
air pump Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Pumpe, pumpen
Turnschuh m, Sportschuh m
aufpumpen, pumpen, Pumpe
Turnschuh m; Sportschuh m
pump up
to pump
pumpen v
to pump
gas pump
Pumpengehäuse n
pump body
Trinkhalle f (in einem Kurort)
feed pump
feed pump
fuel pump
gear pump
pump body
pump room
Pumpensumpf m
pump sump
Pumpenrohrsatz m
motor pump
Pumps m
pump Am.
Pumpspray n
pump spray
Standpumpe f
floor pump
Wasserpumpe f
water pump
Entwässerungspumpe f
drains pump
Fasspumpe f
barrel pump
Rückförderpumpe f techn.
return pump
Umlaufverdrängerpumpe f
rotary pump
geared pump
rotary pump
Brustpumpe f mach.
breast pump
suction pump
pump priming
Ankurbelung f (der Wirtschaft)
pump priming
Pumpe f
Pumpen pl
Tanzschuh m
dancing pump
coolant pump
Ankurbelung (der Wirtschaft)
pump priming
pumpen v ugs. (Gewichte heben)
to pump iron
Förderdruck m
pump pressure
Dialysepumpe f med.
dialysis pump
Abgabepumpe f
discharge pump
gear type pump
injection pump
Pumpenmembran f
pump diaphragm
Containerpumpe f
container pump
Diffusionspumpe f techn.
diffusion pump
Endoskopiepumpe f mach.
endoscopy pump
Pumpenanschluss m
pump connection
Umwälzpumpe f
circulating pump
centrifugal pump
circulating pump
semi-rotary pump
Luftpumpe f (Sternbild) astron.
Antlia; air pump
Pumpenkolbenhub m
pump piston lift
Pumpenmotor-Relais n
pump motor relay
Hilfsölpumpe f techn.
auxiliary oil pump
Öldiffusionspumpe f techn.
oil diffusion pump
Rezirkulationspumpe f techn.
recirculation pump
Kraftstoffeinspritzdüse f
fuel injection pump
fuel injection pump
Druckschmierung f
pump-fed lubrication
Gaswärmepumpe f
gas driven heat pump
Kirchturmpolitik f pej.
parish-pump politics
Luftpumpenhalter m
Luftpumpenhalter pl
pump peg
pump pegs
Ölpumpe f
Ölpumpen pl
oil pump
oil pumps
pump-fed lubrication
Brauchwasserpumpe f
industrial water pump
Wasserstrahlvakuumpumpe f
water-jet vacuum pump
Natrium-Kalium-Pumpe f psych. med.
sodium-potassium pump
Dieseleinspritzpumpe f auto
diesel injection pump
Doppelmembranpumpe f techn.
double diaphragm pump
Förderung f
discharge (of a pump)
Benzinpumpe f techn.
fuel pump, petrol pump
Brunnenhaus n
Brunnenhäuser pl
pump room
pump rooms
Förderpumpe f
Förderpumpen pl
feed pump
feed pumps
Getriebepumpe f
Getriebepumpen pl
gear pump
gear pumps
Pumpgun n, Schnellfeuergewehr n
pump gun, pump shotgun
Speisepumpe f
Speisepumpen pl
feed pump
feed pumps
Pumpeneinheit f
Pumpeneinheiten pl
pump unit
pump units
Pumpenring m
Pumpenringe pl
pump ring
pump rings
Sumpfpumpe f techn.
Sumpfpumpen pl
sump pump
sump pumps
Bierpumpe f; Zapfanlage f techn.
Bierpumpen pl; Zapfanlagen pl
beer pump
beer pumps
Chemienormpumpe f
standard chemical pump
Feuerlöschpumpe f
Feuerlöschpumpen pl
fire pump
fire pumps
Strahlpumpe f (Oberbegriff) auto aviat.
jet pump (generic term)
Schachtsumpf m; Pumpensumpf m min.
sink; pump sump; bottom
aus jemandem Information herausholen
pump information from sb
Bilgenpumpe f naut.
Bilgenpumpen pl
bilge pump
bilge pumps
Drehschieberpumpe f techn.
sliding vane rotary pump
Pumpenhaus n
Pumpenhäuser pl
pump house
pump houses
Rahmenpumpe f
Rahmenpumpen pl
frame pump
frame pumps
Roots-Pumpe f techn.
Roots-Pumpen pl
Roots pump
Roots pumps
Pumpenmotor m
Pumpenmotoren pl
pump motor
pump motors
Pumpenrelais n
Pumpenrelais pl
pump relay
pump relays
Pumpenwelle f techn.
Pumpenwellen pl
pump shaft
pump shafts
Standpumpe f
Standpumpen pl
floor pump
floor pumps
Verpresspumpe f
Verpresspumpen pl
grout pump
grout pumps
Herzpumpe f med.
Herzpumpen pl
heart pump
heart pumps
freier Kugeldurchgang m (Pumpe) techn.
free ball passage (pump)
Chemietauchpumpe f
submersible chemical pump
abpumpen mach.
to pump out; to pump down
Aschebreipumpe f techn.
Aschebreipumpen pl
slurry pump
slurry pumps
Drehkolbenpumpe f mach.
Drehkolbenpumpen pl
rotary pump
rotary pumps
Unterdruckpumpe f
Unterdruckpumpen pl
vacuum pump
vacuum pumps
Aussenzahnradpumpen pl mach.
external toothed gear pump
positive displacement pump
Entwässerungspumpe f
Entwässerungspumpe pl
drains pump
drains pumps
Fasspumpe f
Fasspumpen pl
barrel pump
barrel pumps
Protonenpumpe f biochem.
Protonenpumpen pl
proton pump
proton pumps
Pumpenkolben m
Pumpenkolben pl
pump piston
pump pistons
Pumpenschwengel m; Schwengel m einer Handpumpe
Pumpenschwengel pl; Schwengel pl
pump handle
pump handles
Schneckenpumpe f techn.
Schneckenpumpen pl
spiral pump
spiral pumps
Spiralpumpe f
Spiralpumpen pl
spiral pump
spiral pumps
Umlaufverdrängerpumpe f
Umlaufverdrängerpumpen pl
rotary pump
rotary pumps
Vakuumpumpe f techn.
Vakuumpumpen pl
vacuum pump
vacuum pumps
Waschpumpe f
Waschpumpen pl
washer pump
washer pumps
etw. in Schwung bringen; vorantreiben; forcieren; dynamisieren geh.; pushen ugs. v
to prime the pump for sth.
Absaugpumpe f
Absaugpumpen pl
exhaust pump
exhaust pumps
Ansaugpumpe f
Ansaugpumpen pl
suction pump
suction pumps
Druckerhöhungspumpe f mach.
Druckerhöhungspumpen pl
booster pump
booster pumps
Kühlmittelpumpe f
Kühlmittelpumpen pl
coolant pump
coolant pumps
Saugpumpe f
Saugpumpen pl
suction pump
suction pumps
Insulinpumpe f
Insulinpumpen pl
insulin pump
insulin pumps
Luftstrahlpumpe f techn.
Luftstrahlpumpen pl
air jet pump
air jet pumps
Pumpenelement n
Pumpenelemente pl
pump element
pump elements
Drehschiebervakuumpumpe f techn.
slide vane rotary vacuum pump
Kraftstoffpumpe f auto
elektrische Kraftstoffpumpe
fuel pump
electric fuel pump
Spülpumpe f auto
Spülpumpen pl
scavenge pump
scavenge pumps
Betonpumpe f
Betonpumpen pl
concrete pump
concrete pumps
Entleerungspumpe f mach.
Entleerungspumpen pl
draining pump
draining pumps
Pumpenleistung f
pump performance; pumping power
Brennstoffpumpe f mach.
Brennstoffpumpen pl
fuel feed pump
fuel feed pumps
Abfüllpumpe f cook.
Abfüllpumpen pl
decanting pump
decanting pumps
Injektionspumpe f techn.
Injektionspumpen pl
injection pump
injection pumps
Maischpumpe f (Brauerei)
Maischpumpen pl
mash pump (brewery)
mash pumps
Abwasserpumpe f
Abwasserpumpen pl
wastewater pump
wastewater pumps
Entwässerungspumpe f, Absenkpumpe f
Entwässerungspumpen pl, Absenkpumpen pl
dewatering pump
dewatering pumps
Unterflurpumpe f
Unterflurpumpen pl
underfloor pump
underfloor pumps
Entwässerungspumpe f; Absenkpumpe f
Entwässerungspumpen pl; Absenkpumpen pl
dewatering pump
dewatering pumps
Kondensatpumpe f chem.
Kondensatpumpen pl
condensate pump
condensate pumps
Nachpresssaftpumpe f agr.
Nachpresssaftpumpen pl
maceration pump
maceration pumps
Pumpenanschluss m
Pumpenanschlüsse pl
pump connection
pump connections
Tankstellenpreis m
Tankstellenpreise pl
fuel pump price
fuel pump prices
Dispenserpumpe f (Flaschenverschluss)
Dispenserpumpen pl
pump cap (on a bottle)
pump caps
Frostschutzpumpe f auto
Frostschutzpumpen pl
defrosting pump
defrosting pumps
aufpumpen, pumpen
aufpumpend, pumpend
aufgepumpt, gepumpt
to pump up
pumping up
pumped up
Ballastpumpe f (Schiff) naut.
Ballastpumpen pl
ballast pump (ship)
ballast pumps

air pump Definition

Air pump
() A kind of pump for exhausting air from a vessel or closed space
Air pump
() A pump used to exhaust from a condenser the condensed steam, the water used for condensing, and any commingled air.
Chain pump
() A pump consisting of an endless chain, running over a drum or wheel by which it is moved, and dipping below the water to be raised. The chain has at intervals disks or lifts which fit the tube through which the ascending part passes and carry the water to the point of discharge.
Force pump
() A pump having a solid piston, or plunger, for drawing and forcing a liquid, as water, through the valves
Force pump
() A pump adapted for delivering water at a considerable height above the pump, or under a considerable pressure
(n.) The for pump in the pit.
(n.) A low shoe with a thin sole.
(n.) An hydraulic machine, variously constructed, for raising or transferring fluids, consisting essentially of a moving piece or piston working in a hollow cylinder or other cavity, with valves properly placed for admitting or retaining the fluid as it is drawn or driven through them by the action of the piston.
(v. t.) To raise with a pump, as water or other liquid.
(v. t.) To draw water, or the like, from
(v. t.) Figuratively, to draw out or obtain, as secrets or money, by persistent questioning or plying
(v. i.) To work, or raise water, a pump.
Sprengel pump
() A form of air pump in which exhaustion is produced by a stream of mercury running down a narrow tube, in the manner of an aspirator

air pump Bedeutung

pump priming introducing water into a pump to improve the seal and start the water flowing
deficit spending
compensatory spending
pump priming
spending money raised by borrowing, used by governments to stimulate their economy
air pump
vacuum pump
a pump that moves air in or out of something
auxiliary pump
donkey pump
a supplementary pump available if needed
bicycle pump a small pump that fills bicycle tires with air
bilge pump a pump to remove bilgewater
centrifugal pump a pump that use centrifugal force to discharge fluid into a pipe
condensation pump
diffusion pump
vacuum pump used to obtain a high vacuum
force pump pump used to force a liquid up and expel it under pressure
gas pump
gasoline pump
petrol pump
island dispenser
a pump in a service station that draws gasoline from underground storage tanks
hand pump a pump worked by hand
heat pump apparatus that extracts heat from a liquid that is at a higher temperature than its surroundings, can be used to transfer heat from a reservoir outside in order to heat a building
hydraulic pump
hydraulic ram
a water pump that uses the kinetic energy of flowing water to force a small fraction of that water to a reservoir at a higher level
ion pump a vacuum pump that removes gas by ionizing the atoms or molecules and adsorbing them on a metal surface
lift pump pump used to lift rather than force a liquid up
oil pump a pump that keeps a supply of oil on moving parts
pump a mechanical device that moves fluid or gas by pressure or suction
pump a lowut shoe without fastenings
pump action
slide action
action mechanism in a modern rifle or shotgun, a back and forward motion of a sliding lever ejects the empty shell case and cocks the firearm and loads a new round
pump house
pumping station
a house where pumps (e.g. to irrigate) are installed and operated
pump room a pump house at a spa where medicinal waters are pumped and where patrons gather
pump-type pliers a type of pliers
pump well an enclosure in the middle of a ship's hold that protects the ship's pumps
spectator pump
a woman's pump with medium heel, usually in contrasting colors for toe and heel
stirrup pump a hand-operated reciprocating pump, used in fighting fires
stomach pump a suction pump used to remove the contents of the stomach
suction pump a pump for raising fluids by suction
sump pump a suction pump for removing liquid from a sump
water pump the pump in the cooling system of an automobile that cause the water to circulate
the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs, its rhythmic contractions move the blood through the body, he stood still, his heart thumping wildly
pump-and-dump scheme an illegal scheme for making money by manipulating stock prices, the schemer persuades other people to buy the stock and then sells it himself as soon as the price of the stock rises
pump question persistently, She pumped the witnesses for information
pump deliver forth, pump bullets into the dummy
pump operate like a pump, move up and down, like a handle or a pedal, pump the gas pedal
pump raise (gases or fluids) with a pump
pump move up and down, The athlete pumps weights in the gym
pump draw or pour with a pump
pump flow intermittently
pump supply in great quantities, Pump money into a project
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