remembrances Englisch Deutsch Erinnerungen Übersetzung Synonym

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remembrances Englisch Deutsch:

Erinnerung f, Gedächtnis n (an)
Erinnerungen pl
im Gedenken an, in Erinnerung an
remembrance (of)
in remembrance of

Erinnerung f
Gedächtnis n (an)
Erinnerungen pl
im Gedenken an
in Erinnerung an
remembrance (of)
in remembrance of

Erinnerung f (an etw.)
Erinnerungen pl
Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, bin ich ihm nur einmal begegnet.
An meinen neunten Geburtstag kann ich mich nur ganz dunkel erinnern.
Ich habe keine Erinnerung an das Geschehen. geh.
recollection   remembrance   memory   recall (of sth.)
recollections   remembrances   memories   recalls
To the best of my recollection, I only met him once.
I've only a vague recollection of my ninth birthday.
I have no recollection of what happened. (formal.)

remembrances Definition:

remembrances Synonyme:

best wishes  best love  best regards  blessing  compliment  compliments  congratulation  devoirs  egards  felicitation  good wishes  gratulation  greetings  kind regards  kindest regards  love  regards  remembrances  respects  salaams  salutations  
remembrance  Mnemosyne  affect memory  aide-memoire  anamnesis  anniversaries  anterograde memory  arch  atavism  barrow  best love  best regards  best wishes  boundary stone  brass  bust  cairn  celebrating  celebration  cenotaph  ceremony  collective memory  column  commemoration  commitment to memory  compliments  computer memory  cromlech  cross  cue  cup  cyclolith  devoirs  disk memory  dolmen  dressing ship  drum memory  egards  emotional response  engram  exercise of memory  fanfare  fanfaronade  favor  festivity  flapper  flashback  flourish of trumpets  footstone  gift  good wishes  grave  gravestone  greetings  headstone  heroic legend  hindsight  hint  hoarstone  holiday  immortal name  immortality  information storage  inscription  jogger  jubilee  keepsake  kind regards  kindest regards  kinesthetic memory  learning by heart  legend  looking back  love  marker  marking the occasion  mausoleum  megalith  memento  memento mori  memoir  memorabilia  memorandum  memorial  memorial arch  memorial column  memorial statue  memorial stone  memorialization  memorials  memories  memorization  memorizing  memory  memory bank  memory circuit  memory trace  menhir  mind  mneme  monolith  monument  mound  necrology  obelisk  obituary  observance  ovation  pillar  plaque  present  prize  prompt  prompter  prompting  pyramid  race memory  recall  recalling  recollecting  recollection  reconsideration  reexperiencing  reflection  regards  rejoicing  relic  religious rites  reliquary  reliving  remembering  remembrancer  remembrances  reminder  reminiscence  respects  retrospect  retrospection  revel  review  revival  ribbon  rite  ritual observance  rostral column  rote  rote memory  salute  salvo  screen memory  shaft  shrine  skill  solemn observance  solemnization  souvenir  stela  stone  study  stupa  tablet  tape memory  testimonial  testimonial banquet  testimonial dinner  tickler  toast  token  token of remembrance  tomb  tombstone  tope  tribute  triumph  troph  
toast  French bread  Irish soda bread  Italian bread  anniversaries  appreciation  bake  barbecue  baste  be in heat  beige  belle  bib  black bread  blanch  blaze  bloom  boil  booze  braise  bread  bread stick  bread stuff  brew  broil  brown  brown bread  brownish  brownish-yellow  brunet  burn  celebrating  celebration  ceremony  cheers  chocolate  choke  cinnamon  cocoa  cocoa-brown  coddle  coffee  coffee-brown  combust  commemoration  congratulate  cook  cracked-wheat bread  crust  curry  dark bread  darling  devil  do  do to perfection  drab  drain the cup  dressing ship  drink  drink in  drink off  drink to  drink up  dun  dun-brown  dun-drab  ecru  fanfare  fanfaronade  favorite  fawn  fawn-colored  felicitate  festivity  fine lady  fire  flame  flame up  flare  flare up  flicker  flourish of trumpets  flush  fricassee  frizz  frizzle  fry  fuscous  garlic bread  gasp  glow  good wishes  graham bread  grande dame  greet  greetings  grege  griddle  grill  guzzle  hazel  heat  hero  heroine  holiday  honor  idol  imbibe  incandesce  jubilee  khaki  loaf of bread  lurid  marking the occasion  matzo  matzoth  memorialization  memory  nut bread  nut-brown  observance  olive-brown  olive-drab  ovation  oven-bake  pain  pan  pan-broil  pant  parboil  parch  pay tribute to  pita  pledge  poach  precieuse  prepare  prepare food  pull  pumpernickel  quaff  radiate heat  raisin bread  rejoicing  religious rites  remembrance  remembrances  revel  rite  ritual observance  roast  rye bread  salt-rising bread  salutations  salute  salvo  saute  scald  scallop  scorch  seal  seal-brown  sear  seethe  sepia  shimmer with heat  shirr  simmer  sip  smolder  smother  snuff-colored  solemn observance  solemnization  sorrel  sourbread  sourdough bread  spark  staff of life  steam  stew  stifle  stir-fry  suck  suck in  suckle  suffocate  sup  sweat  swelter  swig  swill  tan  taupe  tawny  testimonial  testimonial banquet  testimonial dinner  tipple  toast-brown  tommy  toss do  
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