
wetterbedingter Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

wetterbedingter Ausweichtermin m; Ersatztermin m bei wetterbedingter Absage
rain date
wetterbedingter Ausweichtermin m; Ersatztermin m bei wetterbedingter Absage
rain date
Haarrisse pl (wetterbedingt)
weather cracking
wetterbedingt adj meteo.
wetterbedingt adv meteo.
because of weather conditions
Haarrisse pl
wetterbedingte Haarrisse
weather cracking
wetterbedingte regenbedingte Absage; regenbedingter Abbruch (einer Veranstaltung) f
rainout (cancellation of an event due to bad weather) Am.
wetterbedingter Ausweichtermin m; Ersatztermin m bei wetterbedingter Absage
rain date
Wetterbedingungen pl, Wetterverhältnisse pl, Wetter n
widrige Wetterbedingungen
Wetterbedingungen Null
Null aviat.
weather conditions
adverse weather conditions
zero weather conditions
weather conditions
Wetterbedingungen pl; Wetterverhältnisse pl; Wetter n
widrige Wetterbedingungen
Wetterbedingungen Null Null aviat.
weather conditions
adverse weather conditions
zero zero weather conditions
sich akklimatisieren; sich an neue Wetterbedingungen gewöhnen v med.
sich akklimatisierend; sich an neue Wetterbedingungen gewöhnend
sich akklimatisiert; sich an neue Wetterbedingungen gewöhnt
to acclimatize acclimatise Br.; to acclimatize acclimatise Br. yourself; to acclimate Am. to new weather conditions
acclimatizing acclimatising; acclimatizing acclimatising yourself; acclimating to new weather conditions
acclimatized acclimatised; acclimatized acclimatised yourself; acclimated to new weather conditions
Wetterbedingungen pl; Wetterverhältnisse pl; Wetter n
widrige Wetterbedingungen
Wetterbedingungen Null Null aviat.
weather conditions
adverse weather conditions
zero zero weather conditions
günstig; vorteilhaft; positiv adj (für)
günstiger; vorteilhafter
am günstigsten; am vorteilhaftesten
zu günstigen Bedingungen
günstige Wetterbedingungen
eine positive Wirkung auf jdn. haben
etw. in einem günstigen Licht zeigen
favourable Br.; favorable Am.; benign; benignant (to)
more favourable favorable
most favourable favorable
on favourable terms
favourable benign weather conditions
to have a benignant effect on sb.
to show sth. in a favourable light
rau; harsch; hart; streng; beißend adj meteo
harsche raue Wetterbedingungen
ein strenger Winter
schneidende Kälte
beißende Hitze; sengende Hitze
fierce; harsh
fierce weather conditions; harsh weather conditions
a harsh winter
fierce cold
fierce heat; ferocious heat
Wetterbeobachtung f
Wetterbeobachtungen pl
weather observation
weather observations
weather observation
Wetterbeobachtung f meteo.
Wetterbeobachtungen pl
weather observation; meteorological observation rare
weather observations; meteorological observations
weather observations
Radar m,n
Flugzeugträger-Anflugradarsystem n; Flugzeugträger-Anflugradar m,n
Höhenmessradar m,n
monotonfrequenzmodulierter Radar
Nahbereichsradar m,n
Navigationsradar m,n
Ortungs- und Verfolgungsradar n,m
Präzisionsanflugradar m,n
Sekundärradar m,n; Aktivradar m,n; aktive Ortung und Abstandsmessung
Wetterbeobachtungsradar m,n
Zielerfassungsradar großer Reichweite; PAR-Radar
Zielverfolgungsradar m,n; Verfolgungsradar n; Feuerleitradar m,n FLR
radar; radio detection and ranging
carrier-controlled approach radar; CCA radar; radar for a carrier-controlled approach system
height-finder radar
chirp radar
short-range radar
navigation radar
acquisition and tracking radar
precision approach radar
secondary radar
weather observation radar
perimeter acquisition radar PAR
target tracking radar; targeting radar; tracking radar; missile tracking radar MTR ; fire-control radar FCR
Wetterbeobachtungssatellit m meteo.
Wetterbeobachtungssatelliten pl
meteorological satellite
meteorological satellites
Satellit m (Satellitentechnik)
Satelliten pl
Aufklärungssatellit m mil.
Ballonsatellit m
Echtzeit-Rückmeldesatellit m
Mehrzwecksatellit m
Wetterbeobachtungssatellit m; Wettersatellit m
Satellit für Verteidigungszwecke
im Satelliten
stationärer Satellit; äquatorialer Synchronsatellit
Satellit als Librationspunkt
Satellit als Relaisstation
Satellit auf äquatorialer Umlaufbahn
Satellit auf geneigter Bahn
Satellit auf niedriger polarer Umlaufbahn
Satellit auf polarer Umlaufbahn
Satellit für angewandte Technik
Satellit für Direktempfang
Satellit mit geringer Sendeleistung
Satellit mit Richtungsstange
Satellit zur Regelung des Luftverkehrs
Satellit zur Regelung des Ãœberseeluftverkehrs
satellite (satellite engineering)
reconnaissance satellite
balloon satellite
real-time repeater satellite
utility satellite
meteorological satellite; weather satellite
defence satellite
stationary (equatorial) satellite
libration point satellite
repeater satellite
equatorial orbiting satellite
inclined orbit satellite
low altitude polar orbiting satellite
polar orbiter
application technology satellite ATS
satellite for direct reception
low-capacity satellite
long-boom satellite
air traffic control satellite
transoceanic air traffic control satellite
Schiff n naut.
Schiffe pl
Ausflugsschiff n; Rundfahrtschiff n
Fabrikschiff n
Großraumschiff n
Lotsenschiff n; Lotsenversetzboot n; Lotsenboot n
Wartungsschiff n
Werkstattschiff n
Wetterbeobachtungsschiff n
ab Schiff
ein Schiff aufgeben; ein Schiff verlassen
ein brennendes Schiff verlassen
Das Schiff fährt in die Karibik fährt auf der Donau.
ship; boat
ships; boats
excursion ship; sightseeing boat; tour boat; tourist vessel
factory ship
large capacity ship; large capacity carrier
pilot boat; pilot vessel
maintenance ship
repair ship
ocean weather ship; weather ship
ex ship
to abandon a ship
to abandon a burning ship
The ship sails for the Caribbean sails on the Danube river.
Wetterbeobachtungsstation f meteo.
Wetterbeobachtungsstationen pl
weather observation station
weather observation stations
Wetteransager m, Moderator m, der den Wetterbericht ansagt, Wetterfrosch m
Wetterbericht m, Wettervorhersage f
Wetterberichte pl, Wettervorhersagen pl
weather forecast, weather report
weather forecasts, weather reports
weather forecast
weather report
Lagebericht m; Bericht über den aktuellen Stand die neuesten Entwicklungen; aktueller Überblick m
der neueste Wetterbericht
täglich die aktuellen Immobilienangebote erhalten
update on things on the matter; update
the latest weather update
to receive daily updates on homes for sale
Wetteransager m; Moderator m der den Wetterbericht ansagt; "Wetterfrosch" m
Wetterbericht m; Wettervorhersage f meteo.
Wetterberichte pl; Wettervorhersagen pl
weather forecast; weather report
weather forecasts; weather reports
Wettervorhersage f; Wetterprognose f; Wetterbericht m meteo.
Wettervorhersagen pl; Wetterprognosen pl; Wetterberichte pl
kurzfristige Wettervorhersage; kurzfristige Prognose
langfristige Wettervorhersage; langfristige Prognose
numerische Wettervorhersage f
allgemeine Flugwettervorhersage
Flughafenwettervorhersage f
Flugwettervorhersage f
Gebietswettervorhersage f
Klimavorhersage f
Kürzestfristprognose f
Landewettervorhersage f (Kurzzeitwettervorhersage für Flugplätze)
Vorort-Landewettervorhersage f (Kurzzeitwettervorhersage für Flugplätze)
Flugplatzwettervorhersage f; Flugplatzvorhersage f
Wettervorhersage für den Ausweichflugplatz
weather forecast; weather prognosis; weather report; meteorological report
weather forecasts; weather prognoses; weather reports; meteorological reports
short-period weather forecast; short-range weather prognosis
long-period weather forecast; long-range weather prognosis
numerical forecasting
general aviation forecast GAFOR
airport weather forecast
flight weather forecast; aviation weather forecast; airways forecast
area forecast
climate forecast
very-short-range forecast
terminal aerodrome forecast TAF (short-period forecast supplied to airfields)
trend-type (landing) forecast; landing forecast (short-period on-site forecast supplied to airfields)
aerodrome forecast
alternate-aerodrome forecast
weather forecasts
Flugwetterbesprechung f; Wetterbesprechung f aviat.
Flugwetterbesprechungen pl; Wetterbesprechungen pl
meteorological briefing; met briefing coll.
meteorological briefings; met briefings
Wetterbesserung f meteo.
improvement in the weather
wetterfest; wetterdicht; wetterhart; wetterbeständig; witterungsbeständig adj
resistant to weather; weather-resistant; weatherproof
wetterfest; wetterdicht; wetterhart; wetterbeständig; witterungsbeständig adj
resistant to weather; weather-resistant; weatherproof; weathertight (of a building); non-weathering
Festigkeit f; Beständigkeit f; Widerstandsfähigkeit f; Resistenz f (von Werkstoffen gegenüber chemischer, mechanischer, thermischer Einwirkung)
Abriebfestigkeit f; Abriebbeständigkeit f
Abriebfestigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen raue Behandlung
Abziehfestigkeit f; Haftvermögen n (bei gedruckten Schaltungen) electr.
Alterungsfestigkeit f; Alterungsbeständigkeit f
Berstfestigkeit f
Beständigkeit gegen(über) Salzsprühnebel
Beständigkeit gegen(über) Pilzbefall
Biegefestigkeit f
Biegeschwingfestigkeit f; Biegeschwingungsfestigkeit f
Bruchfestigkeit f
Chemikalienbeständigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen Chemikalieneinwirkung; Chemikalienresistenz f; chemische Widerstandfähigkeit f; chemische Beständigkeit f
Druckfestigkeit f
Druckfestigkeit gegen inneren Ãœberdruck
Durchstoßfestigkeit f
Formaldehydbeständigkeit f
Formfestigkeit f; Formbeständigkeit f; Verformungswiderstand m
Frostfestigkeit f; Frostbeständigkeit f
Glutfestigkeit f; Glutbeständigkeit f
Hitzebeständigkeit f; Wärmebeständigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen(über) Hitze Wärme
Kältefestigkeit f; Kältebeständigkeit f
Knickfestigkeit f
Knitterarmut f; Knitterwiderstand m textil.
Korrosionsbeständigkeit f; Korrosionssicherheit f
Kratzfestigkeit f
Kriechfestigkeit f techn.
Laugenrissbeständigkeit f (Metallurgie) techn.
Leimfestigkeit f (Papier)
Lösungsmittelfestigkeit f; Lösungsmittelbeständigkeit f
Quellfestigkeit f; Quellbeständigkeit f (Gummi, Textilien)
Reibefestigkeit f textil.
Reißfestigkeit f
Righeit f (Formbeständigkeit fester Körper)
Saugfestigkeit f; Saugwiderstand
Schlagfestigkeit f; Schlagbeständigkeit f
schmutzabweisendes Verhalten
Schwingfestigkeit f; Schwingungfestigkeit f
Stauchfestigkeit f (beim Walken) textil.
Störfestigkeit f telco.
Temperaturwechselbeständigkeit f; Unempfindlichkeit gegen schnellen Tempereaturwechsel
Thermoschockfestigkeit f; Thermoschockbeständigkeit f
Verschlackungsbeständigkeit f (Metallurgie) techn.
Verschleißfestigkeit f; Verschleißbeständigkeit f; Verschleißhärte f
Wärmeübergangswiderstand m
Weiterreißfestigkeit f; Weiterreißwiderstand m
Witterungsbeständigkeit f; Wetterbeständigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen(über) Wettereinwirkung
Zugfestigkeit f; Dehnungswiderstand m
resistance (of materials to chemical, mechanical, thermical action)
resistance to abrasion; abrasion resistance
scuff resistance
resistance to peeling; peeling strength
resistance to ageing Br. aging Am.; ageing Br. aging Am. resistance
resistance to bursting; bursting strength
resistance to salt spray
fungus resistance
resistance to bending; bending strength; flexural strength; cross-rupture strength
resistance to bending under vibration; bending vibration strength
resistance to breaking; resistance to fracture; breaking strength
resistance to chemical attack; chemical resistance
resistance to pressure; pressure resistance
resistance to internal pressure
resistance to perforation; resistance to puncture
resistance to formaldehyde
resistance to deformation; deformation resistance
resistance to freezing; frost resistance
glow resistance; incandescence resistance; stability at read heat
resistance to heat; heat resistance; high-temperature strength; thermal endurance; high-temperature stability; heat stability; thermal stability
resistance to cold; low-temperature stability
resistance to buckling; buckling strength
resistance to creasing
resistance to corrosion; corrosion resistance; anticorrosion property
scratch resistance
resistance to creep; creep resistance
resistance to caustic cracking (metallurgy)
resistance of paper due to sizing; imperviousness of paper due to sizing
resistance to solvents; solvent resistance
resistance to swelling; swelling resistance (rubber, textiles)
resistance to rubbing
resistance to tearing; resistance to breaking (on tearing); tear resistance; tearing resistance; treating strength
resistance to elastic deformations
resistance to suction; suction strength
resistance to impact; resistance to shock; impact strength
resistance to soiling
resistance to oscillations; resistance to vibrations
resistance to crushing
resistance to jamming
resistance to thermal shock; thermal-shock resistance
resistance to thermal shocks; thermal shock strength
resistance to slagging (metallurgy)
resistance to wear; wear resistance
resistance to heat transfer; heat transmission resistance
resistance to tear propagation; tear propagation resistance; tear growth resistance
weathering resistance; resistance to atmospheric corrosion; long outdoor life in all kinds of weather conditions
resistance to extension

Deutsche wetterbedingter Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für wetterbedingter Synonym nachschlagen

Englische rain date Synonyme

rain  Jupiter Pluvius  Thor  Zeus  abound  accord  administer  afford  agua  allot  allow  aqua  award  bestow  bestow on  black spot  bloom  blooping  bristle with  cascade  cataract  cloudburst  collapse  come down  communicate  confer  crash  crawl with  creep with  deal  deal out  definition  deluge  descend  dip  dip down  dish out  dispense  dole  dole out  donate  down  downpour  drinking water  drizzle  drop  drop down  drop off  drown  drum  duck  dunk  eau  extend  exuberate  fall  fall down  fall off  flare  float  flood  flow  flow on  fork out  fringe area  ghost  gift  gift with  give  give freely  give out  go down  go downhill  grant  granulation  gravitate  grid  ground water  gush  hand out  hard shadow  hard water  head  heap  heavy water  help to  hydrol  hydrometeor  hydrosphere  image  impart  inundate  issue  lavish  let have  limewater  lose altitude  mete  mete out  mineral water  mizzle  multiple image  noise  offer  outpouring  overflow  parachute  patter  pelt  picture  picture noise  picture shifts  pitch  pitter-patter  plummet  plunge  pounce  pour  pour down  pour on  pour with rain  precipitate  precipitation  present  proffer  proliferate  rain tadpoles  rainfall  rainstorm  rainwater  render  rolling  run  run over  salt water  scanning pattern  scintillation  sea water  serve  shading  shell out  shower  shower down  slip  sluice  snow  snowstorm  soft water  spatter  spit  spring water  sprinkle  squall  steam  stoop  stream  submerge  swamp  swarm with  swoop  tattoo  teem  teem with  tender  torrent  trend downward  trickle  volley  vouchsafe  water  water vapor  weep  well water  wetting agent  wetting-out agent  whelm  yield  
rain forest  afforestation  arboretum  boondocks  bush  bushveld  chase  climax forest  cloud forest  dendrology  forest  forest land  forest preserve  forestry  fringing forest  gallery forest  greenwood  hanger  index forest  jungle  jungles  national forest  palmetto barrens  park  park forest  pine barrens  primeval forest  protection forest  reforestation  scrub  scrubland  selection forest  shrubland  silviculture  sprout forest  stand of timber  state forest  timber  timberland  tree veld  virgin forest  wildwood  wood  woodland  woods  
rainbow  Amytal  Amytal pill  Dalmatian  Demerol  Dolophine  H  Luminal  Luminal pill  M  Mickey Finn  Nembutal  Nembutal pill  Seconal  Seconal pill  Tuinal  Tuinal pill  alcohol  amobarbital sodium  analgesic  angry clouds  anodyne  anthelion  antigorite  antisun  aura  aureole  barb  barbiturate  barbiturate pill  black cat  black clouds  black stuff  blue  blue angel  blue devil  blue heaven  blue velvet  broken mirror  butterfly  calmative  candy cane  chameleon  cheetah  chimera  chloral hydrate  chromatic  chrysotile  circle  codeine  codeine cough syrup  cold  colorific  coloring  confetti  cool  corona  countersun  crazy quilt  depressant  depressor  dichromatic  dolly  downer  dream  fantasy  firedog  gathering clouds  glory  glowing  goofball  halcyon bird  halo  hard stuff  harlequin  harmonious  heroin  hop  horse  hypnotic  illusion  iridescence  iris  jaguar  junk  knockout drops  laudanum  leopard  liquor  lotus  lunar corona  lunar halo  mackerel  mackerel sky  many-colored  marble  marbled paper  matching  medley  meperidine  methadone  mock moon  mock sun  moire  monochromatic  monochrome  monochromic  moon dog  morphia  morphine  mother-of-pearl  mother-of-pearl cloud  motley  nacre  nacreousness  narcotic  nimbus  ocelot  opal  opalescence  ophite  opiate  opium  owl  pacifier  pain killer  paraselene  paregoric  parhelic circle  parhelion  parti-colored  patchwork quilt  peacock  pearliness  pen yan  phenobarbital  phenobarbital sodium  pigmentary  pipe  polychromatic  prismatic  purple heart  quietener  raven  red  ring  scag  secobarbital sodium  sedative  serpentine  serpentine marble  shit  shooting star  shot silk  sleep-inducer  sleeper  sleeping draught  sleeping pill  smack  sodium thiopental  solar corona  solar halo  somnifacient  soother  soothing syrup  soporific  spectral  spectrum  storm clouds  stormy petrel  sun dog  tar  thundercloud  thunderhead  tinctorial  tingent  toning  tortoise shell  tranquilizer  turps  variegated  war  
rainbowlike  burele  chatoyant  iridal  iridescent  iridial  iridian  irisated  irised  moire  mother-of-pearl  nacre  nacred  nacreous  nacry  opalescent  opaline  opaloid  pavonian  pavonine  pearl-like  pearlish  pearly  rainbowy  tortoise-shell  
raindrop  Scotch mist  bead  blood rain  dewdrop  drizzle  drop  droplet  evening mist  fall  flurry  gout of rain  mist  misty rain  mizzle  moisture  patter  pearl  pitter-patter  precipitation  rain  rainfall  rainwater  sheet of rain  shower  splatter  sprinkle  teardrop  unfrozen hydrometeor  wet  
rainfall  Scotch mist  blood rain  bogginess  damp  dampness  dewiness  drizzle  evening mist  exudation  fall  flurry  fogginess  gout of rain  humectation  humor  marshiness  mist  mistiness  misty rain  mizzle  moistiness  moistness  moisture  patter  pitter-patter  precipitation  rain  raindrop  raininess  rainwater  sheet of rain  shower  showeriness  soddenness  sogginess  soppiness  splatter  sprinkle  swampiness  unfrozen hydrometeor  wateriness  wet  wetness  wettishness  
rainmaker  Dry Ice  aeronaut  aeroplaner  aeroplanist  air pilot  airplanist  artificial nucleation  astronaut  aviator  barnstormer  birdman  captain  cloud seeder  cloud-seeding  commercial pilot  copilot  crop-duster  flier  instructor  jet jockey  licensed pilot  pilot  rain doctor  rainmaking  seeding  silver iodide  stunt flier  stunt man  test pilot  wingman  
rainstorm  brash  burst of rain  cloudburst  cyclone  deluge  dirty weather  downfall  downflow  downpour  drencher  flood  foul weather  gushing rain  heavy rain  hurricane  line squall  plash  pour  rainburst  rainspout  rough weather  scud  snowstorm  soaker  soaking rain  spate  spout  squall  storm  stormy weather  tempest  tempestuous rage  thunderstorm  tornado  torrent of rain  typhoon  waterspout  windstorm  
rainy  angry  blinding  boggy  cat-and-doggish  cloudy  cyclonic  damp  dampish  dank  dewy  dirty  drippy  driving  drizzling  drizzly  drumming  fenny  foul  humid  marshy  misty  misty-moisty  mizzly  moist  muggy  pelting  pluvial  pluviose  pluvious  pouring  raging  roric  roriferous  showery  sticky  storming  stormy  streaming  swampy  tacky  tempestuous  tornadic  turbulent  typhonic  typhoonish  undried  wet  wettish  
rainy day  bad times  bust  cat-and-dog weather  depression  dirty weather  economic stagnation  evil day  hard times  heavy weather  monsoon  predominance of Aquarius  raininess  rains  rainy season  rainy weather  recession  sad times  slump  spell of rain  spring rains  stormy weather  wet  wet season  wet weather  

wetterbedingter Definition

(n.) The fruit of the date palm
(n.) That addition to a writing, inscription, coin, etc., which specifies the time (as day, month, and year) when the writing or inscription was given, or executed, or made
(n.) The point of time at which a transaction or event takes place, or is appointed to take place
(n.) Assigned end
(n.) Given or assigned length of life
(v. t.) To note the time of writing or executing
(v. t.) To note or fix the time of, as of an event
(v. i.) To have beginning
(n. & v.) Reign.
(n.) Water falling in drops from the clouds
(n.) To fall in drops from the clouds, as water
(n.) To fall or drop like water from the clouds
(v. t.) To pour or shower down from above, like rain from the clouds.
(v. t.) To bestow in a profuse or abundant manner
(a.) So tight as to exclude rain

rain date Bedeutung

rain dance a ritual dance intended to bring rain
date rape rape in which the rapist is known to the victim (as when they are on a date together)
rain barrel a barrel used as a cistern to hold rainwater
rain gauge
rain gage
gauge consisting of an instrument to measure the quantity of precipitation
rain stick a percussion instrument that is made from a dried cactus branch that is hollowed out and filled with small pebbles and capped at both ends, makes the sound of falling rain when tilted, origin was in Chile where tribesmen used it in ceremonies to bring rain
anything happening rapidly or in quick successive, a rain of bullets, a pelting of insults
rain check a ticket stub entitling the holder to admission to a future event if the scheduled event was cancelled due to rain
rain check a promise that an unaccepted offer will be renewed in the future
date bar fruit bar containing chopped dates
date bread bread containing chopped dates
date-nut bread bread containing chopped dates and nuts
date sweet edible fruit of the date palm with a single long woody seed
jujube Chinese date
Chinese jujube
dark red plumlike fruit of Old World buckthorn trees
a meeting arranged in advance, she asked how to avoid kissing at the end of a date
blind date a date with a stranger, she never goes on blind dates
double date a date in which two couples participate
rain forest
a forest with heavy annual rainfall
temperate rain forest a rain forest in a temperate area
tropical rain forest
a rain forest in a tropical area
date line
International Date Line
an imaginary line on the surface of the earth following (approximately) the th meridian
rain shadow an area that has little precipitation because some barrier causes the winds to lose their moisture before reaching it
nimbus cloud
rain cloud
a dark grey cloud bearing rain
Jupiter Pluvius
an epithet for Jupiter
blind date a participant in a blind date (someone you meet for the first time when you have a date with them)
a participant in a date, his date never stopped talking
Rain-in-the-Face a chief of the Sioux, he was with Sitting Bull and others at the Battle of Little Bighorn () when General Custer's troops were massacred (-)
water falling in drops from vapor condensed in the atmosphere
rain shower
a brief period of precipitation, the game was interrupted by a brief shower
rain tree
monkey pod
Albizia saman
large ornamental tropical American tree with bipinnate leaves and globose clusters of flowers with crimson stamens and seed pods that are eaten by cattle
common laburnum
golden chain
golden rain
Laburnum anagyroides
an ornamental shrub or tree of the genus Laburnum, often cultivated for Easter decorations
date palm
Phoenix dactylifera
tall tropical feather palm tree native to Syria bearing sweet edible fruit
date plum
Diospyros lotus
an Asiatic persimmon tree cultivated for its small yellow or purplish-black edible fruit much valued by Afghan tribes
rain-wash the washing away of soil or other loose material by rain
acid rain
acid precipitation
rain containing acids that form in the atmosphere when industrial gas emissions (especially sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides) combine with water
drops of fresh water that fall as precipitation from clouds
date the present, they are up to date, we haven't heard from them to date
maturity maturity date
due date
the date on which an obligation must be repaid
day of the month
the specified day of the month, what is the date today?
date a particular day specified as the time something happens, the date of the election is set by law
future date a particular day in the future that is specified as the time something will happen
rain date an alternative date set for some outdoor event in case it rains on the appointed date, the rain date for the picnic will be the following Sunday
sell-by date a date stamped on perishable produce indicating the date by which it should be sold
date the particular day, month, or year (usually according to the Gregorian calendar) that an event occurred, he tried to memorizes all the dates for his history class
date particular date a particular but unspecified point in time, they hoped to get together at an early date
epoch date of reference (astronomy) an arbitrarily fixed date that is the point in time relative to which information (as coordinates of a celestial body) is recorded
date assign a date to, determine the (probable) date of, Scientists often cannot date precisely archeological or prehistorical findings
date provide with a dateline, mark with a date, She wrote the letter on Monday but she dated it Saturday so as not to reveal that she procrastinated
mark with a date and place, dateline a newspaper article
date date stamp stamp with a date, The package is dated November
date go on a date with, Tonight she is dating a former high school sweetheart
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