
Trans Euro Night Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Schlafwagenpool m; Trans-Euro-Nacht-Pool m; TEN-Pool m (Bahn)
Trans-Euro-Night pool; TEN pool (railway)
Abendschule, Abendklassen
night school
Abendunterricht, Abendklassen
night classes
Belastung der Nachtschicht
strain of being on night shift
BeschÀftigung bei Nacht
night employment
die ganze Nacht geöffnet
open all night
night employment
night employment
night work
night work bonus
night duty
night service
night flight
NachtgebĂŒhr, Nachttarif
night charge
night pay
nachts arbeiten
operate at night
night shift
night-shift bonus
night safe
rund um die Uhr arbeiten
operate day and night
Abendschule f, Abendgymnasium n
Abendschulen pl, Abendgymnasien pl
evening classes, night school
evening classes, night schools
Abendunterricht m
Abendunterricht besuchen
night school
to attend evening classes
feierlicher Abschluss (im Seniorjahr der High School)
prom night
Brautnacht f
BrautnÀchte pl
wedding night
wedding nights
Ein-Euro-Job m
Ein-Euro-Jobs pl
one euro job
one euro jobs
Euro m
EinfĂŒhrung f des Euro, EuroeinfĂŒhrung f
Übergang m zum Euro
Umstellung f auf den Euro
introduction of the euro
transition to the euro
changeover to the euro
Eurozone f
euro zone
Europalette f
Europaletten pl
Hochzeitsnacht f
wedding night
der Katzenjammer danach
the morning after the night before
Kristallnacht f hist.
crystal night, kristallnacht
Liebesnacht f
LiebesnÀchte pl
night of love
nights of love
Lumpensammler m ugs., letzte Bahn
last tram, last train (of the night)
Mondnacht f
MondnÀchte pl
moonlit night
moonlit nights
Nacht f
NĂ€chte pl
in der Nacht
die ganze Nacht hindurch
sehr kalte Nacht
at night
all night, all night long
three dog night Austr.
night-time, overnight
Nachtarbeit f
night work
Nachtdienst m
night service
Nachtbetrieb m
night operation
Nachtbus m
Nachtbusse pl
night bus
nicht buses, night busses Am.
Nachteule f ugs.
night owl coll.
Nachtflug m
NachtflĂŒge pl
night flight
night flights
Nachtleben n
night life
Nachtpförtner m
Nachtpförtner pl
night porter
night porters
Nachtruhe f
jdn. in seiner Nachtruhe stören
die Nachtruhe einhalten
sleep, nighttime peace
to disturb sb.'s sleep
to keep the peace at night
Nachtschicht f
Nachtschichten pl
night shift, nightturn
night shifts, nightturns
NachtschwÀrmer m
fly by night
Nachtschweiß m
night sweat
NachtsichtgerÀt n
night-vision glasses, night-vision device
Nachtstuhl m
Nachttresor m
Nachttresore pl
night safe, night depository, night deposit box
night safes, night depositories, night deposit boxes
Nachtwanderung f
Nachtwanderungen pl
night hike
night hikes
NachtwÀchter m hist.
night watch
Nachtzug m
overnight train, night train
Polarnacht f
polar night
Premiere f, ErstauffĂŒhrung f
first night
Scheck m
Schecks pl
ein Scheck ĂŒber 100 Euro
mit Scheck bezahlen, per Scheck zahlen
einen Scheck fÀlschen
ungedeckter Scheck
abgelaufener Scheck
cheque Br., check Am.
cheques Br., checks Am.
a cheque for Euro 100
to pay by cheque Br., to pay by check Am.
to forge a cheque Br., to forge a check Am.
rubber check Am.
stale check Am.
im Schutze der Nacht
under favour of night
Sehhilfe f
Sehhilfen pl
Sehhilfen bei Nacht mil.
visual aids
visual aids
night vision goggles
SpÀtvorstellung f
late-night performance, late showing
Tag m
Tage pl
pro Tag
Tag um Tag, Tag fĂŒr Tag
von Tag zu Tag
Tag und Nacht
bis zum heutigen Tag
Tag der Abrechnung
Tag der offenen TĂŒr
Tag der Rache
seinen großen Tag haben
einen schwarzen Tag haben
Tag, an dem alles schief geht
den ganzen Tag
den lieben langen Tag
eines Tages, einmal
einen Tag frei nehmen
unter Tage arbeiten
der grĂ¶ĂŸte Teil des Tages
in frĂŒheren Tagen, in alten Zeiten
zu seiner Zeit, zu ihrer Zeit
vier Tage hintereinander
den Tag nutzen
heiße Tage
Tag des jĂŒngsten Gerichts, der JĂŒngste Tag relig.
per day, daily
day after day, day by day
from day to day
day and night
down to the present day
day of reckoning
open house day
day of reckoning
to have a field day
to strike a bad patch
bad hair day
all day long
the whole blessed day
one day, some day
to take a day off
to work underground
most of the day
in days of yore
in his day, in her day
four days running
to seize the day
dog days
doomsday, Judgment Day, Day of Judgement, the Last Day
Tag- und Nachtbetrieb m, Betrieb m rund um die Uhr
non-stop operation, around-the-clock operation, day and night operation
Tingeltangel n
cheap night-club, honky-tonk
Tropennacht f
TropennÀchte pl
tropical night
tropical nights
Umschlagplatz m
UmschlagplÀtze pl
reloading point, trans-shipment centre
reloading points, trans-shipment centres
Wachmann m, WĂ€chter m
Wachleute pl, WĂ€chter pl
NachtwÀchter m
night watchman
Walpurgisnacht f
Walpurgis Night
Wechsel von Tag und Nacht
alternation of day and night
auslesen v
ein Buch auslesen
Ich habe das Buch gestern Nacht ausgelesen.
to finish reading
finishing reading
finished reading
to finish reading a book
I finished reading the book last night.
bereichsĂŒbergreifend adj
trans-sectoral, cross-functional
fĂŒr prp, +Akkusativ
fĂŒr den Frieden kĂ€mpfen
etw. fĂŒr 20 Euro kaufen
fĂŒr immer weggehen
fĂŒr und wider
to fight for peace
to buy sth. for 20 Euro
to leave for good
for and against
gestern adv
gestern Abend (frĂŒh)
gestern Abend (spÀt)
yesterday evening
last night
gestrig adj
am gestrigen Tage
unser gestriges GesprÀch
mein gestriges Schreiben
am gestrigen Abend
our conversation yesterday
my letter of yesterday
last night, yesterday evening
mitten in der Nacht
at dead of night
mittlere, mittlerer, mittleres adj, Mittel..., Mitten...
mitten in der Nacht
in the middle of the night
morgen adv
morgen Abend (spÀt), morgen Nacht
Wir kommen morgen.
tomorrow night
We'll come tomorrow.
nachts adv
at night, by night
to pass the night
passing the night
passed the night
passed the night
pro prp
pro Kopf
Pro-Kopf-Einkommen n
pro StĂŒck
fĂŒnf Euro pro StĂŒck
per capita
income per capita
per item
five euro each
transeuropÀisch adj
ĂŒber prp, +Akkusativ (zeitlich)
die Nacht ĂŒber
through the night
to spend the night
ĂŒberregional adj
ĂŒberregionale Ebene f
trans-regional, supra-regional, national
supra-regional scale
von prp, +Dativ
von der Straße
von Kindheit an
vom (= von dem) Morgen bis zum Abend
vom Anfang bis zum Ende
mĂŒde vom Arbeiten
von jetzt an
von A bis Z
von morgens bis abends
von Zeit zu Zeit
von amtlicher Seite
von außen
from the street
from childhood, since childhood, from a child
from morning till night
from start to finish
tired from working
from now on
from A to Z
from morning to night
from time to time
from official quarters
from the outside
vorletzte, vorletzter, vorletztes
vorletzte Woche
vorletzte Nacht
last but one, second last, second to the last
the week before last
the night before last
Bei Nacht sind alle Katzen grau.
All cats are grey by night.
Er arbeitet von frĂŒh bis spĂ€t.
He works from morning to night.
Gute Nacht!
Good night!
Nachts sind alle Katzen grau. Sprw.
All colors will agree in the dark., All cats are grey at night.
Sie sind (so unterschiedlich) wie Tag und Nacht.
They are as different as day and night.
Wir trafen uns am Abend.
We met at night.
Nachtreiher m ornith.
Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax)
Rotscheitelreiher m ornith.
Japanese Night Heron
Hainanreiher m ornith.
Magnificent Night Heron
Wellenreiher m ornith.
Malaysian Night Heron
RotrĂŒckenreiher m ornith.
Nankeen Night Heron
WeißrĂŒckenreiher m ornith.
White-backed Night Heron
Krabbenreiher m ornith.
Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Höhlensittich m ornith.
Night Parrot
Ein Sommernachtstraum
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Was ihr wollt
Twelfth Night, or, What you will
die ganze Nacht hindurch
all night
die ganze Nacht hindurch
all night long
at night
by night
first night
fly by night
von Morgens bis abends
from morning to night
Gute Nacht
good night
Er arbeitet von frĂŒh bis spĂ€t
he works from morning to night
gestern abend
last night
night watchman
pass the night
passed the night
spend the night
Wir trafen uns am Abend
we met at night
wedding night
die ganze Nacht
all night long
Gute Nacht !
good night !
wÀhrend der Nacht
in the night
die ganze Nacht aufbleiben
stay up all night
Zahlung mit Euro-Scheck
subject to payment by Euro cheque
night school
in der Nacht
at night
Abendschule f; Abendgymnasium n school
Abendschulen pl; Abendgymnasien pl
evening classes; night school
evening classes; night schools
Abendunterricht m school
Abendunterricht besuchen
night school
to attend evening classes
militÀrische AufklÀrung f; AufklÀrung f mil.
AllwetteraufklÀrung f
ArtillerieaufklÀrung f
FÀcheraufklÀrung f
FernaufklÀrung f
GasaufklÀrung f
GefechtsaufklÀrung f
GefechtsfeldaufklÀrung f
GegenaufklÀrung f
InfrarotaufklÀrung f
JagdaufklÀrung f
KampfaufklÀrung f
KontaktaufklÀrung f
KĂŒstenaufklĂ€rung f
LuftaufklÀrung f
MarschaufklÀrung f
NahaufklÀrung f
PanzeraufklÀrung f
PionieraufklÀrung f
SatellitenaufklÀrung f
SeeaufklÀrung f
bewaffnete AufklÀrung
elektronische AufklÀrung
AufklÀrung bei Tageslicht; TagaufklÀrung f
AufklÀrung bei Nacht; NachtaufklÀrung f
reconnaissance; recce Br. coll.; recon Am. coll.; military scouting (rare)
all-weather reconnaissance
artillery reconnaissance
fanwise reconnaissance
distant reconnaissance
gas reconnaissance
battle reconnaissance; combat reconnaissance
battlefield reconnaissance
infrared reconnaissance; IR reconnaissance
fighter reconnaissance
combat reconnaissance
contact reconnaissance
coast reconnaissance; coastal reconnaissance
air reconnaissance; aerial reconnaissance
march reconnaissance
close reconnaissance; local reconnaissance
armoured Br. armored Am. reconnaissance
engineer reconnaissance
satellite reconnaissance
naval reconnaissance
armed reconnaissance
electronic reconnaissance
daylight reconnaissance
night reconnaissance
auf den Beinen sein; auf sein ugs. (noch nicht nicht mehr im Bett) v
Ich war ĂŒberrascht dass sie schon so frĂŒh auf den Beinen war.
Was machst du denn um diese Uhrzeit noch auf?
to be up and about (not yet no longer in bed)
I was surprised to see that she was up and about at that early hour.
What are you doing up and about at this time of the night?
DĂ€mmerungseffekt m; Nachteffekt m (Funk)
night effect; night error (radio)
DĂ€mmerungssehen n; skotopisches Sehen n med.
night vision; scotopic vision
Dramatik f (Spannung) ĂŒbtr.
die Dramatik des Augenblicks
eine hochdramatische Nacht
einer Sache Dramatik verleihen
UnfÀlle geborstene Leitungen und anderen Haushaltskatastrophen
Er macht aus allem immer ein Drama.
jemand der um alles viel Theater macht
Mach doch nicht so ein Theater darum!
drama fig.
the drama of the moment
a night of high drama
to lend drama to sth.
accidents burst pipes and other domestic dramas
He always makes such a drama out of everything.
drama queen
Stop being such a drama queen!
Eisenbahn f; Bahn f
Eisenbahnen pl
mit der Eisenbahn
Transsibirische Eisenbahn f
railway; railroad RR Am.
railways; railroads
by rail
Trans-Siberian Railway
Euro m
EinfĂŒhrung f des Euro; EuroeinfĂŒhrung f
Übergang m zum Euro
Umstellung f auf den Euro
Der Euro ist ein Teuro. ugs.
introduction of the euro
transition to the euro
changeover to the euro
The Euro causes prices to rise.
Einheitlicher Euro-Zahlungsverkehrsraum m fin.
single euro payments area SEPA
Eurozone f fin. pol.
euro zone
Eurolasche f
Euro hanger
Euro-Rettungsschirm m; europÀischer Stabilisierungsmechanismus m ESM ; europÀische FinanzstabilitÀtsfazilitÀt f EFSF fin. pol.
Euro rescue fund; European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism EFSM ; European Financial Stability Facility EFSF
Europoolpalette f; Europalette f transp.
Europoolpaletten pl; Europaletten pl
EUR-pallet; Euro-pallet; EPAL-pallet
EUR-pallets; Euro-pallets; EPAL-pallets
Fernerkundung f
Fernerkundung zur Nachtzeit
Fernerkundung zur Tageszeit
remote sensing
night-time remote sensing
day-time remote sensing
FettsÀure f chem.
FettsÀuren pl
essenzielle FettsÀure
langkettige FettsÀure
gesÀttigte FettsÀure
ungesÀttigte FettsÀure
einfach ungesÀttigte FettsÀure
zweifach ungesÀttigte FettsÀure
mehrfach ungesÀttigte FettsÀure
fatty acid
fatty acids
essential fatty acid
long chain fatty acid
saturated fatty acid
unsaturated fatty acid
trans fat
monounsaturated fatty acid; monounsaturate
diunsaturated fatty acid; diunsaturate
polyunsaturated fatty acid; polyunsaturate
Omega-3 fatty acid
Junggesellinnenabschied m; Frauenparty der Braut vor Hochzeit; Damen-Polterabend m Ös.
hen night; hen party; hen weekend Br.; bachelorette party Am.
Funkbake f; Funkfeuer n aviat. electr.
Funkbaken pl; Funkfeuer pl
ungerichtetes Funkfeuer
nachteffektfreies Funkfeuer
radio beacon
radio beacons
omnidirectional radio beacon
night-error-free radio beacon
Geldbombe f
Geldbomben pl
night-deposit bag; night-deposit pouch; night-deposit cash box
night-deposit bags; night-deposit pouches; night-deposit cash boxes
GetrÀnk n
GetrÀnke pl
alkoholische GetrÀnke; Alkoholika
(alkoholischer) Trunk m; (edler feiner) Tropfen Tröpfchen ugs.; Bierchen; SchnÀpschen ugs.
Wir haben gestern Abend einiges getrunken.
alcoholic beverages
We had a few bevvies last night.

Trans Euro Night Definition

(n.) The evening between twilight and bedtime.
(n.) That part of the natural day when the sun is beneath the horizon, or the time from sunset to sunrise
(n.) Darkness
(n.) Intellectual and moral darkness
(n.) A state of affliction
(n.) The period after the close of life
(n.) A lifeless or unenlivened period, as when nature seems to sleep.
(a.) Blooming in the night.
(a.) Capable of seeing at night
(a.) Going or traveling in the night.
() A prefix, signifying over, beyond, through and through, on the other side, as in transalpine, beyond the Alps
(n.) The evening of Epiphany, or the twelfth day after Christmas, observed as a festival by various churches.

Trans Euro Night Bedeutung

one-night stand a performance in one place on one night only
night life
the activity of people seeking nighttime diversion (as at the theater, a nightclub, etc.), a futile search for intelligent nightlife, in the summer the nightlife shifts to the dance clubs
night game a game played under artificial illumination at night
nightlife night life the entertainment available to people seeking nighttime diversion
one-night stand a brief sexual encounter lasting only for a single night, he ran through a series of loveless one-night stands
watch night a devotional service (especially on New Year's Eve)
night-stop a break in a journey for the night
night bird any bird associated with night: owl, nightingale, nighthawk, etc
night raven any bird that cries at night
bird of Minerva
bird of night
nocturnal bird of prey with hawk-like beak and claws and large head with front-facing eyes
night lizard small secretive nocturnal lizard of southwestern North America and Cuba, bear live young
night snake
Hypsiglena torquata
nocturnal prowler of western United States and Mexico
night heron
night raven
nocturnal or crepuscular herons
blackrowned night heron
Nycticorax nycticorax
night heron of both Old and New Worlds
yellowrowned night heron
Nyctanassa violacea
North American night heron
Alaskan pipeline
trans-Alaska pipeline
an oil pipeline that runs miles from wells at Prudhoe Bay to the port of Valdez
night club
club nightspot
a spot that is open late at night and that provides entertainment (as singers or dancers) as well as dancing and food and drink, don't expect a good meal at a cabaret, the gossip columnist got his information by visiting nightclubs every night, he played the drums at a jazz club
night bell a doorbell to be used at night
night latch doorlock operated by a knob on the inside and a key on the outside
night-light light (as a candle or small bulb) that burns in a bedroom at night (as for children or invalids)
night-line a fishing line with baited hooks left in the water to catch fish over night
Saturday night special a cheap handgun that is easily obtained
night vision
scotopic vision
twilight vision
the ability to see in reduced illumination (as in moonlight)
night letter a cheaper form of telegram sent for delivery the next day
good night a conventional expression of farewell
night terror an emotional episode (usually in young children) in which the person awakens in terror with feelings of anxiety and fear but is unable to remember any incident that might have provoked those feelings
opening night
curtain raising
the first performance (as of a theatrical production), the opening received good critical reviews
night shift
graveyard shift
workers who work during the night (as midnight to a.m.)
night court a criminal court (in large cities) that sits at night
night school a school that holds classes in the evenings for students who cannot attend during the day
Roman goddess of night, daughter of Erebus, counterpart of Greek Nyx
fly-by-night a debtor who flees to avoid paying
night owl
a person who likes to be active late at night
night porter a porter on duty during the night
night rider
member of a secret mounted band in United States South after the American Civil War, committed acts of intimidation and revenge
night watchman a watchman who works during the night
night-blooming cereus any of several cacti of the genus Cereus
night-blooming cereus any of several cacti of the genus Hylocereus
night-blooming cereus any of several night-blooming cacti of the genus Selenicereus
queen of the night
Selenicereus grandiflorus
tropical American climbing cactus having triangular branches, often cultivated for its large showy night-blooming flowers followed by yellow red-streaked fruits
Brunfelsia americana
West Indian shrub with fragrant showy yellowish-white flowers
night jasmine
night jessamine
Cestrum nocturnum
West Indian evergreen shrub having clusters of funnel-shaped yellow-white flowers that are fragrant by night
euro the basic monetary unit of most members of the European Union (introduced in ), in twelve European nations (Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Austria, Finland) adopted the euro as their basic unit of money and abandoned their traditional currencies
night darkness, it vanished into the night
night blindness
moon blindness
inability to see clearly in dim light, due to a deficiency of vitamin A or to a retinal disorder
trans fatty acid a fatty acid that has been produced by hydrogenating an unsaturated fatty acid (and so changing its shape), found in processed foods such as margarine and fried foods and puddings and commercially baked goods and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils
night soil human excreta used as fertilizer
night the dark part of the diurnal cycle considered a time unit, three nights later he collapsed
Bonfire Night
Guy Fawkes Night
effigies of Guy Fawkes are burned on this night
guest night an evening when members of a club or college can bring their friends as guests
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