
aitch bone Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Lendenknochenstück n cook.
rag-and-bone man
Ausbauhaus n constr.
Ausbauhäuser pl
bare-bone house, grow house, starter house
bare-bone houses, grow houses, starter houses
Backenknochen m, Kinnbackenknochen m anat.
maxillary bone
Beckenknochen m anat.
Beckenknochen pl
pelvic bone
pelvic bones
Fersenbein n anat.
heel bone, calcaneum
Fischgräte f, Gräte
Fischgräten pl, Gräten pl
fishbone, fish bone
fishbones, fish bones
Fußwurzelknochen m anat.
Fußwurzelknochen pl
footroot bone, tarsal bone
footroot bones, tarsal bones
Hüftbein n, Hüftknochen m anat.
hip bone, hipbone, innominate bone, iliac bone
mit jdm. ein Hühnchen rupfen übtr.
to pick a bone with sb. fig.
Jochbein n, Jochbogen m anat.
cheek-bone, malar bone, zygoma
Kieferknochen m
Kieferknochen pl
jaw bone
jaw bones
Knochen m
Knochen pl
ohne Knochen
boneless, unboned
Knochenasche f
bone ash
Knochenbau m
bone structure
Knochenbearbeitung f
bone manufacturing
Knochendichte f med.
bone density
Knochenmark n, Mark n anat.
bone marrow, marrow
Knochenmehl n
bone meal, bonemeal
Knochenporzellan n
bone china
Knochenschnitzen n
bone carving
Knochentransplantation f med.
bone grafting
Knochenresorption f med.
bone resorption
Knochenschwarz n, Knochenkohle f, Tierkohle f
bone black, animal black, bone char, animal charcoal
Knochensplitter m med.
Knochensplitter pl
bone fragment
bone fragments
Knorpelknochen m
Knorpelknochen pl
cartilage bone
cartilage bones
Lamellenknochen m anat.
Lamellenknochen pl
lamellar bone
lamellar bones
Lendenknochenstück n cook.
Lumpensammler m
rag and bone man
Musikantenknochen m anat.
funny bone
Nasenbein n anat.
nasal bone, nose bone
Ossiculum n, Knöchelchen n anat.
ossicle, small bone
Ossifikation f, Knochenbildung f
ossification, bone formation
Osteodystrophia f Knochenmissbildung f med.
osteodystrophy, defective bone formation
Osteolyse f, Abbau von Knochensubstanz med.
osteolysis, bone dissolving
Osteomalazie f, Knochenerweichung f med.
osteomalacia, bone softening
Osteotomie f, Knochendurchtrennung f med.
osteotomy, cutting of a bone
Röhrenknochen m
long bone
Schambein n anat.
pubic bone
Schienbein n anat.
Schienbeine pl
shin bone, shinbone
shin bones, shinbones
Schleuderpreis pl
Schleuderpreise pl
rock-bottom price, price cut to the bone coll.
rock-bottom prices, prices cut to the bone
Steißbein n anat.
Steißbeine pl
coccyx, tail bone, tailbone, butt bone
coccyxes, tail bones, tailbones, butt bones
Stirnbein n anat.
frontal bone
Tiermehl n
meat and bone meal
Tränenbein n anat.
temporal bone
Trockengewicht n
absolutes Trockengewicht
dry weight
bone dry weight
Unterarmknochen m anat.
Unterarmknochen pl
bone in the forearm
bone in the forearms
Wadenbein n anat.
fibula, splinter bone, calf bone
Walknochen m
Walknochen pl
whale bone
whale bones
bone dice
Zankapfel m
bone of contention
Zungenbein n anat.
tongue bone
(etw.) büffeln, pauken, lernen v
Mathe büffeln, Mathe pauken
to swot (at), to cram, to bone up (on sth.)
to swot up on one's maths, to bone up on maths
entgräten v cook.
to fillet, to bone
filleting, boning
filleted, boned
knochentrocken adj
as dry as a bone
myelotoxisch, knochenmarksschädigend adj med.
myelotoxic, destructive to bone marrow
staubtrocken adj
stinkfaul adj
am stinkfaulsten
bonelazy, bone idle coll.
more bonelazy
most bonelazy
trocken adj
am trockensten
ein trockener Wein
absolut trocken
mäßig trocken
drier, dryer
driest, dryest
a dry wine
bone dry (bd)
moderately dry
Ich habe ein Hühnchen mit Ihnen zu rupfen.
I have a bone to pick with you.
ankle bone
bone fragment
bone meal
fish bone
jaw bone
Backenknochen, Kinnbackenknochen
maxillary bone
pelvic bone
price cut to the bone
rag and bone man
shin bone
Altkleidersammler m; Lumpensammler m; Fetzentandler m Ös.
Altkleidersammler pl; Lumpensammler pl; Fetzentandler pl
rag-and-bone man Br.; ragman Am.; ragpicker
rag-and-bone men; ragmen; ragpickers
Augenhöhlendach n anat.
orbital roof; roof of the orbit; superiorwall of the orbit; orbital plate of the frontal bone
Ausbauhaus n constr.
Ausbauhäuser pl
bare-bone house; grow house; starter house
bare-bone houses; grow houses; starter houses
Backenknochen m; Kinnbackenknochen m anat.
Backenknochen pl; Kinnbackenknochen pl
maxillary bone
maxillary bones
Beinknopf m
Beinknöpfe pl
bone button
bone buttons
Brustkern m (Teilstück vom Rind) cook.
Brustkern mit Knochen
Brustkern ohne Knochen
centre cut brisket (beef cut)
centre cut boned brisket
centre cut brisket without bone
Darmbein n; Ilium n (Os ilium) anat.
ilium; illiac bone
Falzbein n
Falzbeine pl
bone folder
bone folders
Fersenbein n anat.
heel bone; calcaneum
Fischgräte f; Gräte
Fischgräten pl; Gräten pl
fishbone; fish bone
fishbones; fish bones
Fischgrätenmuster n; Fischgrätmuster n textil.
mit Fischgrätenmuster
Dreiteiler mit Fischgrätenmuster
herringbone pattern
herringbone; herring bone
herringbone three-piece suit
Fußwurzelentzündung f; Tarsitis f med.
inflammation of the tarsal bone; tarsitis
Fußwurzelknochen m anat.
Fußwurzelknochen pl
footroot bone; tarsal bone
footroot bones; tarsal bones
Fußwurzelschnitt m; Fußwurzelinzision f; Tarsotomie f med.
incision into the tarsal bone; tarsotomy
operative Fußwurzelknochenentfernung f; Tarsektomie f med.
excision of the tarsal bone; tarsectomy
der Buchstabe H m ling.
(im Dialekt) das H nicht mitsprechen
to drop your aitches
Handwurzelknochen m anat.
Handwurzelknochen pl
carpal bone
carpal bones
Haxe f; Hachse f; Haxl n Bayr. Ös.; Stelze f Ös.; Wädli n Schw.; Gnagi n Schw. (Teilstück vom Kalb Schwein) cook.
Hinterhaxe f; hintere Stelze f Ös.
Haxe ohne Knochen Vögerl Ös.
shank (veal pork cut)
hindquarter shank
shank without bone
Hinterhesse f Dt.; hinterer Wadschinken m Ös. (Teilstück vom Rind) cook.
Hinterhesse hinterer Wadschinken ohne Knochen
bones shank (beef cut)
shank without bone
Hüftbein n; Hüftknochen m anat.
hip bone; hipbone; innominate bone; iliac bone
Huhn n; Hinkel n; Hendl n Bayr. Ös.; Pipihenderl n Bayr. Ös. (Kindersprache) ornith. agr. cook.
Hühner pl
mit den Hühnern aufstehen übtr.
mit den Hühnern zu Bett gehen übtr.
wie ein gerupftes Huhn aussehen
Ich habe mit ihm noch ein Hühnchen zu rupfen. übtr.
Auch ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn Sprw.
chicken; chook Austr. coll.
to get up (early) with the chickens
to go to bed (early) with the chickens
to look like a plucked chicken a shorn sheep
I have a bone to pick with him.
Every dog has its day. prov.
Jochbein n; Jochbogen m; Wangenknochen m anat.
cheekbone; malar bone; zygoma; zygomatic bone
Knochen m; Bein n; Os n anat.
Knochen pl; Gebeine pl
ohne Knochen
schwere Knochen haben übtr.
bone; os
boneless; deboned; unboned
to be big-boned fig.
Knochenaktivkohle f; Knochenkohle f; Spodium f
bone charcoal; bone black; spodium
Knochenasche f chem.
bone ash(es); bone earth
Knochenblutung f med.
haemorrhage from the bone; osteorrhagia
Knochenbohrer m med.
Knochenbohrer pl
bone drill; bone perforator
bone drills; bone perforators
Knochenbrüchigkeit f; Glasknochenkrankheit f; Osteopsathyrose f (Osteogenesis imperfecta) med.
brittle bones; brittle-bone disease; Eddowes' disease; Eddowes' syndrome; imperfect osteogenesis; osteopsathyrosis
Knochendetektiv m ugs. (Gerichtsanthropologe)
Knochendetektive pl
bone investigator coll. (forensic anthropologist)
bone investigators
Knochenleitung f; Osteoakusis f med.
osteophony; bone conduction
Knochenmark n; Mark n anat.
bone marrow; marrow
Knochenmarkaspiration f med.
bone marrow aspiration
Knochenmarkbiopsie f med.
bone marrow biopsy; trephine biopsy
Knochenmarkeinlagerung f biol.
bone-marrow storage
Knochenmarkempfänger m med.
Knochenmarkempfänger pl
bone marrow recipient
bone marrow recipients
Knochenmarkerschöpfung f med.
bone-marrow depletion
Knochenmarkkrebs m med.
bone-marrow cancer
Knochenmarknagel m med.
Knochenmarknägel pl
bone-marrow nail; medullary nail
bone-marrow nails; medullary nails
Knochenmarkpunktion f med.
Knochenmarkpunktionen pl
bone marrow puncture
bone marrow punctures
Knochenmarkspender m; Knochenmarkspenderin f med.
Knochenmarkspender pl; Knochenmarkspenderinnen pl
bone marrow donor
bone marrow donors
Knochenmarkuntersuchung f med
Knochenmarkuntersuchungen pl med
bone marrow examination
bone marrow examinations
Knochenmehl n
bone meal; bonemeal
Knochenporzellan n (feines Porzelalan)
bone china
Knochenschwarz n; Knochenkohle f; Tierkohle f
bone black; animal black; bone char; animal charcoal
Knochensplitter m med.
Knochensplitter pl
bone fragment; bone splinter
bone fragments; bone splinters
Knochenvibrator m med. techn.
Knochenvibratoren pl
bone vibrator
bone vibrators
Kochschlagmesser n cook.
Kochschlagmesser pl
bone splitter
bone splitters
Löffelkürette f; scharfer Löffel m med.
bone curette; sharp spoon; scraper
Markhöhle f anat.
marrow space (of the bone); medullary cavity
Markklößchen n; Markknödel m Ös. (Suppeneinlage) cook.
Markklößchen pl; Markknödel pl
bone-marrow dumplings
bone-marrow dumplingses
Markknochen m anat. cook.
Markknochen pl
marrowbone; medullary bone
Marknagel m; Markraumnagel m (bei Knochenbrüchen) med.
intramedullary nail; intramedullary pin (in bone fractures)
Milchglas n (aus Knochenasche)
bone glass
Musikantenknochen m; Mäuschen n ugs.; närrisches narrisches ugs. Bein n Ös.; Narrenbein n Schw. anat.
Der Film hat meine Lachmuskeln ordentlich strapaziert.
funny bone; crazy bone Am.
The film really tickled my funny bone.
Nasenbein n anat.
nasal bone; nose bone
Nasenbeinbruch m; Nasenbeinfraktur f med.
Nasenbeinbrüche pl; Nasenbeinfrakturen pl
fracture of the nose; nasal bone fracture
fractures of the nose; nasal bone fractures
Nasenmuschel f (Concha nasalis) anat.
obere Nasenmuschel
mittlere Nasenmuschel
untere Nasenmuschel
nasal concha; turbinate (bone)
superior nasal concha
middle nasal concha
inferior nasal concha; maxilloturbinal
Ossiculum n; Knöchelchen n anat.
ossicle; small bone
Ossifikation f; Knochenbildung f
ossification; bone formation
Osteodystrophia f; Knochenmissbildung f med.
osteodystrophy; defective bone formation
Osteolyse f; Abbau von Knochensubstanz med.
osteolysis; bone dissolving
Osteomalazie f; Knochenerweichung f med.
osteomalacia; bone softening
Osteotomie f; Knochendurchtrennung f med.
osteotomy; cutting of a bone
Platz m; Ort m; Stelle f
Plätze pl; Orte pl; Stellen pl
an einem Platz Ort
an einer Stelle
ein toller großartiger Platz Ort
von einem Ort zum anderen; von Ort zu Ort
Plätze im Reisebus
die Orte die wir in Israel besucht haben
die Stelle wo es passiert ist
jdm. einen Platz reservieren
alles (wieder) an seinen Platz zurücklegen
an jds. Stelle treten
nicht am (rechten) Platz
an deiner Stelle (wenn ich du wäre) übtr.
Er nimmt innerhalb der Familie einen besonderen Platz ein.
an einem Ort geschäftsansässig sein
Wir kommen nicht von der Stelle.
Das ein guter Platz für ein Picknick.
Ich kann nicht an zwei Orten gleichzeitig sein.
Wertgegenstände sollten an einem sicheren Ort aufbewahrt werden.
Beim Erfolg geht es manchmal darum zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort zu sein.
Er hatte Pech er war zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort.
Der Knochen ist an zwei Stellen gebrochen.
Schau an einer anderen Stelle im Wörterbuch.
Der Stadtplan ist an einigen Stellen eingerissen.
at in a place
in a place
a great place
from place to place
places available on the coach
the places we visited in Israel
the place where it happened
to save sb. a place
to put everything back in its proper place
to take sb.'s place
out of place
in your place; in your shoes; in your position
He holds has a special place within the family.
to have your business address in a place
We're not getting any place.
This is a good place for a picnic to have a picnic.
I can't be in two places at once.
Valuables should be kept in a safe place.
Success is sometimes just a matter of being at in the right place at the right time.
He was unlucky he was at in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The bone broke in two places.
Look in another place in the dictionary.
The city map is torn in places in some places.
Rindenknochen m; Kompakta f (Substantia compacta) anat.
cortical bone; compact substance tissue; compacta
Scheitelbein n anat.
parietal bone
Schleuderpreis pl
Schleuderpreise pl
rock-bottom price; price cut to the bone coll.
rock-bottom prices; prices cut to the bone
Schwirrknochen m; Schnurrer m (Kinderspielzeug) hist.
spinning bone (childrens' toy)
Steigbügel m; Stapes m (Gehörknöchelchen) anat.
stapes; stirrup (bone) (auditory ossicle)
Steißbein n; Schwanzbein n anat.
Steißbeine pl; Schwanzbeine pl
coccyx; tail bone; tailbone; butt bone
coccyxes; coccyges; tail bones; tailbones; butt bones
Substantia spongiosa f; Spongiosa f anat.
cancellous bone; trabecular bone; spongy bone
T-Bone-Steak n cook.
T-Bone-Steaks pl
T-bone steak
T-bone steaks
Wadenbein n anat.
fibula; splinter bone; calf bone
Würfelknochen m
bone dice
Zungenbein n anat.
hyoid bone; tongue bone; lingual bone
Zwergmispeln pl; Steinmispeln Ös. Schw. (Cotoneaster) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Fächer-Zwergmispel f; Fächer-Steinmispel f (Cotoneaster horizontalis)
cotoneasters (botanical genus)
rock cotoneaster; herring-bone cotoneaster
sich die Beine ausreißen; sich die Haxen ausreißen Ös. coll.; sich zersprageln Ostös. coll.; sich den Arsch aufreißen slang v
to work your fingers to the bone; to work your socks off; to work your butt slang arse Br. slang ass Am. slang balls slang off
(etw.) büffeln; pauken; auswendig lernen v
Mathe büffeln; Mathe pauken
to swot (at) Br. Austr.; to cram; to bone up (on sth.); to grind learn by rote
to swot up on one's maths; to bone up on maths
sich für etw. eignen; für etw. geeignet sein
sich für etw. eignend; für etw. geeignet seiend
sich für etw. geeignet; für etw. geeignet gewesen
Das Land ist für die Landwirtschaft gut geeignet.
Der angebotene Aktivurlaub eignet sich am besten für Gruppen.
Er eignet sich nicht zum Arzt.
Sie ist als Knochenmarkspender nicht geeignet.
to be suited for to sth.; to be suitable for sth.
being suited for to sth.
been suited for to sth.
The land is well suited for agriculture.
The activity holidays on offer are best suited to groups.
He's not suited for a doctor.
She is not suitable as a bone marrow donor.

Deutsche Lendenknochenstück {n} [cook.] Synonyme

cook up  ad-lib  angle  beget  breed  brew  bring forth  bring into being  cabal  call into being  
cook  KO  abigail  adulterate  amah  au pair girl  ayah  bake  baker  ball up  

Englische aitch-bone Synonyme

aitch bone Definition

(n.) The letter h or H.
(n.) The hard, calcified tissue of the skeleton of vertebrate animals, consisting very largely of calcic carbonate, calcic phosphate, and gelatine
(n.) One of the pieces or parts of an animal skeleton
(n.) Anything made of bone, as a bobbin for weaving bone lace.
(n.) Two or four pieces of bone held between the fingers and struck together to make a kind of music.
(n.) Dice.
(n.) Whalebone
(n.) Fig.: The framework of anything.
(v. t.) To withdraw bones from the flesh of, as in cookery.
(v. t.) To put whalebone into
(v. t.) To fertilize with bone.
(v. t.) To steal
(v. t.) To sight along an object or set of objects, to see if it or they be level or in line, as in carpentry, masonry, and surveying.
Cannon bone
() See Canon Bone.
Canon bone
() The shank bone, or great bone above the fetlock, in the fore and hind legs of the horse and allied animals, corresponding to the middle metacarpal or metatarsal bone of most mammals. See Horse.
Collar bone
() The clavicle.
Cuttle bone
() The shell or bone of cuttlefishes, used for various purposes, as for making polishing powder, etc.
Rewel bone
() An obsolete phrase of disputed meaning, -- perhaps, smooth or polished bone.
Rowel bone
() See rewel bone.
Ruell bone
() See rewel bone.

aitch bone Bedeutung

bone-headed dinosaur bipedal herbivorous dinosaurs with bony crowns
wishing bone
the furcula of a domestic fowl
splint bone a rudimentary metacarpal or metatarsal bone on either side of the cannon bone in the leg of a horse or related animal
fetter bone
the part between the fetlock and the hoof
cannon bone greatly developed metatarsal or metacarpal bone in the shank or cannon part of the leg in hoofed mammals
bone-ash cup
refractory pot
a small porous bowl made of bone ash used in assaying to separate precious metals from e.g. lead
bone china fine porcelain that contains bone ash
bone age a person's age measured by matching their bone development (as shown by X rays) with bone development of an average person of known chronological age
a shade of white the color of bleached bones
rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates
bare bone bone stripped of flesh
cuboid bone the cube shaped bone on the outer side of the tarsus
carpal bone
wrist bone
any of the eight small bones of the wrist of primates
scaphoid bone
os scaphoideum
the largest wrist bone on the thumb side
lunate bone
semilunar bone
os lunatum
one of the eight small wrist bones
triquetral bone
os triquetrum
cuneiform bone
pyramidal bone
a wrist bone that articulates with the pisiform and hamate and lunate bones
pisiform bone
os pisiforme
a small wrist bone that articulates only with the triquetral
trapezium bone
os trapezium
the wrist bone on the thumb side of the hand that articulates with the st and nd metacarpals
trapezoid bone
os trapezoideum
the wrist bone between the trapezium and the capitate bones
capitate bone
os capitatum
the wrist bone with a rounded head shape that articulates with the rd metacarpus
hamate bone
unciform bone
os hamatum
the wrist bone in line with the th and th fingers
cartilage bone any bone that develops within cartilage rather than a fibrous tissue
zygomatic bone
malar bone
jugal bone
os zygomaticum
the arch of bone beneath the eye that forms the prominence of the cheek
tail bone
the end of the vertebral column in humans and tailless apes
ethmoid bone
one of the eight bones of the cranium, a small bone filled with air spaces that forms part of the eye sockets and the nasal cavity
innominate bone
large flaring bone forming one half of the pelvis, made up of the ilium and ischium and pubis
hyoid bone
os hyoideum
a U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue muscles
ischial bone
os ischii
one of the three sections of the hipbone, situated below the ilium
long bone
os longum
in limbs of vertebrate animals: a long cylindrical bone that contains marrow
lower jaw
mandibular bone
lower jawbone
the jaw in vertebrates that is hinged to open the mouth
membrane bone any bone that develops within membranous tissue without previous cartilage formation, e.g. the clavicle and bones of the skull
metacarpal bone
any bone of the hand between the wrist and fingers
nasal bone
os nasale
an elongated rectangular bone that forms the bridge of the nose
palatine bone
os palatinum
either of two irregularly shaped bones that form the back of the hard palate and helps to form the nasal cavity and the floor of the orbits
pubic bone
os pubis
one of the three sections of the hipbone, together these two bones form the front of the pelvis
round bone bones that are round in shape
shoulder blade
shoulder bone
either of two flat triangular bones one on each side of the shoulder in human beings
sesamoid bone
os sesamoideum
any of several small round bones formed in a tendon where it passes over a joint
short bone
os breve
a bone that is of approximately equal dimension in all directions
sphenoid bone
os sphenoidale
butterfly-shaped bone at the base of the skull
tarsal bone
any bone of the tarsus
temporal bone
os temporale
a thick bone forming the side of the human cranium and encasing the inner ear
turbinate bone
any of the scrolled spongy bones of the nasal passages in man and other vertebrates
tympanic bone the bone enclosing the middle ear
bone marrow
the fatty network of connective tissue that fills the cavities of bones
red marrow
red bone marrow
bone marrow of children and some adult bones that is required for the formation of red blood cells
yellow marrow
yellow bone marrow
bone marrow that is yellow with fat, found at the ends of long bones in adults
lacrimal bone small fragile bone making up part of the front inner walls of each eye socket and providing room for the passage of the lacrimal ducts
bone cell a cell that is part of a bone
bone-forming cell
a cell from which bone develops
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