arbutus Englisch Deutsch Erdbeerbaum Übersetzung Synonym

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arbutus Englisch Deutsch:

Erdbeerbaum m arbutus
Maiblume f (Epigaea repens) bot.mayflower   trailing arbutus

arbutus Definition:

Arbutus (n.) Alt. of Arbute
genus Arbutus large evergreen shrubs and trees of southern Europe and western North America: strawberry tree, madrona
arbutus any of several evergreen shrubs of the genus Arbutus of temperate Europe and America
madrona / madrono / manzanita Arbutus menziesii evergreen tree of the Pacific coast of North America having glossy leathery leaves and orangeed edible berries, wood used for furniture and bark for tanning
strawberry tree / Irish strawberry / Arbutus unedo small evergreen European shrubby tree bearing many-seeded scarlet berries that are edible but bland, of Ireland, southern Europe, Asia Minor
trailing arbutus / mayflower / Epigaea repens low-growing evergreen shrub of eastern North America with leathery leaves and clusters of fragrant pink or white flowers

arbutus Synonyme:

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