
weibliche Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

weibliche Note
female touch
weibliche Scham
weibliche Neugier
feminine curiosity
weibliche Bevölkerung
female population
(weibliche) Rundungen pl
(feminine) curves {pl}
BĂ€r m (weibliche Scham) slang
beaver Am. slang
Angestellte, weibliche Arbeitskraft
female employee
KostĂŒm n; weibliche GeschĂ€ftskleidung f
woman's suit
KostĂŒm n, weibliche GeschĂ€ftskleidung f
woman's suit
Busen m (weibliche Brust als optischer Eindruck)
bosom (woman's breast)
Karyatide f (tragende weibliche Skulptur) arch.
Intuition f
durch Intuition
weibliche Intuition f
woman's intuition
Mastodynie f; schmerzhaft geschwollene weibliche Brust med.
Mastodynie f, schmerzhaft geschwollene weibliche Brust med.
Vaginalplethysmographie f; weibliche Erregungsmessung f med.
vaginal photoplethysmography VPG
Vaginalplethysmographie f; weibliche Erregungsmessung f med.
vaginal photoplethysmography VPG
Intuition f
durch Intuition
einer Intuition folgen
weibliche Intuition f
to play a hunch
woman's intuition
Kognation f (Verwandtschaft ĂŒber mĂ€nnliche oder weibliche Personen) jur. hist.
cognation (a relation through a male or female person)
Harnröhre f; Urethra f anat.
Harnröhren pl
mÀnnliche weibliche Harnröhre
male female urethra
Vulva f, Ă€ußere weibliche Geschlechtsteile, weibliche Scham f anat.
Vulvi pl
Erblinie f; Abstammungslinie f (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
mÀnnliche weibliche Erblinie
lineage (evolutionary biology)
male female lineage
matrilineal; matrilinear; in der weiblichen Erblinie; ĂŒber die weibliche Erblinie adj biol. soc.
matrilineal; matrilinear soc.
Ă€ußere weibliche Geschlechtsteile; weibliche Scham f; Schamgegend f; Vulva f; Cunnus m; Pudendum femininum anat.
Vulvi pl
vulva; pudendum (femininum)
Ă€ußere weibliche Geschlechtsteile; weibliche Scham f; Schamgegend f; Vulva f; Cunnus m; Pudendum femininum anat.
Vulvae pl; Vulven pl
vulva; pudendum (femininum)
das biologische Geschlecht n; das Geschlecht n biol.
Geschlechter pl
das andere Geschlecht
das weibliche Geschlecht; das schöne Geschlecht; das zarte Geschlecht
the biological sex; the sex
the opposite sex
the female sex; the fair sex; the gentle sex
Menstruationszyklus m; weiblicher Zyklus m; weibliche Periode f; Regel f; Tage pl ugs. med.
seine Tage haben ugs.
wenn sie ihre Regel Tage bekommt
Sie hat ihre Regel Tage.
menstrual cycle; female cycle; female period; period; menses coll.; monthlies coll.
to be on the rag; to be on the blob Br. coll.
when she gets her period
She is having her period.
Abstammungslinie f; Familienzweig m; Blutlinie f obs. soc.
Abstammungslinien pl; Familienzweige pl; Blutlinien pl
mÀnnliche Abstammungslinie; mÀnnliche Linie; mÀnnlicher Zweig; Mannesstamm m
weibliche Abstammungslinie; weibliche Linie; weiblicher Zweig
family line; line of ancestry; lineage; filiation
family lines; lines of ancestry; lineages; filiations
male family line; paternal family line; male lineage; paternal lineage
female family line; maternal family line; female lineage; maternal lineage
etw. bestimmen; feststellen v
bestimmend; feststellend
bestimmt; festgestellt
bestimmt; stellt fest
bestimmte; stellte fest
den Grad der Weitsichtigkeit bestimmen
Wissenschaftler haben festgestellt dass das weibliche GedÀchtnis leistungsfÀhiger ist als das mÀnnliche.
to determine sth.
to determine the degree of long-sightedness
Scientists have determined that the female memory is more powerful than the male.
etw. bestimmen; feststellen v
bestimmend; feststellend
bestimmt; festgestellt
bestimmt; stellt fest
bestimmte; stellte fest
den Grad der Weitsichtigkeit bestimmen
Wissenschaftler haben festgestellt, dass das weibliche GedÀchtnis leistungsfÀhiger ist als das mÀnnliche.
to determine sth.
to determine the degree of long-sightedness
Scientists have determined that the female memory is more powerful than the male.
Geschlecht n; Geschlechterrolle f soc.
das weibliche Geschlecht
die Beziehungen zwischen den Geschlechtern
Gleichstellung f der Geschlechter; Gleichstellung f von Mann und Frau
Maßnahmen zur Geschlechtergleichstellung in der breiten Masse; allgemeine Gleichstellungsorientierung
Ungleichbehandlung f der Geschlechter
the female gender
gender relations
gender equality
gender mainstreaming
gender gap
Logik f (schlussfolgernde Überlegungen)
weibliche Logik
zweiwertige dreiwertige mehrwertige Logik math. comp.
nach dieser Logik
Wo ist denn da die Logik?
Was Sie sagen, entbehrt jeder Logik.
In der Auswahl ihres Architekten liegt eine gewisse Logik.
Nach dieser Logik mĂŒsste man das ganze Internet abschalten, nur weil es ein paar Perverse dazu verwenden, Kinderpornos zu tauschen.
logic (reasoning)
female logic; women's logic
binary ternary multivalued logic
by this logic rationale; following using that logic
Where is the logic in that?
There is no logic in what you say.
There is a certain logic in their choice of architect.
By that logic rationale you would have to completely cut off the Internet just because a few sickos use it to swap child porn.
erbrechtliche BeschrÀnkung f von Eigentum; BeschrÀnkung f der Erbfolge bei Eigentum
BeschrÀnkung der Erbfolge auf mÀnnliche Nachkommen
BeschrÀnkung der Erbfolge auf weibliche Nachkommen
auf Nachkommen beschrÀnktes Recht an Eigentum
nur beschrÀnkt vererbbares Grundeigentum
EigentĂŒmer, der durch Erbregelungen in seinen Rechten beschrĂ€nkt ist
erbberechtigte Nachkommenschaft eines EigentĂŒmers
male tail
female tail
interest in tail
estate in fee tail; estate in tail
tenant in tail
issue in tail
Logik f
angewandte Logik
formale Logik
kombinatorische Logik
weibliche Logik
zweiwertige dreiwertige mehrwertige Logik math. comp.
nach dieser Logik
Wo ist denn da die Logik?
Was Sie sagen entbehrt jeder Logik.
In der Auswahl ihres Architekten liegt eine gewisse Logik.
Nach dieser Logik mĂŒsste man das ganze Internet abschalten nur weil es ein paar Perverse dazu verwenden Kinderpornos zu tauschen.
logic (logics)
applied logic
symbolic logic
combinational logic
female logic; women's logic
binary ternary multivalued logic
by this logic rationale; following using that logic
Where is the logic in that?
There is no logic in what you say.
There is a certain logic in their choice of architect.
By that logic rationale you would have to completely cut off the Internet just because a few sickos use it to swap child porn.
jdn. mit einer Rolle besetzen, jdn. fĂŒr eine Rolle engagieren v art
die mÀnnliche weibliche Hauptrolle mit jdm. besetzen
die Hauptrollen mit Laiendarstellern besetzen
jdn. als jugendlichen Liebhaber besetzen
einen Schauspieler gegen sein Rollenklischee besetzen
jdn. als Partner eines Stars engagieren
fĂŒr die Actionszenen Stuntmen engagieren
Sie war die ideale Besetzung Idealbesetzung fĂŒr die Rolle der skupellosen Chefin eines Skandalblatts.
to cast sb. in a role part; to cast sb. for a role part
to cast sb. in the male female lead
to cast non-professional actors in the leads
to cast sb. as juvenile lover
to cast an actor against type
to cast sb. alongside opposite a star actor
to cast stuntmen for the action scenes
She was perfectly cast as the unscrupulous head of a scandal sheet.
GegenstĂŒck n; Pendant n; Gegenpart n; Entsprechung f (zu jdm. etw.)
GegenstĂŒcke pl; Pendanten pl; Gegenparts pl; Entsprechungen pl
sein Gegenpart auf dem Markt
Aktien als Gegenleistung zu WertpapierbeitrÀgen ausgeben
Der PrÀsident der USA ist das Pendant zum britischen Premierminister.
In der griechischen Mythologie war Iris das weibliche GegenstĂŒck zu Hermes.
Das Pendant dazu bei Fußbekleidung ist Wiens einziges SpezialgeschĂ€ft fĂŒr Sandalen.
counterpart (of to sb. sth.)
his economic counterpart
to issue shares in counterpart of securities contributions
The President of the USA is the counterpart of the British Prime Minister.
In Greek mythology, Iris was the female counterpart of Hermes.
The counterpart in footwear is Vienna's only specialty shop for sandals.
GegenstĂŒck n; Pendant n; Gegenpart n; Entsprechung f (zu jdm. etw.)
GegenstĂŒcke pl; Pendanten pl; Gegenparts pl; Entsprechungen pl
sein Gegenpart auf dem Markt
Aktien als Gegenleistung zu WertpapierbeitrÀgen ausgeben
Der PrÀsident der USA ist das Pendant zum britischen Premierminister.
In der griechischen Mythologie war Iris das weibliche GegenstĂŒck zu Hermes.
Das Pendant dazu bei Fußbekleidung ist Wiens einziges SpezialgeschĂ€ft fĂŒr Sandalen.
counterpart (of to sb. sth.)
his economic counterpart
to issue shares in counterpart of securities contributions
The President of the USA is the counterpart of the British Prime Minister.
In Greek mythology Iris was the female counterpart of Hermes.
The counterpart in footwear is Vienna's only specialty shop for sandals.

weibliche Definition

(n.) An individual of the sex which conceives and brings forth young, or (in a wider sense) which has an ovary and produces ova.
(n.) A plant which produces only that kind of reproductive organs which are capable of developing into fruit after impregnation or fertilization
(a.) Belonging to the sex which conceives and gives birth to young, or (in a wider sense) which produces ova
(a.) Belonging to an individual of the female sex
(a.) Having pistils and no stamens
Female rhymes
() double rhymes, or rhymes (called in French feminine rhymes because they end in e weak, or feminine) in which two syllables, an accented and an unaccented one, correspond at the end of each line.
Female fern
() a common species of fern with large decompound fronds (Asplenium Filixfaemina), growing in many countries
(v. t.) To come in contact with
(v. t.) To perceive by the sense of feeling.
(v. t.) To come to
(v. t.) To try
(v. t.) To relate to
(v. t.) To handle, speak of, or deal with
(v. t.) To meddle or interfere with
(v. t.) To affect the senses or the sensibility of
(v. t.) To mark or delineate with touches
(v. t.) To infect
(v. t.) To make an impression on
(v. t.) To strike
(v. t.) To perform, as a tune
(v. t.) To influence by impulse
(v. t.) To harm, afflict, or distress.
(v. t.) To affect with insanity, especially in a slight degree
(v. t.) To be tangent to. See Tangent, a.
(a.) To lay a hand upon for curing disease.
(v. i.) To be in contact
(v. i.) To fasten
(v. i.) To treat anything in discourse, especially in a slight or casual manner
(v. i.) To be brought, as a sail, so close to the wind that its weather leech shakes.
(v.) The act of touching, or the state of being touched
(v.) The sense by which pressure or traction exerted on the skin is recognized
(v.) Act or power of exciting emotion.
(v.) An emotion or affection.
(v.) Personal reference or application.
(v.) A stroke
(v.) A single stroke on a drawing or a picture.
(v.) Feature
(v.) The act of the hand on a musical instrument
(v.) A small quantity intermixed
(v.) A hint
(v.) A slight and brief essay.
(v.) A touchstone
(v.) Hence, examination or trial by some decisive standard
(v.) The particular or characteristic mode of action, or the resistance of the keys of an instrument to the fingers
(v.) The broadest part of a plank worked top and but (see Top and but, under Top, n.), or of one worked anchor-stock fashion (that is, tapered from the middle to both ends)
(n.) That part of the field which is beyond the line of flags on either side.
(n.) A boys' game
(n.) A box containing lighted tinder, formerly carried by soldiers who used matchlocks, to kindle the match.
(n.) See Impatiens.
(n.) Squirting cucumber. See under Cucumber.

female touch Bedeutung

the act of putting two things together with no space between them, at his touch the room filled with lights
touch football a version of American football in which the ball carrier is touched rather than tackled
female circumcision
excision of the clitoris
female an animal that produces gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes (spermatozoa)
female mammal animals that nourish their young with milk
female horse
female equine animal
touch screen
a computer display that enables the user to interact with the computer by touching areas on the screen
touch signature a distinguishing style, this room needs a woman's touch
common touch the property of appealing to people in general (usually by appearing to have qualities in common with them)
touch the feel of mechanical action, this piano has a wonderful touch
Midas touch an ability to make and manage large amounts of money
female body the body of a female human being
adult female body
woman's body
the body of an adult woman
female reproductive system the reproductive system of females
female genitalia
female genitals
female genital organ
external female sex organs, in England `fanny' is vulgar slang for female genitals
female internal reproductive organ the reproductive organs of a woman
female chest
the chest of a woman
touch deftness in handling matters, he has a master's touch
finishing touch
a final touch, a crowning achievement, a culmination
touch sense of touch
skin senses
touch modality
cutaneous senses
the faculty by which external objects or forces are perceived through contact with the body (especially the hands), only sight and touch enable us to locate objects in the space around us
tactual sensation tactility
touch perception
skin perceptiveness
the faculty of perceiving (via the skin) pressure or heat or pain
touch touch sensation
tactual sensation
tactile sensation
the sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin, she likes the touch of silk on her skin, the surface had a greasy feeling
touch typing
touch system
typewriting in which the fingers are trained to hit particular keys, typist can read and type at the same time
touch trace ghost a suggestion of some quality, there was a touch of sarcasm in his tone, he detected a ghost of a smile on her face
touch the act of soliciting money (as a gift or loan), he watched the beggar trying to make a touch
contact touch a communicative interaction, the pilot made contact with the base, he got in touch with his colleagues
the event of something coming in contact with the body, he longed for the touch of her hand, the cooling touch of the night air
light touch
momentary contact
female person
a person who belongs to the sex that can have babies
fool gull
fall guy
sucker soft touch
a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of
female aristocrat a woman who is an aristocrat
female offspring a child who is female
female sibling a person's sister
female child
girl little girl
a youthful female person, the baby was a girl, the girls were just learning to ride a tricycle
female parent
a woman who has given birth to a child (also used as a term of address to your mother), the mother of three children
queen regnant
female monarch
a female sovereign ruler
touch-typist a skilled typist who can type a document without looking at the keyboard
adult female
an adult female person (as opposed to a man), the woman kept house while the man hunted
sensitive plant touch-me-not shame plant
humble plant
action plant
Mimosa pudica
prostrate or semi-erect subshrub of tropical America, and Australia, heavily armed with recurved thorns and having sensitive soft grey-green leaflets that fold and droop at night or when touched or cooled
squirting cucumber
exploding cucumber
touch-me-not Ecballium elaterium
Mediterranean vine having oblong fruit that when ripe expels its seeds and juice violently when touched
lady's earrings
orange balsam
celandine touch-me-not Impatiens capensis
North American annual plant with usually yellow or orange flowers, grows chiefly on wet rather acid soil
a slight but appreciable amount, this dish could use a touch of garlic
female bonding the formation of a close personal relationship between women
a slight attack of illness, he has a touch of rheumatism
bear upon
bear on
touch on touch
have an effect upon, Will the new rules affect me?
touch up
alter so as to produce a more desirable appearance, This photograph has been retouched!
fix bushel
doctor furbish up
restore touch on
restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken, She repaired her TV set, Repair my shoes please
color lightly, her greying hair was tinged blond, the leaves were tinged red in November
touch comprehend, He could not touch the meaning of the poem
touch-type type without looking at the keyboard
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