
ac Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Akazie f bot. (Laubbaum)
acacia, wattle Austr.
Akazienzweig m
Akazienzweige pl
acacia sprig
acacia sprigs
Robinie f, Falsche Akazie f bot.
robinia, locust tree, False acacia
Akazienmeise f ornith.
Acacia Grey Tit
Akazie f bot. (Laubbaum)
acacia; wattle Austr.
Antillenakazie f; süße Akazie f; westindische Akazie f; Schwammbaum m (Acacia farnesiana) bot.
sweet acacia; huisache
Robinie f; Falsche Akazie f bot.
robinia; locust tree; False acacia
Akazienbäume pl; Akazien pl (Acacieae) (botanische Tribus) bot.
acacia trees; wattles Austr. (botanical tribe)
Anabaum m (Faidherbia albida) bot.
ana tree; balanzan tree; apple-ring acacia
Robinienbäume pl; Robinien pl (Robinia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewöhnliche Robinie f; Weiße Robinie f; Scheinakazie f; Falsche Akazie f; Gemeiner Schotendorn m; Silberregen m (Robinia pseudoacacia)
yellow locust trees; yellow locusts; robinias (botanical genus)
black locust; false acacia; bastard acacia
kleiner (grüner) Zweig m; (sprießendes) Zweiglein n; (frisches) Reis n geh. bot.
kleine Zweige pl; Zweigleine pl; Reise pl
Akazienzweig m
spray; sprig
sprays; sprigs
acacia sprig
etw. einführen (Tier, Pflanze); einbringen (Pflanze); einschleppen pej. (Pflanze; Krankheit) v (von nach) (erstmals an einen neuen Ort bringen) v
einführend; einbringend; einschleppend
eingeführt; eingebracht; eingeschleppt
Der Truthahn wurde um 1525 vom amerikanischen Kontinent nach Europa eingeführt.
Die Scheinakazie wurde auch in den Westen der USA eingebracht.
Geschlechtskrankheiten wurde in den 1770-er Jahren durch Besuche französischer und englischer Forschungsreisender nach Neuseeland eingeschleppt.
to introduce sth. (from to) (bring an animal, a plant, or a disease to a new place for the first time)
Turkeys were introduced to Europe from the Americas around 1525.
The false acacia was also introduced to the western United States.
Venereal diseases were introduced into New Zealand from the visits of French and English explorers in the 1770s.
Akademie f, Alma mater f
Akademie f; Alma mater f
akademischer Jargon m; Akademikerlatein n; Fachchinesisch f
die akademische Welt
academia, academic world
akademisch adj
am akademischsten
akademischer Beruf
die akademische Welt
more academic
most academic
graduate occupation; graduate profession
academia; academic world
der akademische Bereich; der Wissenschaftsbetrieb; die Wissenschaft stud.
in der Wissenschaft
academia; the academic world
in academia; in the academic world
academic person
akademisch, theoretisch
Arbeitsmarkt für Hochschullehrer
academic labour market
Ausbildungniveau der Hochschulen
academic standards
academic year
Akademieschrift f
academic publication
Akademiker m
Akademiker pl
Anerkennung f, Bestätigung f
Anerkennungen pl, Bestätigungen pl
akademische Anerkennung
gegenseitige Anerkennung
gegenseitige Anerkennung der Diplome, Prüfungszeugnisse und sonstiger Befähigungsnachweise
academic recognition
mutual recognition
mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications
Akademisches Auslandsamt (Universität)
international students' (academic) registry, International Office
Bibliothek f, Bücherei f
Bibliotheken pl, Büchereien pl
öffentliche Bibliothek f
wissenschaftliche Bibliothek f
public library
academic library, research library, scientific library
Fachaufsicht f (Schule)
academic supervision
Freiheit f, Ungebundenheit f, Ungezwungenheit f
akademische Freiheit
persönliche Freiheit
academic freedom
personal freedom
Geisteswissenschafter m Ös. Schw.
academic, liberal arts scholar, humanities scholar
Hochschulprüfung f
academic exam
Leistungskontrolle f
assessment (of academic achievement)
Schreibtischtäter m (ironisch)
woolly academic, pale theoretician
Studienjahr n
Studienjahre pl
academic year
academic years
Titel m
Titel pl
akademischer Titel
jdn. mit Titel ansprechen
einen Titel tragen
übergeordneter Titel
academic title
to address sb. by his
her title
to bear a title, to have a title
collective title
Wissenschaftler m, Wissenschaftlerin f, Gelehrte m f , Gelehrter
Wissenschaftler pl, Wissenschaftlerinnen pl, Gelehrten pl, Gelehrte
Wissenschaftlicher Grad
academic rank
Wissenschaftsfach n
Wissenschaftsfächer pl
academic discipline
academic disciplines
akademisch adj
am akademischsten
more academic
most academic
akademischem, akademisch
more academic
most academic
Akademiker m; Akademikerin f
Akademiker pl; Akademikerinnen pl
university graduate; academic
university graduates; academics
Anerkennung f (von etw.) (Bestätigung der Gültigkeit) adm. jur.
Anerkennungen pl
Anerkennung der Vaterschaft
akademische Anerkennung
gegenseitige Anerkennung
gegenseitige Anerkennung der Diplome Prüfungszeugnisse und sonstiger Befähigungsnachweise
gegenseitige Anerkennung von gerichtlichen Entscheidungen in Strafsachen (EU) jur.
Anerkennung als kriegsführende Partei
diplomatische Anerkennung eines neuen Staates
gesetzliche Anerkennung gleichgeschlechtlicher Partnerschaften
juristische Anerkennung ausländischer Urteile
steuerliche Anerkennung von Gewinn oder Verlust
einer Sache die Anerkennung versagen verweigern
recognition (of sth.)
recognition of paternity
academic recognition
mutual recognition
mutual recognition of diplomas certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications
mutual recognition of judicial decisions in criminal matters (EU)
recognition of billigerency
diplomatic recognition of a new state
the legal recognition of same-sex partnerships
judicial recognition of foreign judgements
recognition of gain or loss Am.
to refuse recognition of sth.
Arbeitsmarkt m
Lage auf dem Arbeitsmarkt
Arbeitsmarkt für Hochschullehrer
Arbeitsmarkt für qualifizierte Kräfte
labour market Br.; labor market Am.; job market
job situation
academic labour market
primary labour market
Akademisches Auslandsamt (Universität) stud.
international students' (academic) registry; International Office
Bibliothek f
Bibliotheken pl
öffentliche Bibliothek f
Bücherei f
wissenschaftliche Bibliothek f
Bibliothek mit angeschlossener Mediathek
public library
small public library
academic library; research library; scientific library
hybrid library
Fachaufsicht f (Schule) school
academic supervision
Freiheit f; Ungebundenheit f
akademische Freiheit
persönliche Freiheit
Freiheit der Fischerei
Freiheit der Schifffahrt
Freiheit des Ãœberflugs
Transitfreiheit f
seine Freiheit wiedererlangen
academic freedom
personal freedom
freedom of fishing
freedom of navigation
freedom of overflight
freedom of transit
to be set free again
Geisteswissenschafter m Ös. Schw.
academic; liberal arts scholar; humanities scholar
Hilfskraft f
Hilfskräfte pl
studentische Hilfskraft f
wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft f
temporary worker; temp; assistant
temporary workers; temps; assistants
student assistant
research assistant; academic assistant; academic aide
Hochschulangehörige m f; Hochschulangehöriger
academic personnel
Hochschulkultur f; akademische Kultur f stud.
academic culture
Hochschulprüfung f stud.
Hochschulprüfungen pl
academic exam
academic exams
akademischer Leistungsnachweis m; Schein m stud.
akademische Leistungsnachweise pl; Scheine pl
proof of academic achievement
proofs of academic achievement
Nostrifikation f Ös.; Anerkennung f (von Schulabschlüssen) stud.
recognition (of academic certificates)
Schreibtischtäter m iron.
woolly academic; pale theoretician
Schuljahr n school
Schuljahre pl
school year; academic year Am.
school years; academic years
Semester n (Studienhalbjahr) stud.
Semester pl
term Br.; semester Am. (academic term)
terms; semesters
Standard m; Maßstab m; Niveau n
Standards pl; Maßstäbe pl; Niveaus pl
mit zweierlei Maß messen
das universitäre (Ausbildungs)niveau
Maßstäbe setzen
ein akzeptierter Standard
erhöhter Standard
den Standard heben
einen strengen Maßstab anlegen
Das ist sogar für hiesige unsere Verhältnisse viel.
to apply a double standard
academic standards
to set standards
an accepted standard
raised standard
to raise the standard
to apply a strict standard
That's a lot even by our standards.
Studienberater m; Studienberaterin f stud.
Studienberater pl; Studienberaterinnen pl
academic adviser; advisor Am.
advisers; advisors
Studienjahr n stud.
Studienjahre pl
academic year
academic years
Studienleistung f stud.
Studienleistungen pl
anrechenbare Studienleistungen
Anerkennung von Studienleistungen
Europäisches System zur Anrechnung von Studienleistungen
Anerkennung Anrechnung von Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen
study achievment; academic achievments
study achievments
transfer credits Am.
recognition of study achievements; recognition of courses
European Credit Transfer System ECTS
recognition of studies and qualifications; transfer of credits Am.
Titel m (Namenszusatz) adm.
Titel pl
akademischer Titel
jdn. mit Titel ansprechen
einen Titel tragen
academic title
to address sb. by his her title
to bear a title; to have a title
Unterweisung f; Unterricht m (in etw.) school
computerunterstütztes Lehren und Lernen CAI
theoretische Unterweisung; theoretischer Unterricht
instruction (in sth.)
computer aided instruction CAI
academic instruction Am.
Wissenschaftler m; Wissenschaftlerin f; Gelehrte m f; Gelehrter
Wissenschaftler pl; Wissenschaftlerinnen pl; Gelehrten pl; Gelehrte

Deutsche Akazie {f} [bot.] (Laubbaum) Synonyme

falsche  Akazie  ÂRobinie  
falsche Akazie  Robinie  

Englische acacia wattle Synonyme

AC  DC  absorption current  active current  alternating current  conduction current  convection current  cycle  delta current  dielectric displacement current  direct current  displacement current  eddy current  electric current  electric stream  emission current  exciting current  free alternating current  galvanic current  high-frequency current  idle current  induced current  induction current  ionization current  juice  low-frequency current  magnetizing current  multiphase current  pulsating direct current  reactive current  rotary current  single-phase alternating current  stray current  thermionic current  thermoelectric current  three-phase alternating current  voltaic current  watt current  
academia  academe  alma mater  college  college of engineering  community college  degree-granting institution  four-year college  graduate school  institute of technology  ivied halls  journalism school  junior college  law school  medical school  multiversity  normal  normal school  postgraduate school  school of communications  school of education  two-year college  university  university college  varsity  
academic  abstract  armchair  book-learned  bookish  booky  chimerical  classroom  closet  collegiate  conjectural  cross-disciplinary  devoted to studies  diligent  donnish  dryasdust  erudite  extramural  graduate  graduate-professional  hypothetic  hypothetical  ideal  idealistic  imaginary  impractical  interdisciplinary  interscholastic  intramural  ivory-tower  learned  lettered  mandarin  moot  notional  owlish  pedagogic  pedagogical  pedantic  postgraduate  postulatory  preceptorial  preschool  professional  professorial  professorlike  rabbinic  scholarly  scholastic  school  schoolish  schoolmastering  schoolmasterish  schoolmasterlike  schoolmasterly  schoolmistressy  schoolteacherish  schoolteachery  speculative  studious  teacherish  teacherlike  teachery  teachy  theoretical  tutorial  university  unpractical  unrealistic  utopian  visionary  
academician  bookman  classicist  clerk  colossus of knowledge  genius  giant of learning  humanist  learned clerk  learned man  literary man  litterateur  lover of learning  man of learning  man of letters  mastermind  mine of information  philologist  philologue  philomath  philosophe  philosopher  polyhistor  polymath  pundit  savant  scholar  scholastic  schoolman  student  walking encyclopedia  
academy  Gymnasium  Latin school  Realgymnasium  Realschule  Schule  ecole  educational institution  escuela  grammar school  high  high school  institute  intermediate school  junior high  junior high school  middle school  prep school  preparatory school  public school  scholastic institution  school  secondary school  seminary  senior high  senior high school  teaching institution  
accede  OK  abide by  accede to  accept  acclaim  accord to  acquiesce  acquiesce in  agree  agree to  agree with  allow  applaud  approve  approve of  assent  attain to  be agreeable  be instated  be willing  buy  cheer  comply  concur  condescend  connive at  consent  consent to silently  cooperate  deign  endorse  face the music  give consent  give the nod  go along with  grant  hail  have no objection  hold with  in toto  knock under  knuckle down  knuckle under  let  live with it  mount the throne  nod  nod assent  not refuse  not resist  obey  okay  permit  ratify  receive  relent  resign  sanction  say aye  say yes  submit  subscribe  subscribe to  succumb  swallow it  swallow the pill  take  take it  take kindly to  take office  vote affirmatively  vote aye  vote for  welcome  wink at  yes  yield assent  
accelerate  activate  aggravate  atomize  beef up  blow up  bombard  bundle  bustle  cleave  complicate  concentrate  condense  consolidate  crack on  cross-bombard  crowd  deepen  dispatch  double  drive  drive on  enhance  exacerbate  exaggerate  expedite  fission  forward  gain ground  get going  haste  hasten  hasten on  heat up  heighten  hie on  hop up  hot up  hurry  hurry along  hurry on  hurry up  hustle  hustle up  impel  intensify  jazz up  key up  magnify  make complex  nucleize  open the throttle  pick up speed  precipitate  press  push  push on  push through  put on  put on steam  quicken  race  railroad through  ramify  redouble  reinforce  rev  rush  rush along  shake up  sharpen  smash the atom  soup up  speed  speed along  speed up  spur  stampede  step on it  step up  strengthen  triple  urge  whet  whip  whip along  
acceleration  accelerando  aggravation  beefing-up  blowing up  blowup  concentration  condensation  consolidation  deepening  double time  double-quick  double-quick time  drive  enhancement  exacerbation  exaggeration  explosion  festination  forced march  forwarding  getaway  hastening  heating-up  heightening  hurrying  impetus  information explosion  intensification  magnification  pickup  population explosion  quickening  redoubling  reinforcement  speeding  speedup  step-up  strengthening  thrust  tightening  
accelerator  PCV valve  alternator  ammeter  atom smasher  atomic accelerator  atomic cannon  bearings  bonnet  boot  brake  bucket seat  bumper  camshaft  carburetor  chassis  choke  clutch  connecting rod  convertible top  cowl  crank  crankcase  crankshaft  cutout  cylinder  cylinder head  dash  dashboard  differential  distributor  exhaust  exhaust pipe  fan  fender  flywheel  gear  gearbox  gearshift  generator  headlight  headrest  hood  horn  ignition  intake  manifold  muffler  parking light  particle accelerator  piston  power brakes  power steering  radiator  rear-view mirror  seat belt  shock absorber  spark plug  speedometer  springs  starter  steering wheel  top  transmission  universal  valve  windscreen  windshield  
accent  Alexandrine  accent mark  accents  accentuate  accentuation  amphibrach  amphimacer  anacrusis  anapest  antispast  arsis  articulation  bacchius  bar  beat  belabor  broad accent  brogue  burr  cadence  caesura  cancel  catalexis  character  chatter  chloriamb  chloriambus  colon  comment  concern  concernment  consequence  consequentiality  consideration  conversation  counterpoint  cretic  custos  dactyl  dactylic hexameter  diacritical mark  diaeresis  dimeter  dipody  direct  discourse  distinguish  dochmiac  dot  drawl  dwell on  elegiac  elegiac couplet  elegiac pentameter  elocution  emphasis  emphasize  epitrite  excellence  expression mark  feminine caesura  fermata  foot  force  gab  give emphasis to  grammatical accent  harp on  heptameter  heptapody  heroic couplet  hexameter  hexapody  high order  high rank  highlight  hold  iamb  iambic  iambic pentameter  ictus  import  importance  inflection  intensity  interest  intonation  intonation pattern  ionic  italicize  jingle  key signature  language  lead  level of stress  ligature  lilt  mark  masculine caesura  materiality  measure  merit  meter  metrical accent  metrical foot  metrical group  metrical unit  metrics  metron  metronomic mark  molossus  moment  mora  movement  notation  note  numbers  oral communication  overaccentuate  overemphasize  overstress  paeon  palaver  paramountcy  parole  pause  pentameter  pentapody  period  pitch accent  place emphasis on  point up  prattle  precedence  preeminence  presa  primacy  primary stress  priority  proceleusmatic  prominence  pronunciation  prosodics  prosody  pulsation  pulse  punctuate  pyrrhic  quantity  rapping  regional accent  rhetorical accent  rhythm  rhythmic pattern  rhythmical accent  rhythmical stress  rub in  secondary stress  segno  self-importance  set apart  set off  sign  signature  significance  slur  speaking  speech  spondee  spotlight  sprung rhythm  star  stress  stress accent  stress arsis  stress pattern  superiority    
accentuate  accent  belabor  dwell on  emphasize  give emphasis to  harp on  highlight  italicize  overaccentuate  overemphasize  overstress  place emphasis on  point up  punctuate  rub in  spotlight  star  stress  underline  underscore  
accept  OK  abide by  abide with  accede  accede to  accept for gospel  accept implicitly  acclaim  accord to  accredit  acknowledge  acquiesce  acquiesce in  acquire  admire  admit  adopt  affiliate  affirm  agree  agree provisionally  agree to  agree with  allow  amen  applaud  approve  approve of  assent  assent grudgingly  assent to  assume  attack  attempt  authenticate  authorize  autograph  avow  be agreeable  be big  be certain  be content with  be easy with  be willing  bear  bear with  believe  believe without reservation  bless  blink at  bow  brook  buckle to  buy  capitulate  carry  catch  certify  cheer  come by  come in for  compass  comply  comprehend  concede  condescend  condone  confess  confirm  connive at  consent  consent to  consent to silently  cosign  countenance  countersign  credit  deign  derive  derive from  disregard  drag down  draw  draw from  embark in  embark upon  embrace  endeavor  endorse  endure  engage in  enter on  enter upon  espouse  esteem  experience  express general agreement  face the music  fall into  fall to  fancy  favor  follow  gain  get  get under way  give consent  give faith to  give permission  give the go-ahead  give the imprimatur  give the nod  give thumbs up  go about  go along with  go at  go for  go in for  go into  go upon  grant  grasp  grin and abide  hail  have  have at  have coming in  have no objection  hold with  ignore  in toto  initial  judge not  keep in countenance  knock under  knuckle down  knuckle under  launch forth  launch into  lay about  lean over backwards  let go by  let in  let pass  like  listen to reason  live with  live with it  move into  nod  nod assent  not oppose  not refuse  not resist  not write off  notarize  obey  obtain  okay  overlook  own  pass  pass on  pass upon  permit  pitch into  plunge into  pocket  proceed to  pull down  put faith in  put up with  ratify  receive  recognize  relent  relish  resign  respect  rise above  rubber stamp  sanction  say amen to  say aye    
acceptable  OK  adequate  admissible  adorable  agreeable  all right  alright  appetizing  attractive  average  bearable  better than nothing  commonplace  decent  delightful  desirable  eligible  endurable  enfranchised  enviable  exciting  fair  fairish  fit  fitted  good  good enough  goodish  grateful  gratifying  likable  lovable  moderate  mouth-watering  not amiss  not bad  not half bad  not so bad  okay  ordinary  passable  pleasant  pleasing  presentable  pretty good  provocative  qualified  respectable  satisfactory  satisfying  sufficient  suitable  supportable  taking  tantalizing  tempting  tenable  tidy  to be desired  tolerable  toothsome  unexceptionable  unexceptional  unimpeachable  unobjectionable  viable  welcome  winning  with voice  with vote  workmanlike  worth having  worthy  
acceptance  CD  IOU  John Hancock  MO  OK  acceptance bill  acceptation  acception  accession  accord  acknowledgment  acquiescence  acquisition  adherence  admiration  admission  admittance  adoption  affiliation  affirmance  affirmation  affirmative  affirmative voice  agreement  agreement in principle  allowance  appreciation  approbation  approval  assent  assentation  assumption  authentication  authorization  avowal  aye  bank acceptance  bank check  baptism  bill  bill of draft  bill of exchange  blank check  blessing  certificate  certificate of deposit  certification  certified check  check  checkbook  cheque  clemency  clementness  comfort  commercial paper  compassion  complaisance  compliance  composure  concession  concurrence  confession  confirmation  connivance  consent  content  contentedness  contentment  countenance  countersignature  debenture  declaration  deference  demand bill  demand draft  derivation  draft  due bill  eagerness  ease  easiness  easygoingness  embracement  endorsement  endurance  enlistment  enrollment  entire satisfaction  espousal  esteem  euphoria  exchequer bill  favor  favorable vote  forbearance  forbearing  forbearingness  fortitude  fulfillment  general agreement  gentleness  getting  go-ahead  green light  happiness  hearty assent  homage  humaneness  humanity  immission  imprimatur  inauguration  induction  indulgence  initiation  installation  instatement  intromission  investiture  kneeling  laxness  lenience  leniency  lenientness  lenity  letter of credit  long-sufferance  long-suffering  longanimity  mercifulness  mercy  mildness  moderateness  money order  negotiable instrument  nod  nonopposal  nonopposition  nonresistance  notarization  note  note of hand  obedience  obeisance  okay  ordination  paper  passiveness  passivity  patience  patience of Job  patientness  peace of mind  permission  perseverance  pity  postal order  profession  promissory note  promptitude  promptness  ratification  readiness  recei  
acceptation  acceptance  acception  acquiescence  assurance  assuredness  belief  certainty  confidence  credence  credit  credulity  dependence  faith  hope  import  intendment  message  purport  received meaning  reception  reliance  reliance on  sense  significance  significancy  signification  stock  store  sureness  surety  suspension of disbelief  trust  understanding  usage  
accepted  Christian  acclaimed  accustomed  acknowledged  admired  admitted  adopted  advocated  affirmed  allowed  applauded  appointed  approved  assumed  authentic  authenticated  authoritative  avowed  backed  being done  believed  canonical  carried  cathedral  certified  chanced  chosen  chronic  comme il faut  conceded  confessed  confirmed  conformable  consuetudinary  conventional  correct  countersigned  credited  cried up  current  customary  de rigueur  decent  decorous  designated  elect  elected  elected by acclamation  embraced  endorsed  espoused  established  evangelical  everyday  ex cathedra  faithful  familiar  favored  favorite  firm  formal  generally accepted  granted  habitual  handpicked  highly touted  in good odor  in hand  in process  in progress  in the works  literal  magisterial  meet  named  nominated  normal  notarized  obtaining  of the faith  official  on the anvil  ordinary  orthodox  orthodoxical  passed  picked  popular  prescribed  prescriptive  prevalent  professed  proper  ratified  received  recognized  recommended  regular  regulation  right  routine  sanctioned  scriptural  sealed  seemly  select  selected  set  signed  sound  stamped  standard  stock  supported  sworn and affirmed  sworn to  textual  time-honored  traditional  traditionalistic  true  true-blue  trusted  unanimously elected  uncontested  under way  undertaken  underwritten  undisputed  undoubted  unquestioned  unsuspected  usual  validated  warranted  well-thought-of  widespread  wonted  
accepting  Spartan  abject  acquiescent  agreeable  armed with patience  assenting  at ease  clement  comfortable  compassionate  complaisant  compliable  compliant  complying  composed  consenting  content  contented  disciplined  easy  easygoing  endurant  enduring  eupeptic  euphoric  forbearant  forbearing  forgiving  gentle  happy  humane  indulgent  lax  lenient  long-suffering  longanimous  merciful  mild  moderate  nondissenting  nonresistant  nonresisting  nonresistive  obedient  of good comfort  passive  patient  patient as Job  persevering  philosophical  pleased  reconciled  resigned  sans souci  satisfied  self-controlled  servile  soft  stoic  submissive  subservient  supine  tender  tolerant  tolerating  tolerative  unassertive  uncomplaining  understanding  unrepining  unresistant  unresisting  without care  
access  Jacksonian epilepsy  Rasputin  Rolandic epilepsy  Svengali  VIP  abdominal epilepsy  accessibility  accession  accretion  accrual  accruement  accumulation  acquired epilepsy  activated epilepsy  addition  adit  admission  admittance  advance  advent  affect epilepsy  afflux  affluxion  aggrandizement  air lock  aisle  akinetic epilepsy  alley  ambulatory  amplification  aperture  apoplexy  appreciation  approach  approachability  approaching  appropinquation  approximation  appulse  arcade  arrest  artery  ascent  attack  attainability  augmentation  autonomic epilepsy  availability  avenue  bad influence  ballooning  big wheel  blaze of temper  bloating  blockage  blowup  boom  boost  broadening  buildup  burst  cardiac epilepsy  channel  cloister  clonic spasm  clonus  colonnade  come-at-ableness  coming  coming near  coming toward  communication  conduit  connection  convulsion  corridor  cortical epilepsy  court  covered way  cramp  crescendo  cursive epilepsy  defile  development  diurnal epilepsy  eclampsia  edema  elevation  eminence grise  enlargement  entrance  entranceway  entree  entry  entryway  epilepsia  epilepsia gravior  epilepsia major  epilepsia minor  epilepsia mitior  epilepsia nutans  epilepsia tarda  epilepsy  epitasis  eruption  exit  expansion  explosion  extension  falling sickness  ferry  fit  five-percenter  flare-up  flood  flowing toward  focal epilepsy  ford  forthcoming  frenzy  friend at court  gain  gallery  gangplank  gangway  getatableness  gettableness  good influence  grand mal  gray eminence  greatening  grip  growth  gush  gust  hall  haute mal  heavyweight  hidden hand  high words  hike  hysterical epilepsy  ictus  imminence  import  importation  importing  in  income  incoming  increase  increment  infiltration  inflation  influence  influence peddler  influencer  ingoing  ingress  ingression  ingroup  inlet  input  insertion  insinuation  intake  interchange  interpenetration  intersection  introduction  introgressi  
accessible  adaptable  affirmed  all-around  amenable  announced  approachable  at hand  attainable  attendant  available  broadcast  brought to notice  candid  circulated  come-at-able  common knowledge  common property  communicative  convenient  conversable  current  declared  demonstrative  diffused  disseminated  distributed  effusive  employable  expansive  extroverted  findable  frank  free  free-speaking  free-spoken  free-tongued  getatable  gettable  gossipy  handy  immanent  immediate  impressionable  in circulation  in print  in view  indwelling  influenceable  inherent  made public  malleable  movable  newsy  obtainable  of all work  on board  on call  on deck  on hand  on tap  open  open to  open-minded  openable  operative  outgoing  outspoken  penetrable  permeable  persuadable  persuasible  pervious  plastic  pliable  pliant  practicable  present  proclaimed  procurable  propagated  public  published  reachable  ready  receptive  reported  responsive  securable  self-revealing  self-revelatory  sociable  spread  stated  suasible  suggestible  susceptible  swayable  talkative  telecast  televised  to be had  to hand  unconstrained  unhampered  unrepressed  unreserved  unrestrained  unrestricted  unreticent  unsecretive  unshrinking  unsilent  unsuppressed  usable  versatile  weak  within call  within reach  within sight  
accession  accedence  acceptance  access  accessory  accompaniment  accretion  accrual  accruement  accumulation  acquiescence  acquirement  acquisition  addenda  addendum  additament  addition  additive  additory  additum  adjunct  adjunction  adjuvant  advance  advent  affixation  afflux  affluxion  agglutination  aggrandizement  agreement  agreement in principle  amplification  annex  annexation  anointing  anointment  appanage  appendage  appendant  appointment  appreciation  approach  approaching  appropinquation  approximation  appulse  appurtenance  appurtenant  arrogation  ascent  assent  assentation  assignment  assumption  attachment  attainment  augment  augmentation  authorization  ballooning  bloating  boom  boost  broadening  buildup  coda  coming  coming by  coming near  coming toward  complement  compliance  concomitant  concurrence  consecration  consent  continuation  corollary  coronation  crescendo  delegation  deputation  development  dragging down  earnings  edema  election  elevation  empowerment  enlargement  enthronement  expansion  extension  extrapolation  fixture  flood  flowing toward  forthcoming  gain  gaining  general agreement  getting  getting hold of  greatening  growth  gush  hearty assent  hike  imminence  inauguration  increase  increment  induction  inflation  installation  installment  instatement  investiture  joining  jump  junction  juxtaposition  leap  legitimate succession  making  moneygetting  moneygrubbing  moneymaking  mounting  multiplication  nearing  nearness  obtainment  obtention  offshoot  oncoming  pendant  placement  prefixation  procural  procurance  procuration  procurement  productiveness  proliferation  proximation  raise  reinforcement  rise  securement  seizure  side effect  side issue  snowballing  spread  succession  suffixation  superaddition  superfetation  superjunction  superposition  supplement  supplementation  support  surge  swelling  tailpiece  taking office  taking over  trover  tumescence  u  

ac Definition

ac Bedeutung

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