
AS Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Steckenkräuter ass="s">pl; Rutenkräuter ass="s">pl; Riesenfenchel ass="s">pl (Ferula) (botanische Gattung) ass="c">bot.
Gemeines Steckenkraut; Gemeines Rutenkraut; Gemeiner Riesenfenchel (Ferula communis)
Asant; Stinkasant; Teufelsdreck (Ferula assa-foetida)
giant fennels (botanical genus)
common giant fennel
asant; asafetida; stinking gum; devil's dung; hing and ting; food of the gods
Jogastellung ass="s">f; Jogahaltung ass="s">f (Asana) ass="c">phil.
Adlerstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
Baumstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
Bogenstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
Drehsitz ass="s">f (Joga)
Dreieckstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
Fischstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
gebundene Winkelstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
gedrehte seitliche Winkelstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
Girlandenstellung ass="s">f; tiefe Hockstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
Halbmondstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
Heldenstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
Heuschreckenstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
Kobrastellung ass="s">f (Joga)
Kopf-Fuß-Stellung ass="s">f (Joga)
Kuhmaulstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
Lotussitz ass="s">m (Joga)
Nach-unten-schauender-Hund-Stellung ass="s">f; Dachstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
Pflugstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
Schulterstand ass="s">m; Kerze ass="s">f (Joga)
Seitstützstellung ass="s">f; seitliche Brettstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
sitzende stehende Vorwärtsbeuge ass="s">f (Joga)
Stocksitz ass="s">m (Joga)
Stockstellung ass="s">f; Stabstellung ass="s">f; Plankenstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
Tänzerstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
Totenstellung ass="s">f; Entspannungslage ass="s">f (Joga)
volle Bootsstellung ass="s">f (Joga)
yoga pose; yoga posture; yoga position (asana)
eagle pose (yoga)
tree pose (yoga)
bow pose (yoga)
spinal twist (yoga)
triangle pose (yoga)
fish pose (yoga)
bound angle pose (yoga)
revolved side angle pose (yoga)
garland pose (yoga)
crescent moon pose (yoga)
hero pose; warrior pose (yoga)
locust pose (yoga)
cobra pose (yoga)
standing forward bend (yoga)
cow face pose (yoga)
lotus pose (yoga)
downward facing dog pose (yoga)
plough pose ass="c">Br.; plow pose ass="c">Am. (yoga)
shoulder stand (yoga)
side plank pose (yoga)
seated standing forward bend (yoga)
staff pose (yoga)
four limbed staff pose (yoga)
lord of dance pose (yoga)
corpse pose; relaxation pose (yoga)
full boat pose (yoga)
Yogastellung ass="s">f; Yogahaltung ass="s">f (Asana) ass="c">phil.
Adlerstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
Baumstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
Bogenstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
Drehsitz ass="s">f (Yoga)
Dreieckstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
Fischstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
gebundene Winkelstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
gedrehte, seitliche Winkelstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
Girlandenstellung ass="s">f; tiefe Hockstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
Halbmondstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
Heldenstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
Heuschreckenstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
Kobrastellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
Kopf-Fuß-Stellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
Kuhmaulstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
Lotussitz ass="s">m (Yoga)
Nach-unten-schauender-Hund-Stellung ass="s">f; Dachstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
Pflugstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
Schulterstand ass="s">m; Kerze ass="s">f (Yoga)
Seitstützstellung ass="s">f; seitliche Brettstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
sitzende stehende Vorwärtsbeuge ass="s">f (Yoga)
Stocksitz ass="s">m (Yoga)
Stockstellung ass="s">f; Stabstellung ass="s">f; Plankenstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
Tänzerstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
Totenstellung ass="s">f; Entspannungslage ass="s">f (Yoga)
volle Bootsstellung ass="s">f (Yoga)
yoga pose; yoga posture; yoga position (asana)
eagle pose (yoga)
tree pose (yoga)
bow pose (yoga)
spinal twist (yoga)
triangle pose (yoga)
fish pose (yoga)
bound angle pose (yoga)
revolved side angle pose (yoga)
garland pose (yoga)
crescent moon pose (yoga)
hero pose; warrior pose (yoga)
locust pose (yoga)
cobra pose (yoga)
standing forward bend (yoga)
cow face pose (yoga)
lotus pose (yoga)
downward facing dog pose (yoga)
plough pose ass="c">Br.; plow pose ass="c">Am. (yoga)
shoulder stand (yoga)
side plank pose (yoga)
seated standing forward bend (yoga)
staff pose (yoga)
four limbed staff pose (yoga)
lord of dance pose (yoga)
corpse pose; relaxation pose (yoga)
full boat pose (yoga)
Asansol (Stadt in Indien)
Asansol (city in India)
Asansol (Stadt in Indien) ass="c">geogr.
Asansol (city in India)
baldmöglichst, schnellstmöglich ass="t">adv, so schnell wie möglich
verdammt schnell ass="c">ugs.
as soon as possible (asap, ASAP)
pretty damn quick (PDQ) ass="c">coll.
bald; in Bälde ass="c">geh. ass="t">adv
möglichst bald; baldigst
bald darauf
Bis bald!
so bald nicht
Ich bin bald fertig.
Wir werden sehr bald zu Hause sein.
soon; shortly; before long; by and by (old-fashioned)
as soon as possible ASAP
soon afterwards
See you soon!
not in the near future; not so soon
I'll be finished shortly before long.
We'll be home before very long.
kontaktieren; sich in Verbindung setzen mit
kontaktierend; sich in Verbindung setzen
kontaktiert; sich in Verbindung gesetzt
Wenn sie das noch nicht getan haben dann melden Sie sich bei uns so bald wie möglich.
to get in touch with
getting in touch
got in touch
gets in touch with
got in touch with
If you have not done so yet please get in touch asap.
möglichst bald schnell; so bald schnell wie möglich; schnellstmöglich; schnellstens; baldmöglichst ass="c">adm.; baldigst ass="c">adm.; ehestens ass="c">Ös.; ehest ass="c">Ös. ass="c">adm.; ehebaldigst ass="c">Ös. ass="c">adm. ass="t">adv
verdammt schnell ass="c">ugs.
Ich werde schnellstmöglich so schnell wie möglich bei dir melden.
as soon as possible asap ASAP
pretty damn quick PDQ ass="c">coll.
I will reply as soon as possible.
bald; in Bälde ass="c">geh. ass="t">adv
möglichst bald; baldigst
schon sehr bald
bald darauf; alsbald ass="c">altertümlich
Bis bald!
so bald nicht
Ich bin bald fertig.
Wir werden sehr bald zu Hause sein.
soon; before long; erelong ass="c">poet.; anon ass="c">humor.; presently ass="c">dated; by and by ass="c">dated
as soon as possible ASAP
real soon now RSN
soon afterwards
See you soon!
not in the near future; not so soon
I'll be finished shortly before long.
We'll be home before very long.
jdn. kontaktieren ass="s">v; sich mit jdm. in Verbindung setzen
kontaktierend; sich in Verbindung setzen
kontaktiert; sich in Verbindung gesetzt
Wenn sie das noch nicht getan haben, dann melden Sie sich bei uns so bald wie möglich.
to get in touch with sb.
getting in touch
got in touch
gets in touch
got in touch
If you have not done so yet, please get in touch asap.
möglichst bald; möglichst schnell; so bald wie möglich; so schnell wie möglich; schnellstmöglich; schnellstens; baldmöglichst ass="c">adm.; baldigst ass="c">adm.; ehestens ass="c">Ös.; ehest ass="c">Ös. ass="c">adm.; ehebaldigst ass="c">Ös. ass="c">adm. ass="t">adv
verdammt schnell ass="c">ugs.
Ich werde schnellstmöglich so schnell wie möglich bei dir melden.
as soon as possible asap
pretty damn quick PDQ ass="c">coll.
I will reply as soon as possible.
Gloxinienwinden ass="s">pl (Asarina) (botanische Gattung) ass="c">bot.
asarinas (botanical genus)
Satellitenschüssel ass="s">f; Sat-Schüssel ass="s">f ass="c">ugs. ass="c">telco.
Satellitenschüsseln ass="s">pl; Sat-Schüsseln ass="s">pl
asatellite dish; minidish ® ass="c">Br.
satellite dishes; minidishes
Asbest ass="s">m
Asbestdichtung ass="s">f
asbestos gasket
Asbestgeflecht ass="s">n
asbestos braid
Asbestgewebematte ass="s">f
asbestos fiber mat
Asbestpapier ass="s">n
asbestos paper
Asbestplatte ass="s">f
asbestos sheet
Asbestverseuchung ass="s">f
asbestos contamination
Asbestzement ass="s">m
asbestos cement
Spritzasbest ass="s">m ass="c">constr.
sprayed asbestos
Asbestanalyse ass="s">f ass="c">chem. ass="c">techn.
asbestos analysis
Asbestartikeln ass="s">pl ass="c">chem. ass="c">techn.
asbestos articles
Asbestentfernung ass="s">f ass="c">chem. ass="c">techn.
asbestos removal
Asbestentsorgung ass="s">f ass="c">chem. ass="c">techn.
asbestos disposal
Asbestentsorgungsplanung ass="s">f ass="c">chem. ass="c">techn.
asbestos disposal planning
Asbestersatz ass="s">m ass="c">chem. ass="c">techn.
asbestos replacement
Asbestersatzstoffe ass="s">pl ass="c">chem. ass="c">techn.
asbestos substitute products
Asbesterzeugnisse ass="s">pl ass="c">chem. ass="c">techn.
asbestos products
Asbestfreie Dichtungen ass="s">pl ass="c">chem. ass="c">techn.
asbestos-free gaskets
Asbestplattenzerkleinerer ass="s">m ass="c">chem. ass="c">techn.
asbestos plate comminutors
Asbestsanierer ass="s">m ass="c">chem. ass="c">techn.
asbestos sanitater
Asbestsanierung ass="s">f ass="c">chem. ass="c">techn.
asbestos reorganization
Asbestsanierungen ass="s">pl ass="c">chem. ass="c">techn.
asbestos reconditioning
Asbeststaub ass="s">m ass="c">chem. ass="c">techn.
Asbestsubstitut ass="s">n ass="c">chem. ass="c">techn.
asbestos substitute
asbestos gasket
Asbest ass="s">m ass="c">constr.
Italian asbestos
Asbestanzug ass="s">m
Asbestanzüge ass="s">pl
asbestos suit
asbestos suits
Asbestdichtung ass="s">f ass="c">techn.
Asbestdichtungen ass="s">pl
asbestos gasket
asbestos gaskets
Asbestgewebematte ass="s">f ass="c">constr.
Asbestgewebematten ass="s">pl
asbestos fiber mat
asbestos fiber mats
Asbestplatte ass="s">f
Asbestplatten ass="s">pl
asbestos sheet
asbestos sheets
Asbestzement ass="s">m ass="c">constr.
asbestos cement
Asbestzementplatte ass="s">f ass="c">constr.
Asbestzementplatten ass="s">pl
asbestos cement board
asbestos cement boards
Asbestzementrohr ass="s">n ass="c">constr.
Asbestzementrohre ass="s">pl
asbestos cement pipe
asbestos cement pipes
Asbestzementschiefer ass="s">m ass="c">constr.
asbestos cement slate
Flachasbestplatte ass="s">f
Flachasbestplatten ass="s">pl
flat asbestos sheet
flat asbestos sheets
Kap-Asbest ass="s">m; Krokydolith ass="s">m ass="c">min.
blue-cape asbestos; crocidolite; krokidolite
Wellasbestplatte ass="s">f ass="c">constr.
Wellasbestplatten ass="s">pl
corrugated asbestos board
corrugated asbestos boards
asbestfrei ass="s">adj
Chrysotilasbest ass="s">m ass="c">min.
Serpentinasbest ass="s">m ass="c">min.
serpentine asbestos
Asbestfaser ass="s">f
Asbestfasern ass="s">pl
asbestos fibre ass="c">Br.; asbestos fiber ass="c">Am.
asbestos fibres; asbestos fibers
Beständigkeit ass="s">f; Persistenz ass="s">f (gegenüber biologischen chemischen Vorgängen) ass="c">chem. ass="c">envir.
Beständigkeit von Schaum; Schaumstabilität ass="s">f
Biopersistenz ass="s">f (von Asbest in der Lunge usw.) ass="c">med.
Emulsionsbeständigkeit ass="s">f
persistence; persistency (against biological chemical processes)
persistence of foam; foam persistence
bio persistence (of asbestos in the lungs etc.)
emulsion persistence
Gleisbett ass="s">n; Gleisbettung ass="s">f; Bettung ass="s">f (unterhalb der Schienen) (Bahn) ass="c">constr.
geschottertes Gleisbett; geschottertes Gleis; beschottertes Gleisbett; Schotterbett ass="s">n; Schotterbettung ass="s">f; Kiesbett ass="s">n; Kiesbettung ass="s">f; Schotteroberbau ass="s">m
Sandbettung ass="s">f; Sandbett ass="s">n
Schlackenbett ass="s">n; Schlackenbettung ass="s">f
Absetzen auf Bettung
Abnutzung der Bettung; Schotterbettabnutzung
Auflockerung der Bettung; Bettungsauflockerung
Dicke der Bettung; Bettungsdicke; Höhe der Bettung; Bettungshöhe
Elastizität der Bettung; Elastizität des Schotterbetts
Erneuerung der Bettung
Fuß der Bettung; Bettungsfuß ass="s">m
Krone der Bettung; Bettungskrone; Schotterkrone; Bettungsschulter
Querschnitt der Bettung; Bettungsquerschnitt
Reinigung der Bettung; Bettungsreinigung; Schottersiebung; Bettungsumbau
Sohle der Bettung; Bettungssohle
Verkrustung der Bettung; Verschlammung der Bettung
Tiefe der Schotterbettreinigung; Tiefe der Schotterreinigung
erstes Schotterbett
zweites Schotterbett
die Bettung verdichten
track bed; road bed (railway)
ballasted track bed; ballasted road bed; ballast bed; gravelled track bed; crushed-stone bed
asbestos residue ballast
sand ballast
slag ballast
placing on the ballast
weakening of the ballast
scarification of ballast
depth of ballast
elasticity of the ballast; resilience of the ballast
renewal of the ballast
toe of ballast
crown of ballast; top of ballast; ballast shoulder
ballast profile; ballast section
cleaning of the ballast; ballast cleaning; screening of the ballast; ballast screening; sifting of the ballast; ballast sifting
base of ballast; bed of ballast
incrustation of the ballast; choking of the ballast; fouling of the ballast
depth of screening
bottom ballast
top ballast
to tamp the ballast
unberührt; unverändert belassen; nicht verändert ass="s">adj
ein unberührter Wald
von der Zivilisation weitgehend unberührt sein
Unverändert belassene Asbestmaterialien stellen keine Gefahr dar.
Die Nester sollten in Ruhe gelassen werden.
undisturbed (not tampered with)
an undisturbed forest
to be mostly undisturbed by civilisation
Undisturbed asbestos materials pose no hazard.
The nests should be left undisturbed.
Asbestose ass="s">f ass="c">med.
gerichtliche Verfügung ass="s">f; Anordnung ass="s">f ass="c">jur.
Unterlassungsverfügung ass="s">f
Unterlassungsverfügung wegen Störung der öffentlichen Ordnung
Verbotsverfügung ass="s">f
gerichtliche Verfügungen ass="s">pl; Anordnungen ass="s">pl
einstweilige Verfügung ass="s">f
einstweilige Verfügung ass="s">f
eine einstweilige Verfügung erwirken
eine einstweilige Verfügung aufheben
prohibitory injunction
Antisocial Behaviour Order ASBO ass="c">Br.
prohibitory injunction
preliminary injunction; temporary injunction; interim order; interim interdict ass="c">Sc.
interlocutory injunction
to obtain an injunction
to reverse an injunction
Asbolan ass="s">m ass="c">min.
US-amerikanische Verwertungsgesellschaft für Musik-Produkte
American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers ASCAP
Spulwürmer ass="s">pl (Ascaridida) (zoologische Ordnung) ass="c">zool.
maw worms; ascarids (zoological order)
aufsteigen, hinaufsteigen
aufsteigend, hinaufsteigend
aufgestiegen, hinaufgestiegen
steigt auf, steigt hinauf
stieg auf, stieg hinauf
to ascend
aufsteigen, hinaufsteigen
auffahren, Auffahrt zum
ascend to
aufsteigen; hinaufsteigen ass="s">v
aufsteigend; hinaufsteigend
aufgestiegen; hinaufgestiegen
steigt auf; steigt hinauf
stieg auf; stieg hinauf
to ascend
Kletterroute ass="s">f ass="c">sport
Kletterrouten ass="s">pl
verzwickte ungemütliche schwer begehbare Route
der technische Schwierigkeitsgrad einer Kletterroute
eine Route durchsteigen; durchklettern
climbing route
climbing routes
thrutchy route ass="c">coll.
the technical grade of a climbing route
to ascend; to scend; to send a route

Deutsche Steckenkräuter {pl}; Rutenkräuter {pl}; Riesenfenchel {pl} (Ferula) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] / Gemeines Steckenkraut; Gemeines Rutenkraut; Gemeiner Riesenfenchel (Ferula communis) / Asant; Stinkasant; Teufelsdreck (Ferula assa-foetida) Synonyme

Art  ÂGattung  ÂKlasse  ÂMenge  
Gattung  ÂGenus  (fachsprachlich)  ÂGeschlecht  
Art  ÂGattung  ÂGenre  ÂSorte  ÂSpezies  ÂTyp  ÂWesen  
Gattung  Genus (fachsprachlich)  Geschlecht  

Englische giant fennels Synonyme

as  ad eundem  after this fashion  along these lines  as an example  as an instance  as long as  as things go  as well  at what price  because  being  being as how  by what mode  by what name  cause  ceteris paribus  considering  correspondingly  equally  equivalently  evenly  exempli gratia  for  for example  for instance  forasmuch as  how  identically  in such wise  in that  in this way  in what way  inasmuch as  indifferently  insofar as  insomuch as  like  now  parce que  proportionately  seeing as how  seeing that  since  so  thus  thus and so  to illustrate  whereas  without distinction  
as a rule  all in all  all things considered  altogether  as a whole  as an approximation  as per usual  as things go  as usual  at large  broadly  broadly speaking  by and large  chiefly  commonly  customarily  frequently  generally  generally speaking  habitually  in general  mainly  most often  mostly  naturally  normally  normatively  on balance  on the whole  ordinarily  overall  predominantly  prescriptively  prevailingly  regularly  roughly  roughly speaking  routinely  speaking generally  to be expected  usually  
as is  actual  alike  as per usual  as things are  as usual  at a stand  at a standstill  being  coequally  coextensively  coincidentally  congruently  contemporaneous  contemporary  correspondently  correspondingly  coterminously  current  ditto  equally  existent  existing  extant  fresh  ibid  ibidem  identically  immanent  immediate  instant  just the same  latest  likewise  modern  new  present  present-age  present-day  present-time  running  same here  synonymously  that be  that is  the same way  topical  up-to-date  up-to-the-minute  
as it were  assumably  assumedly  assumptively  figuratively  figuratively speaking  in a manner  in a way  in seeming  kind of  metaphorically  presumably  presumedly  presumptively  quasi  reputedly  seemingly  so to say  so to speak  sort of  supposably  supposedly  suppositionally  supposititiously  symbolically  
as long as  as  as far as  at which time  being  cause  considering  during which time  for  inasmuch as  just so  seeing  since  so  so as  so long as  so that  the while  when  whereas  while  whilst  
as one  all agreeing  all together  as one man  at a clip  at once  at one time  back to back  by acclamation  cheek by jowl  coactively  coefficiently  coinstantaneously  collectively  combinedly  communally  concertedly  concordantly  concurrently  conjointly  consentaneously  cooperatingly  cooperatively  corporately  hand in glove  hand in hand  harmoniously  in a chorus  in agreement  in chorus  in common  in concert with  in concord  in harmony with  in partnership  in phase  in sync  in unison  inharmony  isochronously  jointly  mutually  nem con  nemine contradicente  nemine dissentiente  on all hands  on the beat  one and all  shoulder to shoulder  simultaneously  synchronously  to a man  together  unanimously  with one accord  with one consent  with one voice  without contradiction  
as the crow flies  dead  dead ahead  direct  directly  due  due north  forthright  in a beeline  in line with  right  straight  straight across  straight ahead  straightforward  straightforwards  straightly  undeviatingly  unswervingly  unveeringly  
as usual  as a rule  as is  as per usual  as things are  as things go  at a stand  at a standstill  chiefly  commonly  consistently  customarily  generally  habitually  mainly  most often  mostly  naturally  normally  normatively  ordinarily  prescriptively  regularly  to be expected  usually  wontedly  
as well  above  ad eundem  additionally  again  all included  also  altogether  among other things  and all  and also  and so  as  au reste  beside  besides  beyond  ceteris paribus  correspondingly  else  en plus  equally  equivalently  evenly  exactly  extra  farther  for lagniappe  further  furthermore  identically  in addition  indifferently  inter alia  into the bargain  item  just  likewise  more  moreover  on the side  on top of  over  over and above  plus  precisely  proportionately  similarly  so  then  therewith  to boot  too  without distinction  yea  yet  
asbestos  act drop  amianthus  asbestos board  asbestos curtain  backdrop  batten  border  cloth  coulisse  counterweight  curtain  curtain board  cyclorama  decor  drop  drop curtain  earth flax  fire break  fire curtain  fire line  fire resistance  fire retardant  fire wall  fireproofing  flat  flipper  hanging  mountain flax  rag  scene  scenery  screen  side scene  stage screw  tab  tableau  teaser  tormentor  transformation  transformation scene  wing  wingcut  woodcut  
ascend  advance  arise  aspire  back  back up  bank  budge  buss the clouds  cant  careen  chandelle  change  change place  circle  clamber  climb  come up  crest  curl upwards  decline  descend  dip  drop  ebb  escalade  escalate  fall  fall away  fall off  float  flow  gain altitude  get over  get up  go  go around  go downhill  go round  go sideways  go up  go uphill  grade  grow up  gyrate  hoick  incline  keel  lean  levitate  lift  list  loom  mount  move  move over  pitch  plunge  progress  rake  rear  rear up  regress  retreat  retrogress  rise  rise up  rotate  run  scale  scale the heights  scramble  shelve  shift  shin  sidle  sink  slant  slope  soar  spin  spiral  spire  stand on tiptoe  stand up  stir  stream  subside  surge  surmount  swag  swarm up  sway  sweep up  tilt  tip  top  tower  travel  up  upclimb  upgo  upgrow  upheave  uprear  uprise  upspin  upstream  upsurge  upswarm  upwind  wane  whirl  zoom  
ascendancy  Cadmean victory  KO  Pyrrhic victory  accomplishment  ascendance  authority  balance of power  championship  charisma  charm  clout  conquest  consequence  control  credit  deanship  dominance  dominancy  domination  dominion  easy victory  effect  eminence  eminent domain  enchantment  esteem  excellence  favor  force  good feeling  grand slam  greatness  hold  importance  incidental power  incomparability  influence  influentiality  inimitability  insinuation  knockout  landslide  landslide victory  lead  leadership  leverage  magnetism  majority  masterdom  mastery  moment  moral victory  one-upmanship  overlordship  personality  persuasion  picnic  potency  power  precedence  predominance  predominancy  predomination  preeminence  preponderance  prepotence  prepotency  prerogative  pressure  prestige  primacy  principality  priority  privilege  purchase  pushover  reign  repute  right-of-way  rule  runaway victory  say  seniority  skill  sovereignty  suasion  subdual  subduing  subtle influence  success  suggestion  superiority  supremacy  suzerainship  suzerainty  sway  total victory  transcendence  transcendency  triumph  upper hand  victory  virtuosity  walkaway  walkover  weight  whip hand  win  winning  winning streak  
ascendant  a cut above  above  absolute  ahead  anabatic  antecedent  ascendancy  ascending  ascensional  ascensive  at the head  authoritarian  authoritative  authorized  autocratic  better  boss  capping  chief  chosen  climbing  clothed with authority  commanding  competent  conquering  consequential  considerable  controlling  defeating  distinguished  dominance  dominant  domination  dominion  duly constituted  eclipsing  eminent  empowered  ex officio  exceeding  excellent  excelling  finer  flushed with success  forebear  forefather  forerunner  general  governing  great  greater  head  hegemonic  hegemonistic  higher  imperative  important  in ascendancy  in charge  in chief  in the ascendant  influential  leading  leaping  major  marked  master  masterdom  mighty  momentous  monocratic  mounting  of choice  official  on the throne  one up on  outstanding  over  overbearing  overcoming  paramount  potent  powerful  precursor  predecessor  predominant  predominate  preeminence  preeminent  prepollent  preponderance  preponderant  preponderate  prepotence  prepotent  prestigious  prevailing  prevalent  primogenitor  progenitor  prominent  puissant  rampant  ranking  rare  rearing  regnant  regulating  regulative  regulatory  reigning  rising  rivaling  ruling  saltatory  scandent  scansorial  senior  skyrocketing  sovereign  sovereignty  spiraling  springing  substantial  successful  super  superior  supreme  surpassing  swaying  topping  totalitarian  transcendent  transcendental  transcending  triumphal  triumphant  uparching  upcoming  upgoing  upgrade  uphill  uphillward  upper  uprising  upsloping  upward  upwith  vanquishing  victorious  weighty  winning  
ascending  Olympian  acclinate  acclivitous  aerial  airy  altitudinous  anabatic  ascendant  ascensional  ascensive  aspiring  axial  back  back-flowing  backward  climbing  colossal  descending  dominating  down-trending  downward  drifting  elevated  eminent  ethereal  exalted  flowing  fluent  flying  going  gyrational  gyratory  haughty  high  high-pitched  high-reaching  high-set  high-up  in the ascendant  leaping  lofty  monumental  mounting  outtopping  overlooking  overtopping  passing  plunging  progressive  prominent  rampant  rearing  reflowing  refluent  regressive  retrogressive  rising  rotary  rotational  rotatory  running  rushing  saltatory  scandent  scansorial  sideward  sinking  skyrocketing  soaring  spiraling  spiring  springing  steep  streaming  sublime  superlative  supernal  topless  toplofty  topping  towering  towery  up-trending  uparching  upcoming  upgoing  upgrade  uphill  uphillward  uplifted  upreared  uprising  upsloping  upward  upwith  
ascension  anabasis  apotheosis  ascent  assumption  clamber  climb  climbing  elevation  escalade  fountain  gathering  gush  gyring up  increase  jet  jump  leap  levitation  mount  mounting  resurrection  rise  rising  rocketing up  saltation  shooting up  soaring  spout  spring  spurt  surge  takeoff  taking off  the Ascension  the Assumption  translation  upclimb  upcoming  updraft  upgang  upgo  upgoing  upgrade  upgrowth  uphill  upleap  uplift  upping  uprisal  uprise  uprising  uprush  upshoot  upslope  upsurge  upsurgence  upsweep  upswing  vault  zooming  
ascent  Brownian movement  Great Leap Forward  abruptness  access  accession  acclivity  accretion  accrual  accruement  accumulation  addition  advance  advancement  aggrandizement  airiness  amelioration  amendment  amplification  angular motion  apotheosis  appreciation  ascending  ascension  assumption  augmentation  axial motion  backflowing  backing  backward motion  ballooning  beatification  bettering  betterment  bloating  boom  boost  broadening  bubbliness  buildup  buoyancy  canonization  career  climb  climbing  course  crescendo  current  daintiness  deification  delicacy  descending  descent  development  downiness  downward motion  drift  driftage  ebbing  edema  elevation  enhancement  enlargement  enrichment  enshrinement  erection  escalation  ethereality  eugenics  euthenics  exaltation  expansion  extension  flight  floatability  flood  flow  fluffiness  flux  foaminess  forward motion  frothiness  furtherance  gain  gentleness  gossameriness  greatening  growth  gush  headway  height  hike  improvement  increase  increment  inflation  jump  lack of weight  leap  levitation  levity  lift  lifting  lightness  melioration  mend  mending  mounting  multiplication  oblique motion  ongoing  onrush  passage  pickup  plunging  precipitousness  preferment  productiveness  progress  progression  proliferation  promotion  radial motion  raise  raising  random motion  rearing  recovery  reflowing  refluence  reflux  regression  restoration  retrogression  revival  rise  rising  rising ground  run  rush  set  sideward motion  sinking  snowballing  soaring  softness  spread  steepness  sternway  stream  subsiding  surge  sursum corda  swelling  tenderness  traject  trajet  trend  tumescence  unheaviness  up  upbeat  upbuoying  upcast  upclimb  upgo  upgrade  upheaval  uphill  uplift  uplifting  upping  uprearing  uprise  uprising  upsurge  upswing  upthrow  upthrust  uptrend  upturn  upward mobility  upward motion  verticalness  vise  volatility  waxing  wei  
ascertain  afford proof of  appraise  ask  assure  be informed  become acquainted with  bring home to  broaden the mind  catch on  certify  cinch  clear up  clinch  consider  contemplate  cram the mind  decide  demonstrate  determine  discover  dismiss all doubt  ensure  establish  find  find out  find out about  fix  follow  follow from  gain knowledge  get  get at  get hold of  have a case  hear  hold good  hold water  inquire  inspect  insure  interrogate  learn  learn about  load the mind  make a decision  make certain  make good  make no doubt  make no mistake  make out  make sure  make sure of  nail down  observe  pick up information  prove  prove to be  prove true  query  question  reassure  remove all doubt  resolve  see  see that  see to it  set at rest  settle  settle the matter  show  sort out  study  survey  tumble  unearth  view  weigh  
ascertained  actual  appreciated  apprehended  assured  attested  authenticated  borne out  categorically true  certain  certified  circumstantiated  comprehended  conceived  confirmed  corroborated  decided  demonstrated  determinate  determined  discerned  documentary  down pat  effectual  established  factual  fixed  grasped  guaranteed  historical  in the bag  known  made sure  nailed down  not in error  objectively true  on ice  open-and-shut  pat  perceived  prehended  proved  proven  real  realized  recognized  secure  seized  set  settled  shown  stated  substantiated  sure-enough  tested  tried  true  true as gospel  truthful  unconfuted  undenied  understood  undoubted  unerroneous  unfallacious  unfalse  unmistaken  unquestionable  unrefuted  validated  veracious  verified  veritable  warranted  
ascetic  Albigensian  Apostolic  Apostolici  Catharist  Diogenes  Encratic  Encratite  Franciscan  Hieronymian  Hieronymite  Lenten  Pythagorean  Pythagorist  Rechabite  Sabbatarian  Shaker  Spartan  Stoic  Timon of Athens  Trappist  Waldensian  abbacomes  abbot  abstainer  abstemious  abstinent  anchoress  anchorite  anchoritic  apologetic  astringent  atoning  austere  bald  banian  bare  beadsman  bedridden invalid  bhikshu  brother  caloyer  candid  celibate  cenobite  chaste  cleansing  cloistered monk  closet cynic  common  commonplace  compensational  compensatory  continent  conventual  conventual prior  dervish  desert fathers  desert saints  direct  disciplined  dry  dull  dwarfed  dwarfish  eremite  eremitic  exiguous  expiatory  fakir  flagellant  forbearing  frank  friar  frugal  fruitarian  grand prior  gymnosophist  hermit  hermitess  hieromonach  homebody  homely  homespun  hydropot  impoverished  invalid  isolationist  jejune  lay abbot  lay brother  lean  limited  loner  lustral  lustrational  lustrative  marabout  matter-of-fact  meager  mean  mendicant  miserly  monastic  monk  mortified  narrow  natural  neat  nephalist  nephalistic  niggardly  on the wagon  open  outcast  palmer  paltry  pariah  parsimonious  penitential  piacular  pilgrim  pillar saint  pillarist  plain  plain-speaking  plain-spoken  poor  prior  propitiatory  prosaic  prosing  prosy  puny  pure  purgative  purgatorial  purifying  puritan  puritanical  reclamatory  recluse  recompensing  redeeming  redemptive  redressing  religieux  religious  reparative  reparatory  repentant  repenting  restitutional  restitutive  restitutory  restrained  righting  rigoristic  rustic  sannyasi  satisfactional  scant  scanty  schooled  scrawny  scrimp  scrimpy  seclusionist  self-abasing  self-abnegating  self-denying  self-forgetful  selfless  severe  sexually abstinent  shut-in  simple  simple-speaking  skimp  skimpy  slender  slight  slim  small  sober  solitaire  solitary  solitudinarian  
asceticism  Day of Atonement  Encratism  Friday  Lenten fare  Pythagoreanism  Pythagorism  Rechabitism  Shakerism  Spartan fare  Stoicism  Yom Kippur  abstainment  abstemiousness  abstention  abstinence  avoidance  banyan day  celibacy  chastity  cold purgatorial fires  continence  eschewal  fast  fasting  fish day  flagellation  fruitarianism  gymnosophy  hair shirt  lustration  maceration  mortification  nephalism  penance  penitence  penitential act  penitential exercise  plain living  purgation  purgatory  refraining  refrainment  repentance  sackcloth and ashes  sexual abstinence  simple diet  spare diet  teetotalism  the pledge  total abstinence  vegetarianism  

AS Definition

AS Bedeutung

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