emanation Englisch Deutsch Aussendung, Übersetzung Synonym

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emanation Englisch Deutsch:

Aussendung f, Ausstrahlung f emanation
Aussendung, Ausstrahlungemanation
Aussendung f
Ausstrahlung f
Emanation f phys.
Exhalation f geol.exhalation   volcanic emanation

emanation Definition:

Emanation (n.) The act of flowing or proceeding from a fountain head or origin.
Emanation (n.) That which issues, flows, or proceeds from any object as a source
emission / emanation the act of emitting, causing to flow forth
emanation / rise procession (theology) the origination of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, "the emanation of the Holy Spirit", "the rising of the Holy Ghost", "the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son"
emanation something that is emitted or radiated (as a gas or an odor or a light, etc.)

emanation Synonyme:

emanation  aroma  aura  breath  definite odor  detectable odor  diffusion  discharge  dispersion  ectoplasm  ectoplasy  effluvium  emergence  emersion  emission  essence  exhalation  exteriorized protoplasm  extrusion  flavor  fragrance  fume  highlight  illumination  irradiance  irradiancy  irradiation  issuance  issue  light  light source  luminous energy  odor  photosensitivity  radiance  radiancy  radiant energy  radiation  radius  ray  redolence  savor  scattering  scent  sidelight  smell  spoke  spoor  stench  subtle odor  surfacing  trace  trail  vent  visible radiation  whiff  
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