Hilbert Englisch Deutsch Hilbertraum Übersetzung Synonym

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Hilbert Englisch Deutsch:

Hilbertraum m math. Hilbert space
Hilbert-Matrix f math.
Hilbert-Matrizen pl
Hilbert matrix
Hilbert matrices

Matrix f math.
Matrizen pl
auflösende Matrix f
Adjazenzmatrix f
Bandmatrix f
Bereichsmatrix f
Bidiagonalmatrix f
Diagonalmatrix f
dünnbesetzte Matrix
Einheitsmatrix f
erweiterte Matrix
Funktionalmatrix f
gekippte Matrix
gestürzte Matrix
gespiegelte Matrix
Gram'sche Matrix
Hessematrix f
Hesse'sche Matrix f
Hessenberg-Matrix f
Hilbert-Matrix f
Hilfsmatrix f
Householder-Matrix f
inverse Matrix
Jacobimatrix f
Jacobi'sche Matrix f
Knotenpunkt einer Matrix
Nullmatrix f
Störungsmatrix f
Streumatrix f
Zugriffsmatrix f
Spur einer Matrix
resolvent matrix
adjacency matrix
band matrix   banded matrix
area matrix
bidiagonal matrix
diagonal matrix
sparse matrix
identity matrix   unit matrix
augmented matrix
derivative matrix
conjugate matrix   transpose of a matrix
Gram matrix
Hessian (matrix) (matrix)
Hessenberg matrix
Hilbert matrix
auxiliary matrix
Householder matrix
inverse matrix
Jacobian matrix
node of a matrix
zero matrix
perturbation matrix
scattering matrix
access matrix
spur of a matrix

Hilbert Definition:

Space (n.) Extension, considered independently of anything which it may contain
Space (n.) Place, having more or less extension
Space (n.) A quantity or portion of extension
Space (n.) Quantity of time
Space (n.) A short time
Space (n.) Walk
Space (n.) A small piece of metal cast lower than a face type, so as not to receive the ink in printing, -- used to separate words or letters.
Space (n.) The distance or interval between words or letters in the lines, or between lines, as in books.
Space (n.) One of the intervals, or open places, between the lines of the staff.
Space (n.) To walk
Hilbert space a metric space that is linear and complete and (usually) infinite-dimensional
Hilbert / David Hilbert German mathematician (-)

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