trospium Englisch Deutsch Trospiumchlorid Übersetzung Synonym

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trospium Englisch Deutsch:

Trospiumchlorid n pharm.trospium chloride
Trospiumchlorid n pharm.trospium chloride
Trospiumchlorid n pharm.trospium chloride

trospium Definition:

Chloride (n.) A binary compound of chlorine with another element or radical
ethyl chloride a colorless flammable gas used as a local surface anesthetic
polyvinyl chloride / PVC a polymer of vinyl chloride used instead of rubber in electric cables
sodium chloride / common salt a white crystalline solid consisting mainly of sodium chloride (NaCl)
ammonium chloride / sal ammoniac a white salt used in dry cells
methylene blue / methylthionine chloride a dark green dye used as a stain, an antiseptic, a chemical indicator, and an antidote in cyanide poisoning
bleaching powder / chlorinated lime / chloride of lime a white powder comprised of calcium hydroxide and chloride and hypochlorite and used to bleach and/or disinfect
acetyl chloride / ethanoyl chloride colorless liquid acyl chloride (CHCOCl) that has a pungent odor
potassium chloride / potassium muriate / potash muriate / K-Dur/ Kaochlor / K-lor / Klorvess / K-lyte salt of potassium (KCl) (trade names K-Dur , Kaochlor and K-lor and Klorvess and K-lyte), taken in tablet form to treat potassium deficiency
hydrogen chloride a colorless corrosive gas (HCl)
calcium chloride a deliquescent salt, used in de-icing and as a drying agent

trospium Synonyme:

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