
all staff Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Belegschaft, Personal
Stab, Personal
Belegschaft, Stab, Stock
Belegschaftsraum, Lehrerzimmer
staff room
Kürzung des Personals
staff cuts
Personalkürzung, Personalreduzierung
staff cuts
Personalverringerung, Personalabbau
staff cuts
Verringerung des Personals
staff cuts
Belegschaft f; Beschäftigte pl; Mitarbeiterschaft f
staff body
staff room
Stab der Außendienstmitarbeiter
field staff
sales staff
Admiralstab m
naval staff
Pressemitarbeiter pl
press staff
train staff
naval staff
field staff
Zutritt Betriebsfremden nicht gestattet.
Staff only!
Zugpersonal n
train staff
Verkaufspersonal m
sales staff
staff member
inside staff
staff manager
staff savings
staff council
Personalversammlung, Belegschaftsversammlung
staff meeting
Versammlung der Belegschaft
staff meeting
Personaleinsparung f
staff savings
embassy staff
traffic staff
staff locator
Personalrat m
staff council
research staff
Lehrpersonal, Lehrkörper
teaching staff
Mangel an Arbeitskräften
staff shortage
Personalmangel, Personalknappheit
staff shortage
Stabsabteilung f
staff division
Reinigungspersonal n
cleaning staff
Stabschef m; Chef m des Stabes adm. mil.
chief of staff
Bischofsstab m
pastoral staff
Computerpersonal n
computer staff
Lehrpersonal n; pädagogisches Personal n school stud.
teaching staff
Dozenten pl
training staff
Stabschef m; Chef m des Stabes
chief of staff
Minimalbesetzung f; Rumpfbesetzung f; Notbesetzung f
skeleton staff
Forschungspersonal n
research staff
Lehrerkollegium n
teaching staff
teaching staff
Minimalbesetzung f, Notbesetzung f
skeleton staff
computer staff
clerical staff
chief of staff
Sicherheitspersonal n
security staff
Stab m
Stäbe pl
Stabschef m, Chef m des Stabes
chief of staff
temporary staff
Kürzung des Personals
staff reduction
Personalkürzung, Personalreduzierung
staff reduction
Personalverringerung, Personalabbau
staff reduction
Redaktion, Belegschaft der Redaktion
editorial staff
Verringerung des Personals
staff reduction
staff reduction
staff exicutive
Nivellierlatte f
levelling staff
Personalabbau m
staff reduction
permanent staff
Personalleiter m
staff executive
Stammpersonal n
permanent staff
staff department
Führungspersonal n
managerial staff
Messepersonal n
exhibition staff
Arbeitskräftemangel, Arbeitskräfteknappheit
shortage of staff
Personalmangel, Personalknappheit
shortage of staff
Aufsichtspersonal n
supervisory staff
Auskunftspersonal n
information staff
Auswahl f von Mitarbeitern
sourcing of staff
staff departments
Personalbedarf m
staff requirement
den Personalbestand verringern
to downsize staff
Abbau des Personals
reduction in staff
basic staff number
staff pension fund
Personalkürzung, Personalreduzierung
reduction in staff
Personalverringerung, Personalabbau
reduction in staff
Verringerung der Belegschaft
reduction in staff
Verringerung des Personals
reduction in staff
employment of staff
Unterkunft für die Belegschaft
staff accommodation
Umbesetzung f
shakeup (e.g. staff)
Personalmittel pl fin.
staff appropriations
Verwaltungsstab m
administrative staff
Belegschaftsversammlung f
meeting of the staff
Runenstab m
rune staff, rune stick
Nachwuchs m (Firma)
junior staff, trainees
Runenstab m
rune staff; rune stick
Nachwuchs m (Firma)
junior staff; trainees
Personalzeiterfassung f
staff work time logging
Einstellung von Personal
engagement of new staff
Oberschwester f med.
staff nurse; head nurse
Personalraum m
staff room
staff rooms
Verkaufspersonal m
sales staff; salespeople
Lattenpegel m, Pegellatte f
staff gauge, gauge staff
Lattenpegel m; Pegellatte f
staff gauge; gauge staff
Feldwebel m mil.
staff-sergeant; sergeant
Feldwebel m mil.
staff-sergeant, sergeant
Bedienpersonal n cook.
waiting staff; wait staff
Notenlinien pl mus.
stave; staff; music lines
Stabsarbeit m
staff work, staff activity
Generalstabschef m
Chief of the General Staff
Personaldaten pl
personnel data, staff data
Stabsarbeit m
staff work; staff activity
Rechtsberater m (in einer militärischer Einheit) jur. mil.
staff judge advocate Am.
Liniensystem n; System n (mehrstimmige Musiknoten) mus.
stave; staff (sheet music)
Personaldaten pl
personnel data; staff data
Stabsarbeit f
staff work; staff activity
Generalstabschef m mil.
Chief of the General Staff
Ablesewert m an der Messlatte (Vermessungswesen)
staff intercept (surveying)
Pflegepersonal n
nursing staff, care workers
Pflegepersonal n med.
nursing staff; care workers
Belegschaft f, Personal n, Personalbestand m
staff, personnel, employees
personalintensiv; personalaufwändig adj econ.
demanding on staff resources
Betriebskantine f
Betriebskantinen pl
staff cateen
staff cateens
Betreuerteam n; Funktionsteam n Dt. (Mannschaftssport) sport
coaching staff (team sports)
relating to staff; personnel
relating to staff; personnel
Verringerung f des Personalstands; Personalabbau m; Stellenabbau m econ.
radikaler Personalabbau
staff shake-out
(mit Personal) besetzen, mit einem Stab versehen
besetzend, mit einem Stab versehend
besetzt, mit einem Stab versehen
to staff
Streckenpersonal n (Bahn)
temporary-way staff (railway)
Oberbauüberwachungspersonal n; Personal n des Bahnüberwachungs- und -instandhaltungsdiensts (Bahn)
permanent-way staff (railway)
Generalstab m mil.
Generalstäbe pl
general staff
general staffs
Mitarbeiterrufanlage f
Mitarbeiterrufanlagen pl
staff locator
staff locators
Dienstbesprechung f adm.
Dienstbesprechungen pl
staff meeting
staff meetings
Generalstab m
Generalstäbe pl
general staff
general staffs
Stabsstelle f
Stabsstellen pl
staff position
staff positions
Büropersonal n
clerical staff, clerical workers
Servicepersonal n; Dienstpersonal n
service staff; service personnel
Bibliothekspersonal n
library personnel, library staff
Bibliothekspersonal n
library personnel; library staff
Büropersonal n
clerical staff; clerical workers
Küchenbrigade f; Küchenpersonal n
kitchen staff; brigade de cuisine
Führungskräfte pl; leitende Angestellte pl adm.
executive personnel; senior staff
Hotelangestellter m; Hotelangestellte f
hotel employee; hotel staff member
Mitarbeitergespräch n
Mitarbeitergespräche pl
staff appraisal
staff appraisals
Mitarbeiterbindung f; Arbeitnehmerbindung f
employee retention; staff retention
Lehrerkollegium n; Lehrerschaft f school
teaching staff Br.; faculty Am.
Hilfspersonal n
medizinisches Hilfspersonal
ancillary staff
medical auxiliary
Betriebspersonal n
operating staff; operating personnel

all staff Definition

(n.) An instrument formerly used at sea for taking the altitudes of celestial bodies.
(n.) A surveyor's instrument for measuring offsets.
Rock staff
(v. i.) An oscillating bar in a machine, as the lever of the bellows of a forge.
(n.) A long piece of wood
(n.) A stick carried in the hand for support or defense by a person walking
(n.) A pole, stick, or wand borne as an ensign of authority
(n.) A pole upon which a flag is supported and displayed.
(n.) The round of a ladder.
(n.) A series of verses so disposed that, when it is concluded, the same order begins again
(n.) The five lines and the spaces on which music is written
(n.) An arbor, as of a wheel or a pinion of a watch.
(n.) The grooved director for the gorget, or knife, used in cutting for stone in the bladder.
(n.) An establishment of officers in various departments attached to an army, to a section of an army, or to the commander of an army. The general's staff consists of those officers about his person who are employed in carrying his commands into execution. See Etat Major.
(n.) Hence: A body of assistants serving to carry into effect the plans of a superintendant or manager

all staff Bedeutung

staff a strong rod or stick with a specialized utilitarian purpose, he walked with the help of a wooden staff
(music) the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are written
staff line any of the horizontal marks comprising a staff
treble clef
treble staff
G clef
a clef that puts the G above middle C on the second line of a staff
staff a rod carried as a symbol
breadstuff staff of life
food made from dough of flour or meal and usually raised with yeast or baking powder and then baked
personnel department
personnel office
personnel staff office
the department responsible for hiring and training and placing employees and for setting policies for personnel management
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Joint Chiefs
the executive agency that advises the President on military questions, composed of the chiefs of the United States Army and the United States Navy and the United States Air Force and the commandant of the United States Marine Corps
the body of teachers and administrators at a school, the dean addressed the letter to the entire staff of the university
office staff
professional or clerical workers in an office, the whole office was late the morning of the blizzard
research staff a group of associated research workers in a university or library or laboratory
sales staff those in a business who are responsible for sales
security staff those in an organization responsible for preventing spying or theft
service staff
maintenance staff
those in a business responsible for maintaining the physical plant
general staff military officers assigned to assist a senior officer in planning military policy
headquarters staff military staff stationed at headquarters
staff personnel who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task, the hospital has an excellent nursing staff, the general relied on his staff to make routine decisions
a position some distance below the top of a mast to which a flag is lowered in mourning or to signal distress
chief of staff the senior officer of a service of the armed forces
staff member
an employee who is a member of a staff of workers (especially a member of the staff that works for the President of the United States)
staff officer a commissioned officer assigned to a military commander's staff
staff sergeant a noncommissioned officer ranking above corporal and below sergeant first class in the Army or Marines or above airman st class in the Air Force
Jacob's staff
vine cactus
Fouquieria splendens
desert shrub of southwestern United States and Mexico having slender naked spiny branches that after the rainy season put forth foliage and clusters of red flowers
family Celastraceae
spindle-tree family
staff-tree family
trees and shrubs and woody vines usually having brightolored fruits
staff tree any small tree or twining shrub of the genus Celastrus
bittersweet American bittersweet
climbing bittersweet
false bittersweet
staff vine
shrubby bittersweet
Celastrus scandens
twining shrub of North America having yellow capsules enclosing scarlet seeds
staff building material consisting of plaster and hair, used to cover external surfaces of temporary structure (as at an exposition) or for decoration
staff provide with staff, This position is not always staffed
staff serve on the staff of, The two men staff the reception desk
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