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Mishmi-Zaunkönigstimalie f ornith. Mishmi Wren Babbler
Mishmi-Zaunkönigstimalie f ornith. Mishmi Wren Babbler
Mishmi-Zaunkönigstimalie f ornith. Mishmi Wren Babbler

Mishmi Definition:

Babbler (n.) An idle talker
Babbler (n.) A hound too noisy on finding a good scent.
Babbler (n.) A name given to any one of family (Timalinae) of thrushlike birds, having a chattering note.
Emu wren () A small wrenlike Australian bird (Stipiturus malachurus), having the tail feathers long and loosely barbed, like emu feathers.
Wren (n.) Any one of numerous species of small singing birds belonging to Troglodytes and numerous allied of the family Troglodytidae.
Wren (n.) Any one of numerous species of small singing birds more or less resembling the true wrens in size and habits.
rubyrowned kinglet / rubyrowned wren / Regulus calendula American kinglet with a notable song and in the male a red crown patch
sedge warbler / sedge bird / sedge wren reedbird Acrocephalus schoenobaenus small European warbler that breeds among reeds and wedges and winters in Africa
wren warbler small Asiatic and African bird, constructs nests like those of tailorbirds
babbler / cackler any of various insectivorous Old World birds with a loud incessant song, in some classifications considered members of the family Muscicapidae
wren / jenny wren any of several small active brown birds of the northern hemisphere with short upright tails, they feed on insects
winter wren / Troglodytes troglodytes small wren of coniferous forests of northern hemisphere
house wren / Troglodytes aedon common American wren that nests around houses
marsh wren a wren of the genus Cistothorus that frequents marshes
long-billed marsh wren / Cistothorus palustris American wren that inhabits tall reed beds
sedge wren short-billed marsh wren / Cistothorus platensis small American wren inhabiting wet sedgy meadows

Mishmi Synonyme:

English  Abnaki  Afghan  Afghani  Afrikaans  Ainu  Akan  Akkadian  Albanian  Aleut  Algonquin  Amharic  Andaman  Annamese  Anzanite  Apache  Arabic  Aramaic  Araucanian  Arawak  Armenian  Assamese  Austral  Avestan  Aymara  Aztec  Balinese  Baluchi  Bashkir  Basque  Batak  Bellacoola  Bengali  Berber  Bhili  Bihari  Bikol  Bini  Blackfoot  Brahui  Buginese  Burmese  Burushaski  Buryat  Byelorussian  Cantonese  Carolinian  Castilian  Catalan  Cham  Cheremis  Cherokee  Chibcha  Chin  Chinese  Chuvash  Coptic  Cornish  Cuman  Czech  Dafla  Dalmatian  Danish  Dinka  Dutch  Dyak  Edo  Efatese  Egyptian  Elamitic  Eskimo  Estonian  Ethiopic  Euskarian  Ewe  Faeroese  Faliscan  Fijian  Finnish  Flemish  Fox  French  Frisian  Fula  Fulani  Gadaba  Gaelic  Galcha  Galla  Garo  Gaulish  Geez  Georgian  German  Gold  Goldi  Gondi  Gothic  Greek  Guanche  Guarani  Gypsy  Haida  Haitian Creole  Hausa  Hawaiian  Hebrew  Hindustani  Hittite  Ho  Hopi  Hottentot  Iban  Ibanag  Ibo  Icelandic  Igorot  Illyrian  Irish  Italian  Ivatan  Kachin  Kafiri  Kalmuck  Kamasin  Kamchadal  Kanarese  Kara-Kalpak  Karamojong  Karankawa  Karelian  Kashmiri  Kashubian  Keres  Ket  Khamti  Kharia  Khasi  Khmer  Khondi  Khosa  Khowar  Kickapoo  Kiowa Apache  Kirghiz  Kiriwina  Kodagu  Kohistani  Koiari  Kolami  Komi  Konkani  Korean  Korwa  Koryak  Kui  Kuki  Kumyk  Kunama  Kurdish  Kurukh  Kutchin  Kutenai  Ladino  Lahnda  Lampong  Lamut  Lao  Lapp  Latin  Latvian  Lettish  Libyan  Ligurian  Limbu  Lithuanian  Livonian  Low German  Lusatian  Luwian  Lycian  Lydian  Macedonian  Madurese  Magyar  Malagasy  Malay  Malayalam  Maltese  Manchu  Mandarin  Mandingo  Mangarevan  Manobo  Manx  Maori  Marathi  Maya  Meithei  Mende  Messapian  Middle English  Middle Greek  Middle High German  Middle Persian  Mishmi  Mishongnovi  Misima  Miskito  Mon  Mongolian  Mordvin  Mordvinian  Moro  Mru  Muong  Mura  Murmi  Muskogee  Naga  Nepali  Newari  Ngala  Ngbaka  Niasese  Nicobarese  Niuean  Nogai  Nootka  Norwegia  
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