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discomfit Englisch Deutsch:

jdm. Unbehagen bereiten, jdm. Unbehagen verursachen, jdm. Unannehmlichkeiten bereiten to discomfit sb.
jdn. aus der Fassung bringen
jdn. verunsichern v
to discomfit sb.
besiegen, schlagen v to discomfit obs.
schlagen v
to discomfit obs.
Unbehagen n
Missbehagen n
Missfallen n
jdm. Unbehagen bereiten
jdm. Unbehagen verursachen
jdm. Unannehmlichkeiten bereiten
to discomfit sb.

discomfit Definition:

Discomfit (v. t.) To scatter in fight
Discomfit (v. t.) To break up and frustrate the plans of
Discomfit (a.) Discomfited
Discomfit (n.) Rout
upset discompose / untune / disconcert discomfit cause to lose one's composure
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discomfit Synonyme:

discomfit  abash  addle  addle the wits  annoy  appall  astound  baffle  balk  ball up  becloud  bedazzle  befuddle  bewilder  blast  bother  brave  bug  cast down  chagrin  challenge  check  checkmate  circumvent  cloud  confound  confront  confuse  contravene  counter  counteract  countermand  counterwork  cross  dash  daze  dazzle  defeat  defy  destroy  discombobulate  discompose  disconcert  discountenance  dish  dismay  disorganize  disorient  disrupt  disturb  elude  embarrass  entangle  faze  flummox  flurry  fluster  flutter  fog  foil  frustrate  fuddle  fuss  irk  knock the chocks  maze  mist  mix up  moider  mortify  muddle  nonplus  outdo  outwit  overcome  panic  perplex  perturb  pother  put out  put to flight  put to rout  raise hell  rattle  rout  ruffle  ruin  sabotage  scatter  scotch  spike  spoil  stampede  stonewall  stump  take aback  throw into confusion  thwart  trump  unnerve  unsettle  upset  vex  worry  
discomfited  abashed  afflicted  agitated  all up with  amiss  askew  awry  beat  beaten  beset  bested  bothered  cast down  chagrined  chapfallen  cockeyed  confounded  confused  convulsed  defeated  deranged  disarranged  discomforted  discomposed  disconcerted  dislocated  disordered  disorderly  disorganized  disquieted  distressed  disturbed  done for  done in  down  embarrassed  fallen  fixed  floored  haywire  hors de combat  hung up  ill at ease  in disorder  lambasted  lathered  licked  misplaced  mortified  on the fritz  on the skids  out of countenance  out of gear  out of joint  out of kelter  out of kilter  out of order  out of place  out of tune  out of whack  outdone  overborne  overcome  overmastered  overmatched  overpowered  overridden  overthrown  overturned  overwhelmed  panicked  perturbed  put to rout  put-out  put-upon  roily  routed  ruined  scattered  settled  shuffled  silenced  skinned  skinned alive  stampeded  trimmed  troubled  trounced  turbid  turbulent  uncomfortable  undone  uneasy  unsettled  upset  whelmed  whipped  worsted  
discomfiture  abashment  agitation  bafflement  balk  balking  beating  befuddlement  betrayed hope  bewilderment  blasted expectation  blighted hope  blow  bother  botheration  buffet  chagrin  chaos  check  checkmate  cloud  comedown  commotion  confounding  confusion  cruel disappointment  dash  dashed hope  daze  debacle  defeasance  defeat  derangement  descent  disappointment  disarrangement  disarray  disarticulation  discombobulation  discomposure  disconcertedness  disconcertion  disconcertment  discountenance  disharmony  dishevelment  disillusionment  disintegration  disjunction  disorder  disorderliness  disorganization  disorientation  disproportion  disquiet  disruption  dissatisfaction  distress  disturbance  down  drubbing  embarrassment  entropy  failure  fallen countenance  fiasco  fizzle  flummox  flurry  fluster  flutter  fog  foil  foiling  forlorn hope  frenzy  frustration  fuddle  fuddlement  haphazardness  haze  hope deferred  incoherence  indiscriminateness  inharmonious harmony  irregularity  jumble  letdown  licking  maze  mess  mirage  mist  mortification  most admired disorder  muddle  muddlement  nonsymmetry  nonuniformity  overthrow  perplexity  perturbation  pother  prickles  promiscuity  promiscuousness  pucker  randomness  rebuff  repulse  reversal  reverse  rout  ruffle  setback  shellacking  shuffle  sore disappointment  stew  sweat  swivet  tantalization  tease  thwarting  tizzy  turbulence  unease  uneasiness  unsettlement  unsymmetry  ununiformity  upset  vanquishment  
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