monopoly Englisch Deutsch Alleinverkaufsrecht Übersetzung Synonym

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monopoly Englisch Deutsch:

Monopolstellung f monopoly
Alleinverkaufsrecht n monopoly
Alleinverkauf m monopoly
absolutes Monopolpure monopoly
Marktmonopolsales monopoly
gewissermaßen ein Monopolquasi-monopoly
Monopolpreismonopoly price
Handelsmonopoltrade monopoly
Monopolgewinnmonopoly profit
Marktmonopolmarket monopoly
natürliches Monopolnatural monopoly
Tabakmonopol n adm. econ.tobacco monopoly
reines Monopolperfect monopoly
Monopolstellungmonopoly position
absolutes Monopolabsolute monopoly
vollkommenes Monopolabsolute monopoly
reines Monopolabsolute monopoly
bilaterales Monopolbilateral monopoly
Börsenzwang m
Börsezwang m Ös. fin.
stock exchange monopoly
Monopol n
absolutes Monopol, vollkommenes Monopol
absolute monopoly

Exklusivrecht n jur.
staatliches Exklusivrecht n
Staatsmonopol n
Regal n Schw.
exclusive right
state monopoly

Machtmonopol n
Machtmonopole pl
monopoly of power
monopolies of power

Branntweinmonopol nspirits monopoly Br.   liquor monopoly Am.
Exklusivrecht n jur.
Exklusivrechte pl
staatliches Exklusivrecht n
Staatsmonopol n
Regal n Schw.
exclusive right
exclusive rights
state monopoly

Steuermonopol n
Finanzmonopol n fin. pol.
fiscal monopoly   taxation monopoly   monopoly of taxation
Monopol n
absolutes Monopol
vollkommenes Monopol
bilaterales Monopol
natürliches Monopol
absolute monopoly
bilateral monopoly
natural monopoly

Gewaltmonopol n des Staates pol.state monopoly on the (legitimate) use of force   state monopoly on force
Monopolsituation f
Monopol n econ. übtr.
ein Monopol auf etw. haben
corner (monopoly on the supply of a commodity)
to have a corner on sth.

Gewaltmonopol n des Staates pol.monopoly on the legitimate use of violence   monopoly on legitimate violence   monopoly on violence
Monopol n
absolutes Monopol
vollkommenes Monopol
bilaterales Monopol
natürliches Monopol
ein Monopol innehaben
absolute monopoly
bilateral monopoly
natural monopoly
to have a monopoly   to hold a monopoly

monopoly Definition:

Monopoly (n.) The exclusive power, or privilege of selling a commodity
Monopoly (n.) Exclusive possession
Monopoly (n.) The commodity or other material thing to which the monopoly relates
Monopoly a board game in which players try to gain a monopoly on real estate as pieces advance around the board according to the throw of a die
monopoly board a board used for playing monopoly
monopoly exclusive control or possession of something, "They have no monopoly on intelligence"
monopoly (economics) a market in which there are many buyers but only one seller, "a monopoly on silver", "when you have a monopoly you can ask any price you like"

monopoly Synonyme:

monopoly  a corner on  arrest  arrestation  bear raid  bull raid  cartel  check  consortium  constraint  control  cooling  cooling down  cooling off  copyright  corner  corner in  cornering  curb  curtailment  deceleration  engrossment  exclusive possession  forestallment  hindrance  inhibition  injunction  interdict  legal restraint  manipulation  monopolization  ownership  pool  possessorship  prohibition  proprietorship  protection  protectionism  protective tariff  raid  rationing  rein  restraint  restraint of trade  retardation  retrenchment  rigging  self-control  slowing down  syndicate  tariff wall  thought control  trust  wash sale  washing  
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