
was Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Japanischer Meerrettich m; Wassermeerrettich m; Wasabi m (Eutrema japonica) bot.
Japanese horseradish; wasabi
Geh und wasch dich!
Go and have a wash!
Geh und wasch dich
go and have a wash
Waschschleuder f; Miniwaschmaschine f; Wasch- und Schleudermaschine f
Waschschleudern pl; Miniwaschmaschinen pl; Wasch- und Schleudermaschinen pl
washer-spinner; spinner-washer
washer-spinners; spinner-washers
Wasch mich aber mach mich nicht nass.; Wasch mir den Pelz aber mach mich nicht nass. Sprw.
Have your cake and eat it. Br.; Have your cake and eat it too. Am. prov.
Wasch mich, aber mach mich nicht nass.; Wasch mir den Pelz, aber mach mich nicht nass. Sprw.
Have your cake and eat it. Br.; Have your cake and eat it, too. Am. prov.
Waschabgänge pl; Waschberge f; Waschverlust m min.
mine tailings; tailings
Waschabgleich m comp.
data screening
Autowaschanlage f, Waschanlage f
car wash
Autowaschanlage f; Waschanlage f auto
car wash
Autowaschanlage f; Waschanlage f; Waschstraße f auto
Autowaschanlagen pl; Waschanlagen pl; Waschstraßen pl
car wash (car-wash) (carwash)
car washes
Wäscherei f, Waschanstalt f
Wäschereien pl, Waschanstalten pl
Wäscherei f; Waschanstalt f
Wäschereien pl; Waschanstalten pl
Waschanstalten, Waeschereien
Waschautomat m
Waschautomaten pl
automatic washing machine
automatic washing machines
automatic washing machine
Waschmaschine f; Waschautomat m geh.
Waschmaschinen pl; Waschautomaten pl
Toplader m
Frontlader m
washing machine; automatic washing machine (formal); washer Am. coll.
washing machines; automatic washing machines; washers
top-loader; top-loading washer
front-loader; front-loading washer
Waschmaschine f; Waschautomat m geh.
Waschmaschinen pl; Waschautomaten pl
Toplader m
Frontlader m
washing machine; automatic washing machine formal; washer Am. coll.
washing machines; automatic washing machines; washers
top-loader; top-loading washer
front-loader; front-loading washer
Waschbär m zool.
Waschbären pl
Waschbär m zool.
Waschbären pl
raccoon; racoon; coon
raccoons; racoons; coons
Waschbären pl (Procyon) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Nordamerikanischer Waschbär m; Waschbär m (Procyon lotor)
Krabbenwaschbär m (Procyon cancrivorus)
Cozumelwaschbär m (Procyon pygmaeus)
raccoons; racoons (zoological genus)
common raccoon; North American raccoon; northern racoon; coon Am.
crab-eating raccoon; South American raccoon
Cozumel raccoon; pygmy raccoon
Waschbärenfell n
Waschbärjunges n; Jungwaschbär m zool.
racoon kit
Waschbärmütze f
coonskin cap
Mütze f; Haube f Süddt. Ös.; Kappe f Schw. textil.
Mützen pl; Hauben pl; Kappen pl
Bademütze f; Badehaube f; Badekappe f
Bommelmütze f; Bommelhaube f; Bommelkappe f; Pudelmütze f; Pudelhaube f; Plümmelmütze f; Poppelhaube f
Faltmütze f
Feldmütze f mil.
Nachtmütze f; Schlafmütze f
Narrenmütze f hist.
Pelzmütze f
Schiebermütze f; Batschkapp f Hessen ugs.
Schiffermütze f; Prinz-Heinrich-Mütze f
Schirmmütze f; Baseballmütze f; Schildkappe f BW Ös.; Dächlikappe f Schw.; Base-Cap n
Schirmmütze f; Seglermütze f
Strickmütze f
Tellermütze f; Studentenmütze f
Waschbärmütze f
Wollmütze f
Zipfelmütze f
Zopfmütze f
cap; soft hat; hat
caps; soft hats; hats
bathing cap
bobble hat Br.; bobble Br.; pom-pom hat Am.; pom-pom Am.; pom-pon Am.
folding hat
field cap
fool's cap
fur cap
flat cap
German sailor's cap
baseball cap; baseball hat
peaked cap; yachting cap
knitted hat; knit cap; beanie cap; beanie coll.
student cap
coonskin cap
wollen hat; woolly hat Br.; balaclava
stocking cap
cable hat
waschbar, abwaschbar adj
waschbar adv
abwaschbar, waschbar
waschbar; abwaschbar adj
Waschbarkeit f
Waschbecken n
Waschbecken pl
wash basin, washbasin, basin Br., sink Am.
wash basins, washbasins, basins, sinks
wash basin
Handwaschbecken n; Waschbecken n
Handwaschbecken pl; Waschbecken pl
wash-hand basin Br.; handbasin Br.; washbasin Br.; basin Br.; bathroom sink Am.; lavatory Am.
wash-hand basins; handbasins; washbasins; basins; bathroom sinks; lavatories
Waschtisch m (Waschbecken mit Unterschrank)
Waschtische pl
Designwaschtisch m; Designerwaschtisch m
vanity unit; washing stand; washstand; commode Am.
vanity units; washing stands; washstands; commodes
designer washstand
Schmutzrand m; Schmutzspur f (von Schmutzwasser Wasserdampf)
Im Waschbecken war ein ringförmiger Schmutzrand zu sehen.
Ich habe immer noch die Schmutzränder vom Lehmboden auf meinen Schuhen.
tidemark Br. coll. (line mark left by dirty water steam)
The washbasin was ringed by a tidemark.
I still have the clay tidemarks on my shoes.
Waschbehälter m
Waschbehälter pl
wash tank
wash tanks
Waschbenzin n, Benzin n
Waschbenzin n; Benzin n
Reise-Necessaire n; Necessaire n; Kulturbeutel m Dt.; Kulturtasche f Norddt. Mitteldt.; Waschbeutel m Mitteldt. Süddt.; Toilettetasche f Ös.
Reise-Necessairs pl; Necessairs pl; Kulturbeutel pl; Kulturtaschen pl; Waschbeutel pl; Toilettetaschen pl
toilet bag; wash bag; sponge bag Br.; toiletries bag Am.; toiletry travel kit Am.
toilet bags; wash bags; sponge bags; toiletries bags; toiletry travel kits
Lösungsbenzin n; Reinigungsbenzin n; Waschbezin n; Fleckbenzin; Lackbenzin n; Terpentinölersatz m; Terpentinersatz m chem.
light naphta; solvent naphtha; white spirit Br.; mineral spirit Am. Can.; mineral turpentine Austr. NZ; turpentine substitute, petroleum spirit, light gasoline Am.; Stoddard solvent; paint thinner coll.
(zu waschende oder frisch gewaschene) Wäsche f; Waschgut n geh.
feuchte Wäsche
frisch gewaschene Wäsche; gewaschene Wäsche f
saubere Wäsche
schmutzige Wäsche; Schmutzwäsche f
bunte Wäsche; Buntwäsche f
farbige Wäsche
weiße Wäsche
Wäsche mit hellen Farben
Wäsche mit dunklen Farben
Wäsche waschen; waschen; die Wäsche machen ugs.
in der Wäsche sein
die Wäsche (in der Waschmaschine) schleudern
Wäsche stärken
weiße Wäsche bläuen; einbläuen (durch Waschblau aufhellen) v hist.
Sie wusch die Wäsche und hing sie zum Trocknen auf.
Die Wäsche hängt auf der Leine.
Ben war dabei, Wäsche zusammenzulegen.
Die Wäsche muss noch gewaschen werden.
wash; washing; laundry
damp washing
freshly washed laundry; washed laundry
clean laundry
dirty washing; washing; dirty laundry; laundry; dirty clothes; clothes to be cleaned; bagwash Br. dated
multi-coloured Br. multi-colored Am. wash; multi-coloured Br. multi-colored Am. washing; multi-coloured Br. multi-colored Am. laundry; coloureds Br.; coloreds Am.
coloured Br. colored Am. wash; coloured Br. colored Am. washing; coloured Br. colored Am. laundry; coloureds Br.; coloreds Am.
white washing; white laundry; whites
brightly-coloured Br. brightly-colored Am. wash; brightly-coloured Br. brightly-colored Am. washing; brightly-coloured Br. brightly-colored Am. laundry
dark-coloured Br. dark-colored Am. wash; dark-coloured Br. dark-colored Am. washing; dark-coloured Br. dark-colored Am. laundry
to do the laundry
to be in the wash
to spin; to spin-dry the laundry (in the washing machine)
to starch laundry
to blue white laundry (wash with bluing)
She did the laundry and hung it out to dry.
The washing is on the line.
Ben was folding laundry.
The laundry still has to be done.
Waschbrett n
Waschbretter pl
wash board, washboard
wash boards, washboards
wash board
Waschbrett n (auch mus.)
Waschbretter pl
wash board; washboard
wash boards; washboards
Waschbrettbauch m ugs., stark ausgeprägte Bauchmuskulatur
washboard stomach, six-pack stomach coll.
Waschbrettbauch m ugs.; stark ausgeprägte Bauchmuskulatur
washboard stomach; six-pack stomach coll.
stark ausgeprägte Bauchmuskulatur f; Waschbrettbauch m ugs.
well-defined abdominal muscles; washboard abdominals; washboard stomach; six-pack stomach; six-pack abs coll.
Waschbretteffekt m
washboard effect
wash boards
Ich wasche die Hände.
I wash my hands.
Ich wasche meine Hände in Unschuld.
I wash my hands of it.
ich wasche die Haende
i wash my hands
Ich wasche meine Hände in Unschuld
i wash my hands of it
ich wasche meine Haende in Unschuld
i wash my hans of it
Grad Celsius n °C ; Celsius C
6 Grad Celsius
35 Grad im Schatten
bei minus 10 Grad; bei 10 Grad Kälte ugs.
Ich wasche meine Wäsche normalerweise bei mit 40°C.
degree centigrade; degree Celsius; Celsius centigrade C
six degrees centigrade
35 degrees in the shade
at 10 degrees below zero
I usually wash my laundry at 40° C.
Grad n Celsius °C (Maßeinheit für die Temperatur) phys.
6 Grad Celsius
35 Grad im Schatten
bei minus 10 Grad; bei 10 Grad Kälte ugs.
Ich wasche meine Wäsche normalerweise bei mit 40°C.
degree centigrade; degree Celsius °C (measuring unit for temperature)
six degrees centigrade
35 degrees in the shade
at 10 degrees below zero
I usually wash my laundry at 40° C.

Deutsche was Synonyme

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Englische Japanese horseradish; wasabi Synonyme

was Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to Japan, or its inhabitants.
(n. sing. & pl.) A native or inhabitant of Japan
(n. sing. & pl.) The language of the people of Japan.

Japanese horseradish; wasabi Bedeutung

Japanese stranglehold a wrestling hold in which the opponent's arms are crossed in front of his own neck to exert pressure on his windpipe
Chino-Japanese War
Sino-Japanese War
a war between China and Japan ( and ) over the control of the Korean Peninsula, China was overwhelmingly defeated at Port Arthur
Russo-Japanese War Japanese victory in the war with Russia (-) gave Japan power over Korea and Manchuria
Japanese oyster
Ostrea gigas
a large oyster native to Japan and introduced along the Pacific coast of the United States, a candidate for introduction in Chesapeake Bay
Japanese spaniel breed of toy dogs originating in Japan having a silky black-and-white or red-and-white coat
Japanese beetle
Popillia japonica
small metallic green and brown beetle native to eastern Asia, serious plant pest in North America
Japanese deer
Cervus nipon
Cervus sika
small deer of Japan with slightly forked antlers
Japanese the language (usually considered to be Altaic) spoken by the Japanese
Japanese plum
yellow olive-sized semitropical fruit with a large free stone and relatively little flesh, used for jellies
Japanese crab crabmeat usually canned, from Japan
horseradish grated horseradish root
horseradish sauce
sauce Albert
creamy white sauce with horseradish and mustard
wasabi the thick green root of the wasabi plant that the Japanese use in cooking and that tastes like strong horseradish, in powder or paste form it is often eaten with raw fish
Japanese Red Army
Anti-Imperialist International Brigade
a terrorist group organized into overthrow the Japanese government and monarchy and to foment world revolution, is said to have close ties with Palestinian terrorists, in the Japanese Red Army was responsible for a massacre at an airport in Israel
Japan Japanese Islands
Japanese Archipelago
a string of more than , islands to the east of Asia extending , miles between the Sea of Japan and the western Pacific Ocean
Japanese capital
capital of Japan
the capital and largest city of Japan, the economic and cultural center of Japan
Japanese deity a deity worshipped by the Japanese
a native or inhabitant of Japan
Japanese red pine
Japanese table pine
Pinus densiflora
pine native to Japan and Korea having a wide-spreading irregular crown when mature, grown as an ornamental
Japanese black pine
black pine Pinus thunbergii
large Japanese ornamental having long needles in bunches of , widely planted in United States because of its resistance to salt and smog
Japanese cedar
Japan cedar
Cryptomeria japonica
tall evergreen of Japan and China yielding valuable soft wood
Japanese umbrella pine
Sciadopitys verticillata
tall evergreen having a symmetrical spreading crown and needles growing in whorls that resemble umbrellas at ends of twigs
Japanese yew
Taxus cuspidata
shrubby hardy evergreen of China and Japan having lustrous dark green foliage, cultivated in the eastern United States
Japanese barberry
Berberis thunbergii
compact deciduous shrub having persistent red berries, widespread in cultivation especially for hedges
Japan allspice
Japanese allspice
winter sweet Chimonanthus praecox
deciduous Japanese shrub cultivated for its fragrant yellow flowers
Chinese evergreen
Japanese leaf
Aglaonema modestum
erect or partially climbing herb having large green or variegated leaves
Japanese angelica tree
Aralia elata
deciduous clump-forming Asian shrub or small tree, adventive in the eastern United States
Japanese pink
Dianthus chinensis heddewigii
a flowering variety of China pink distinguished by jagged-edged petals
horse radish
red cole
Armoracia rusticana
coarse Eurasian plant cultivated for its thick white pungent root
horseradish horseradish root the root of the horseradish plant, it is grated or ground and used for seasoning
radish daikon
Japanese radish
Raphanus sativus longipinnatus
radish of Japan with a long hard durable root eaten raw or cooked
wasabi a Japanese plant of the family Cruciferae with a thick green root
Japanese brome
Japanese chess
Bromus japonicus
grass of Mediterranean and temperate Asia
Japanese millet
billion-dollar grass
Japanese barnyard millet
sanwa millet
Echinochloa frumentacea
coarse annual grass cultivated in Japan and southeastern Asia for its edible seeds and for forage, important wildlife food in United States
Manila grass
Japanese carpet grass
Zoysia matrella
lawn grass common in the Philippines, grown also in United States
Korean lawn grass
Japanese lawn grass
Zoysia japonica
lawn grass common in China and Japan, grown also in United States
Chinese parasol tree
Chinese parasol
Japanese varnish tree phoenix tree
Firmiana simplex
deciduous tree widely grown in southern United States as an ornamental for its handsome maplelike foliage and long racemes of yellow-green flowers followed by curious leaflike pods
Japanese linden
Japanese lime
Tilia japonica
medium-sized tree of Japan used as an ornamental
andromeda Japanese andromeda
lily-of-the-valley tree
Pieris japonica
broad-leaved evergreen Asiatic shrub with glossy leaves and drooping clusters of white flowers
Japanese beech a beech native to Japan having soft light yellowish-brown wood
Japanese chestnut
Castanea crenata
a spreading tree of Japan that has a short trunk
Japanese oak Lithocarpus glabra
Lithocarpus glaber
small evergreen tree of China and Japan
Japanese oak Quercus mongolica
Quercus grosseserrata
oak with moderately light fine-grained wood, Japan
Japanese privet
Ligustrum japonicum
evergreen shrub of Japan and Korea having small dark leaves and flowers in loose panicles, related to but smaller than Chinese privet
Japanese tree lilac
Syringa reticulata
Syringa amurensis japonica
small tree of Japan having narrow pointed leaves and creamy-white flowers
Japanese lilac
Syringa villosa
lilac of northern China having ovate leaves and profuse early summer rose-lilac flowers
Japanese banana
Musa basjoo
Asiatic banana plant cultivated especially as a foliage plant in Japan
Japanese hop
Humulus japonicus
ornamental vine native to eastern Asia, cultivated for its variegated foliage
Japanese iris
Iris kaempferi
iris native to Japan having large showy flowers
Welsh onion
Japanese leek
Allium fistulosum
Asiatic onion with slender bulbs, used as early green onions
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