congener Englisch Deutsch Artverwandter Übersetzung Synonym

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congener Englisch Deutsch:

Artverwandter m
Verwandter m aus der gleichen Gattung biol.
Artverwandten pl
Verwandten pl aus der gleichen Gattung
congener   member of the same genus
congeners   members of the same genus

Artgenosse m
Artgenossin f biol.
Artgenossen pl
Artgenossinnen pl
conspecific   member of the same species   congener
conspecifics   members of the same species   congeners

Artgenosse m
Artgenossin f biol.
Artgenossen pl
Artgenossinnen pl
conspecific   member of the same species   congener
conspecifics   members of the same species   congeners

Artverwandter m
Verwandter m aus der gleichen Gattung biol.
Artverwandten pl
Verwandten pl aus der gleichen Gattung
congener   member of the same genus
congeners   members of the same genus

congener Definition:

Congener (n.) A thing of the same genus, species, or kind
congener a whole (a thing or person) of the same kind or category as another, "lard was also used, though its congener, butter, was more frequently employed", "the American shopkeeper differs from his European congener"
relative / congener / congenator / congeneric an animal or plant that bears a relationship to another (as related by common descent or by membership in the same genus)
congener a minor chemical constituent that gives a wine or liquor its distinctive character
Leider keine congener Definition oder Bedeutung gefunden.

congener Synonyme:

countryman  backwoodsman  bumpkin  clodhopper  clown  compatriot  congener  countrywoman  fellah  fellow citizen  fellow countryman  fellow townsman  hayseed  hick  hillbilly  hind  home towner  landsman  muzhik  paesano  paisano  peasant  peon  provincial  
compatriot  adjunct  ally  associate  bedfellow  brother  brother-in-arms  coadjutor  cohort  colleague  companion  compeer  comrade  confederate  confrere  congener  consociate  consort  countryman  countrywoman  crony  fellow  fellow citizen  fellow countryman  fellow member  fellow townsman  home towner  landsman  paesano  paisano  
analogue  ally  alter ego  analogon  associate  brother  close copy  close match  cognate  companion  complement  congenator  congener  coordinate  correlate  correlative  correspondent  counterpart  each other  equivalent  fellow  image  kindred spirit  like  likeness  match  mate  near duplicate  obverse  one another  parallel  pendant  picture  reciprocal  reciprocatist  reciprocator  second self  similitude  simulacrum  sister  soul mate  such  suchlike  tally  the like of  the likes of  twin  
Englisch Deutsch Wörterbuch
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