
wasserstoffarm Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

wasserstoffarm adj
poor in hydrogen; anhydrogenous
wasserstoffarm adj
poor in hydrogen; anhydrogenous
Wasserstand m, Wasserspiegel m
Wasserstände pl, Wasserspiegel pl
water level
water levels
water levels
Wasserstand m; Pegelstand m; Wasserpegel m; Wasserspiegel m envir.
Wasserstände pl; Pegelstände pl; Wasserpegel pl; Wasserspiegel pl
water level; level of water
water levels; levels of water
Wasserstand m; Pegelstand m; Wasserpegel m; Wasserspiegel m envir.
Wasserstände pl; Pegelstände pl; Wasserpegel pl; Wasserspiegel pl
höchster Hochwasserstand; Höchstwasserstand m; Höchstwasserspiegel m
mittlerer Wasserstand; Mittelwasserstand m; Mittelwasserspiegel m
Niedrigwasserstand m; Niederwasserstand m Ös. Schw.; Niederwasserspiegel m Ös. Schw.
niedrigster Niedrigwasserstand; niedrigster Niederwasserstand Ös. Schw.; niedrigster Niederwasserspiegel Ös. Schw.
Seewasserstand m; Seestand m; Seespiegelhöhe f
wechselnder Wasserstand; wechselnder Pegelstand; wechselnder Wasserspiegel
Anstiegsgeschwindigkeit des Wasserpegels
level of water; water level; water stage; stage; gauge height; gage height Am.
levels of water; water levels; water stages; stages; gauge heights; gage heights
maximum water level; maximum flood level; maximum flood stage; maximum stage
mean water level; average water level; mean stage
low water level; low water stage
lowest water level; mininum water level; minimum stage
lake water level; lake level
fluctuating water level; oscillating water stage
rate of rise of the water level
Stag m; den Mast in Längsrichtung haltende Seile naut.
Binnenklüverleiter f
Fockstag m
Großklüverleiter f; Bütenklüverleiter f
Klüverwasserstag m
Vor-Bramstag m; Außen-Klüverleiter f
Vor-Royalstag m
Vorstengestag m
Wasserstag m
inner-jib stay
outer-jib stay
jib-boom stay; Martingale stay
flying-jip stay
fore-royal stay
fore-topmast stay
Hochwasserscheitel m, höchster Wasserstand eines Hochwassers
flood peak
Hochwasserscheitel m; höchster Wasserstand eines Hochwassers
flood peak
Niedrigwasser n; Niederwasser n Ös. Schw. (niedriger Wasserstand)
low water
Stand m (Wasserstand)
level position
Hochwasser n (überdurchschnittlich hoher Wasserstand oder Abfluss eines Gewässers) envir.
höchstes Hochwasser
mittleres Hochwasser
Hochwasser führen haben
high water
record high water
average high water
to be swollen
Hochwasserstand m; Hochwasserspiegel m (hoher Wasserstand oder Abfluss) envir.
Hochwasserstände pl; Hochwasserspiegel pl
höchster Hochwasserstand
kritischer Hochwasserstand
mittlerer Hochwasserstand
high-water level
high-water levels
record high-water level
flood level; flood stage
mean high water level; average high-water level
Mittelwasser n (niedriger Wasserstand oder Abfluss) envir.
mean water
Niedrigwasser n; Niederwasser n Ös. Schw. (niedriger Wasserstand oder Abfluss) envir.
niedrigstes Niedrigwasser; niedrigstes Niederwasser; Niedrigstniederwasser
low water
minimum low water
Wasserstand-Abfluss-Beziehung f; P-Q-Beziehung f; Pegelrelation f (bei einem Gewässer) envir.
stage-discharge relation (for a body of water)
etw. regelmäßig kontrollieren v
Es ist seine Aufgabe, den Wasserstand regelmäßig zu kontrollieren.
Kontrollieren Sie Ihren Blutdruck regelmäßig und genau.
to keep a check on sth.
It's his job to keep a check on water levels.
Keep a careful check on your blood pressure.
Magnetklappenanzeige f (Wasserstandsanzeige) techn.
magnetically liquid operated level gauge
Wasserstandsanzeige f; Pegelstandsanzeige f; Wasserstandsmarke f (Wasserbau)
Wasserstandsanzeigen pl; Pegelstandsanzeigen pl; Wasserstandsmarken pl
water gauge indicator; water level indicator; floater (water engineering)
water gauge indicators; water level indicators; floaters
Pegelstandsanzeige f; Pegel m; Wasserstandsanzeige f; Wasserstandsmarke f; Limnimeter n (Wasserbau)
Pegelstandsanzeigen pl; Pegel pl; Wasserstandsanzeigen pl; Wasserstandsmarken pl; Limnimeter pl
Hochwasserpegel m; Hochwasserstandsanzeiger m
water level indicator; water level gauge; water gauge; water gage Am.; stage gauge; stage gage Am.; river gauge; river gage Am.; water level mark; limnimeter (water engineering)
water level indicators; water level gauges; water gauges; water gages; stage gauges; stage gages; river gauges; river gages; water level marks; limnimeters
flood meter
Wasserstandsanzeiger m
water gauge
water gauge
Wasserstandsanzeiger m
selbstregistrierender Wasserstandsanzeiger
water gauge; water level gauge; water level indicator; river gauge
water-level recorder
Wasserstandsanzeiger m; Wasserstandsmesser m techn.
Wasserstandsanzeiger pl; Wasserstandsmesser pl
water level indicator; water gauge indicator; water level gauge; water gauge; water gage Am.; stage gauge; stage gage Am.
water level indicators; water gauge indicators; water level gauges; water gauges; water gages; stage gauges; stage gages
Wasserstandsanzeigerarmatur f (Bahn)
lining for water-level gauge (railway)
water gauges
Wasserstandsbeobachtung f
water level observation
Ganglinie f (Gewässerkunde)
Abflussganglinie f; Durchflussganglinie f
Hochwasserganglinie f; Abflussganglinie eines Hochwassers
Wasserstandsganglinie f; Limnigramm n
hydrograph (hydrology)
discharge hydrograph
flood hydrograph
stage hydrograph
Schauglas n
Wasserstandsglas n
sight glass; observation window; gauge glass
water gauge glass
Wasserstandsmarke f
Wasserstandsmarken pl
water level mark; water mark
water level marks; water marks
Wasserstandsmeldung f
water level report
Wasserstandsmeldung f
Wasserstandsmeldungen pl
water level report
water level reports
Limnimeter m; Wasserstandsmesser m
Limnimeter pl; Wasserstandsmesser pl
limnimeter; limnometer; water level gauge
limnimeters; limnometers; water level gauges
Wassermessstelle f; Wassermessstation f; hydrometrische Station f (Gewässerkunde)
Wassermessstellen pl; Wassermessstationen pl; hydrometrische Stationen pl
Abflussmessstelle f; Abflussmessstation f
Wasserstandsmessstelle f; Pegelmessstelle f; Pegelmessstation f; Pegelstation f
gauging station Br.; gaging station Am.; hydrometric station (hydrology)
gauging stations; gaging stations; hydrometric stations
discharge gauging station; discharge gaging station; discharge measurement station
water level gauging station; water level gaging station; stage gauging station; stage gaging station; stage measurement station
Wasserstandsmessung f; Pegelmessung f envir.
water level measurement; stage measurement; water level gauging Br.; water level gaging Am.; stage gauging Br.; stage gaging Am.
Wasserstandsvorhersage f; Wasserstandsprognose f (Gewässerkunde)
water level forecast; water level prediction; water stage forecast; water stage prediction (hydrology)
Wasserstandsschreiber m; Schreibpegel m; Limnigraph m (Wasserbau)
Wasserstandsschreiber pl; Schreibpegel pl; Limnigraphen pl
water-level recorder; stage recorder; recording stage gauge; limnigraph (water engineering)
water-level recorders; stage recorders; recording stage gauges; limnigraphs
Wasserstandsvorhersage f
water level forecasting
Wasserstation f
tank town Am.
Staubsauger m
Staubsauger pl
Akku-Staubsauger m
beutelloser Staubsauger
Bodenstaubsauger m
Wasserstaubsauger m
Zentralstaubsauger m
vacuum cleaner; Hoover tm Br.; vacuum Am. coll.
vacuum cleaners
battery-operated vacuum cleaner
bagless vacuum cleaner
canister vacuum cleaner
water vacuum cleaner
central vacuum cleaner
Staubsauger m
Staubsauger pl
Akku-Staubsauger m
beutelloser Staubsauger
Bodenstaubsauger m
Wasserstaubsauger m
Zentralstaubsauger m
vacuum cleaner; Hoover tm Br.; vacuum Am. coll.
vacuum cleaners
battery-operated vacuum cleaner
bagless vacuum cleaner
cylinder vacuum cleaner; canister vacuum cleaner
water vacuum cleaner
central vacuum cleaner
Wasserstein m
Wassersteine pl
water stone
water stones
Tränke f; Wasserstelle f
Tränken pl; Wasserstellen pl
waterhole; watering place
waterholes; watering places
Wasserhornfarne pl (Ceratopteris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Feinblättriger Wasserhornfarn m; Feinblättriger Hornfarn m; Sumatrafarn m; Wasserstern m (Ceratopteris thalictroides)
Schwimmender Wasserhornfarn m; Schwimmender Hornfarn m (Ceratopteris pteridoides)
ceratopteris ferns (botanical genus)
oriental water-fern; water horn-fern; swamp fern; water sprite
floating antler-fern; floating water-sprite; giant floating-fern
Wassersterne pl (Callitriche) (botanische Gattung) bot.
water-starworts (botanical genus)
Wasserstiefel pl
water-proof boots
water proof boots
Wasserstoff m chem.
flüssiger Wasserstoff
gasförmiger Wasserstoff
liquid hydrogen
gaseous hydrogen
Wasserstoff m chem.
Atomuhr f
Atomuhren pl
Cäsium-Atomuhr f
Rubidium-Atomuhr f
Thallium-Atomuhr f
Wasserstoff-Atomuhr f
atomic clock; atomic timing device
atomic clocks; atomic timing devices
caesium (atomic) beam clock; caesium atomic clock; cesium atomic clock Am.
rubidium (atomic) beam clock; rubidium atomic clock
thallium (atomic) beam clock
hydrogen atomic clock
Kohlenstoff-Wasserstoff-Bestimmung f chem.
carbon-hydrogen estimation
Oxonium-Ion n; Wasserstoff-Ion n chem.
Oxonium-Ionen pl; Wasserstoff-Ionen pl
oxonium ion; hydronium ion
oxonium ions; hydronium ions
Sauerstoff-Wasserstoff-Mikroschweißgerät n techn.
water welder
Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzelle f chem. electr.
Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen pl
hydrogen fuel cell
hydrogen fuel cells
Wasserstoffentzug m; Entziehung f von Wasserstoff; Dehydrierung f chem.
Wasserstoff-Form f (Ionenaustausch) chem.
H-form (ion exchange)
Wasserstoff-Ion n; Hydrogen-Ion n chem.
Wasserstoff-Ionen pl; Hydrogen-Ionen pl
hydrogen ion
hydrogen ions
Wasserstoff-Lichtbogen-Pyrolyse f chem.
hydrogen arc pyrolysis
Wasserstoff-Pipeline f
hydrogen pipeline
Wasserstoff-Sauerstoff-Schweißen n techn.
oxyhydrogen welding OHW
Wasserstoff-Zulieferkompressor (Öl) m techn.
hydrogen make-up compressor (oil)
etw. hydrieren; mit Wasserstoff verbinden chem.
to hydrogenate sth.; to hydrogenize sth. (old use); to hydrogenise Br. sth. (old use)
hydrogenating; hydrogenizing; hydrogenising
hydrogenated; hydrogenized; hydrogenised
hydrierend; Wasserstoff anlagernd adj chem.
Wasserstoff m H chem.
flüssiger Wasserstoff LH2
gasförmiger Wasserstoff
kohlenstoffhaltiger Wasserstoff
liquid hydrogen
gaseous hydrogen
carbonated hydrogen
perfluoriert adj (alle Wasserstoff- durch Fluoratome ersetzt) chem.
perfluorinated {adj}
Bestimmung f; Bestimmen n; Analyse f (der Eigenschaften oder Bestandteile einer Substanz eines Objekts) chem. envir. med. pharm. phys.
Absolutbestimmung f
Aschengehaltsbestimmung f chem.
Blindbestimmung f chem.
Fettbestimmung f chem.
Halbmikrobestimmung f chem.
Keimzahlbestimmung f envir. med.
Kohlenstoff-Wasserstoff-Bestimmung f chem.
Mikrobestimmung f chem.
Molmassenbestimmung f chem.
Neubestimmung f; Nachbestimmung f; nochmalige Bestimmung
Taupunktsbestimmung f chem.
Bestimmung der Bestandteile
Bestimmung der Liegezeit einer Leiche; Liegezeitbestimmung f med.
Bestimmung der Masse; Massenbestimmung f chem. phys.
Bestimmung des Schwefelgehalts chem.
eine Analyse machen erstellen durchführen vornehmen
determination; determining; analysis (of the properties or constituents of a substance an object)
absolute determination
ash determination
blank determination
fat determination
semimicro determination
determination of germ count
carbon-hydrogen determination
molecular-weight determination; molar-mass determination
pH determination
determination of dew point
determination of content
determination of time since death
mass determination
determination of sulphur content
to do carry out conduct an analysis
Wasserstoff-Rekombinator m; Rekombinator m chem. techn.
hydrogen recombiner; recombiner
Wasserstoff-Sauerstoff-Schweißen n techn.
oxyhydrogen welding OHW
Wasserstoff-Zulieferkompressor m (Öl) techn.
hydrogen make-up compressor (oil)
etw. hydrieren; mit Wasserstoff verbinden v chem.
to hydrogenate sth.; to hydrogenize sth. former name; to hydrogenise Br. sth. former name
hydrogenating; hydrogenizing; hydrogenising
hydrogenated; hydrogenized; hydrogenised
Wasserstoff m H chem.
flüssiger Wasserstoff LH2
gasförmiger Wasserstoff
kohlenstoffhaltiger Wasserstoff
liquid hydrogen
gaseous hydrogen
carbonated hydrogen

Deutsche wasserstoffarm Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für wasserstoffarm Synonym nachschlagen

Englische poor in hydrogen; anhydrogenous Synonyme

poor  DP  Lenten  Mickey Mouse  Spartan  abject  abominable  abstemious  against  amateurish  arrant  artless  ascetic  atrocious  attenuated  austere  awful  bad  badly off  bankrupt  bare-handed  barren  base  beggared  beggarly  below par  beneath contempt  broke  bumbling  cadaverous  cheap  cheeseparing  cheesy  chinchy  chintzy  chronic poor  chronic poverty area  coarse  common  con  contemptible  corpselike  crumbling  crummy  debased  decrepit  defective  deficient  degraded  depleted  depraved  depressed class  depressed population  despicable  destitute  destitution  dirty  disappointed  disapprobatory  disapproving  discontented  disenchanted  disgruntled  disgusting  disillusioned  disintegrating  displeased  dissatisfied  dissenting  distressed  down to bedrock  down-and-out  dwarfed  dwarfish  emacerated  emaciate  emaciated  embarrassed  empty-handed  execrable  exhausted  exiguous  famished  faulty  feeble  feeling the pinch  flagrant  flat  flat broke  flawed  flimsy  fortuneless  foul  fourth-class  frugal  fruitless  fulsome  gaudy  ghetto-dwellers  gimcracky  grave  gross  haggard  half-assed  half-starved  hapless  hard up  heinous  hollow-eyed  homely  humble  humble-looking  humble-visaged  humblest  ill  ill off  ill-equipped  ill-fated  ill-furnished  ill-provided  ill-starred  impecunious  impecuniousness  impoverished  impoverishment  in Queer Street  in narrow circumstances  in need  in rags  in reduced circumstances  in straitened circumstances  in want  inadept  inadequate  inapt  inattentive  inconclusive  inconsequential  indigence  indigent  indignant  inefficient  inept  inexpert  inferior  infertile  infirm  infrequent  inglorious  innocuous  insignificant  insolvent  insubstantial  insufficient  irregular  jejune  land-poor  lean  least  limited  little  lousy  low  low-class  low-down  low-grade  low-quality  low-test  lowest  lowliest  lowly  luckless  lumpen  mangy  marantic  marasmic  meager  mean  measly  mediocre  meretrici  
poor devil  Bowery bum  almsman  almswoman  bankrupt  beachcomber  beggar  beggarly fellow  blighter  budmash  bum  bummer  caitiff  casual  charity case  derelict  devil  down-and-out  down-and-outer  drifter  drunkard  good-for-naught  good-for-nothing  hardcase  hobo  human wreck  indigent  lowlife  martyr  mauvais sujet  mean wretch  mucker  no-good  object of compassion  pauper  pauvre diable  penniless man  pilgarlic  poor creature  poor man  poorling  prey  sad case  sad sack  skid-row bum  starveling  stiff  sufferer  sundowner  swagman  tramp  truant  vag  vagabond  vagrant  vaurien  victim  wastrel  welfare client  worthless fellow  wretch  
poor taste  Babbittry  bad taste  bourgeois taste  camp  campiness  high camp  impropriety  inappropriateness  indecency  indecorousness  indecorum  indelicacy  inelegance  inelegancy  kitsch  low camp  philistinism  pop  pop culture  tastelessness  unaestheticism  unaestheticness  unbecomingness  unfittingness  unseemliness  unsuitability  unsuitableness  vulgar taste  vulgarism  vulgarity  vulgarness  
poorly  abjectly  abominably  ailing  arrantly  atrociously  badly  basely  below par  commonly  contemptibly  crudely  despicably  execrably  flagrantly  foully  frugally  grossly  heinously  improperly  inadeptly  inadequately  inaptly  incapably  incompetently  indisposed  inefficiently  ineptly  inexpertly  inferiorly  meagerly  meanly  miserably  monstrously  nefariously  obnoxiously  odiously  pettily  punily  rotten  scantily  scurvily  shabbily  shoddily  sick  slightly  sparely  sparingly  unaptly  undeftly  under the weather  undexterously  unfacilely  unfitly  unproficiently  unsatisfactorily  unskillfully  unwell  vilely  wretchedly  

wasserstoffarm Definition

(n.) A gaseous element, colorless, tasteless, and odorless, the lightest known substance, being fourteen and a half times lighter than air (hence its use in filling balloons), and over eleven thousand times lighter than water. It is very abundant, being an ingredient of water and of many other substances, especially those of animal or vegetable origin. It may by produced in many ways, but is chiefly obtained by the action of acids (as sulphuric) on metals, as zinc, iron, etc. It is very inflammable, and is an ingredient of coal gas and water gas. It is standard of chemical equivalents or combining weights, and also of valence, being the typical monad. Symbol H. Atomic weight 1.
(a.) Pecuniarily embarrassed through owning much unprofitable land.
(superl.) Destitute of property
(superl.) So completely destitute of property as to be entitled to maintenance from the public.
(superl.) Destitute of such qualities as are desirable, or might naturally be expected
(superl.) Wanting in fat, plumpness, or fleshiness
(superl.) Wanting in strength or vigor
(superl.) Of little value or worth
(superl.) Destitute of fertility
(superl.) Destitute of beauty, fitness, or merit
(superl.) Without prosperous conditions or good results
(superl.) Inadequate
(superl.) Worthy of pity or sympathy
(superl.) Free from self-assertion
(n.) A small European codfish (Gadus minutus)
(n.) A small European fish, similar to the cod, but of inferior quality.
(a.) Of a mean spirit
(n.) A bird of the Western United States (Phalaenoptilus Nutalli) allied to the whip-poor-will.
(n.) The bar-tailed godwit.
(n.) An American bird (Antrostomus vociferus) allied to the nighthawk and goatsucker

poor in hydrogen; anhydrogenous Bedeutung

hydrogen bomb
fusion bomb
thermonuclear bomb
a nuclear weapon that releases atomic energy by union of light (hydrogen) nuclei at high temperatures to form helium
poor box
alms box
mite box
box for collecting alms, especially one in a church
hydrogen ion concentration the number of moles of hydrogen ions per cubic decimeter
poor law a law providing support for the poor
Standard and Poor's
Standard and Poor's Index
a broadly based stock market index
f bomber
hero sandwich
Cuban sandwich
Italian sandwich
poor boy
submarine sandwich
a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments), different names are used in different sections of the United States
poor people
people without possessions or wealth (considered as a group), the urban poor need assistance
hydrogen ion a positively charged atom of hydrogen, that is to say, a normal hydrogen atomic nucleus
white trash
poor white trash
(slang) an offensive term for White people who are impoverished
poor devil
someone you feel sorry for
poor person
a person with few or no possessions
good speller
poor speller
someone who spells words
stupid person stupe
dullard dolt pudding head
poor fish
a person who is not very bright, The economy, stupid!
hydrogen bond a chemical bond consisting of a hydrogen atom between two electronegative atoms (e.g., oxygen or nitrogen) with one side be a covalent bond and the other being an ionic bond
scarlet pimpernel
red pimpernel
poor man's weatherglass
Anagallis arvensis
herb with scarlet or white or purple blossoms that close at approach of rainy weather
horse gram
horse grain
poor man's pulse
Macrotyloma uniflorum
Dolichos biflorus
twining herb of Old World tropics cultivated in India for food and fodder, sometimes placed in genus Dolichos
butterfly flower poor man's orchid
any plant of the genus Schizanthus having finely divided leaves and showy variegated flowers
poor rates a local tax for the relief of the poor
hydrazoic acid
hydrogen azide
a colorless explosive liquid that is volatile and poisonous and foul-smelling
hydrogen cyanide a highly poisonous gas or volatile liquid that smells like bitter almonds, becomes a gas at arounddegree Fahrenheit and is most dangerous when inhaled, the anhydride of hydrocyanic acid, used in manufacturing
atomic number
a nonmetallic univalent element that is normally a colorless and odorless highly flammable diatomic gas, the simplest and lightest and most abundant element in the universe
hydrogen atom an atom of hydrogen
acidic hydrogen
acid hydrogen
a hydrogen atom in an acid that forms a positive ion when the acid dissociates
heavy hydrogen
an isotope of hydrogen which has one neutron (as opposed to zero neutrons in hydrogen)
hydrogen carbonate
a salt of carbonic acid (containing the anion HCO) in which one hydrogen atom has been replaced, an acid carbonate
bicarbonate of soda
sodium hydrogen carbonate
sodium bicarbonate
baking soda
a white soluble compound (NaHCO) used in effervescent drinks and in baking powders and as an antacid
hydrogen peroxide
a viscous liquid with strong oxidizing properties, a powerful bleaching agent, also used (in aqueous solutions) as a mild disinfectant and (in strong concentrations) as an oxidant in rocket fuels
potassium bicarbonate
potassium acid carbonate
potassium hydrogen carbonate
a crystalline salt (KHCO) that is used in baking powder and as an antacid
hydrogen bromide a colorless gas that yields hydrobromic acid in solution with water
hydrogen chloride a colorless corrosive gas (HCl)
hydrogen fluoride a colorless poisonous corrosive liquid made by the action of sulphuric acid on calcium fluoride, solutions in water are hydrofluoric acid
hydrogen iodide a colorless gas that yields hydroiodic acid in aqueous solution
hydrogen sulfide a sulfide having the unpleasant smell of rotten eggs
cream of tartar
potassium bitartrate
potassium hydrogen tartrate
a salt used especially in baking powder
hydrogen-bomb attack with a hydrogen bomb
lacking in courage and manly strength and resolution, contemptibly fearful
deserving or inciting pity, a hapless victim, miserable victims of war, the shabby room struck her as extraordinarily pathetic- Galsworthy, piteous appeals for help, pitiable homeless children, a pitiful fate, Oh, you poor thing, his poor distorted limbs, a wretched life
poor unsatisfactory, a poor light for reading, poor morale, expectations were poor
poor having little money or few possessions, deplored the gap between rich and poor countries, the proverbial poor artist living in a garret
poor lacking in specific resources, qualities or substances, a poor land, the area was poor in timber and coal, food poor in nutritive value
poor characterized by or indicating poverty, the country had a poor economy, they lived in the poor section of town
not sufficient to meet a need, an inadequate income, a poor salary, money is short, on short rations, food is in short supply, short on experience
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