
AP Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

zügig; schnell adj
rasch adj; eilig adj
apace {adj} formal
Apache m, Apachin f
Apachenführer m
Apache leader
Apache m; Apachin f
Schlussfolgern n; logisches Folgern n; logisches Schließen n; Schluss m (als Vorgang) (Ableiten einer Schlussfolgerung aus einer Prämisse) ling. math. phil.
abduktives Schlussfolgern; abduktiver Schluss; Abduktionsschluss m; Abduktion f; Apagoge f; hypothetisches Folgern; Schließen auf eine erklärende Hypothese
automatisierte Schlussfolgerung; Inferenz f comp. statist.
deduktives Schlussfolgern; deduktiver Schluss, Deduktionsschluss m; Deduktion f; Schließen vom Allgemeinen zum Besonderen
induktives Schlussfolgen; induktiver Schluss, Induktionsschluss m; verallgemeinerndes Folgern; Schließen vom Besonderen auf das Allgemeine
kaskadierte Inferenz
monotones Schlussfolgern; monotones Folgern (Expertensystem)
nichtmonotones Schlussfolgern; nichtmonotones Folgern (Expertensystem)
plausibles Folgern; plausibles Schließen; plausibler Schluss
probabilistisches Folgern; unsicheres Schließen; probabilistischer Schluss
statistischer Schluss
Analogieschluss m; analoges Schließen n; Analogieverfahren n
Schluss Rückschluss auf die beste Erklärung
Vernunftschluss m
Verstandesschluss m
logical inference; inference (deriving a conclusion from a premise)
abductive inference; abduction; apagoge
automated inference
deductive inference; deduction; inference from the general to the particular
inductive inference; induction; inference from the particular to the general
cascaded inference
monotonic inference; monotonic reasoning (expert system)
non-monotonic inference; non-monotonic reasoning (expert system)
plausible inference
probabilistic inference
statistical inference
analogical inference; inference by analogy
inference to the best explanation IBE
inference of reason; rational inference
inference of the understanding
Braunkopf-Feinsänger m ornith.
Brown-headed Apalis
Bamendafeinsänger m ornith.
Bamenda Apalis
Maskenfeinsänger m ornith.
Masked Apalis
Spiegelfeinsänger m ornith.
White-winged Apalis
Chirindafeinsänger m ornith.
Chirinda Apalis
Graurücken-Feinsänger m ornith.
Grey Apalis
Gelbbauch-Feinsänger m ornith.
Yellow-chested Apalis
Goslingfeinsänger m ornith.
Gosling's Apalis
Schwarzkehl-Feinsänger m ornith.
Black-throated Apalis
Karamojafeinsänger m ornith.
Karamoja Apalis
Schwarzkopf-Feinsänger m ornith.
Black-headed Apalis
Kappenfeinsänger m ornith.
Black-capped Apalis
Kivufeinsänger m ornith.
Mountain Masked Apalis
Bergfeinsänger m ornith.
Chestnut-throated Apalis
Schmuckfeinsänger m ornith.
Black-collared Apalis
Flechtenfeinsänger m ornith.
Rudd's Apalis
Weißbauch-Feinsänger m ornith.
Buff-throated Apalis
Ruwenzorifeinsänger m ornith.
Collared Apalis
Kurzschwanz-Feinsänger m ornith.
Sharpe's Apalis
Halsband-Feinsänger m ornith.
Bar-throated Apalis
Apalliker m, Apallikerin f med.
apallisch adj med.
Apalliker m; Apallikerin f med.
Apanage f, Jahreszahlung f, Zahlung zum Unterhalt an Adelige
apanage, appanage
Apanage f; Jahreszahlung f; Zahlung zum Unterhalt an Adelige
apanage; appanage
Apanage f; Jahreszahlung f; Zahlung zum Unterhalt an Adlige
apanage; appanage
Apapane f ornith.
Scheingewinnermittlung f
aparent profit calculation
aparent profit calculation
Wohnungssuche f
search for accomodation; search for a flat Br. an aparment Am.
Wohnungssuche f
search for accommodation; search for a flat Br. an aparment Am.
Apartheidpolitik f hist.
apartheid policy, segregationism
Rassentrennung f
Apartheidpolitik f hist.
apartheid policy; segregationism
Rassentrennung f (in Südafrika)
(länger lange) zurückliegen (zeitlich) v
die einige Tage zurückliegenden Äußerungen
in den zurückliegenden Tagen
in den zurückliegenden (sechs) Jahren
Der Vorfall liegt etwa eine Woche zurück.
Das Ganze liegt einige Jahre zurück.
Der Fall liegt mehr als fünfzehn Jahre zurück.
Ein Gipfeltreffen liegt zwei Jahre zurück ein weiteres steht unmittelbar bevor.
Unser erstes Treffen liegt erst ein halbes Jahr zurück.
Das liegt schon länger zurück.
Das liegt also noch (gar) nicht (so) lange zurück.
Die Ära der Apartheid liegt noch nicht so lange zurück.
Das letzte Mal liegt schon zu weit lange zurück.
Das liegt jetzt schon so lange zurück dass ich mich nicht mehr erinnere wie er geheißen hat.
to be (some time long) ago; to go back
the remarks of a few days ago
over the recent days
over the past (six) years
The incident was about one week ago.; It is about a week since the incident.
All this happened several years ago.
The case goes back more than fifteen years.
We are now two years beyond one summit and on the eve of another.
Our first meeting took place only six months ago.
That was some time ago.
So this was very recently.; So only a short time has passed since then.
The apartheid era was not so long ago.
It has been too many years since that happened.
It's so long ago now that I can't remember his name.
(länger lange) zurückliegen (zeitlich) v
die einige Tage zurückliegenden Äußerungen
in den zurückliegenden Tagen
in den zurückliegenden (sechs) Jahren
Der Vorfall liegt etwa eine Woche zurück.
Das Ganze liegt einige Jahre zurück.
Der Fall liegt mehr als fünfzehn Jahre zurück.
Ein Gipfeltreffen liegt zwei Jahre zurück, ein weiteres steht unmittelbar bevor.
Unser erstes Treffen liegt erst ein halbes Jahr zurück.
Das liegt schon länger zurück.
Das liegt also noch (gar) nicht (so) lange zurück.
Die Ära der Apartheid liegt noch nicht so lange zurück.
Das letzte Mal liegt schon zu weit lange zurück.
Das liegt jetzt schon so lange zurück, dass ich mich nicht mehr erinnere, wie er geheißen hat.
to be (some time long) ago; to go back
the remarks of a few days ago
over the recent days
over the past (six) years
The incident was about one week ago.; It is about a week since the incident.
All this happened several years ago.
The case goes back more than fifteen years.
We are now two years beyond one summit and on the eve of another.
Our first meeting took place only six months ago.
That was some time ago.
So, this was very recently.; So, only a short time has passed since then.
The apartheid era was not so long ago.
It has been too many years since that happened.
It's so long ago now that I can't remember his name.
luxury apartment
möbliertes Zimmer
furnished apartment
apartment building
Altbauwohnung f
old flat Br., old apartment Am.
Appartement n, Etagenwohnung f
Appartementreinigung f
apartment cleaning
Atelierwohnung f
studio apartment Am.
Dreizimmerwohnung f, Dreiraumwohnung f
Dreizimmerwohnungen pl, Dreiraumwohnungen pl
three-room apartment, three-room flat Br.
three-room apartments, three-room flats
Einzelzimmer n
Einzelzimmer pl
Einzimmerwohnung f, Einraumwohnung f
Einzimmerwohnungen pl, Einraumwohnungen pl
one-room apartment, one-room flat Br.
one-room apartments, one-room flats
Ferienwohnung f
Ferienwohnungen pl
holiday flat Br., vacation apartment Am.
holiday flats, vacation apartments
Luxuswohnung f
Luxuswohnungen pl
luxury apartment, luxury flat
luxury apartments, luxury flats
Mehrfamilienhaus n
Mehrfamilienhäuser pl
house divided into flats, apartment house Am.
houses divided into flats, apartment houses
Mehrfamilienhaus n, Wohnblock m
Mehrfamilienhäuser pl, Wohnblöcke pl
apartment building
apartment buildings
Stadtwohnung f
Stadtwohnungen pl
town apartment, city apartment Am.
town apartments, city apartments
Wohngemeinschaft f (WG)
in einer Wohngemeinschaft leben
betreute Wohngemeinschaft
flat-sharing community, shared apartment
to share a flat with several other people
supervised flat-sharing community
Wohnung f
Wohnungen pl
eine Wohnung suchen
flat Br., apartment Am. (apt.)
flats, apartments
to look for a flat
Zweizimmerwohnung f, Zweiraumwohnung f
Zweizimmerwohnungen pl, Zweiraumwohnungen pl
two-room apartment, two-room flat Br.
two-room apartments, two-room flats
Er hat uns die Wohnung gekündigt.
He's told us we have to leave the flat (apartment).
Whg. : Wohnung
flat, apartment
Appartement, Etagenwohnung

Deutsche schnell Synonyme

fix  notieren  Âschnell  hinschreiben  
direkt  Âeinfach  Âgerade  Âgeradewegs  Âgeradezu  Âgeradlinig  Âgradlinig  Âschnell  Âstracks  Âunmittelbar  
brausen  Âbrettern  (umgangssprachlich)  Âfegen  (umgangssprachlich)  Ârasen  Âschnell  fahren  
baldigst  Âbaldmöglichst  Âehebaldigst  Âehestmöglich  Âfrühestens  Âschnellstmöglich  Âso  bald  wie  möglich  Âso  schnell  wie  möglich  Âzum  baldmöglichsten  Zeitpunkt  
(sich)  schnell  nähern  Â(sich)  stürzen  auf  
(viel,  schnell)  reden  Âquasseln  (umgangssprachlich)  Âquatschen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âsabbeln  (umgangssprachlich)  
eilen  Âhasten  Âjagen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âlaufen  Ârasen  Ârennen  Âschnell  laufen  Âsprinten  Âspurten  (umgangssprachlich)  Âstürmen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âwetzen  (umgangssprachlich)  
fix  (umgangssprachlich)  Âflott  Âflugs  Âgeschwind  (umgangssprachlich)  Âhurtig  Âim  Nu  (umgangssprachlich)  Âim  Sauseschritt  (umgangssprachlich)  Âprompt  (umgangssprachlich)  Ârapid  Ârapide  Ârasant  Ârasch  Âratz-fatz  (umgangssprachlich)  Âruck-zuck  (umgangssprachlich)  Âschnell  Âspeditiv  (schweiz.)  Âzügig  
(sich) schnell nähern  (sich) stürzen auf  
(viel, schnell) reden  quasseln (umgangssprachlich)  quatschen (umgangssprachlich)  sabbeln (umgangssprachlich)  

Englische apace Synonyme

apace  PDQ  amain  at flank speed  at once  by forced marches  cursorily  decisively  directly  double-quick  expeditiously  fast  feverishly  flat-out  forthwith  furiously  hand over fist  hand over hand  hastily  hell for leather  hell-bent  hell-bent for election  helter-skelter  hotfoot  hurriedly  hurry-scurry  immediately  in double time  in double-quick time  in high  in high gear  in no time  in passing  in seven-league boots  instanter  instantly  lickety-cut  lickety-split  on the double  on the instant  on the run  on the spot  pell-mell  post  posthaste  pretty damned quick  promptly  pronto  quick  quickly  rapidly  right away  right off  slapdash  smartly  snappily  speedily  straightaway  straightway  subito  summarily  superficially  swiftly  trippingly  under forced draft  whip and spur  with a rush  with all haste  with all speed  with dispatch  with giant strides  with haste  with rapid strides  with speed  without delay  without further delay  
apart  a huis clos  adrift  alien  alienated  all to pieces  alone  aloof  apart from  aside  aside from  asunder  at a distance  away  away from  behind closed doors  besides  bipartite  by itself  by two  companionless  detached  dichotomous  disconnected  discontinuous  discrete  disjunct  disrelated  dissociated  distal  distant  distinct  distinctly  divergent  except for  excepting  excluding  exotic  extraneous  far  far off  faraway  fifty-fifty  foreign  friendless  half-and-half  homeless  in a backwater  in camera  in chambers  in executive session  in half  in halves  in privacy  in private  in private conference  in privy  in the abstract  in the singular  in twain  in two  incoherent  incommensurable  incomparable  independent  independently  individually  insular  irrelative  isolate  isolated  januis clausis  kithless  lone  lonely  lonesome  long-distance  long-range  noncohesive  not counting  once  one by one  other  out-of-the-way  out-of-the-world  outlandish  particularly  partitioned  per se  piecemeal  privately  privily  quarantined  remote  removed  retired  rootless  secluded  segregate  segregated  separate  separated  separately  severally  shut off  single-handed  single-handedly  singly  singularly  sky-high  solitary  solo  strange  to one side  unabetted  unaccompanied  unaffiliated  unaided  unallied  unassisted  unassociated  unattached  unattended  unconnected  unescorted  unfrequented  unjoined  unrelatable  unrelated  unseconded  unsupported  unvisited  wide apart  wide away  withdrawn  
apartheid  Jim Crow  Jim Crow law  alien  anti-Semitism  apartness  black power  black supremacy  chauvinism  class consciousness  class distinction  class hatred  class prejudice  class war  color bar  color line  detachment  discrimination  division  ethnocentrism  exclusiveness  fascism  foreigner  insularity  insulation  isolation  isolationism  know-nothingism  male chauvinist  minority prejudice  narrowness  out-group  outcast  outsider  parochialism  persona non grata  privacy  privatism  privatization  quarantine  race hatred  race prejudice  race snobbery  racial discrimination  racial segregation  racialism  racism  recess  reclusion  red-baiting  retirement  retreat  rustication  seclusion  secrecy  segregation  separateness  separation  separatism  sequestration  sex discrimination  sexism  snobbishness  social barrier  social discrimination  splendid isolation  stranger  superpatriotism  tightness  ultranationalism  white power  white supremacy  withdrawal  xenophobia  
apathetic  Laodicean  Olympian  abeyant  affording no hope  aloof  anesthetic  ataractic  backward  balking  balky  benumbed  blah  blase  bleak  bored  callous  careless  casual  cataleptic  catatonic  centrist  cheerless  comatose  comfortless  dead  debilitated  desensitized  despairing  desperate  despondent  detached  devil-may-care  dilatory  disconsolate  disinterested  dismal  dispassionate  disregardful  distant  dopey  dormant  droopy  drugged  dry  dull  easygoing  enervated  even  exanimate  fifty-fifty  flat  forlorn  foul  grim  groggy  grudging  half-and-half  heartless  heavy  hebetudinous  heedless  hopeless  impartial  impassible  impassive  in a stupor  in abeyance  in despair  in suspense  inactive  inanimate  inattentive  incurious  independent  indifferent  inert  inexcitable  insensible  insensitive  insouciant  jaded  lackadaisical  laggard  languid  languorous  latent  leaden  lethargic  lifeless  limp  listless  loath  logy  lumpish  matter-of-fact  midway  mindless  moderate  moribund  negligent  neuter  neutral  nonaligned  nonchalant  noncommitted  nonpartisan  numb  numbed  on the fence  passive  perfunctory  phlegmatic  pluckless  pococurante  pooped  reckless  regardless  reluctant  renitent  resigned  restive  sated  sedentary  slack  sleeping  sleepy  slow  slow to  sluggish  slumbering  smoldering  somnolent  soporific  spiritless  spunkless  stagnant  stagnating  standing  static  stoic  stolid  stultified  stupefied  supine  suspended  tame  third-force  third-world  torpid  turned-off  unanxious  unaroused  uncaring  uncommitted  unconcerned  undiscriminating  unenthusiastic  unhopeful  uninquiring  uninterested  uninvolved  unmindful  unmoved  unsolicitous  untouched  unzealous  vegetable  vegetative  wan  weary  withdrawn  without hope  world-weary  
apathy  Laodiceanism  abeyance  abstraction  abulia  accidia  acedia  alienation  aloofness  anxiety  anxiety equivalent  anxiety state  ataraxia  ataraxy  benumbedness  blah  blahs  boredom  callousness  calmness  carelessness  casualness  catalepsy  catatonia  catatonic stupor  cave of Trophonius  cave of despair  coldness  comatoseness  compulsion  deadliness  deathliness  dejection  depression  despair  desperateness  desperation  despondency  detachment  disconsolateness  disinterest  disinterestedness  dispassion  dispassionateness  disregard  disregardfulness  dormancy  drowsiness  dullness  easygoingness  elation  emotionalism  enervation  ennui  entropy  euphoria  fatigue  folie du doute  forlornness  halfheartedness  hardness  heartlessness  heaviness  hebetude  heedlessness  hopelessness  hypochondria  hysteria  hysterics  impassiveness  impassivity  inanimation  inappetence  inattention  incuriosity  incuriousness  indifference  indifferentism  indifferentness  indiscrimination  indolence  inertia  inertness  inexcitability  insensibility  insensitivity  insouciance  intellectual inertia  jadedness  lack of affect  lack of appetite  lack of interest  lackadaisicalness  languidness  languishment  languor  languorousness  lassitude  latency  lenitude  lentor  lethargicalness  lethargy  lifelessness  listlessness  lotus-eating  lukewarmness  mania  melancholia  mental distress  mindlessness  negligence  no exit  no way  no way out  nonchalance  numbness  obduracy  obsession  oscitancy  passiveness  passivity  pathological indecisiveness  phlegm  phlegmaticalness  phlegmaticness  plucklessness  pococurantism  preoccupation  psychalgia  psychomotor disturbance  recklessness  regardlessness  resignation  resignedness  satedness  sleepiness  sloth  slothfulness  slowness  sluggishness  somnolence  sopor  soporifousness  spiritlessness  spunklessness  stagnancy  stagnation  stasis  stoicism  stolidity  stupefaction  stupor  supineness  suspense  tic  torpidity    
ape  Barbary ape  Cape polecat  Chiroptera  Lagomorpha  Primates  Rodentia  act  act a part  act as  act out  angwantibo  anthropoid ape  ape about  appear like  approach  approximate  aye-aye  baboon  bar  be like  be redolent of  bear  bear resemblance  bring to mind  bugs on  burlesque  call to mind  call up  capuchin  caricature  cavy  chacma  chimp  chimpanzee  come close  come near  compare with  conformist  coon  copier  copy  copycat  copyist  correspond  counterfeit  counterfeiter  cracked on  crazy about  cuckoo  dissembler  dissimulator  do  drill  echo  echoer  echoist  emulate  enact  entellus  evoke  faker  favor  ferret  follow  forger  foumart  freaked-out  gaga over  gibbon  glutton  gone on  gorilla  groundhog  guenon  guereza  guinea pig  hanuman  hedgehog  hepped up over  hipped on  hit off  hit off on  hot about  hypocrite  imitate  imitator  impersonate  impersonator  impostor  langur  lemur  look like  macaque  mad about  make like  man  mandrill  marmoset  masquerade as  match  mime  mimer  mimic  mimicker  mirror  mock  mocker  mockingbird  monk  monkey  mountain gorilla  mousehound  near  nearly reproduce  not tell apart  nuts about  nuts on  opossum  orang  orangutan  pantomime  parallel  parody  parrot  partake of  pass for  perform  personate  phony  plagiarist  play  play a part  polecat  poll-parrot  polly  polly-parrot  porcupine  pose as  poseur  possum  prairie dog  pretend to be  proboscis monkey  quill pig  raccoon  remind one of  resemble  rhesus  rival  saki  savor of  seem like  sheep  simulate  simulator  skunk  smack of  sound like  stack up with  starry-eyed over  steamed up about  suggest  take after  take off  take off on  travesty  turned-on  weasel  whistle-pig  wild about  wolverine  woodchuck  zoril  
apercu  a priori knowledge  abbreviation  abbreviature  abrege  abridgment  abstract  anticipation  article  brief  buddhi  capsule  causerie  clairvoyance  compend  condensation  condensed version  conspectus  descant  digest  direct apprehension  discourse  discussion  disquisition  dissertation  draft  epitome  essay  etude  examination  excursus  exposition  feature  first approach  head  homily  immediate cognition  insight  inspiration  introductory study  intuition  intuitionism  intuitive reason  intuitiveness  intuitivism  knowledge without thought  lucubration  memoir  monograph  morceau  note  outline  overview  pandect  paper  paragraph  piece  precis  precognition  preliminary study  prolegomenon  research paper  review  rubric  satori  screed  second sight  second-sightedness  shortened version  sixth sense  skeleton  sketch  special article  study  subconscious knowledge  subconscious perception  survey  syllabus  synopsis  term paper  theme  thesis  thumbnail sketch  topical outline  tract  tractate  treatise  treatment  unmediated perception  
aperitif  Mickey  Mickey Finn  antepast  antipasto  appetizer  canape  chaser  cocktail  doch-an-dorrach  drink  eye-opener  foretaste  highball  knockout drops  mixed drink  nightcap  parting cup  pousse-cafe  punch  smorgasbord  stirrup cup  sundowner  wee doch-an-dorrach  whet  
aperture  access  aisle  alley  ambulatory  arcade  artery  avenue  bore  breach  break  broaching  cavity  channel  chasm  check  chink  clearing  cleft  cloister  colonnade  communication  conduit  connection  corridor  covered way  crack  crevice  cut  defile  disclosure  discontinuity  exit  fenestra  ferry  fissure  fistula  fontanel  foramen  ford  gallery  gap  gape  gash  gat  gulf  hiatus  hole  hollow  inlet  interchange  intersection  interstice  interval  junction  lacuna  lane  laying open  leak  opening  opening up  orifice  outlet  overpass  pass  passage  passageway  perforation  pinhole  pore  portico  prick  puncture  railroad tunnel  rupture  slash  slit  slot  space  split  stoma  throwing open  traject  trajet  tunnel  uncorking  underpass  unstopping  vent  yawn  
apex  L  Olympian heights  achievement  acme  aerial heights  alveolar ridge  alveolus  angle  apogee  arytenoid cartilages  attainment  back  bend  bifurcation  bight  blade  brow  cant  cap  capstone  chevron  climax  cloud nine  coin  consummation  corner  crank  crescendo  crest  crook  crotchet  crown  culmen  culmination  deflection  dizzy heights  dogleg  dorsum  edge  elbow  elevation  ell  eminence  ether  extreme limit  extremity  fork  furcation  hard palate  heaven  heavens  height  heights  high noon  highest pitch  highest point  hook  inflection  knee  larynx  last word  lift  limit  lips  maximum  meridian  mountaintop  nasal cavity  ne plus ultra  no place higher  nook  noon  noontide  oral cavity  palate  peak  pharyngeal cavity  pharynx  pinnacle  pitch  point  pole  prime  prominence  quoin  raise  realization  ridge  rise  rising ground  roof  seventh heaven  sky  soft palate  speech organ  spire  steep  stratosphere  summit  swerve  syrinx  teeth  teeth ridge  tip  tip-top  tongue  top  ultimate  upmost  upper extremity  uppermost  uprise  utmost  vantage ground  vantage point  veer  very top  vocal chink  vocal cords  vocal folds  vocal processes  voice box  zag  zenith  zig  zigzag  
aphasia  anaudia  aphonia  aphrasia  deaf-muteness  dumbness  dysarthria  dysphasia  echolalia  hysterical aphonia  imperfect speech  inarticulateness  incoherence  jargon aphasia  loss of speech  motor aphasia  muteness  mutism  paranomia  paraphasia  psychophonasthenia  speech defect  speechlessness  tonguelessness  verbigeration  voicelessness  wordlessness  
aphorism  abridgment  adage  ana  analects  apothegm  axiom  bon mot  boutade  bright idea  bright thought  brilliant idea  brocard  byword  catchword  collected sayings  conceit  crack  current saying  dictate  dictum  distich  epigram  expression  facetiae  flash of wit  flight of wit  gibe  gnome  golden saying  happy thought  maxim  moral  mot  motto  nasty crack  oracle  persiflage  phrase  pithy saying  play of wit  pleasantry  precept  prescript  proverb  proverbial saying  proverbs  quip  quips and cranks  repartee  retort  riposte  rule  sally  saw  saying  scintillation  sentence  sententious expression  sloka  smart crack  smart saying  snappy comeback  stock saying  stroke of wit  sutra  teaching  text  truism  turn of thought  verse  wisdom  wisdom literature  wise saying  wisecrack  witticism  word  words of wisdom  
aphoristic  Spartan  abbreviated  abridged  aposiopestic  axiomatic  brief  brusque  clipped  close  compact  compendious  compressed  concise  condensed  contracted  crisp  curt  cut  docked  elliptic  epigrammatic  formulaic  formulistic  gnomic  laconic  pithy  platitudinous  pointed  proverbial  pruned  pungent  reserved  sententious  short  short and sweet  shortened  succinct  summary  synopsized  taciturn  terse  tight  to the point  truncated  
Aphrodite  Adonis  Agdistis  Amor  Apollo  Apollo Belvedere  Apollon  Ares  Artemis  Astarte  Ate  Athena  Bacchus  Balder  Ceres  Cleopatra  Cora  Cronus  Cupid  Cybele  Demeter  Despoina  Diana  Dionysus  Dis  Eros  Freya  Gaea  Gaia  Ge  Great Mother  Hades  Hebe  Helios  Hephaestus  Hera  Here  Hermes  Hestia  Hymen  Hyperion  Jove  Juno  Jupiter  Jupiter Fidius  Jupiter Fulgur  Jupiter Optimus Maximus  Jupiter Pluvius  Jupiter Tonans  Kama  Kore  Kronos  Love  Magna Mater  Mars  Mercury  Minerva  Mithras  Momus  Narcissus  Neptune  Nike  Olympians  Olympic gods  Ops  Orcus  Persephassa  Persephone  Phoebus  Phoebus Apollo  Pluto  Poseidon  Proserpina  Proserpine  Rhea  Saturn  Tellus  Venus  Venus de Milo  Vesta  Vulcan  Zeus  houri  peri  the Graces  
apish  asinine  batty  befooled  beguiled  besotted  brainless  buffoonish  cockeyed  crazy  credulous  daffy  daft  dazed  delineatory  depictive  dizzy  doting  dumb  echoic  embodying  emulative  fatuitous  fatuous  figurative  flaky  fond  fool  foolheaded  foolish  fuddled  futile  gaga  goofy  graphic  gulled  ideographic  idiotic  illustrational  illustrative  imbecile  imitative  inane  incarnating  inept  infatuated  insane  kooky  limning  loony  mad  maudlin  mimetic  mimic  mimish  moronic  nutty  onomatopoeic  onomatopoetic  personifying  pictographic  pictorial  portraying  representational  representative  representing  sappy  screwy  senseless  sentimental  silly  simulative  stupid  symbolizing  thoughtless  typifying  vivid  wacky  wet  witless  
aplenty  abounding  abundant  abundantly  affluent  affluently  all-sufficing  ample  bottomless  bottomlessly  bounteous  bounteously  bountiful  bountifully  copious  copiously  diffuse  diffusely  effuse  effusely  epidemic  exhaustless  extravagant  extravagantly  exuberant  exuberantly  fat  fertile  flush  full  fully  galore  generous  generously  in abundance  in full measure  in good supply  in plenty  in quantity  inexhaustible  inexhaustibly  lavish  lavishly  liberal  liberally  luxuriant  many  maximal  maximally  much  no end  numerous  opulent  opulently  overflowing  overflowingly  plenitudinous  plenteous  plenteously  plentiful  plentifully  plenty  prevailing  prevalent  prodigal  prodigally  productive  profuse  profusely  profusive  rampant  replete  rich  richly  rife  riotous  riotously  running over  superabundant  superabundantly  teeming  to the full  wealthy  well-found  well-furnished  well-provided  well-stocked  wholesale  
aplomb  assurance  balance  balanced personality  composure  confidence  constancy  constraint  control  cool  coolness  discipline  ease  easiness  equability  equanimity  equilibrium  erectness  fastness  firmness  homeostasis  imperturbability  independence  invariability  level head  levelheadedness  nerve  nonchalance  orthogonality  perpendicularity  plumbness  plungingness  poise  possession  precipitousness  presence of mind  reliability  restraint  right-angledness  right-angularity  rootedness  sang-froid  sangfroid  savoir faire  secureness  security  self-assurance  self-command  self-confidence  self-conquest  self-control  self-denial  self-discipline  self-government  self-mastery  self-possession  self-restraint  sheerness  solidity  soundness  squareness  stability  stable equilibrium  stable state  steadfastness  steadiness  steady nerves  steady state  steepness  substantiality  undeflectability  uniformity  unshakable nerves  unshakableness  up-and-downness  uprightness  verticalism  verticality  verticalness  well-regulated mind  
apocalypse  actuarial prediction  afflatus  baring  direct communication  disclosing  disclosure  discovering  discovery  divine inspiration  divine revelation  envisioning  epiphany  expose  exposition  exposure  foreboding  forecast  forecasting  foreshowing  foresight  foretelling  guesswork  improbability  inspiration  laying bare  manifestation  mystical experience  mysticism  omen  oracle  patefaction  precognition  prediction  prefiguration  prefigurement  prefiguring  presage  presaging  presentiment  preshowing  presignifying  prevision  probability  prognosis  prognostication  promise  prophecy  prophesying  prospectus  removing the veil  revealing  revealment  revelation  showing up  showup  soothsay  speculation  statistical prediction  stripping  theophania  theophany  theopneustia  theopneusty  uncloaking  uncovering  unfolding  unfoldment  unmasking  unveiling  unwrapping  vaticination  vision  
apocalyptic  Biblical  Gospel  Mosaic  New-Testament  Old-Testament  apostolic  augural  auguring  bad  baleful  baneful  betraying  black  bodeful  boding  canonical  dark  dire  direful  disclosing  disclosive  divinatory  doomful  dreary  evangelic  evangelistic  evil  evil-starred  exposing  eye-opening  fateful  fatidic  foreboding  forecasting  foreseeing  foretelling  forewarning  fortunetelling  gloomy  gospel  haruspical  ill  ill-boding  ill-fated  ill-omened  ill-starred  inauspicious  inspired  lowering  mantic  menacing  of evil portent  ominous  oracular  portending  portentous  predictional  predictive  predictory  prefigurative  prefiguring  presageful  presaging  presignificative  presignifying  prognostic  prognosticative  prophetic  revealed  revealing  revelational  revelatory  scriptural  showing  sibyllic  sibylline  sinister  somber  talkative  textual  textuary  theopneustic  threatening  unfavorable  unfortunate  unlucky  unpromising  unpropitious  untoward  vaticinal  vaticinatory  weather-wise  
apocryphal  Albigensian  Arian  Catharist  Donatist  Ebionitist  Erastian  Gnostic  Jansenist  Jansenistic  Jovinianist  Jovinianistic  Lollard  Manichaean  Monophysite  Monophysitic  Montanist  Montanistic  Pelagian  Sabellian  Waldensian  Wyclifite  affected  antinomian  artificial  assumed  bastard  bogus  brummagem  colorable  colored  counterfeit  counterfeited  distorted  doubtful  dressed up  dubious  dummy  emanationist  embellished  embroidered  erroneous  ersatz  factitious  fake  faked  fallacious  false  falsified  feigned  fictitious  fictive  garbled  heretical  heterodox  hylotheist  hylotheistic  illegitimate  imitation  inaccurate  incorrect  junky  make-believe  man-made  mock  nonofficial  nonorthodox  open to question  pantheist  pantheistic  perverted  phony  pinchbeck  pretended  pseudo  put-on  quasi  queer  questionable  self-styled  sham  shoddy  simulated  so-called  soi-disant  spurious  supposititious  synthetic  tin  tinsel  titivated  twisted  unaccepted  unapproved  unattested  unauthentic  unauthenticated  unauthoritative  uncanonical  uncertified  unchecked  unconfirmed  uncorroborated  undemonstrated  ungenuine  unnatural  unofficial  unorthodox  unproved  unreal  unscriptural  unsound  untrue  unvalidated  unverified  unwarranted  warped  wrong  

AP Definition

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