
an Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

WiedertÀufer an class="s">man>
Aufwind an class="s">man> an class="c">> an class="c">>
Aufwinde an class="s">plan>
updraft; up wind; upwind; anabatic wind
updrafts; up winds
anabatisch; aufsteigend an class="s">adjan> an class="c">>
anabatischer Wind
anabatic wind
Wind an class="s">man> an class="c">>
Winde an class="s">plan>
anabatischer Wind
gegen den Wind
gleichmĂ€ĂŸige Winde
starker Wind
gĂŒnstiger Wind
von etw. Wind bekommen; von etw. erfahren
Wind wird rĂŒckdrehend
in den Wind reden an class="c">ĂŒ>
in den Wind schlagen an class="c">ĂŒ>
Bedenken in den Wind schlagen an class="c">ĂŒ>
am Wind an class="c">>
hart am Wind an class="c">>
gegen den Wind an class="c">>
Wind mit Spitzengeschwindigkeiten
Der Wind begann aufzufrischen.; Der Wind frischte auf.
anabatic wind
against the wind
steady winds
strong wind
fair wind; fairwind
to get catch wind of sth.
wind will back
to talk in vain
to set at nought
to throw caution to the winds an class="c">>
by the wind; close reach
close hauled
into the wind
peak wind
The wind began to pick up.; The wind picked up.
anabatisch; aufsteigend an class="s">adjan> an class="c">>
Anabolikum an class="s">nan> an class="c">>
Anabolika an class="s">plan>
anabolic drug
anabolic drugs
anabol, aufbauend an class="s">adjan> an class="c">>
anabolic, body-building
Anabolikum an class="s">nan> an class="c">>
Anabolika an class="s">plan>
anabolic drug; anabolic steroid
anabolic drugs; anabolic steroids
AufbaudiÀt an class="s">fan>; anabole DiÀt an class="s">fan> (Kraftsport)
building diet; anabolic diet (strength sports)
anabol; aufbauend an class="s">adjan> an class="c">>
anabolic; body-building
ErnĂ€hrung an class="s">fan>; Kost an class="s">fan> (das, was man gewohnheitsmĂ€ĂŸig isst) an class="c">>
Aufbaukost; Kost zum Aufbau von Körpermasse; anabole ErnÀhrung (Kraftsport)
Beikost an class="s">fan> (fĂŒr Kranke) an class="c">>
Breikost an class="s">fan>
Fleischkost an class="s">fan>
Mittelmeerkost an class="s">fan>
Schonkost an class="s">fan> an class="c">>
SteinzeiternÀhrung an class="s">fan>; Paleo-ErnÀhrung an class="s">fan>
ungesunde ErnÀhrung
sich ungesund ernÀhren
sich einseitig unausgewogen ernÀhren
Du musst mehr auf deine ErnÀhrung achten und dich mehr bewegen.
diet (kind of food you habitually eat)
building diet; anabolic diet (strength sports)
supplementary diet
soft foods diet; soft diet
meat diet
mediterranean diet
bland diet
paleolithic diet; paleo diet; caveman diet; stone-age diet
unhealthy diet
to eat an unhealthy diet
to have an unbalanced diet
You have to watch your diet more (carefully) and get more exercise.
Anabolismus an class="s">man> an class="c">>
Anabolismus an class="s">man> an class="c">>
Aufbaustoffwechsel an class="s">man>
Flussarm an class="s">man> an class="c">>
Flussarme an class="s">plan>
Hauptarm an class="s">man>
Seitenarm an class="s">man>; Nebenarm an class="s">man>
sumpfiger Flussarm
toter Flussarm
river arm; arm branch an class="c">> of a river
river arms; arms branches of a river
main channel; main branch an class="c">>
sidearm; secondary channel; secondary branch an class="c">>; anabranch
billabong an class="c">>
Hundswurzen an class="s">plan> (Anacamptis) (botanische Gattung) an class="c">>
anacamptis orchids (botanical genus)
PistaziengewÀchse an class="s">plan>; KaschugewÀchse an class="s">plan>; SumachgewÀchse an class="s">plan> (Anacardiaceae) (botanische Familie) an class="c">>
anacardiaceous plants; cashew family; sumac family (botanical family)
biologische Art an class="s">fan>; biologische Spezies an class="s">fan> an class="c">>
Artenzahl an class="s">fan>
anachronistische Art
ausgestorbene Art Spezies
eindringende Art
gebietsfremde Art
Geschwisterarten an class="s">plan>; Zwillingsarten an class="s">plan>; kryptische Arten
rezente Spezies
ĂŒberlebende Art
vergesellschaftete Arten
vikarierende Art
waldabhÀngige Art
waldbewohnende Art
typische Art einer Pflanzengemeinschaft
vorherrschende Art
Verteilung der Arten
eine andere Art verdrÀngen auskonkurrieren
biological species
number of species
anachronic species
extinct species
alien species
sibling species; cryptic species
extant species
survival species
associated species
vicarious species; representative species
forest-dependent species
forest species
climax species
dominant species
distribution of species
to displace outcompete another species
nicht in die Zeit Epoche passend; zeitfremd; nicht zeitgemĂ€ĂŸ an class="s">adjan> an class="c">artan> an class="c">> an class="c">>
anachronistische Pflanzen
ein Dialog, der nicht in die Epoche passt
anachronistic; anachronic
anachronistic plants; anachronic plants
an anachronistic dialogue
Anachronismus an class="s">man>
passend; angebracht; (zu)treffend an class="s">adjan>
Die Feier schloss mit dem Vortrag eines passenden Gedichts.
Die Frage scheint angebracht: ist der Tag der Arbeit ein Anachronismus?
Ihre Anmerkung war unerwartet aber zutreffend.
The ceremony concluded with the recital of an apropos poem.
It seems apropos to ask the question is Labor Day an anachronism?
Her comment though unexpected was apropos.
passend; angebracht; (zu)treffend an class="s">adjan>
Die Feier schloss mit dem Vortrag eines zum Anlass passenden Gedichts.
Die Frage scheint angebracht: ist der Tag der Arbeit ein Anachronismus?
Seine Anmerkung kommt zwar unerwartet, trifft aber den Kern der Sache.
The ceremony concluded with the recital of an apropos poem.
It seems apropos to ask the question, is Labor Day an anachronism?
His comment, though unexpected, is very apropos.
anachronistisch an class="s">adjan>
anachronistic, anachronistical
anachronistisch; nicht mehr zeitgemĂ€ĂŸ an class="s">adjan>
anachronistic; anachronistical
unzeitgemĂ€ĂŸ; nicht mehr zeitgemĂ€ĂŸ; lĂ€ngst ĂŒberholt; anachronistisch an class="c">> an class="s">adjan> an class="c">>
out-of-time; behind the times; anachronistic
anachronistisch an class="t">advan>
AnlehnungsbedĂŒrfnis an class="s">nan>; Anlehnung an class="s">fan>; Anaklise an class="s">fan>; Anaklisis an class="s">fan> an class="c">>
attachment; anaclisis
Anlehnungsdepression an class="s">fan>, amaklitische Depression an class="s">fan>, Affektentzugssyndrom an class="s">nan> an class="c">>
anaclitic depression
Anlehnungsdepression an class="s">fan>; amaklitische Depression an class="s">fan>; Affektentzugssyndrom an class="s">nan> an class="c">>
anaclitic depression
Anlehnungsdepression an class="s">fan>; amaklitische Depression an class="s">fan>; Affektentzugssyndrom an class="s">nan> an class="c">>
anaclitic depression
anakoluth; anakoluthisch; satzbrechend an class="s">adjan> an class="c">>
Anakoluth an class="t">m nan>; Anakoluthie an class="s">fan>; Satzbruch an class="s">man> an class="c">>
Anakoluth an class="t">m,nan>; Anakoluthie an class="s">fan>; Satzbruch an class="s">man> an class="c">>
Anakonda an class="s">fan> an class="c">>
Anakreon (griechischer Lyriker der Antike) an class="c">>
Anacreon (Greek ancient lyric poet)
Pulsschlag an class="s">man>; Puls an class="s">man>; Pulsation an class="s">fan>; Sphymgus an class="s">man> an class="c">>
PulsschlÀge an class="s">plan>; Pulsationen an class="s">plan>
alternierender Puls; wechselnder Puls
anakroter Puls
aussetzender Puls
Corrigan'scher Puls
zweischlÀgiger Puls; doppelschlÀgiger Puls
drahtartiger Puls; Drahtpuls an class="s">man>
einschlÀgiger Puls; monokroter Puls
dreischlÀgiger vierschlÀgiger Puls
epigastrischer Puls; epigastrische Pulsation
fadenförmiger Puls
gespannter Puls
gespannter und harter Puls
harter Puls
hĂŒpfender Puls: schnellender Puls
jagender Puls
katakroter katadikroter katatrikroter Puls
paradoxer Puls; Kussmaul'scher Puls
langsamer Puls
monokroter dikroter trikroter Puls
mehrschlÀgiger polykroter Puls
nicht fĂŒhlbarer Puls
regelmĂ€ĂŸiger unregelmĂ€ĂŸiger Puls
schneller Puls; beschleunigter Puls; Pulsbeschleunigung
weicher Puls; nicht gespannter Puls
zweizipfliger Puls
jds. Puls fĂŒhlen; jds. Puls nehmen
den Puls beschleunigen
pulse beat; pulse; pulsus; pulsation; sphygmus
pulse beats; pulses; pulsations
alternating pulse; alternans of the heart
anacrotic pulse
intermittent interrupted pulse; miosphygmia
cannon ball pulse; Corrigan's pulse
coupled pulse; bigeminat pulse
wiry pulse
monocrotic pulse
trigeminal quadrigeminal pulse
epigastric pulse; epigastric pulsation
shabby pulse; filiform pulse
tense pulse; cordy pulse
hard and cordy pulse; high-tension pulse
hard pulse
sharp pulse; jerky pulse
running pulse
catacrotic catadicrotic catatricrotic pulse
paradoxical pulse; Kussmaul's pulse
slow pulse
monocrotic dicrotic tricrotic pulse
polycrotic pulse
imperceptible pulse
regular irregular pulse
quick pulse; accelerated pulse; pulse acceleration
soft pulse; weak pulse; low-tension pulse; microsphygmy; microsphyxia
bisferious pulse
to feel sb.'s pulse; to take sb.'s pulse
to quicken the pulse
Pulsschlag an class="s">man>; Puls an class="s">man>; Pulsation an class="s">fan>; Sphymgus an class="s">man> an class="c">>
PulsschlÀge an class="s">plan>; Pulsationen an class="s">plan>
alternierender Puls; wechselnder Puls
anakroter Puls
aussetzender Puls; Miosphygmia
Corrigan'scher Puls
zweischlÀgiger Puls; doppelschlÀgiger Puls
drahtartiger Puls; Drahtpuls an class="s">man>
einschlÀgiger Puls; monokroter Puls
dreischlÀgiger vierschlÀgiger Puls
epigastrischer Puls; epigastrische Pulsation
fadenförmiger Puls
gespannter Puls
gespannter und harter Puls
harter Puls
hĂŒpfender Puls: schnellender Puls
jagender Puls
katakroter katadikroter katatrikroter Puls
paradoxer Puls; Kussmaul'scher Puls
langsamer Puls
monokroter dikroter trikroter Puls
mehrschlÀgiger polykroter Puls
nicht fĂŒhlbarer Puls
regelmĂ€ĂŸiger unregelmĂ€ĂŸiger Puls
schneller Puls; beschleunigter Puls; Pulsbeschleunigung
weicher Puls; nicht gespannter Puls
zweizipfliger Puls
jds. Puls fĂŒhlen; jds. Puls nehmen
den Puls beschleunigen
pulse beat; pulse; pulsus; pulsation; sphygmus
pulse beats; pulses; pulsations
alternating pulse; alternans of the heart
anacrotic pulse
intermittent interrupted pulse; miosphygmia
cannon ball pulse; Corrigan's pulse
coupled pulse; bigeminat pulse
wiry pulse
monocrotic pulse
trigeminal quadrigeminal pulse
epigastric pulse; epigastric pulsation
shabby pulse; filiform pulse
tense pulse; cordy pulse
hard and cordy pulse; high-tension pulse
hard pulse
sharp pulse; jerky pulse
running pulse
catacrotic catadicrotic catatricrotic pulse
paradoxical pulse; Kussmaul's pulse
slow pulse
monocrotic dicrotic tricrotic pulse
polycrotic pulse
imperceptible pulse
regular irregular pulse
quick pulse; accelerated pulse; pulse acceleration
soft pulse; weak pulse; low-tension pulse; microsphygmy; microsphyxia
bisferious pulse
to feel sb.'s pulse; to take sb.'s pulse
to quicken the pulse
Auftakt an class="s">man> an class="c">>
upbeat; anacrusis
Verfassungskreislauf an class="s">man>; Anakyklosis an class="s">fan> (Theorie der zyklischen Entwicklung politischer Systeme) an class="c">>
anadrom an class="s">adjan> an class="c">>
(zum Laichen) flussaufwÀrts wandernd; anadrom an class="s">adjan> an class="c">>
anadrome FischbestÀnde
anadromous (migrating upstream for breeding)
anadromous fish stocks
Anadyr an class="s">man> (Fluss) an class="c">>
Anadyr (river)
AnÀmie an class="s">fan>, Blutarmut an class="s">fan> an class="c">>
anemia an class="c">>, anaemia an class="c">>
Bleichsucht an class="s">nan>
anemia an class="c">>, anaemia an class="c">>
Bleichsucht an class="s">nan> an class="c">>
anaemia an class="c">>; anemia an class="c">>
Blutarmut an class="s">fan>; Erythrozytenarmut an class="s">fan>; AnÀmie an class="s">fan> an class="c">>
ScheinanÀmie an class="s">fan>
AnÀmie bei Krebs
aplastische AnÀmie
autoimmunhÀmolytische AnÀmie AIHA
hÀmolytische AnÀmie
megaloblastÀre AnÀmie
anaemia an class="c">>; anemia an class="c">>
apparent anaemia; pseudoanaemia
anemia in cancer
aplastic anemia
autoimmune hemolytic haemolytic anemia
hemolytic haemolytic anemia
macrocytic anemia
Grubenkrankheit an class="s">fan>; Ankylostomiasis an class="s">fan> an class="c">>
miner's sickness anaemia; brickmaker's anaemia; Egyptian chlorosis; ancylostomiasis; ankylostomiasis
KugelzellenanÀmie an class="s">fan> an class="c">>
chronic familial acholuric jaundice; spherocytic anaemie; spherocytosis; haemolytic splenomegaly; congential haemolytic anaemia
StrahlenanÀmie an class="s">fan> an class="c">>
radiation anaemia
Blutarmut an class="s">fan>; Erythrozytenarmut an class="s">fan>; AnÀmie an class="s">fan> an class="c">>
ScheinanÀmie an class="s">fan>
AnÀmie bei Krebs
aplastische AnÀmie
autoimmunhÀmolytische AnÀmie AIHA
hÀmolytische AnÀmie
megaloblastÀre AnÀmie
anaemia an class="c">>; anemia an class="c">>
apparent anaemia; pseudoanaemia
anemia in cancer
aplastic anemia
autoimmune hemolytic haemolytic anemia
hemolytic haemolytic anemia
macrocytic anemia
blutarm, kraftlos, saftlos, anÀmisch an class="s">adjan> an class="c">>
anemic an class="c">>, anaemic an class="c">>
blutarm; kraftlos; saftlos; anÀmisch an class="s">adjan> an class="c">>
anaemic an class="c">>; anemic an class="c">>
Anaerobier an class="s">man> an class="c">>
anaerobic organism; anaerobe
anaerob an class="s">adjan> an class="c">>
Anaerobierdiagnostik an class="s">fan> an class="c">> an class="c">>
anaerobic diagnostics
Atmung an class="s">fan>; Atmen an class="s">nan> an class="c">>
abdominale Atmung
aerobe anaerobe Atmung
angestrengte Atmung
assistierte Atmung
asthmaartige Atmung; asthmatoide Atmung
ausreichende Atmung
beschleunigte Atmung
Biot'sche Atmung
bronichiale Atmung
bronchovesikulÀre Atmung
erschwerte Atmung
fetale Atmung
flache Atmung; oberflÀchliche Atmung
gesteigerte Atmung
große Atmung; Kussmaul'sche Atmung
innere Ă€ußere Atmung
keuchende Atmung; schwere Atmung
kontrollierte Atmung
kĂŒnstliche Atmung
langsame Atmung
paradoxe Atmung; Pendelluft-Atmung
periodische Atmung; Cheyne-Stokes'sche Atmung
pfeifende Atmung
puerile Atmung
pulmonale Atmung
röchelnde Atmung
schnappende Atmung
schnelle Atmung
seufzende Atmung; ziehende Atmung
Silvester'sche Atmung
Brustkorbatmung an class="s">fan>; thorakale Atmung
tiefe Atmung
unregelmĂ€ĂŸige Atmung
verlangsamte Atmung
vesikulÀre Atmung
respiration; breathing; pneusis
abdominal respiration
aerobic anaerobic respiration
laboured respiration; forced breathing
assisted respiration; mechanical respiration
asthmoid respiration
adequate respiration; respiratory adequacy
accelerated respiration; tachypnoea; polypnoea
Biot's respiration; Biot's breathing
bronchial respiration; tubular breathing
bronchovesicular respiration; bronchovesicular breathing
impeded respiration; hampered breathing; difficult breathing
foetal respiration; placental respiration
shallow respiration; hypopnoea
Kussmaul's respiration; air hunger
internal external respiration
gasping respiration; wheezing respiration
controlled respiration
artificial respiration
slow respiration
paradoxical respiration; pendelluft respiration
periodic breathing; Cheyne-Stokes respiration
hissing breathing
puerile respiration
pulmonary respiration
stertorous respiration
spasmodic respiration
rapid respiration; tachypnoea
sighing respiration
Silvester's method
chest breathing; thoracic breathing; costal respiration
deep respiration
irregular respiration
slow respiration; bradypnoea
vesicular respiration
Biogasanlage an class="s">fan> an class="c">>
Biogasanlagen an class="s">plan>
Biogasanlage an class="s">fan> (ohne Sauerstoff)
biogas plant
biogas plants
anaerobic digester (without oxygen)

Deutsche WiedertÀufer {m} Synonyme

Englische anabaptist Synonyme

ana  Festschrift  adage  album  analects  anthology  aphorism  apothegm  aquarium  archives  axiom  beauties  biographical material  biographical records  body  byword  canon  catchword  chrestomathy  clippings  collectanea  collected sayings  collected works  collection  compilation  complete works  corpus  current saying  cuttings  data  delectus  dictate  dictum  distich  epigram  excerpta  excerpts  expression  extracts  florilegium  flowers  fragments  fund  garden  garland  gleanings  gnome  golden saying  government archives  government papers  historical documents  historical records  holdings  library  life records  maxim  memorabilia  menagerie  miscellanea  miscellany  moral  mot  motto  museum  omnibus  oracle  papers  parish rolls  photograph album  phrase  pithy saying  posy  precept  prescript  presidential papers  proverb  proverbial saying  proverbs  public records  quotation book  raw data  saw  saying  scrapbook  sentence  sententious expression  sloka  stock saying  sutra  symposium  teaching  text  treasure  verse  wisdom  wisdom literature  wise saying  witticism  word  words of wisdom  zoo  
anabolism  assimilation  avatar  basal metabolism  catabolism  catalysis  consubstantiation  displacement  heterotopia  metabolism  metagenesis  metamorphism  metamorphosis  metastasis  metathesis  metempsychosis  mutant  mutated form  mutation  permutation  reincarnation  sport  transanimation  transfiguration  transfigurement  transformation  transformism  translation  translocation  transmigration  transmogrification  transmutation  transposition  transubstantiation  
anachronism  antedate  antedating  anticipation  defect  faux pas  flaw  gaffe  metachronism  misapplication  misdate  misdating  mistake  mistiming  parachronism  postdate  postdating  prochronism  prolepsis  slip  solecism  
anachronistic  ahead of time  antedated  beforehand  behind time  behindhand  dated  early  foredated  late  metachronistic  misdated  mistimed  out of date  out of season  overdue  parachronistic  past due  postdated  prochronistic  tardy  unpunctual  unseasonable  
anaerobe  adenovirus  aerobe  aerobic bacteria  amoeba  anaerobic bacteria  bacillus  bacteria  bacterium  bug  coccus  disease-producing microorganism  echovirus  enterovirus  filterable virus  fungus  germ  gram-negative bacteria  gram-positive bacteria  microbe  microorganism  mold  nonfilterable virus  pathogen  picornavirus  protozoa  protozoon  reovirus  rhinovirus  rickettsia  spirillum  spirochete  spore  staphylococcus  streptococcus  trypanosome  vibrio  virus  
anagram  abuse of terms  acrostic  amphibologism  amphiboly  calembour  charade  conundrum  corruption  equivocality  equivoque  jeu de mots  logogram  logogriph  malapropism  metagram  missaying  palindrome  paronomasia  play on words  pun  punning  rebus  riddle  spoonerism  wordplay  
anal  abdominal  accordant  appendical  bourgeois  cardiac  cecal  colic  colonic  compulsive  concordant  conformist  conventional  coronary  corresponding  dinky  duodenal  enteric  formalistic  gastric  harmonious  ileac  in accord  in keeping  in line  in step  intestinal  jejunal  kosher  mesogastric  neat  orthodox  pedantic  plastic  precisianistic  pyloric  rectal  shipshape  sleek  slick  smart  snug  splanchnic  spruce  square  straight  stuffy  tidy  tight  traditionalist  trig  trim  uptight  visceral  well-cared-for  well-groomed  
analects  Festschrift  adage  album  ana  anthology  aphorism  apothegm  axiom  beauties  byword  canon  catchword  chrestomathy  clippings  collectanea  collected sayings  collected works  collection  compilation  complete works  current saying  cuttings  delectus  dictate  dictum  distich  epigram  excerpta  excerpts  expression  extracts  florilegium  flowers  fragments  garden  garland  gleanings  gnome  golden saying  maxim  miscellanea  miscellany  moral  mot  motto  omnibus  oracle  photograph album  phrase  pithy saying  posy  precept  prescript  proverb  proverbial saying  proverbs  quotation book  saw  saying  scrapbook  sentence  sententious expression  sloka  stock saying  sutra  symposium  teaching  text  verse  wisdom  wisdom literature  wise saying  witticism  word  words of wisdom  
analeptic  adjuvant  alterative  bracing  corrective  corroborant  curative  healing  iatric  invigorating  medicative  medicinal  refreshing  remedial  reparative  reparatory  restitutive  restitutory  restorative  reviving  roborant  sanative  sanatory  stimulating  strengthening  therapeutic  theriac  tonic  
analgesia  abatement  allayment  alleviation  anesthesia  anesthetizing  anxiety equivalent  appeasement  assuagement  callousness  deadening  deadness  depraved appetite  diminishment  diminution  dulling  dullness  ease  easement  easing  electronarcosis  impassibility  imperception  imperceptiveness  imperceptivity  impercipience  inconsiderateness  insensibility  insensibleness  insensitiveness  insensitivity  insentience  lessening  lulling  mitigation  mollification  narcosis  narcotization  neurasthenia  numbing  numbness  obtuseness  palliation  paresthesia  parorexia  pica  pins and needles  reduction  relief  remedy  salving  softening  soothing  speech abnormality  subduement  thick skin  unfeeling  unfeelingness  unperceptiveness  
analgesic  Amytal  Amytal pill  Darvon  Demerol  Dolophine  H  Luminal  Luminal pill  M  Mickey Finn  Nembutal  Nembutal pill  Pyramidon  Seconal  Seconal pill  Tuinal  Tuinal pill  acetanilide  acetophenetidin  acetylsalicylic acid  alcohol  alleviating  alleviative  amobarbital sodium  anesthetic  anodyne  aspirin  assuasive  balmy  balsamic  barb  barbiturate  barbiturate pill  benumbing  black stuff  blue  blue angel  blue devil  blue heaven  blue velvet  calmant  calmative  cathartic  chloral hydrate  cleansing  codeine  codeine cough syrup  deadening  demulcent  depressant  depressor  dolly  dope  downer  drug  dulling  easing  emollient  goofball  hard stuff  heroin  hop  horse  hypnotic  junk  knockout drop  knockout drops  laudanum  lenitive  liquor  lotus  meperidine  methadone  mitigating  mitigative  morphia  morphine  narcotic  numbing  opiate  opium  pacifier  pain killer  pain-killer  pain-killing  palliative  paregoric  pen yan  phenacetin  phenobarbital  phenobarbital sodium  purgative  purple heart  quietener  quietening  rainbow  red  relieving  remedial  scag  secobarbital sodium  sedative  shit  sleep-inducer  sleep-inducing  sleeper  sleeping draught  sleeping pill  smack  sodium salicylate  sodium thiopental  softening  somnifacient  somniferous  soother  soothing  soothing syrup  soporific  stunning  stupefying  subduing  tar  tranquilizer  tranquilizing  turps  white stuff  yellow  yellow jacket  
analogous  akin  aligned  alike  analogical  answering  coequal  coextending  coextensive  collatable  collateral  commensurable  commensurate  comparable  comparative  complemental  complementary  concurrent  consonant  convertible  correlative  correspondent  corresponding  duplicate  equal  equidistant  equipollent  equispaced  equivalent  even  homologous  interchangeable  kindred  lined up  matchable  matching  much at one  nonconvergent  nondivergent  of a kind  of a piece  of a size  parallel  parallelepipedal  parallelinervate  paralleling  parallelodrome  parallelogrammatic  parallelogrammic  parallelotropic  reciprocal  reciprocative  relative  similar  tantamount  twin  undifferentiated  uniform  
analogue  ally  alter ego  analogon  associate  brother  close copy  close match  cognate  companion  complement  congenator  congener  coordinate  correlate  correlative  correspondent  counterpart  each other  equivalent  fellow  image  kindred spirit  like  likeness  match  mate  near duplicate  obverse  one another  parallel  pendant  picture  reciprocal  reciprocatist  reciprocator  second self  similitude  simulacrum  sister  soul mate  such  suchlike  tally  the like of  the likes of  twin  
analogy  accordance  affinity  agent  agreement  alignment  alikeness  allegory  alliance  alternate  alternative  ambiguity  aping  approach  approximation  assimilation  backup  balancing  change  changeling  closeness  coextension  collineation  community  comparability  comparative anatomy  comparative degree  comparative grammar  comparative judgment  comparative linguistics  comparative literature  comparative method  compare  comparing  comparison  concurrence  conformity  confrontation  confrontment  contrast  contrastiveness  copy  copying  correlation  correspondence  counterfeit  deputy  distinction  distinctiveness  double  dummy  equal  equidistance  equivalent  equivocation  equivoque  ersatz  exchange  fake  fill-in  ghost  ghostwriter  identity  imitation  likeness  likening  locum tenens  makeshift  matching  metaphor  metonymy  mimicking  nearness  next best thing  nondivergence  opposing  opposition  parallelism  parity  personnel  phony  pinch hitter  proportion  proxy  relation  relief  replacement  representative  resemblance  reserves  ringer  sameness  second string  secondary  semblance  sign  similarity  simile  similitude  simulation  spares  stand-in  sub  substituent  substitute  substitution  succedaneum  superseder  supplanter  surrogate  symbol  synecdoche  tergiversation  third string  token  trope of comparison  understudy  utility player  vicar  vice-president  vice-regent  weighing  
analysis  Baconian method  Boolean algebra  Euclidean geometry  Fourier analysis  Lagrangian function  a fortiori reasoning  a posteriori reasoning  a priori reasoning  abstraction  accounting  airing  algebra  algebraic geometry  alteration  analytic geometry  anatomization  anatomy  arithmetic  arrangement  assay  associative algebra  atomization  audit  automatic electronic navigation  binary arithmetic  braking  breakdown  breakup  buzz session  calculus  canvassing  cataloging  categorization  change  checkup  circle geometry  circumstantiation  classification  codification  colloquium  comment  commentary  commentation  computation  conference  consideration  coordination  critical review  criticism  critique  debate  debating  decomposition  deduction  deductive reasoning  deliberation  demarcation  depth interview  depth psychology  descriptive geometry  desynonymization  diaeresis  dialectic  dialogue  differencing  differential calculus  differentiation  discrimination  discussion  disequalization  disintegration  disjunction  dissection  distinction  distinguishment  diversification  division  division algebra  doctrinairism  doctrinality  doctrinarity  dream analysis  dream symbolism  editorial  enquiry  epagoge  equivalent algebras  examination  exchange of views  explanation  fact distribution  filing  forecasts  forum  game theory  generalization  geodesy  geometry  gloss  grading  graphic algebra  group analysis  group theory  grouping  higher algebra  higher arithmetic  hyperbolic geometry  hypothesis and verification  indexing  individualization  individuation  induction  inductive reasoning  inference  infinitesimal calculus  inquest  inquirendo  inquiring  inquiring mind  inquiry  inquisition  inspection  integral calculus  interpretation  interpretation of dreams  intuitional geometry  invariant subalgebra  inverse geometry  investigation  itemization  joint discussion  judgement  leader  leading article  line geometry  linear algebra  logical a  
analyst  analyzer  assayer  behavior therapist  clinical psychologist  essayer  examiner  experimenter  headshrinker  hypnotherapist  narcotherapist  psychiatrist  psychoanalyst  psychoanalyzer  psychotherapeutist  psychotherapist  research worker  researcher  shrink  shrinker  test driver  test pilot  tester  tryer-out  
analytic  a fortiori  a posteriori  a priori  acute  algebraic  analytical  categorical  classificatory  conditional  deductive  deep  dialectic  discursive  enthymematic  enumerative  epagogic  examinational  examinatorial  examining  explorational  explorative  exploratory  fact-finding  feeling  geometric  groping  heuristic  hypothetical  indagative  inductive  inferential  inspectional  inspectorial  investigational  investigative  investigatory  keen  maieutic  mathematical  numeric  penetrating  piercing  profound  ratiocinative  ratiocinatory  rational  reasoning  schematic  segmental  sharp  soritical  subtle  syllogistic  synthetic  tentative  testing  trying  zetetic  
analytical  a fortiori  a posteriori  a priori  algebraic  analytic  categorical  classificatory  conditional  deductive  dialectic  discursive  enthymematic  enumerative  epagogic  examinational  examinatorial  examining  explorational  explorative  exploratory  fact-finding  feeling  geometric  groping  heuristic  hypothetical  indagative  inductive  inferential  inspectional  inspectorial  investigational  investigative  investigatory  maieutic  mathematical  numeric  ratiocinative  ratiocinatory  rational  reasoning  schematic  segmental  soritical  subtle  syllogistic  synthetic  tentative  testing  trying  zetetic  
analyze  air  alphabetize  anatomize  apply reason  arrange  assay  assort  atomize  bracket  break down  break up  canvass  catalog  categorize  change  chop logic  class  classify  codify  comment upon  conjugate  consider  contradistinguish  controvert  deal with  debate  decline  decompose  deduce  deliberate  deliberate upon  demarcate  demark  desynonymize  difference  differentiate  digest  discourse about  discriminate  discuss  disequalize  disjoin  dissect  distinguish  diversify  divide  draw the line  examine  exchange views  file  generalize  go into  grade  group  handle  hyphenate  hypothesize  index  individualize  individuate  infer  inflect  inspect  intellectualize  investigate  knock around  list  logicalize  logicize  make a distinction  mark  mark off  mark out  mark the interface  modify  order  parenthesize  parse  part  particularize  pass under review  personalize  philosophize  pick out  pigeonhole  place  point  provide a rationale  punctuate  range  rank  rap  rate  rationalize  reason  reason about  reason the point  reduce  reduce to elements  refine a distinction  resolve  review  screen  screen out  scrutinize  segment  segregate  select  separate  set a limit  set apart  set off  sever  severalize  sieve  sieve out  sift  sift out  sort  sort out  specialize  split hairs  study  subdivide  subtilize  syllogize  synthesize  tabulate  take up  talk  talk about  talk of  talk over  theorize  thresh out  treat  type  use reason  vary  ventilate  winnow  
analyzer  analyst  assayer  breaker  centrifuge  cutter  essayer  examiner  experimenter  gas analyzer  mass spectrograph  mass spectrometer  research worker  researcher  scanner  separator  sieve  stripper  test driver  test pilot  tester  tryer-out  

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