
Nu Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Abstufung f, Nuance f, Zwischenton m
Abstufungen pl, Nuancen pl
Abstufung f; Nuance f; Zwischenton m
Abstufungen pl; Nuancen pl
Feinheit f; Finesse f; Nuance f
Feinheiten pl; Finessen pl; Nuancen pl
juristische Feinheiten
die Feinheiten der englischen Grammatik
fine point; subtlety; nicety; nuance
fine points; subtleties; niceties; nuances
legal niceties
the fine points the subtleties of English grammar
nuanciert adj
abgestuft; nuanciert; differenziert adj
(bei jdm.) etw. hervorrufen; auslösen; wecken; jdm. etw. entlocken v
hervorrufend; auslösend; weckend; entlockend
hervorgerufen; ausgelöst; geweckt; entlockt
eine Reaktion auslösen
beim Publikum große Anteilnahme auslösen
jdm. ein Lächeln entlocken
Druck ausüben, um ein Geständnis zu erhalten
Die Ausstellung hat großes öffentliches Interesse geweckt.
Ihre Frage Ihr Klopfen blieb ohne Antwort.
Ich versuchte vergeblich, auf diese Frage eine differenziertere Antwort zu erhalten.
Auf so eine Frage wird keine Antwort erwartet.
Diese Frage ist immer wieder gestellt und nie zufriedenstellend beantwortet worden.
to elicit sth. (from sb.) formal
to elicit a reaction response
to elict great sympathy from the audience
to elicit a smile from sb.
to use pressure to elicit a confession
The exhibition has elicited widespread public interest.
Her question Her knock elicited no response.
I tried, in vain, to elicit a more nuanced answer to this question.
Such a question is not meant to elicit an answer.
That question has been asked time and time again, and has never elicited a satisfying answer.
nuancenreich adj
full of nuances
etw. nuancieren v
to shade sth. subtly and gradually; to give sth. subtle nuances
Nubiertrappe f ornith.
Nubian Bustard
Nubischer Ziegenmelker m ornith.
Nubian Nightjar
Nubierspecht m ornith.
Nubian Woodpecker
Nubische Wüste f geogr.
Nubian Desert
Ohrengeier m (Aegypius tracheliotus Torgos tracheliotus) ornith.
lappet-faced vulture; Nubian vulture
anziehend, sexy adj
sexuelle Attraktivität f
ehemündig, heiratsfähig adj
nicht heiratsfähig
marriageable, nubile
heiratsfähig, mannbar adj
anziehend; sexy adj
sexuelle Attraktivität f
ehemündig; heiratsfähig adj jur.
nicht heiratsfähig
im heiratsfähigen Alter
marriageable; nubile
of marriageable age
heiratsfähig; mannbar adj
attraktiv; sexy adj (junge Frau)
nubile (of a young woman)
heiratsfähig; ehemündig jur.; mannbar poet. adj (Mädchen) soc.
nicht heiratsfähig
marriageable; nubile (girl)
Heiratsfähigkeit f
marriageability, marriageableness, nubility
Heiratsfähigkeit f
marriageability; marriageableness; nubility
sexuelle Attraktivität f (einer jungen Frau)
nubility (of a young woman)
Kernpunkt m
Kernpunkte pl
Wildleder n; Rauleder n
suede; suede leather; Nubuck leather
Nacken m; Genick n; Gnack n Ös. ugs. anat.
steifer Nacken; steifes Genick; steifer Hals steifes Gnack Ös. ugs.
nape; nucha; back nape of the neck
stiff neck; stiffness of the neck; crick in the neck
Nacken m; Genick n; Gnack n Ös. ugs. anat.
nape; nucha; back nape of the neck
Halsmuskel m anat.
Halsmuskeln pl
langer Halsmuskel
querer Halsmuskel
cervical muscle; collar muscle
cervical muscles; collar muscles
longus colli muscle; longus cervicis muscle
transverse nuchal muscle; transversus nuchae nuscle; occipitalis minor muscle
Finnenausschlag m; Akne f med.
Keloidakne f; Aknekeloid n (Dermatitis papillaris capillitii Folliculitis keloidalis)
whelk; acne
keloid acne; acne keloid; keloidal folliculitis; folliculitis sclerotisans nuchae
Nackenfalte f med.
Dicke der Nackenfalte
nuchal fold
nuchal fold thickness
Nabelschnurumschlingung f med.
nuchal loop; nuchal cord
Nackenaponeurose f med.
nuchal aponeurosis
Nackenband n anat.
nuchal ligament
Nackenfalte f med.
Nackenfalten pl
Dicke der Nackenfalte
nuchal fold
nuchal folds
nuchal fold thickness
Nackengrube f anat.
nuchal fossa
Nackenhöcker m anat.
nuchal tubercle
Nackenlinie f anat.
nuchal line
Nackenmuskulatur f; Nackenmuskeln pl anat.
nuchal muscles
Nackenregion f anat.
nuchal region; cervical region
Nackensteife f; Nackensteifigkeit f med.
nuchal rigidity; neck stiffness; stiffness of the neck
Nackentransparenz f med.
nuchal translucency
Nackentransparenzmessung f; Nackendichtemessung f; Nackenfaltenmessung f med.
nuchal translucency scan screening; NT scan; NT screening; nuchal fold scan; nuchal scan
Tannenhäher m ornith.
Eurasian Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes), Spotted Nutcracker
Leistenbruch m med.
Leistenbrüche pl
direkter Leistenbruch
indirekter Leistenbruch
intermuskulärer interparietaler Leistenbruch
Leistenbruch bei der Frau
Leistenbruch im Samenstrangbereich
Leistenbruch der in die großen Schamlippen eingetreten ist
inguinal hernia; groin hernia
inguinal hernias; groin hernias
direct inguinal hernia
indirect oblique inguinal hernia
intermuscular interstitial interparietal inguinal hernia
Nuck's hydrocele
funicular hernia
labial inguinal hernia
Leistenbruch m med.
Leistenbrüche pl
direkter Leistenbruch
indirekter Leistenbruch
intermuskulärer interparietaler Leistenbruch
Leistenbruch bei der Frau
Leistenbruch im Samenstrangbereich
Leistenbruch, der in die großen Schamlippen eingetreten ist
inguinal hernia; groin hernia
inguinal hernias; groin hernias
direct inguinal hernia
indirect oblique inguinal hernia
intermuscular interstitial interparietal inguinal hernia
Nuck's hydrocele
funicular hernia
labial inguinal hernia
Schleimhautausstülpung f; Schleimhauttasche f; Divertikel n (Ausstülpung eines Hohlorgans) anat. med.
Schleimhautausstülpungen pl; Schleimhauttaschen pl; Divertikel pl
allantoenterisches Divertikel
Blasendivertikel n
Blinddarmdivertikel n; Appendixdivertikel n
Dickdarmdivertikel n; Colondivertikel n
echtes falsches Divertikel
epiphrenisches Divertikel
Harnröhrendivertikel n; Urethra-Divertikel n
Killian'sches Divertikel
Kirchner'sches Divertikel
Leberdivertikel n
Magendivertikel n
Meckel'sches Divertikel
Nuck'sches Divertikel
pharyngo-ösophageales Divertikel; Zenker'sches Divertikel
Rokitansky'sches Divertikel
supradiaphragmatisches Divertikel
tracheobronchiales Divertikel
ventrikuläres Divertikel
zervikales Divertikel
outpouching; pouch; diverticulum
outpouchings; pouches; diverticula
allanto-enteric diverticulum
diverticulum of the bladder; bladder diverticulum; vesical diverticulum
diverticulum of the appendix
diverticulum of the colon; colon diverticulum
true false diverticulum
epiphrenic diverticulum
urethral diverticulum
Killian's diverticulum
Kirchner's diverticulum
diverticulum of the liver; liver diverticulum; hepatic diverticulum
diverticulum of the stomach
Meckel's diverticulum
Nuck's diverticulum
pharyngo-oesophageal diverticulum; pharyngeal diverticulum; Zenker's pouch
Rokitansky's diverticulum
supradiaphragmatic diverticulum
tracheobronchial diverticulum
ventricular diverticulum
cervical diverticulum
Atomrisiko, Kernenergierisiko
nuclear risk
nuclear risk insurance
nuclear energy
radioaktive Strahlung
nuclear radiation
nuclear radiation risk
von Atomkraft angetriebenes Schiff
nuclear vessel
ABC-Waffen pl, atomare, biologische und chemische Waffen mil.
nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons
Abrüstung f
nukleare Abrüstung
nuclear disarmament
Abschreckung f
atomare Abschreckung
deterrence, deterrent
nuclear deterrence
Anti-Atombewegung f, Anti-Atom-Bewegung f, Antiatomkraft-Bewegung f
anti-nuclear movement
Anziehungskraft f phys.
atomare Anziehungskraft
attraction, power of attraction
nuclear attraction
Atom-U-Boot n mil.
nuclear-powered submarine, nuclear submarine, nuke sub coll.
Atombombe f, Nuklearbombe f mil.
Atombomben pl
nuclear bomb, A-bomb, atomic bomb
nuclear bombs, atomic bombs
Atombunker m
nuclear blast-proof bunker
Atomforscher m
atomic scientist (nuclear scientist)
Atommüll m
nuclear waste, atomic waste
Atomphysik f
atomic physics (nuclear physics)

Deutsche Abstufung {f} Nuance {f} Zwischenton {m} / Abstufungen {pl} Nuancen {pl} Synonyme

Abstufung  Âfeiner  Unterschied  ÂNuance  ÂSchattierung  ÂTönung  
Abstufung  ÂGrad  ÂMaß  
Abstufung  ÂStufung  
Anstrich  ÂBemalung  ÂFarbe  ÂFarbton  ÂKolorierung  ÂKolorit  ÂNuance  ÂSchattierung  ÂSchimmer  ÂTönung  ÂTon  
Abstufung  Grad  Maß  
Abstufung  Stufung  
Abstufung  feiner Unterschied  Nuance  Schattierung  Tönung  
nuance  allegory  allusion  amount  arcane meaning  assumption  caliber  coloration  compass  connotation  

Englische nuance Synonyme

nuance  allegory  allusion  amount  arcane meaning  assumption  caliber  coloration  compass  connotation  contradistinction  cut  dash  degree  delicacy  delicate distinction  demarcation  differentia  differential  differentiation  distinction  distinctiveness  distinguishment  division  extent  fine point  grade  hairline  hairsplitting  height  hint  implication  implied meaning  import  inference  innuendo  interval  intimation  ironic suggestion  leap  level  margin  mark  meaning  measure  metaphorical sense  microscopic distinction  narrow margin  nice distinction  nicety  notch  occult meaning  overtone  particle of difference  pas  peg  period  pitch  plane  plateau  point  point of difference  presumption  presupposition  proportion  range  ratio  reach  refinement  remove  round  rung  scale  scope  segregation  separation  shade  shade of difference  shadow  soupcon  space  stair  standard  step  stint  subsense  subsidiary sense  subtle distinction  subtlety  suggestion  supposition  suspicion  symbolism  tinge  touch  tread  trichoschistism  undercurrent  undermeaning  undertone  wide margin  
nub  axiom  axis  bench mark  bilge  blain  bleb  blister  blob  boss  bow  bubble  bulb  bulge  bulla  bump  bunch  burl  button  cahot  cardinal point  center  center of action  center of gravity  centroid  centrum  chief thing  chine  climax  clump  condyle  convex  core  cornerstone  crisis  critical point  crux  dead center  distillate  distillation  dowel  ear  elixir  epicenter  essence  essential  essential matter  fabric  feel  finish  flange  flap  flower  focus  fundamental  gall  gist  gnarl  grain  granular texture  gravamen  great point  handle  heart  high point  hill  hub  hump  hunch  hypostasis  important thing  indentation  inner essence  issue  jog  joggle  kernel  keystone  knob  knot  knub  knur  knurl  landmark  lip  loop  lump  main point  main thing  marrow  material  material point  matter  meat  medium  medulla  metacenter  middle  milestone  mole  mountain  nap  nave  navel  nevus  nubbin  nubble  nucleus  nuts and bolts  omphalos  papilloma  peg  pile  pit  pith  pivot  pock  postulate  principle  protuberance  quid  quiddity  quintessence  real issue  rib  ridge  ring  salient point  sap  shag  short  shoulder  sine qua non  soul  spine  spirit  storm center  structure  stud  stuff  style  substance  substantive point  sum and substance  surface  surface texture  tab  texture  the bottom line  the nitty-gritty  the point  tubercle  tubercule  turning point  umbilicus  upshot  verruca  vesicle  wale  wart  weave  welt  woof  
nubbin  bantam  banty  bilge  blain  bleb  blister  blob  boss  bow  bubble  bulb  bulge  bulla  bump  bunch  burden  burl  button  cahot  chine  chit  clump  condyle  convex  core  crux  diminutive  dowel  ear  featherweight  fingerling  flange  flap  gall  gist  gnarl  handle  hill  hump  hunch  jog  joggle  kernel  knob  knot  knur  knurl  lightweight  lip  loop  lump  matter  meat  mini  minikin  minnow  minny  mole  mountain  mouse  nevus  nub  nubble  papilloma  peewee  peg  pony  rib  ridge  ring  runt  shoulder  shrimp  slip  small fry  snip  snippet  spine  stud  style  tab  tit  tubercle  tubercule  upshot  verruca  vesicle  wale  wart  welt  wisp  
nubby  burled  gnarled  gnarly  knobbed  knobby  knoblike  knotted  knotty  knurled  knurly  nappy  nodal  noded  nodiform  nodular  nodulated  noduled  nubbled  nubbly  pily  pitted  shaggy  studded  torose  tubercular  tuberculous  tuberose  tuberous  
nuclear  amidships  average  central  chromatinic  chromosomal  core  diploid  equatorial  equidistant  extranuclear  halfway  haploid  heteronuclear  homonuclear  interior  intermediary  intermediate  isonuclear  mean  medial  median  mediocre  mediterranean  medium  mesial  mezzo  mid  middle  middlemost  middling  midland  midmost  midships  midway  nucleal  nucleary  nucleate  nucleolar  nucleolate  nucleolated  polyploid  thermonuclear  
nuclear fission  alpha decay  atom-chipping  atom-smashing  atomic disintegration  atomic reaction  atomization  beta decay  bombardment  breeding  bullet  chain reaction  cleavage  disintegration series  dissociation  exchange reaction  fission  fission reaction  gamma decay  ionization  neutron reaction  nonreversible reaction  nucleization  photodisintegration  proton gun  proton reaction  reversible reaction  splitting the atom  stimulation  target  thermonuclear reaction  
nuclear physics  Newtonian physics  acoustics  aerophysics  applied physics  astrophysics  atomic science  atomics  atomistics  atomology  basic conductor physics  biophysics  chemical physics  cryogenics  crystallography  cytophysics  electron physics  electronics  electrophysics  geophysics  macrophysics  mass spectrography  mass spectrometry  mathematical physics  mechanics  medicophysics  microphysics  molecular physics  natural philosophy  natural science  nuclear chemistry  optics  philosophy  physic  physical chemistry  physical science  physicochemistry  physicomathematics  physics  psychophysics  quantum mechanics  radiation physics  radiology  radionics  solar physics  solid-state physics  statics  stereophysics  theoretical physics  thermionics  thermodynamics  wave mechanics  zoophysics  
nuclear power  AEC  Atomic Energy Commission  activation energy  atomic energy  atomic power  atomic project  atomic research  binding energy  electric power  electropower  energy level  horsepower  hydraulic power  hydroelectric power  impulse  jet power  manpower  mass energy  nuclear energy  piston power  propulsion  rocket power  solar power  steam power  thermonuclear power  thrust  water power  
nucleus  Anlage  Kern  NMR  alpha particle  antibaryon  antilepton  antimeson  atomic nucleus  atomic particle  axiom  axis  baryon  basichromatin  beta particle  bud  center  center of action  center of gravity  centroid  centrum  chromatin  chromatin strands  core  dead center  diameter  diaphragm  egg  electron  elementary particle  elixir  embryo  epicenter  equator  essence  essential  flower  focus  fundamental  germ  germen  gist  gravamen  heart  heterochromatin  hub  hypostasis  inner essence  interior  karyosome  karyotin  kernel  lepton  loins  macronucleus  marrow  mean  meat  median  medulla  meganucleus  meson  metacenter  micronucleus  middle  midmost  midriff  midst  nave  navel  neutron  nub  nuclear force  nuclear magnetic resonance  nuclear particle  nuclear resonance  nucleolus  nucleon  nucleosynthesis  nuts and bolts  omphalos  ovum  photon  pith  pivot  plasmosome  postulate  principle  proton  quid  quiddity  quintessence  rudiment  sap  seed  soul  spark  spermatozoon  spirit  storm center  strangeness  strong interaction  stuff  substance  the nitty-gritty  thick  thick of things  triton  umbilicus  valence electron  waist  waistline  zone  
nude  art object  au naturel  bald  bare  bare-ass  bareness  birthday suit  blank  brainchild  bric-a-brac  classic  composition  creation  decollete  design  dishabille  ecdysiast  garmentless  grotesque  gymnosophical  gymnosophist  gymnosophy  in  in native buff  in puris naturalibus  in the altogether  in the buff  in the raw  kitsch  master  masterpiece  masterwork  mobile  mother-naked  museum piece  naked  nakedness  naturism  naturist  naturistic  not a stitch  nudism  nudist  nudity  old master  pasticcio  pastiche  peeled  piece  piece of virtu  raw  stabile  stark  stark-naked  state of nature  statue  still life  stripped  stripper  stripteaser  study  the altogether  the nude  the raw  toplessness  unadorned  unadulterated  unarrayed  unattired  unclad  unclothed  uncomplicated  uncovered  undecked  undecorated  undraped  undressed  unembellished  unfurbished  ungarnished  unornamented  unrobed  unsophisticated  untrimmed  unvarnished  virtu  with nothing on  without a stitch  work  work of art  
nudge  Roman candle  actuate  aid to navigation  alarm  amber light  assault  attouchement  balefire  beacon  beacon fire  bear  bear upon  bearing  beat the drum  bell  bell buoy  blinker  blue peter  boost  bring to recollection  broad hint  brush  brush by  buck  bull  bulldoze  bump  bump against  bunt  buoy  butt  butt against  caress  carry back  caution light  clue  come in contact  contact  contingence  cram  crowd  cue  dig  dip  drive  elbow  encourage  encouragement  exchange colors  flag  flag down  flare  flash  flog  fog bell  fog signal  fog whistle  foghorn  force  gentle hint  gesture  give a hint  give a signal  give the cue  give the nod  glance  glimmer  glimmering  go light  goad  gong buoy  graze  green light  hail  hail and speak  half-mast  head  heliograph  high sign  hint  hit  hoist a banner  hold the promptbook  hurtle  hustle  impel  impinge  impingement  impingence  implication  index  indication  inkling  innuendo  insinuation  international alphabet flag  international numeral pennant  intimation  jab  jam  jog  jog the memory  joggle  jolt  jostle  kick  kiss  lash  leer  look  make a sign  marker beacon  mobilize  motivate  move  nag  needle  nod  osculate  osculation  parachute flare  pile drive  pilot flag  poke  police whistle  press  pressure  prick  prod  prompt  prompt the mind  propel  punch  push  put in mind  put in remembrance  quarantine flag  radio beacon  raise a cry  ram  ram down  rattle  recall  red flag  red light  remember  remind  remind one of  rocket  rub  run  run against  sailing aid  salute  scent  scrape  semaphore  semaphore flag  semaphore telegraph  set in motion  shake  shave  shoulder  shove  sideswipe  sign  signal  signal beacon  signal bell  signal fire  signal flag  signal gong  signal gun  signal lamp  signal light  signal mast  signal post  signal rocket  signal shot  signal siren  signal tower  signalize  skim  skirt  sound an alarm  sound the trumpet  spar buoy  speak  spoor  spur  squeak by  st  
nudie  3-D  Cinemascope  Cinerama  Technicolor  Western  animated cartoon  black-and-white film  cartoon  chiller  cinema  color film  creepie  documentary  documentary film  educational film  feature  film  flick  flicker  horror picture  horse opera  motion picture  motion-picture show  movie  moving picture  newsreel  photodrama  photoplay  picture  picture show  pornographic film  preview  short  silent  silent film  skin flick  sneak preview  spaghetti Western  talkie  talking picture  thriller  trailer  underground film  
nudist  bald  bare  bare-ass  bareness  birthday suit  decollete  ecdysiast  gymnosophical  gymnosophist  gymnosophy  in native buff  in puris naturalibus  in the altogether  in the buff  in the raw  naked  nakedness  naturism  naturist  naturistic  not a stitch  nude  nudism  nudity  peeled  raw  stark-naked  state of nature  stripper  stripteaser  the altogether  the nude  the raw  toplessness  with nothing on  without a stitch  
nudity  baldness  bareness  beauty unadorned  birthday suit  decollete  ecdysiast  gymnosophist  gymnosophy  nakedness  naturism  naturist  not a stitch  nudism  nudist  state of nature  stripper  stripteaser  the altogether  the nude  the raw  toplessness  unadulteration  uncomplexity  uncomplicatedness  uncomplication  undress  unembellishment  unornamentation  unsophistication  
nudzh  aggravate  annoy  annoyer  badger  badgerer  bait  be at  bedevil  beset  bother  bristle  brown off  bug  bully  bullyrag  burn up  chivy  devil  discompose  distemper  disturb  dog  exasperate  exercise  fash  get  gripe  harass  harasser  harrier  harry  heckle  heckler  hector  hound  irk  miff  molest  nag  needle  nettle  nudnik  peeve  persecute  persecutor  pest  pester  pesterer  pick on  pique  plague  plaguer  pluck the beard  pother  provoke  ride  rile  roil  ruffle  sadist  tease  teaser  torment  tormentor  try the patience  tweak the nose  vex  worry  
nugatory  NG  airy  asinine  barren  bootless  catchpenny  cheap  counterproductive  effete  empty  etiolated  fatuitous  fatuous  feckless  flimsy  foolish  fribble  fribbling  frivolous  frothy  fruitless  futile  good-for-naught  good-for-nothing  hollow  idle  inadequate  inane  ineffective  ineffectual  inefficacious  inoperative  invalid  junk  junky  light  no-account  no-good  not worth having  not worth mentioning  not worthwhile  nugacious  of no force  otiose  shabby  shallow  shoddy  silly  slender  slight  sterile  superficial  trashy  trifling  trite  trivial  unavailing  useless  vacuous  vain  valueless  vapid  windy  worthless  
nugget  bar  batch  block  bulk  bullion  chunk  clod  clump  coin gold  coin silver  copper  gob  gold  gold nugget  hunch  hunk  ingot  loaf  lump  mass  nickel  pat  precious metals  quantity  silver  wad  yellow stuff  
nuisance  aggravation  annoyance  ass  bad news  bedevilment  besetment  bore  bother  botheration  bothersomeness  burden  buttonholer  crashing bore  devilment  difficulty  dogging  downer  drag  drip  dryasdust  dusty  exasperation  flat tire  frightful bore  harassment  harrying  hassle  headache  hounding  humdrum  inconvenience  irritant  irritation  molestation  nag  ordeal  persecution  pest  pester  pesterer  pill  plague  problem  proser  tease  tormenter  tormentor  trial  trouble  twaddler  vexation  vexatiousness  wet blanket  worriment  worry  
nuisance value  arrest  arrestation  arrestment  blockage  blocking  check  clogging  closing up  closure  constriction  cramp  delay  detainment  detention  fixation  foot-dragging  hampering  hindering  hindrance  holdback  holdup  impediment  inhibition  interference  interruption  let  negativism  obstruction  obstructionism  occlusion  opposition  repression  resistance  restraint  restriction  retardation  retardment  setback  squeeze  stranglehold  stricture  suppression  
null  aimless  bad  bare  barren  bland  blank  bleached  characterless  clear  designless  devoid  empty  existless  featureless  garbled  hollow  importless  inane  ineffective  ineffectual  inefficacious  insignificant  insipid  invalid  lacking  meaningless  minus  missing  negative  nonconnotative  nondenotative  nonexistent  null and void  phatic  purportless  purposeless  scrambled  senseless  unexisting  unmeaning  unrelieved  unsignificant  useless  vacant  vacuous  void  white  with nothing inside  without being  without content  worthless  

Nu Definition

Nu Bedeutung

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Nu or NU may refer to: