
Road runner Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Wegekuckuck m ornith.
Rennkuckuck m ornith.
Lesser Road-runner
benutzt für den Straßentransport
used when goods are carried by road
breite Straße
wide road
die Straße ausbessern
repair the road
trunk road
main artery road
road charge
road network
road risk
access road
accommodation road
Angusskanal m, Angussverteiler m, Abstichrinne f
Angusskanäle pl, Angussverteiler pl, Abstichrinnen pl
Asphaltstraße f
asphalt road
Ausfallstraße f
traffic artery, arterial road
Auskofferung f (Straßenbau)
road bed excavation
Autobahneinfahrt f
access road
Autobahnzubringer n, Zubringerstraße f, Zubringer m
freeway feeder road, feeder road
Autokarte f, Straßenkarte f
Autokarten pl, Straßenkarten pl
roadmap, road map
roadmaps, road maps
Baustelle f, Straßenbau m
road works
Bergstraße f
mountain road
Betonstraße f
Betonstraßen pl
concrete road
concrete roads
Betriebsnummer f
road number
Bundesstraße f
Bundesstraßen pl
interstate road, federal highway Am., main road
interstate roads, federal highways, main roads
Durchgangsstraße f
through road, main road
Entlastungsstraße f
Entlastungsstraßen pl
by-pass road
by-pass roads
Fahrleistung f, Fahrleistungen pl
road performance, driving performance
aggressive Fahrweise f
road rage
Fahrweg m
road way
(breiter) Feldweg m, unbefestigte Straße f
dirt road
Feuerbohne f bot. cook.
runner bean
Gelände n
im Gelände
außerhalb des Geländes befindlich
site, ground, premises
Geländefahrzeug n
Geländefahrzeuge pl
cross-country vehicle, off-the-road vehicle
cross-country vehicles, off-the-road vehicles
Geländefahrzeug n
Geländefahrzeuge pl
off-road vehicle
off-road vehicles
Geländereifen m
Geländereifen pl
cross-country tyre, off-the-road tyre
cross-country tyres, off-the-road tyres
Gleitschiene f, Schiene f
Gleitschienen pl, Schienen pl
Güterkraftverkehr m
road transport
Hauptverkehrsstraße f
Hauptverkehrsstraßen pl
main road, mainroad
main roads, mainroads
Holzabfuhrweg m, Forststraße f
Holzabfuhrwege pl, Forststraßen pl
logging road
logging roads
Informationsveranstaltung f
roadshow, road show
Kapitän der Landstraße ugs.
knight of the road
Kehrmaschine f, Straßenkehrmaschine f
Kehrmaschinen pl, Straßenkehrmaschinen pl
road sweeper
road sweepers
Kokosläufer m
runner made of coconut matting
Kraftfahrzeugsteuer f, Kfz-Steuer f
motor vehicle tax, road tax
Kufe f (Schlittschuh)
Kufen pl
Läufer m sport
Läufer pl
Landstraße f
country road, main road
Laufrad n, Lauf m
Mittelstreckenläufer m, Mittelstreckenläuferin f sport
Mittelstreckenläufer pl, Mittelstreckenläuferinnen pl
middle-distance runner
middle-distance runners
Nebenstraße f
Nebenstraßen pl
side road, side street, minor road
side roads, side streets, minor roads
Nebenstraße f
Nebenstraßen pl
secondary road
secondary roads
Nestbeschmutzer m, Nestbeschmutzerin f
runner-down of one's own family
country coll., denigrator of one's ...
Passstraße f
Passstraßen pl
mountain pass road, pass road
mountain pass roads, pass roads
Politiker m, Politikerin f
Politiker pl
Politiker der Mitte
ein ehrgeiziger, aufstrebender Politiker
Politiker von Rang
middle-of-the-road politician
a thrusting politician
distinguished politician
Querstraße f
intersection road
Reede f
auf Reede liegen
roadstead, road, roads
to be lying in the roads, to ride at anchor
Rennrad n
Rennräder pl
racing cycle, racer, road bike
racing cycles, racers, road bikes
Rücksichtnahme im Verkehr
courtesy on the road
Schlagloch n
Schlaglöcher pl
pothole Br., road hole
potholes, road holes
Schotterweg m, Schotterstraße f
Schotterwege pl, Schotterstraßen pl
gravel road, road with loose gravel surface
gravel roads, road with loose gravel surfaces
Seidenstraße f hist.
silk road
Seitenstraße f
Seitenstraßen pl
side road
side roads
Spitzenreiter m sport
front runner
Stabilität f
Stabilität der Wechselkurse
Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspakt m
Stabilität auf welliger Straße
exchange rate stability
Stability and Growth Pact
bumpy road path stability
Stadtumgehung f
ring-road Br., beltway, belt highway Am.
Stangenbohne f
Stangenbohnen pl
runner bean Br., pole bean
runner beans
Straße f, Landstraße f, Autostraße f
Straßen pl, Landstraßen pl, Autostraßen pl
auf offener Straße
die Straße entlang
die Straße überqueren
öffentliche Straße
öffentliche Straßen
raue Straße
vereiste Straße f
on the open road
along the road
to cross the road
public road
public roads
rough road
icy road
Straße f (in der Stadt)
Straßen pl
auf der Straße
auf offener Straße
on the road, in (on Am.) the street
in the middle of the street
Straßenabsperrung f
closing off a
the road
Straßenbau m
road building
Straßenbaugerät n
road-paving equipment
Straßenbelag m, Straßendecke f
rutschiger Straßenbelag
road surface, crust
slippery road surface
Straßendamm m
road embankment
Straßenfeger m, Straßenfegerin f, Straßenkehrer m, Straßenkehrerin f
road sweeper
Straßenkreuzer m
Straßenkreuzer pl
road cruiser
road cruisers
Straßenlage f
road holding, roadability
Straßenmarkierung f
Straßenmarkierungen pl
road marking
road markings
Straßenmeisterei f
Straßenmeistereien pl
road maintenance depot
road maintenance depots
Straßennetz n
nicht ans Straßennetz angeschlossen
road network
Straßenrand m
edge of the road
Straßenrennen n
road race
Straßenschild n
Straßenschilder pl
road sign
road signs
Straßenschotter m
road metal
Straßensperre f, Wellenbrecher m
Straßensperren pl, Wellenbrecher pl
road block, roadblock
road blocks, roadblocks
Straßentransportabkommen n
road transport agreement
Straßentunnel m
Straßentunnel pl
road tunnel
road tunnels
Straßenüberführung f, Überführung f
overpass, road bridge
Straßenverkehr m
road traffic
Straßenverkehrsordnung f
road traffic regulations
Straßenwalze f
road roller
Straßenzustand m
road condition
Streckenbeobachter m
track marshal, road marshal
obere Tragschicht f (Straßenbau)
road base
Uferstraße f
Uferstraßen pl
riverside road, lakeside road, coast road
riverside roads, lakeside roads, coast roads
Umgehungsstraße f, Umgehung f, Umfahrungsstraße f, Umfahrung f
Umgehungsstraßen pl
bypass, bypass road
Verbindungsstraße f
communication road
Verbindungsstrecke f
road section
Verkaufsschlager m
anhaltender Verkaufsschlager
sellout, big seller, runner
long seller
Verkehrsader f, Fernstraße f, Ausfallstraße f
arterial road
Verkehrserziehung f
road safety education
Verkehrsopfer n
Verkehrsopfer pl
road casualty
road casualties
Verkehrssicherheit f
road safety, roadworthiness
Verkehrsteilnehmer m
road user
Verkehrstote m, f
road casualty, person killed on the roads
Verkehrsunfall m
Verkehrsunfälle pl
road accident, traffic accident
road accidents, traffic accidents
Verkehrsvorschrift f
Verkehrsvorschriften pl
traffic regulation, rule of the road
traffic regulations, rules of the road
Versuchsfahrt f, Testfahrt f, Fahrversuch m
Versuchsfahrten pl, Testfahrten pl, Fahrversuche pl
test drive, road trial
test drives, road trials
Versuchsstrecke f
test road, trial track, test track
Vignette f, Autobahn-Vignette f, Pickerl n Ös.
toll label, toll-road sticker
Vorfahrtstraße f, Vorrangstraße f Ös.
Vorfahrtstraßen pl
priority road, road with right of way
priority roads, roads with right of way
Waffenschmuggler m
Waffenschmuggler pl
gun runner, gunrunner
gun runners, gunrunners
auf die Walz gehen

to take to the road, to go waltzing mathilda
Weg m
Wege pl
lane, road
Wegkreuzung f
Wegkreuzungen pl
road junction
road junctions
Winterdienst m
winter road maintenance, winter road clearance
Zufahrtsstraße f
approach road
Zufahrtsstraße f
access road
Zugangsstraße f
Zugangsstraßen pl
accommodation road
accommodation roads
Zweite m f , Zweiter sport
(Straße) freimachen, räumen v
freimachend, räumend
freigemacht, geräumt
die Straße räumen
to clear
to clear the road
gemäßigt, moderat adj
längs prp, +Genitiv
längs der Straße
along the road
über prp, wo? +Dativ, wohin? +Akkusativ
über den Wolken sein
über die Straße gehen
quer über das Feld
over, above, across
to be above the clouds
to go across the road
right across the field
verkehrswidrig adj
contrary to road traffic regulations
von prp, +Dativ
von einer Leiter fallen
von der Hauptstraße abgelegen
off {prp}
fall off a ladder
off the main road
Abrollgeräusch n auf rauer Straße
noise on rough road
Erdhobel m
grader, road grader
Fahrbahngeräusch n
road noise
Fahrbahnmarkierung f
Fahrbahnmarkierungen pl
road marking
road markings
Fahrgeräusch n
road noise
Fahrverhalten n
behaviour (road), handling, ride comfort
Geräuschpegel m bei glatter Oberfläche
noise on smooth road
glatte Straßenoberfläche f
smooth road
Haftung f auf nasser Straße
wet grip, wet road holding
Straßenbaumaschine f
road building machine
Straßenhaftung f
road grip
Straßenkehrfahrzeug n
road sweeper
Straßensicherheit f
road safety
Straßenversuch m, Fahrtest m
Straßenversuche pl, Fahrtests pl
road test
road tests
Straßenwölbung f
camber (road)
Die Straße wird gerade ausgebessert.
The road is under repair.
Nehmen Sie eine der beiden Straßen.
Take either road.
Straße gesperrt!
Road closed!
Wohin führt diese Straße?
Where does this road go to?
Wegekuckuck m ornith.
Rennkuckuck m ornith.
Lesser Road-runner
Str. : Straße
Rd : Road
StVO : Straßenverkehrsordnung
(road) traffic regulations
Asphaltstrassenbau m constr.
asphalt road construction
Autoverladerampe f auto. mach.
road vehicle loading ramp
access road
access road

Deutsche Wegekuckuck {m} [ornith.] Synonyme

Englische Road-runner Synonyme

Road runner Definition

Jinny road
() An inclined road in a coal mine, on which loaded cars descend by gravity, drawing up empty ones.
Maoadam road
() A macadamized road.
(n.) A journey, or stage of a journey.
(n.) An inroad
(n.) A place where one may ride
(n.) A place where ships may ride at anchor at some distance from the shore
(n.) One who, or that which, runs
(n.) A detective.
(n.) A messenger.
(n.) A smuggler.
(n.) One employed to solicit patronage, as for a steamboat, hotel, shop, etc.
(n.) A slender trailing branch which takes root at the joints or end and there forms new plants, as in the strawberry and the common cinquefoil.
(n.) The rotating stone of a set of millstones.
(n.) A rope rove through a block and used to increase the mechanical power of a tackle.
(n.) One of the pieces on which a sled or sleigh slides
(n.) A horizontal channel in a mold, through which the metal flows to the cavity formed by the pattern
(n.) A trough or channel for leading molten metal from a furnace to a ladle, mold, or pig bed.
(n.) The movable piece to which the ribs of an umbrella are attached.
(n.) A food fish (Elagatis pinnulatus) of Florida and the West Indies
(n.) Any cursorial bird.
(n.) A movable slab or rubber used in grinding or polishing a surface of stone.
(n.) A tool on which lenses are fastened in a group, for polishing or grinding.
(n.) A towing path.

Road runner Bedeutung

road a way or means to achieve something, the road to fame
royal road an auspicious way or means to achieve something, the royal road to success
on the road
on tour
travelling about, they took the show on the road, they lost all their games on the road
away game
road game
a game played away from home
road show a show on tour
road construction the construction of roads
road rage violence exhibited by drivers in traffic
race runner
six-lined racerunner
Cnemidophorus sexlineatus
very swift lizard of eastern and central United States
blue runner
Caranx crysos
fish of western Atlantic: Cape Cod to Brazil
rainbow runner
Elagatis bipinnulata
streamlined cigar-shaped jack, good game fish
access road
slip road
a short road giving access to an expressway, in Britain they call an access road a slip road
arterial road a major or main route
ring road
a highway that encircles an urban area so that traffic does not have to pass through the center
bridle path
bridle road
a path suitable for riding or leading horses (but not for cars)
drive private road
a road leading up to a private house, they parked in the driveway
frontage road
service road
a local road that runs parallel to an expressway and allows local traffic to gain access to property
trunk road
a highway
main road
a major road for any form of motor transport
local road
local street
a street that is primarily used to gain access to the property bordering it
post road a road over which mail is carried
an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation
road map a map showing roads (for automobile travel)
road surface the paved surface of a paved roadway
runner device consisting of the parts on which something can slide along
runner a long narrow carpet
side road a minor road branching off of a main road
skid road a road made of logs on which freshly cut timber can be hauled
road roller
vehicle equipped with heavy wide smooth rollers for compacting roads and pavements
toll road
an expressway on which tolls are collected
road sense good judgment in avoiding trouble or accidents on the road
road test a test to insure that a vehicle is roadworthy
road map
a detailed plan or explanation to guide you in setting standards or determining a course of action, the president said he had a road map for normalizing relations with Vietnam
second-place finish
runner-up finish
a finish in second place (as in a race)
road to Damascus a sudden turning point in a person's life (similar to the sudden conversion of the Apostle Paul on the road from Jerusalem to Damascus of arrest Christians)
scarlet runner
scarlet runner bean
runner bean
English runner bean
long bean pods usually sliced into half-inch lengths, a favorite in Britain
road gang a gang of road workers
skid road the district of a town frequented by loggers
Silk Road an ancient trade route between China and the Mediterranean (, miles), followed by Marco Polo in the th century to reach Cathay
ball carrier
(football) the player who is carrying (and trying to advance) the ball on an offensive play
base runner
a baseball player on the team at bat who is on base (or attempting to reach a base)
road agent
a holdup man who stops a vehicle and steals from it
marathon runner
road runner
long-distance runner
someone who participates in long-distance races (especially in marathons)
road builder someone whose business is to build roads
road hog
a driver who obstructs others
roadman road mender a workman who is employed to repair roads
runner a person who is employed to deliver messages or documents, he sent a runner over with the contract
runner someone who travels on foot by running
runner a trained athlete who competes in foot races
second best
the competitor who finishes second
runner contrabandist
moon curser
someone who imports or exports without paying duties
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A road is a thoroughfare, route, or way on land between two places that has been paved or otherwise improved to allow travel by foot or some form of conveyance, including a motor vehicle, cart, bicycle, or horse.