cyborg Englisch Deutsch Cyborg Übersetzung Synonym

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cyborg Englisch Deutsch:

Cyborg m (Akronym aus cybernetic organism - Mischwesen aus Mensch und Maschine)cyborg (an organism partly human partly artificial)
Cyborg m (Akronym aus cybernetic organism - Mischwesen aus Mensch und Maschine)cyborg (an organism partly human, partly artificial)
Cyborg m (Akronym aus cybernetic organism - Mischwesen aus Mensch und Maschine)cyborg (an organism partly human partly artificial)
Cyborg m (Akronym aus cybernetic organism - Mischwesen aus Mensch und Maschine)cyborg (an organism partly human, partly artificial)

cyborg Definition:

Artificial (a.) Made or contrived by art
Artificial (a.) Feigned
Artificial (a.) Artful
Artificial (a.) Cultivated
Human (a.) Belonging to man or mankind
Human (n.) A human being.
Organism (n.) Organic structure
Organism (n.) An organized being
Partly (adv.) In part
cyborg / bionic man / bionic woman a human being whose body has been taken over in whole or in part by electromechanical devices, "a cyborg is a cybernetic organism"

cyborg Synonyme:

semiautomatic  automated  automatic  automatic device  automaton  automatous  cybernated  cyborg  mechanical man  robot  self-acting  self-active  self-adjusting  self-closing  self-controlled  self-cooking  self-directed  self-directing  self-dumping  self-governed  self-governing  self-lighting  self-mover  self-operative  self-regulative  self-starting  self-winding  self-working  spontaneous  
automatic  accordant  accustomed  alike  automated  automatic device  automaton  automatous  balanced  beaten  blind  blowgun  blowpipe  casual  compulsive  conditioned  confirmed  consistent  consonant  constant  continuous  correspondent  cybernated  cyborg  equable  equal  even  firearm  flamethrower  flat  forced  frequent  gat  gun  gut  habitual  habituated  hackneyed  handgun  heater  homogeneous  ill-advised  ill-considered  ill-devised  immutable  impulsive  inadvertent  indeliberate  ineluctable  inescapable  inevitable  inherent  innate  instinctive  instinctual  invariable  involuntary  level  libidinal  measured  mechanical  mechanical man  methodic  monolithic  musket  natural  of a piece  ordered  orderly  peashooter  persistent  piece  pistol  prompt  quick  ready  recurrent  recurring  reflex  reflexive  regular  repeater  repetitive  revolver  rifle  robot  robotlike  rod  routine  sawed-off shotgun  self-acting  self-active  self-adjusting  self-closing  self-controlled  self-cooking  self-directed  self-directing  self-dumping  self-governed  self-governing  self-lighting  self-mover  self-operative  self-regulating  self-regulative  self-starting  self-winding  self-working  semiautomatic  shooting iron  shotgun  six-gun  six-shooter  smooth  snap  spontaneous  stable  steadfast  steady  stereotyped  subliminal  systematic  trite  unadvised  unavoidable  unbroken  uncalculated  unchangeable  unchanged  unchanging  unconscious  unconsidered  undeliberate  undeliberated  undesigned  undeviating  undifferentiated  undiversified  uniform  unintended  unintentional  unlearned  unmeditated  unpremeditated  unprompted  unruffled  unstudied  unthinking  unvaried  unvarying  unwilled  unwilling  unwitting  well-trodden  well-worn  
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