schism Englisch Deutsch Spaltung Übersetzung Synonym

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schism Englisch Deutsch:

Schisma n, Kirchenspaltung f
Schismen pl

Schisma n
Kirchenspaltung f relig.
Schismen pl

schism Definition:

Schism (n.) Division or separation
schism / split division of a group into opposing factions, "another schism like that and they will wind up in bankruptcy"
schism the formal separation of a church into two churches or the withdrawal of one group over doctrinal differences
Great Schism the period from to during which there were two papacies in the Roman Catholic Church, one in Rome and one in Avignon

schism Synonyme:

schism  affiliation  alienation  apostasy  betrayal  body  bolt  branch  breach  breach of friendship  break  breakaway  chasm  church  cleavage  cleft  communion  community  defection  denomination  dereliction  deserter  desertion  disaffection  disfavor  disruption  dissent  dissidence  disunion  disunity  divergence  dividedness  division  estrangement  faction  falling-out  fellowship  fissure  fracture  group  heterodoxy  misbelief  nonconformism  nonconformity  offshoot  open rupture  order  organization  party  persuasion  ratting  recall of ambassadors  religious order  rent  rift  rupture  school  secession  sect  sectarism  segment  separation  society  split  unorthodoxy  variety  version  walkout  
schismatic  Young Turk  apostate  backslider  bolter  breakaway  collaborationist  collaborator  convert  defector  demurrer  denominationalist  deserter  dissenter  dissentient  dissident  divisive  factionist  fifth columnist  heretical  heterodox  misbeliever  mugwump  nonconformist  objector  opinionist  opposition voice  proselyte  protestant  protester  quisling  radical  rebellious  recidivist  recreant  recusant  renegade  renegado  renegate  reversionist  runagate  schismatical  seceder  secessionist  sectarian  sectary  separatist  skeptic  strikebreaker  tergiversant  tergiversator  traitor  turnabout  turncoat  turntail  unconventional  unorthodox  
schismatical  abjuratory  alienated  antiestablishment  at odds with  at variance with  breakaway  counter-culture  denominational  differing  disagreeing  dissentient  dissenting  dissident  in opposition  mugwumpian  mugwumpish  nonconforming  opposing  recusant  renunciative  renunciatory  repudiative  repudiatory  revocatory  schismatic  secessionist  sectarian  sectary  separatist  underground  
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