtsdiener m, Saaldiener m, Amtsdiener m
einfuehren, Gerichtsdiener, Saaldiener, Amtsdiener
Gerichtsdiener m; Saaldiener m; Amtsdiener m
Saaldiener m; Amtsdiener m
etw. eindringlich würdevoll gravitätisch sagen v
„Niemand steht über dem Gesetz.“, sagte der Richter eindringlich.
„Erheben Sie sich bitte!“, sagte der Saaldiener gravitätisch.
to intone sth. (say in a slow and even voice)
'No one is above the law,' the judge intoned.
'All rise,' intoned the usher.
Saale f; sächsische thüringische Saale f (Fluss) geogr.
Saale; Saxon Thuringian Saale (river)
rechte; rechter; rechtes adj
in meiner rechten Innentasche
in der rechten vorderen Ecke des Saales
der äußerst rechte Schalter; der ganz rechte Schalter ugs.; der Schalter ganz rechts
right; right-hand
in my right inside pocket
in the near right corner of the hall
the rightmost switch; the far right switch
Kirche f arch. relig.
Kirchen pl
einschiffige Kirche
dreischiffige Kirche
Dorfkirche f
Grabkirche f
Hallenkirche f
Saalkirche f
Schlosskirche f
in der Kirche
Wo finde ich eine evangelische katholische Kirche?
Das ist die älteste Kirche der Stadt.
Wir möchten in einer Kirche heiraten.
single-nave church
church with a nave and two aisles
village church
sepulchral church
hall church
aisleless church
castle church; palace church
at church; in church
Where may I find a protestant catholic church?
This is the oldest church in town.
We would like to be married in a church.
Saalmiete f
hall rental, room rental
Saalmiete f
hall rental; room rental
Kellner m; Ober m; Bedienung f; Servierer m; Schani m Ös.; Serviceangestellter m Schw.
Kellner pl; Ober pl; Bedienungen pl; Servierer pl; Schani pl; Serviceangestellten pl
einem Kellner winken
Kellnerin f; Fräulein n; Bedienung f; Serviererin f; Serviceangestellte f Schw.; Serviertochter f Schw.; Saaltochter f Schw.
waiter; server Am.
waiters; servers
to call a waiter server
waitress; server Am.
Kellnerin f; Fräulein n; Bedienung f; Serviererin f; Serviceangestellte f Schw.; Serviertochter f Schw.; Saaltochter f Schw. cook.
Aushilfskellnerin f
Oberkellnerin f
waitress; server Am.
temporary waitress
head waitress
Saalverdunkelungsdimmer m electr.
hall dimmer
Saane f (Fluss) geogr.
Saane; Sarine (river)
Saanenziege f (Ziegenrasse) zool.
Saanen goat (goat breed)
Saar f (Fluss) geogr.
Saar (river)
Pappeln pl (Populus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Weißpappel f; Silberpappel f (Populus alba)
Schwarzpappel f; Saarbaum m (Populus nigra)
Amerikanische Schwarzpappel; Kanadische Schwarzpappel; Rosenkranzpappel (Populus deltoides)
Frémont-Pappel f (Populus fremontii)
Zitterpappel f; Espe f; Aspe f (Populus tremula)
Italienische Pappel f; Pyramidenpappel f; Säulenpappel f; Spitzpappel f (Populus nigra 'Italica')
Berliner Lorbeerpappel; Berliner Pappel (Populus × berolinensis)
poplars; aspens and cottonwoods (botanical genus)
white poplar
black poplar
Eastern cottonwood
Fremont cottonwood; Alamo cottonwood
trembling poplar; aspen; common aspen; quaking aspen; Eurasian European aspen
true Lombardy poplar
Berlin laurel poplar; Berlin poplar
Pappeln pl (Populus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Weißpappel f; Silberpappel f (Populus alba)
Schwarzpappel f; Saarbaum m (Populus nigra)
Amerikanische Schwarzpappel; Kanadische Schwarzpappel; Rosenkranzpappel (Populus deltoides)
Frémont-Pappel f (Populus fremontii)
Zitterpappel f; Espe f; Aspe f (Populus tremula)
Italienische Pappel f; Pyramidenpappel f; Säulenpappel f; Spitzpappel f (Populus nigra 'Italica')
Berliner Lorbeerpappel; Berliner Pappel (Populus × berolinensis)
poplars; aspens and cottonwoods (botanical genus)
white poplar
black poplar
Eastern cottonwood
Fremont cottonwood; Alamo cottonwood
trembling poplar; aspen; common aspen; quaking aspen; Eurasian European aspen
true Lombardy poplar
Berlin laurel poplar; Berlin poplar
Saarbrücken (Stadt in Deutschland)
Saarbrücken (city in Germany)
Saarbrücken (Stadt in Deutschland) geogr.
Saarbrücken (city in Germany)
Saarbrücken (Stadt in Deutschland) geogr.
Saarbrücken (city in Germany)
Saargebiet n geogr.
Saar region; Saar area
saarländisch adj geogr.
saarländische Städte
der saarländisch-lothringische Grenzraum
Saarland; in of the Saarland
cities of the Saarland
the Saarland-Lorraine border region
Saarland n geogr.
Saarloos-Wolfshund m (Hunderasse) zool.
Saarloos wolfdog (breed)
Same, Saat
Säen n, Aussaat f, Saat f, Einsaat f
Same m, Samen m, Saat f bot. agr.
Samen streuen, Samen werfen
to cast seed
Wie die Saat, so die Ernte. Sprw.
He now reaps what he has sown. prov.
Kuhkraut n; Kuhnelke f; Saat-Kuhnelke f (Vaccaria hispanica ) bot.
cowherb; cowcockle; cow soapwort
Säen n; Aussaat f; Saat f; Einsaat f agr.
Same m; Samen m; Saat f bot. agr.
Samen streuen; Samen werfen
to cast seed
Wie die Saat so die Ernte. Sprw.
He now reaps what he has sown. prov.
Kuhkraut n; Kuhnelke f; Saat-Kuhnelke f (Vaccaria hispanica) bot.
cowherb; cowcockle; cow soapwort
Getreidefeld n; Saatfeld n; Saatacker m agr.
Getreidefelder pl; Saatfelder pl; Saatacker pl
Saatbeet n
Pflanzenbeet n; Pflanzbeet n; Gartenbeet n; Beet n agr.
Pflanzenbeete pl; Pflanzbeete pl; Gartenbeete pl; Beete pl
Anzuchtbeet n; Ansaatbeet n; Saatbeet n; Samenbeet n
Blumenbeet n
Gemüsebeet n
Hochbeet n
Moorbeet n; Torfbeet n
Rosenbeet n
Treibbeet n; Warmbeet n; Mistbeet n
planting bed; planted bed; bed
planting beds; planted beds; beds
seed bed
flower bed
vegetable bed
raised planting bed; raised bed; raised planter
peat bed
rose bed
Saatbehandlungsmittel n; Saatgutbeizmittel n; Saatbeizmittel n; Beizmittel n; Beize f agr.
seed dressing agent; seed dressing powder; seed dressing; seed protectant
Saatbeize f agr.
seed dressíng agent
Saatbeize f agr.
seed dressíng agent
Saatgutbehandlung f; Saatgutbeizung f; Saatbeizen n; Getreidebeizen n agr.
seed dressing (process)
Saatgutbeizmaschine f; Saatbeizer m agr.
Saatgutbeizmaschinen pl; Saatbeizer pl
seed dresser
seed dressers
Saatbeizmittel n agr.
seed dressíng powder; seed dressing
Aussaat f; Saatbestellung f agr.
sowing the seed
Saatbett n; Anzuchtbett n agr.
Saatbetten pl; Anzuchtbetten pl
Grubber m; Feld-Kultivator m; Kultivator m agr.
Grubber pl; Feld-Kultivatoren pl; Kultivatoren pl
Grubber mit starren Zinken
Grubber mit Düngungseinrichtung
Kultivator m zur Saatbettbereitung
chisel plough Br. plow Am.; field cultivator; grubber; lister Am.
chisel ploughs plows; field cultivators; grubbers; listers
tooth cultivator; tine tiller
seed-bed cultivator
Saatbettkombinationen pl agr.
seed combination implements
Saatbettkrümler m agr.
Saatbettkrümler pl
seedbed tiller
seedbed tillers
Egge f agr.
Eggen pl
Ackeregge f
Bergeegge f
Buschegge f
Grubberegge f
Kreiselegge f
Löffelegge f
Messeregge f
Saategge f
Sternwälzegge f
heavy harrow; general harrow
upland harrow
bush harrow
drag harrow
rotary harrow
chisel-toothed harrow
knife harrow; pasture harrow
seed harrow; medium harrow
roller harrow; corrugated roller; cultipacker; soil pulverizer
Egge f agr.
Eggen pl
Ackeregge f
Bergeegge f
Buschegge f
Grubberegge f
Kreiselegge f
Löffelegge f
Messeregge f
Mittelbalken m der Egge
Saategge f
Sternwälzegge f
heavy harrow; general harrow
upland harrow
bush harrow
drag harrow
rotary harrow
chisel-toothed harrow
knife harrow; pasture harrow
bull of the harrow
seed harrow; medium harrow
roller harrow; corrugated roller; cultipacker; soil pulverizer
Saatelement n; Spickelement n (Kerntechnik) techn.
seed; spike (nuclear engineering)
Saatelement-Mantelreaktor m (Kerntechnik) techn.
seed blanket reactor (nuclear engineering)
Saatelementmantel m (Kerntechnik) techn.
seed and blanket core (nuclear engineering)
Saatelementreaktor m (Kerntechnik) techn.
Saatelementreaktoren pl
seed core reactor (nuclear engineering)
seed core reactors
Presskuchen m; Ölkuchen m (bei ölhältigen Saaten Früchten) agr.
press cake; oil cake
Saatgans f ornith.
Bean Goose (Anser fabalis)
Feldgänse pl; Echte Gänse pl (Anser) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Bläßgans f (Anser albifrons)
Graugans f (Anser anser)
Kurzschnabelgans f (Anser brachyrhynchus)
Saatgans f (Anser fabalis)
Zwerggans f (Anser erythropus)
true geese (zoological genus)
greater white-fronted goose
greylag goose
pink-footed goose
bean goose
lesser white-fronted goose
Saatgut n, Samen m
seed, seeds

Deutsche schl�sselfertiges Synonyme


Englische hall Synonyme

hall  Dymaxion house  Elizabethan theater  Globe Theatre  Greek theater  White House  access  adit  adobe house  agora  air lock  amphitheater  approach  arcade  areaway  arena  arena theater  assembly hall  athletic field  auditorium  background  bear garden  bowl  boxing ring  breezeway  building  bull ring  cabaret  campus  canvas  casa  chapel  circle theater  circus  classroom  classroom building  cliff dwelling  cloister  club  cockpit  coliseum  colonnade  colosseum  concert hall  consulate  convention hall  corridor  couloir  country house  country seat  course  dacha  dance hall  deanery  dwelling house  edifice  embassy  entrance  entranceway  entry  entryway  erection  exhibition hall  fabric  farm  farmhouse  field  floor  forum  foyer  gallery  gangplank  gangway  ground  gym  gymnasium  hallway  hippodrome  house  houseboat  in  ingress  inlet  intake  lake dwelling  lecture hall  lists  little red schoolhouse  little theater  living machine  lobby  locale  lodge  loggia  manor house  manse  marketplace  mat  means of access  meetinghouse  milieu  music hall  night spot  nightclub  open forum  opening  opera  opera house  outdoor theater  palaestra  parade ground  parsonage  passage  passageway  penthouse  pergola  peristyle  pit  place  platform  playhouse  precinct  prefabricated house  presidential palace  prize ring  public square  purlieu  ranch house  range  rectory  ring  roof  scene  scene of action  scenery  school building  schoolhouse  setting  showboat  site  skyscraper  sod house  sphere  split-level  squared circle  stadium  stage  stage set  stage setting  structure  terrain  theater  theater-in-the-round  theatre  theatron  tilting ground  tiltyard  town house  vestibule  vicarage  walk  way  way in  wrestling ring  
hallelujah  Agnus Dei  Benedicite  Gloria  Gloria Patri  Gloria in Excelsis  Introit  Magnificat  Miserere  Nunc Dimittis  Te Deum  Trisagion  Vedic hymn  alleluia  answer  anthem  antiphon  antiphony  applause  canticle  chant  cheer  chorale  chorus of cheers  cry  doxology  hooray  hosanna  hurrah  hurray  huzzah  hymn  hymn of praise  hymnody  hymnography  hymnology  laud  mantra  motet  offertory  offertory sentence  paean  psalm  psalmody  rah  report  response  responsory  shout  versicle  yell  yippee  
hallmark  aroma  attribute  authentication  badge  banner  billhead  book stamp  bookplate  brand  broad arrow  cachet  cast  character  characteristic  check  colophon  configuration  counterfoil  countermark  cut  device  differentia  differential  distinctive feature  docket  earmark  feature  figure  flavor  government mark  government stamp  gust  identification  idiocrasy  idiosyncrasy  image  impress  impression  imprint  index  indicant  indicator  individualism  insignia  keynote  label  letterhead  lineaments  logo  logotype  mannerism  mark  marking  masthead  measure  mold  nature  note  odor  particularity  peculiarity  picture  plate  price tag  property  quality  quirk  registered trademark  representation  representative  running head  running title  savor  seal  shape  sigil  sign  signal  signature  signet  singularity  smack  specialty  stamp  sticker  stub  sure sign  symbol  symptom  tab  tag  taint  tally  tang  taste  telltale sign  ticket  title page  token  trade name  trademark  trademark name  trait  trick  verification  
hallow  beat the drum  beatify  bless  blow the trumpet  canonize  celebrate  cleanse  commemorate  consecrate  dedicate  devote  dress ship  enshrine  exalt  fire a salute  glorify  hold jubilee  honor  jubilate  jubilize  keep  maffick  make merry  mark  memorialize  observe  purify  respect  revere  reverence  saint  sanctify  set apart  signalize  solemnize  solemnly mark  sound a fanfare  venerate  worship  
hallowed  acknowledged  admitted  all-knowing  all-powerful  all-seeing  all-wise  almighty  beatified  blessed  boundless  canonized  changeless  consecrated  conventional  creating  creative  customary  dedicated  devoted  established  eternal  eternally the same  everlasting  fixed  folk  glorious  good  handed down  heroic  highest  hoary  holy  immemorial  immortal  immutable  infinite  inveterate  just  legendary  limitless  long-established  long-standing  loving  luminous  majestic  making  merciful  mythological  numinous  of long standing  of the folk  omnipotent  omnipresent  omniscient  one  oral  permanent  perpetual  prescriptive  radiant  received  recognized  rooted  sacred  sainted  saintly  sanctified  set apart  shaping  sovereign  supreme  time-honored  timeless  traditional  tried and true  true-blue  ubiquitous  unbounded  unchanging  undefined  understood  unlimited  unwritten  venerable  worshipful  
hallucination  aberration  agnosia  apparition  bamboozlement  befooling  block  blocking  bluffing  brainchild  bubble  calculated deception  chimera  circumvention  conning  deceiving  deception  deceptiveness  defrauding  delirium  delirium tremens  delusion  delusion of persecution  delusiveness  disorientation  dream  dupery  eidolon  enmeshment  ensnarement  entanglement  entrapment  fallaciousness  fallacy  falseness  fancy  fantasque  fantasy  fata morgana  fiction  figment  flight of ideas  flimflam  flimflammery  fond illusion  fooling  ghost  hallucinosis  hoodwinking  idle fancy  illusion  imagery  imagination  imagining  insubstantial image  invention  kidding  maggot  make-believe  mental block  mental confusion  mind-expansion  mirage  myth  nihilism  nihilistic delusion  outwitting  overreaching  paralogia  phantasm  phantom  psychological block  putting on  romance  self-deception  sick fancy  snow job  song and dance  spoofery  spoofing  subterfuge  swindling  thick-coming fancies  trickiness  tricking  trip  tripping  vapor  victimization  vision  whim  whimsy  wildest dreams  willful misconception  wishful thinking  wraith  
hallucinatory  beguiling  catchy  consciousness-expanding  deceiving  deceptive  delusive  delusory  dubious  fallacious  false  fishy  hallucinational  hallucinative  hallucinogenic  illusive  illusory  mind-blowing  mind-expanding  misleading  psychedelic  questionable  trickish  tricksy  tricky  
hallucinogen  DET  DMT  Indian hemp  LSD  Mary Jane  STP  THC  acid  antidepressant  ataractic  belladonna  bhang  cannabis  diethyltryptamine  dimethyltryptamine  gage  ganja  grass  hallucinogens  hash  hashish  hay  hemp  henbane  hyoscyamus  jimsonweed  joint  kava  marijuana  mescal  mescal bean  mescal button  mescaline  mind-altering drug  mind-blowing drug  mind-expanding drug  morning glory seeds  peyote  pot  psilocin  psilocybin  psychedelic  psychic energizer  psychoactive drug  psychochemical  psychotomimetic  reefer  roach  stick  stramonium  tea  tranquilizer  weed  

schl�sselfertiges Definition

(n.) A building or room of considerable size and stateliness, used for public purposes
(n.) The chief room in a castle or manor house, and in early times the only public room, serving as the place of gathering for the lord's family with the retainers and servants, also for cooking and eating. It was often contrasted with the bower, which was the private or sleeping apartment.
(n.) A vestibule, entrance room, etc., in the more elaborated buildings of later times.
(n.) Any corridor or passage in a building.
(n.) A name given to many manor houses because the magistrate's court was held in the hall of his mansion
(n.) A college in an English university (at Oxford, an unendowed college).
(n.) The apartment in which English university students dine in common
(n.) Cleared passageway in a crowd
(n.) The official stamp of the Goldsmiths' Company and other assay offices, in the United Kingdom, on gold and silver articles, attesting their purity. Also used figuratively
(n.) Alt. of Moot-house
(n.) A trade market in the woolen districts.

hall Bedeutung

entrance hall
hall foyer
a large entrance or reception room or area
assembly hall a hall where many people can congregate
dance hall
dance palace
large room used mainly for dancing
beer hall a hall or barroom featuring beer and (usually) entertainment
billiard room
billiard saloon
billiard parlor
billiard parlour
billiard hall
a room in which billiards is played
city hall a building that houses administrative offices of a municipal government
concert hall a hall where concerts are given
dining-hall a large room at a college or university, used especially for dining
residence hall
hall student residence
a college or university building containing living quarters for students
exhibition hall
exhibition area
a large hall for holding exhibitions
great hall the principal hall in a castle or mansion, can be used for dining or entertainment
hall a large building for meetings or entertainment
hall a large room for gatherings or entertainment, lecture hall, pool hall
hall a large building used by a college or university for teaching or research, halls of learning
Hall of Fame a building containing trophies honoring famous people
hall of residence a university dormitory
an interior passage or corridor onto which rooms open, the elevators were at the end of the hall
Independence Hall the building in Philadelphia where the Declaration of Independence was signed
manor hall
the large room of a manor or castle
mansion house
manse hall residence
a large and imposing house
mess hall
a (large) military dining room where service personnel eat or relax
music hall
vaudeville theater
vaudeville theatre
a theater in which vaudeville is staged
National Baseball Hall of Fame a Hall of Fame and museum in Cooperstown, New York, honoring great baseball players
study hall a classroom reserved for study
town hall a government building that houses administrative offices of a town government
hall pass written permission from a teacher for a student to be out the classroom and in the halls of the school
music hall
a variety show with songs and comic acts etc.
Tammany Hall
Tammany Society
a political organization within the Democratic Party in New York City (late 's and early 's) seeking political control by corruption and bossism
hiring hall a union-operated placement office where jobs are allotted to applicants according to seniority or rotation
door guard
hall porter
porter gatekeeper
someone who guards an entrance
Asaph Hall
United States astronomer who discovered Phobos and Deimos (the two satellites of Mars) (-)
Hall Charles Francis Hall United States explorer who led three expeditions to the Arctic (-)
Hall Charles Martin Hall United States chemist who developed an economical method of producing aluminum from bauxite (-)
Hall G. Stanley Hall
Granville Stanley Hall
United States child psychologist whose theories of child psychology strongly influenced educational psychology (-)
Hall Radclyffe Hall
Marguerite Radclyffe Hall
English writer whose novel about a lesbian relationship was banned in Britain for many years (-)
McCormick Cyrus McCormick
Cyrus Hall McCormick
United States inventor and manufacturer of a mechanical harvester (-)
Hall's honeysuckle
Lonicera japonica halliana
a variety of Japanese honeysuckle that grows like a vine, established as an aggressive escape in southeastern United States
study hall a period of time during the school day that is set aside for study
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103 Bewertungen 4


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