recapitulation Englisch Deutsch Rekapitulation Übersetzung Synonym

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recapitulation Englisch Deutsch:

Rekapitulation f recapitulation
Rekapitulation f geh.
(kurze) Zusammenfassung f
(kurze) Wiederholung f
recapitulation formal   recap
Rekapitulationstheorie f
biogenetische Grundregel f
biogenetisches Grundgesetz n („Die Ontogenese rekapituliert die Phylogenese“) biol.
theory of recapitulation   recapitulation theory   biogenetic law   embryological parallelism ('ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny')

recapitulation Definition:

Recapitulation (n.) The act of recapitulating
recapitulation (music) the repetition of themes introduced earlier (especially when one is composing the final part of a movement)
recapitulation / recap / review a summary at the end that repeats the substance of a longer discussion
recapitulation (music) the section of a composition or movement (especially in sonata form) in which musical themes that were introduced earlier are repeated
palingenesis / recapitulation emergence during embryonic development of various characters or structures that appeared during the evolutionary history of the strain or species

recapitulation Synonyme:

recapitulation  abbreviation  abridgment  abstract  account  accounts  apocope  body count  capitulation  census  compression  condensation  conspectus  copy  core  count  critique  curtailment  dwelling upon  elaboration  elision  ellipsis  epitome  essence  foreshortening  gist  going over  head count  inventory  iteration  main point  meat  nose count  pith  practicing  precis  reaffirmation  recap  recital  reckoning  recount  recountal  recounting  reduction  rehash  rehearsal  reissue  reiteration  repertory  reprint  restatement  resume  retelling  retrenchment  review  run-through  rundown  shortening  statement  substance  sum  sum and substance  summary  summation  summing  summing up  syncope  synopsis  telescoping  truncation  
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