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Milk Englisch Deutsch:

Milchkanne f milk can
Milchkrug m milk jug
Milchkuh fmilk cow
Magermilch f skim milk
Milchladenmilk shop
etwas Milchsome milk
Kuhmilch f cow's milk
Milchschaum m cook.milk froth
Trockenmilch f cook. dried milk
Vollmilch... whole milk
Vollmilch…whole milk
Milchzahnmilk tooth
Milchzaehnemilk teeth
Milchglasmilk glass
Alpenmilch f cook.alpine milk
Ziegenmilch f agr.goat's milk
Käsereimilch f (Ausgangsprodukt für die Käseherstellung) agr.cheese milk
Vanillemilch f cook.vanilla milk
Kokosmilch f cook. coconut milk
Milchverwandtschaft f soc.milk kinship
Milk m (Fluss) geogr.Milk (river)
Milcheiweiß n milk protein
Magermilch f
entrahmte Milch f cook.
skimmed milk
Heumilch f agr.pasture milk
Sauermilch f curdled milk
Vanillemilch f vanilla milk
Sauermilchcurdled milk
Milchkinder pl soc.milk-children
Milchpulverpowdered milk
Schokomilch m
Schokoladenmilch f cook.
chocolate milk
Milchmischgetränk n cook.milk mix drink
Himbeermilch f cook.raspberry milk
eine Schale Milcha bowl of milk
Vollmilchunskimmed milk
Kondensmilchevaporated milk
Markenmilchaccredited milk
Markenmilch m accredited milk
Magermilchpulver n nonfat dry milk
Markenmilch faccredited milk
Milcherzeugung f agr.milk production
Rohmilchkäse m cook. raw milk cheese
Milchkaffeecoffee with milk
Azidobakterienmilch f
Acidophilusmilch f cook.
acidophilus milk
Milchunverträglichkeit f med.milk intolerance
milchähnliche Getränke pl cook.milk-like drinks
das Milchkännchen umkippenupset the milk-jug
Kuhmilchallergie f med.cow's milk allergy
Erzeugnisse pl auf Milchbasismilk-based products
Milchkrug m
Milchkrüge pl
milk jug
milk jugs

Milchtasse f (ohne Untertasse)
Milchpott m Norddt. Ostdt.
Milchbecher m Norddt. Westdt.
Milchhaferl n Bayr. Ös.
Milchhäferl n Ös. cook.
Milchtassen pl
Milchpötte pl
Milchbecher pl
Milchhaferlen pl
Milchhäferlen pl
milk mug
milk mugs

Milchtasse f (ohne Untertasse)
Milchpott m Norddt. Ostdt.
Milchbecher m Norddt. Westdt.
Milchhaferl n Bayr. Ös.
Milchhäferl n Ös. cook
Milchtassen pl
Milchpötte pl
Milchbecher pl
Milchhaferlen pl
Milchhäferlen pl
milk mug
milk mugs

Milchbecher m cook.
Milchbecher pl
milk cup
milk cups

Vollmilchschokolade f cook. whole milk chocolate
Milchwaage f
Milchspindel f
Milchgütemesser m
Galaktometer n
Lactometer n
Lactodensimeter n techn.
milk poise   milk gauge
Magermilchkonzentrat n cook. concentrated skim milk
Kalkmilch f
Kalkbrühe f constr.
lime-milk   milk of lime
Haltbarmilch f
H-Milch f cook.
UHT milk   long-life milk
Milchglas nopaque glass   milk glass
Milchglas n opaque glass, milk glass
H-Milch f UHT milk, long-life milk
Milchzähler m
Milchmengenmesser m agr.
Milchzähler pl
Milchmengenmesser pl
milk meter
milk meters

Klonmilch f ugs.milk from cloned animals
das System melken übtr.
das System ausnutzen
to milk the system fig.
Milchpulver n powdered milk, milk powder
Milch geben v
Milch gebend
Milch gegeben
to milk

Milchkühler m agr.
Milchkühler pl
milk cooler
milk coolers

Muttermilch f mother's milk, breast-milk
Milchtier n agr.
Milchtiere pl
milk animal
milk animals

Milk Definition:

Milk (n.) A white fluid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals for the nourishment of their young, consisting of minute globules of fat suspended in a solution of casein, albumin, milk sugar, and inorganic salts.
Milk (n.) A kind of juice or sap, usually white in color, found in certain plants
Milk (n.) An emulsion made by bruising seeds
Milk (n.) The ripe, undischarged spat of an oyster.
Milk (v. t.) To draw or press milk from the breasts or udder of, by the hand or mouth
Milk (v. t.) To draw from the breasts or udder
Milk (v. t.) To draw anything from, as if by milking
Milk (v. i.) To draw or to yield milk.
Milk-livered (a.) White-livered
Milk vetch () A leguminous herb (Astragalus glycyphyllos) of Europe and Asia, supposed to increase the secretion of milk in goats.
milk snake / house snake / milk adder / checkered adder / Lampropeltis triangulum nonvenomous tan and brown king snake with an arrow-shaped occipital spot, southeastern ones have red stripes like coral snakes
dairy cattle / dairy cow / milch cow / milk cow / milcher / milker cattle that are reared for their milk
milk bar snack bar that sells milk drinks and light refreshments (such as ice cream)
milk can large can for transporting milk
milk float a van (typically powered by electricity) with an open side that is used to deliver milk to houses
milk of magnesia purgative consisting of a milky white liquid suspension of magnesium hydroxide, used as a laxative and (in smaller doses) as an antacid
milk wagon / milkwagon wagon for delivering milk
primary tooth / deciduous tooth / baby tooth / milk tooth one of the first temporary teeth of a young mammal (one ofin children)
milk produced by mammary glands of female mammals for feeding their young
mother's milk milk secreted by a woman who has recently given birth

Milk Synonyme:

milk  abridge  abuse  alabaster  bed  bed down  bereave  beverage  bleed  bleed white  blood  break  bridle  broach  brush  butter  buttermilk  certified milk  chalk  cheese  chyle  colostrum  condensed milk  cream  curry  currycomb  curtail  cut off  dairy products  decant  declaim  denude  deplume  deprive  deprive of  despoil  discharge  disentitle  displume  divest  draft  draft off  drain  draw  draw from  draw off  draw out  drench  drink  driven snow  dry  ease one of  elicit  empty  evince  evoke  exact  exhaust  exploit  extort  extract  feed  flay  fleece  flour  fluid  fluid extract  fluid mechanics  foam  fodder  gentle  ghee  gleet  grimace  groom  half-and-half  ham  ham it up  handle  harness  heavy cream  hitch  humor  hydraulics  hydrogeology  ichor  ill-use  impose upon  impoverish  ivory  juice  lachryma  lactation  lacteal  lacteous  lactescent  lactic  lactiferous  latex  let  let blood  let out  leukorrhea  light cream  lighten one of  lily  liquid  liquid extract  liquor  litter  lymph  maggot  make use of  manage  manipulate  margarine  matter  milch  milky  mine  misuse  mucor  mucus  mug  mulct  nonfat dry milk  oleo  oleomargarine  out-herod Herod  overact  overdramatize  paper  pearl  peccant humor  phlebotomize  phlegm  pick clean  pipette  play on  pluck  presume upon  pump  pump out  purulence  pus  rant  raw milk  rheum  roar  rook  rub down  saddle  saliva  sanies  sap  semiliquid  serous fluid  serum  shear  sheet  silver  siphon off  skim milk  skin  snot  snow  sour cream  spout  stick  strip  strip bare  stroke  suck  suck dry  suck out  suppuration  swan  sweat  take advantage of  take away from  take from  tame  tap  tear  teardrop  tend  the whites  throw away  train  underact  urine  use  use ill  venesect  water  whey  whipping cream  withdraw  work on  work upon  wring  yogurt  yoke  
milker  Brahman  Indian buffalo  aurochs  beef  beef cattle  beeves  bison  bossy  bovine  bovine animal  buffalo  bull  bullock  calf  carabao  cattle  cow  critter  dairy cattle  dairy cow  dogie  heifer  hornless cow  kine  leppy  maverick  milch cow  milcher  milk cow  muley cow  muley head  musk-ox  neat  ox  oxen  steer  stirk  stot  wisent  yak  yearling  zebu  
milkiness  achroma  achromasia  achromatosis  albescence  albinism  albino  albinoism  blondness  canescence  chalkiness  chylifaction  chylification  creaminess  fairness  flow  fluency  fluidity  fluidness  flux  fluxility  fluxion  frostiness  glaucescence  glaucousness  grizzliness  hoariness  juiciness  lactation  lactescence  leukoderma  lightness  liquefaction  liquidness  moisture  paleness  pearliness  rheuminess  sappiness  serosity  silver  silveriness  snowiness  succulence  suppuration  vitiligo  wateriness  white  white race  whiteness  whitishness  
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