
adaptability test Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

adaptability test
wear out test
Anpassungsfähigkeit, Anwendbarkeit
adaptability test
association test
Auslesetest, Eignungstest
screening test
means test
Bedürftigkeitsnachweis, Bedürftigkeitsprüfung
means test
Bedürftigkeitsnachweis, Bedürftigkeitsprüfung
poverty test
Eignungstest, Eignungsprüfung
aptitude test
Einschätzung der Kreditwürdigkeit
acid ratio test
grading test
test run
ability test
check test
harter Test
acid test
intelligence test
laboratory test
achievement test
performance test
Leistungstest, Leistungsprüfung
efficiency test
test case
pilot test
test load
test mark
Stichtag, Gebührenverzeichnis
test day
strenge Prüfung
severe test
strenge Prüfung, scharfe Probe
acid test
test data
testen, Test
testen, untersuchen, Test, Untersuchung
results of a test
test area
test market
test product
test piece
Vermögensprüfung, Bedürftigkeitsnachweis
means test
poverty test
test operation
test series
product test
recognition test
impact test
Abdrückdeckel m
pressure test cover
Abdrückpumpe f
Abdrückpumpen pl
hydraulic test pump, hydrostatic test pump
hydraulic test pumps, hydrostatic test pumps
Abfunken n
spark test
Abgasmessstrecke f, Abgasmeßstrecke f alt
flue gas test section
Abgasuntersuchung f (AU) auto
emissions test, exhaust emission test
Abnahmeprotokoll n
Abnahmeprotokolle pl
test certificate
test certificates
Abnahmeprüfprotokoll n
Abnahmeprüfprotokolle pl
inspection report, acceptance test record
inspection reports, acceptance test records
Abnahmeprüfung f
approval test, proof test
Abnahmeprüfung f
specification test
Abnahmeprüfung f, Übernahmeprüfung f
acceptance test
Abnahmevorschrift f
acceptance test procedure
Abnahmeversuch m mach. (Kessel)
Abnahmeversuche pl
acceptance test
acceptance tests
Abrollversuch m
peel test
Abschertest m
die shear test, die push test
Abschiebetest m
bond push test
Abschlusstest m, Abschlußtest m alt
final test
Abstandprüfung f
bias test
Abstrich m med.
Abstriche pl
smear, smear test, cervical smear
smears, smear tests, cervical smears
Äquivalenzprüfung f
equivalence test
Alkoholtest m, Alkotest m, Alkoholkontrolle f
(roadside) breath test, breathalyzer test
Ankerkraftkontrollgerät n
anchoring force test jack
Anpassbarkeit f, Anpassungsmöglichkeit f, Adaptabilität f
Anpassungsfähigkeit f, Wandlungsfähigkeit f
Anpassungsfähigkeiten pl
Anstellungsprüfung f
qualifying test
Arbeitsprüfung f (Schweißen) mach.
production control test
Atomtest m pol. ugs.
Atomtests pl
nuclear test
nuclear tests
Atomteststopp-Vertrag m pol.
nuclear test ban treaty
Ausreißertest m
Ausreißertests pl
outlier test
outlier tests
Ausreißversuch m
Ausreißversuche pl
slug test
slug tests
Ausziehversuch m
tensile strength test
Bauprüfung f
design and construction test
Belastungsprobe f
Belastungsproben pl
severe test
severe tests
Belastungsprüfstand m
Belastungsprüfstände pl
load test rig
load test rigs
Belastungsversuch m
Belastungsversuche pl
load test
load tests
Benchmark-Test m, Test auf dem Prüfstand
Benchmark-Tests pl
benchmark test
Betriebsprüfung f techn.
field test
Bewertung f, Leistungsvergleich m (bei DV-Systemen)
benchmark test
Biegeprüfung f
bending test
Biegeversuch m (Festigkeitsprüfung)
Biegeversuche pl
bending test
bending tests
Biegeversuch m
Biegeversuche pl
flexural test
flexural tests
Binomialtest m math.
binominal test
Blindprobe f
blank test
Blutprobe f, Bluttest m, Blutuntersuchung f
Blutproben pl, Bluttests pl, Blutuntersuchungen pl
blood test
blood tests
Bohrprobe f
drill test
Brennbarkeitsprüfung f
flammability test
Chi-2-Unabhängigkeitstest m math.
chi-square test
Computergestützter Leistungsprüfstand
computer-controlled performance test station
Crash-Test m
crash test
Dauerhaftigkeitsprüfung f
endurance test
Dauertest m, Belastungsprobe f
Dauertests pl, Belastungsproben pl
endurance test
endurance tests
Dauertest m
Dauertests pl
fatigue test
fatigue tests
Dehnungsversuch m
tensile test
Diagnoseprüfung f
diagnostic test
Dichtheitsprüfung f, Dichtigkeitsprüfung f
Dichtheitsprüfung von luftführenden Kanälen
leak test
leak test of air ducts
Dopingkontrolle f, Dopingtest m sport
Dopingkontrollen pl, Dopingtests pl
drugs test, drug test
drugs tests, drug tests
Dopingtest m
Dopingtests pl
dope test
dope tests
Druckbelastung f, Druckprüfung f, Druckversuch m
pressure test
Druckqualitätstest m
printability test
Drucktest m
pressure test
Druckversuch m (Festigkeitsprüfung)
compression test
Dummy m, Autocrashpuppe f
Dummys pl, Autocrashpuppen pl
crash-test dummy
crash-test dummies
Durchstrahlungsprüfung f techn.
radiographic test
Eignungsprüfung f, Gesundheitstest m
fitness test
Eignungstest m, Eignungsprüfung f
Eignungstests pl, Eignungsprüfungen pl
aptitude test
aptitude tests
Eingangstest m, Eingangsprüfung f, Wareneingangsprüfung f techn.
Eingangstests pl, Eingangsprüfungen pl, Wareneingangsprüfungen pl
incoming test
incoming tests
Einstellen n, Einstellung f
Einstellung der Waagen mittels geeichter Prüflast
adjusting the scale devices by means of calibrated test load
Einzylinder-Prüfstand m
single cylinder test station
Fahrprüfung f
driving test
Faltversuch m
folding test
Farbentest m
colour test
Feldtest m
field test
Feuerprobe f
Feuerproben pl
fire test
fire tests
Feuerprobe f, harte Prüfung f
acid test, furnace
Filterintegritätstest m
filter integrity test
Freigabeprüfung f
Freigabeprüfungen pl
approval test
approval tests
Führerschein m
Führerscheine pl
seinen Führerschein machen
driver's license Am., driving licence Br., driving permit
driver's licenses, driving licences, driving permits
to take (do) one's driving test
Führerscheinprüfung f
Führerscheinprüfungen pl
driving test
driving tests
Funkenprobe f techn.
Funkenproben pl
spark test
spark tests
Funktionsprüfung f, Funktionstest m
function test, performance check, performance test
Garantieleistungsversuch m
Garantieleistungsversuche pl
guaranteed-performance test
guaranteed-performance tests
Gastest m
industrial atmosphere test
Gentest m
gene test
Geräteselbsttest m
unit self-test
Härteprüfung f
hardness test
Harnuntersuchung f
Harnuntersuchungen pl
urine test
urine tests
Heißtechnikum n mach.
hot test facility
Heizkörperprüfstand m
radiator test rig
Hystereseprüfung f
hysteresis test
Immersionsverfahren n
immersion test method
Integralverfahren n
integral test method
Intelligenztest m
intelligence test
Kenntnisprüfung f, Feststellungsprüfung f
assessment test
Kerbschlagzähigkeit f
notched bar impact test
Klassenarbeit f
class test
Klausur f, Klausurarbeit f
Klausuren pl, Klausurarbeiten pl
eine Klausur schreiben
to do a test
Klimaschrank m
Klimaschränke pl
climatic exposure test cabinet, climatic chamber, air handler
climatic exposure test cabinets, climatic chambers, air handlers
Klimatestraum m
Klimatesträume pl
climatic test room
climatic test rooms
Kurzzeitversuch m
accelerated test
Laborbefund m, Laborwert m
Laborbefunde pl, Laborwerte pl
test result
test results, laboratory findings
Labor- und Prüftechnik f
lab and test engineering
Labortest m, Laboruntersuchung f, Laborversuch m, Laborkontrolle f
Labortests pl, Laboruntersuchungen pl, Laborversuche pl, Laborkontrollen pl
laboratory test
laboratory tests
Lackmustest m chem.
litmus test
Lackmustest m übtr.
acid test fig.
Lasttest m
load test
Lecktest m
leak test
Leibnizkriterium n math.
Leibniz test
Leistungstest m
achievement test, proficiency test
Lese- und Schreibtest m
literacy test

Deutsche Anwendbarkeitstest Synonyme

Englische adaptability test Synonyme

adaptability test Definition

(n.) Alt. of Adaptableness
(n.) A cupel or cupelling hearth in which precious metals are melted for trial and refinement.
(n.) Examination or trial by the cupel
(n.) Means of trial
(n.) That with which anything is compared for proof of its genuineness
(n.) Discriminative characteristic
(n.) Judgment
(n.) A reaction employed to recognize or distinguish any particular substance or constituent of a compound, as the production of some characteristic precipitate
(v. t.) To refine, as gold or silver, in a test, or cupel
(v. t.) To put to the proof
(v. t.) To examine or try, as by the use of some reagent
(n.) A witness.
(v. i.) To make a testament, or will.
(n.) Alt. of Testa

adaptability test Bedeutung

means test an inquiry into the financial position of someone applying for financial aid
the act of testing something, in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately, he called each flip of the coin a new trial
clinical trial
clinical test
a rigorously controlled test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on human subjects, in the United States it is conducted under the direction of the FDA before being made available for general clinical use
preclinical trial
preclinical test
preclinical phase
a laboratory test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on animal subjects, conducted to gather evidence justifying a clinical trial
test trial the act of undergoing testing, he survived the great test of battle, candidates must compete in a trial of skill
screen test a filmed audition of an actor or actress
MOT test
Ministry of Transportation test
a compulsory annual test of older motor vehicles for safety and exhaust fumes
test mental test
mental testing
psychometric test
any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc, the test was standardized on a large sample of students
intelligence test
IQ test
a psychometric test of intelligence, they used to think that intelligence is what an intelligence test tests
Stanford-Binet test revision of the Binet-Simon Scale
personality test any test that is intended to assess personality
projective test
projective device
projective technique
any personality test designed to yield information about someone's personality on the basis of their unrestricted response to ambiguous objects or situations
Rorschach test
inkblot test
a projective tests using bilaterally symmetrical inkblots, subjects state what they see in the inkblot
Thematic Apperception Test
a projective technique using black-and-white pictures, subjects tell a story about each picture
sub-test one of a battery of related tests
test case
test suit
a representative legal action whose outcome is likely to become a precedent
test a hard outer covering as of some amoebas and sea urchins
test bed a place equipped with instruments for testing (e.g. engines or machinery or computer programs etc.) under working conditions
test equipment equipment required to perform a test
test paper paper impregnated with an indicator for use in chemical tests
test range a range for conducting tests
test rocket
research rocket
test instrument vehicle
a rocket fired for test purposes
test room
testing room
a room in which tests are conducted
test tube glass tube closed at one end
adaptability the ability to change (or be changed) to fit changed circumstances
diagnostic test
diagnostic assay
an assay conducted for diagnostic purposes
agglutination test a blood test used to identify unknown antigens, blood with the unknown antigen is mixed with a known antibody and whether or not agglutination occurs helps to identify the antigen, used in tissue matching and blood grouping and diagnosis of infections
heterophil test a blood test to detect heterophil antibodies that agglutinate sheep red blood cells, positive result indicates infectious mononucleosis
Widal test
Widal's test
a test for detecting typhoid fever and other salmonella infections
cloze procedure
cloze test
a test for diagnosing reading ability, words are deleted from a prose passage and the reader is required to fill in the blanks
fecal occult test
faecal occult test
stool test
a test performed at home in which you collect specimens of your stool that are tested for traces of blood, used to detect colorectal cancers
glucose tolerance test test of the body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates, used in the diagnosis of hypoglycemia and diabetes mellitus
complement fixation test a blood test in which a sample of serum is exposed to a particular antigen and complement in order to determine whether or not antibodies to that particular antigen are present, used as a diagnostic test
Wassermann test
Wasserman reaction
a blood test to detect syphilis, a complement fixation test is used to detect antibodies to the syphilis organism treponema, a positive reaction indicates the presence of antibodies and therefore syphilis infection
blood test a serologic analysis of a sample of blood
PSA blood test a blood test that measures levels of a protein called prostate specific antigen that is manufactured exclusively by the prostate gland, men with prostate problems usually have elevated levels of PSA
Pap test
Papanicolaou test
smear test
a method of examining stained cells in a cervical smear for early diagnosis of uterine cancer
paternity test a test based on blood groups to determine whether a particular man could be the biological father of a particular child, negative results prove he was not the father but positive results show only that he could be
PKU test a test of newborn infants for phenylketonuria
pregnancy test a physiological test to determine whether a woman is pregnant
Friedman test
rabbit test
pregnancy test that involves injecting some of the woman's urine into an unmated female rabbit and later examining the ovaries of the rabbit, presence of corpora lutea indicates that the woman is pregnant
Queckenstedt's test a test to determine whether there is a blockage of the spinal canal
radioactive iodine test test of thyroid function in which the patient is given an oral dose of radioactive iodine-
radioactive iodine excretion test radioactive iodine test that measures the amount of radioactive iodine excreted in the urine
radioactive iodine uptake test
radioactive iodine test that measures the amount of radioactive iodine taken up by the thyroid gland
Rubin test test to determine the patency or occlusion of the Fallopian tubes
skin test any test to determine immunity or sensitivity to a disease by introducing small amounts on or into the skin
Dick test a skin test to determine your susceptibility to scarlet fever
patch test a test to determine allergic sensitivity by applying small pads soaked with allergen to the unbroken skin
Schick test a skin test for immunity to diphtheria
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