concatenation Englisch Deutsch:
concatenation Definition:
- In formal language theory and computer programming, string concatenation is the operation of joining character strings end-to-end. For example, the concatenation of "snow" and "ball" is "snowball". In some but not all formalisations of concatenation theory, also called string theory, string concatenation is a primitive notion.
Concatenation (n.) A series of links united |
concatenation the act of linking together as in a series or chain |
chain / concatenation a series of things depending on each other as if linked together, "the chain of command", "a complicated concatenation of circumstances" |
concatenation the linking together of a consecutive series of symbols or events or ideas etc, "it was caused by an improbable concatenation of circumstances" |
concatenation the state of being linked together as in a chain, union in a linked series |
concatenation Synonyme:
chain reaction Indian file alpha decay array articulation atom-chipping atom-smashing atomic disintegration atomic reaction atomization bank beta decay bombardment breeding bullet buzz catena catenation chain chain of circumstances chaining chapter of accidents cleavage concatenation concatenation of events connection consecution continuum course cycle descent disintegration series dissociation drone endless belt endless round exchange reaction feast and famine file filiation fission fission reaction gamma decay gamut gradation hum ins and outs ionization line lineage monotone neutron reaction nexus nonreversible reaction nuclear fission nucleization pendulum periodicity photodisintegration plenum powder train progression proton gun proton reaction queue range rank recurrence reticulation reversible reaction rotation round routine row run scale sequence series single file spectrum splitting the atom stimulation string succession swath target thermonuclear reaction thread tier train ups and downs vicious circle vicissitudes vicissitudes of fortune windrow |
ins and outs chain of circumstances chain reaction chapter of accidents circumstances concatenation of events context details environment existing conditions feast and famine full particulars minutiae particulars ropes set of conditions status quo total situation ups and downs vicious circle vicissitudes vicissitudes of fortune whole picture |
ups and downs Lissajous figure alternation back-and-forth chain of circumstances chain reaction chapter of accidents coming and going concatenation of events ebb and flow feast and famine flux and reflux ins and outs reciprocation rhythmic play seesaw seesawing sine wave teeter teeter-totter teeter-tottering teetering to-and-fro tottering vicious circle vicissitudes vicissitudes of fortune wigwag |