
animal like Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

tierisch adj
Tragtier, Packtier
Rudeltier n
pack animal
Tierkunde f
animal lore
Tierleben n
animal life
animal life
pack animal
animalisch adj
animal {adj}
Tierstil m
animal style
animal world
Kleintier n
small animal
Tiergesundheit f
animal health
Tierbestattung f
animal burial
Tierrechte pl pol.
animal rights
Tiermutter f zool.
animal mother
hoofed animal
tierisches Produkt
animal product
heilige Tiere pl relig.
animal deities
Tierreich n
animal kingdom
Vitalität f; Lebensgeister pl
animal spirits
animal kingdom
draught animal
verirrt; streunend adj (Tier)
stray (animal)
Tierhygiene f zool.
animal hygiene
Tierdressur f
animal training
domestic animal
Dompteur m, Dompteuse f
(animal) trainer
Tierernährung f
animal nutrition
Kadaverbeseitigung f
animal rendering
Gnadenhof m
animal sanctuary
animal experiment
gregarious animal
laboratory animal
ein Tier entwurmen v
to worm an animal
Tierschutzgesetz n jur.
Animal Welfare Act
Futter n, Viehfutter n, Tierfutter n agr.
fodder, animal food
Kaltblüter m zool.
cold-blooded animal
Zeichnung f (eines Tieres) zool.
marking (on animal)
Tierschutzorganisation f
animal rights group
Zeichnung f (eines Tieres)
marking (on animal)
cold blooded animal
ein Tier mit einem Netz fangen v zool.
to enmesh an animal
Haustiernahrung f, Heimtiernahrung f
domestic animal food
Maul n
mouth (of an animal)
Gespannwagen m
animal drawn vehicle
cloven hoofed animal
Tierschutzgesetz n
law on animal welfare
Tierwelt f
animal world, wildlife
Tierwelt f
animal world; wildlife
Tierfell n
animal fur; animal hide
Tierkot m
animal excrements; scat
tierähnlich, tierisch adj
animal-like, anumallike
Flechsen pl; Flachsen pl Bayr. Ös. (Sehnen im zubereiteten Tierfleisch) cook.
sinews (in animal meat)
tierisch adj
tierisches Produkt
animal product
tierähnlich; tierisch adj
animal-like; animallike
Glykogen n; tierische Stärke f; Leberstärke f biochem.
glycogen; animal starch
Zoolatrie f; göttliche Tierverehrung f relig.
zoolatry; animal worship
mit Leib und Seele Politiker sein v
to be a political animal
Entwurmung f (eines Tieres) med.
deworming (of an animal)
mit Leib und Seele Politiker sein
to be a political animal
Tierhaar n zool.
Tierhaare pl
animal hair
animal hair
davonstürmen v (Tierherde) zool.
to stampede (animal herd)
Wassertier n zool.
Wassertiere pl
aquatic animal
Streifgebiet n; Aufenthaltsgebiet n (eines Tieres) zool.
home range (of an animal)
Lasttier n, Packtier n, Tragtier n
Lasttiere pl, Packtiere pl, Tragtiere pl
pack animal
pack animals
Tierseele f phil.
Tierseelen pl
animal soul
animal souls
Wildtier n, wildes Tier
Wildtiere pl, wilde Tiere
wild animal
wild animals
Milchtier n agr.
Milchtiere pl
milk animal
milk animals
Betatier n psych. zool.
Betatiere pl
beta animal
beta animals
Wildtier n; wildes Tier
Wildtiere pl; wilde Tiere
wild animal
wild animals
Vieheinheit f agr.
Vieheinheiten pl
animal unit
animal units
Lasttier n; Packtier n; Tragtier n
Lasttiere pl; Packtiere pl; Tragtiere pl
pack animal
pack animals
Hunde auf ein Tier hetzen v
to bait an animal with dogs
Tier n
Tiere pl
Tiere in der freien Natur
Tierkörper m zool.
Tierkörper pl
animal body
animal bodies
Schnappen n (eines Tieres nach etw.) zool.
snap (of an animal at sth.)
Animalischer Magnetismus m; Mesmerismus m phil. med. hist.
animal magnetism; mesmerism
Tierhalter m, Tierhalterin f
Tierhalter pl, Tierhalterinnen pl
animal owner
animal owners
Tierbesitzer m
Tierbesitzer pl
animal owner
animal owners
Alphatier n psych. zool.
Alphatiere pl
alpha animal
alpha animals
Beißkante f (Tierhaltung) agr.
bite edge (animal husbandry)
wilde Flucht f; Losstürmen n; Davonstieben n geh. (einer Tierherde) zool.
stampede (of an animal herd)
Dressur f
Dressuren pl
(animal) training
Tierhalter m; Tierhalterin f
Tierhalter pl; Tierhalterinnen pl
animal owner
animal owners
Omegatier n psych. zool.
Omegatiere pl
omega animal
omega animals
Dressur f
Dressuren pl
(animal) training
Tiergeschichte f
Tiergeschichten pl
animal story
animal stories
in die Milch kommen; milchend werden; frischmelk werden; melk werden v (Milchtier) agr.
to freshen (of a milk animal)
Gestalt f; Erscheinung f
Gestalten pl; Erscheinungen pl
Tiergestalt f
animal guise
Bau m (eines Wühltieres) zool.
earth (of a burrowing animal)
drahtig; sehnig adj (Person Tier) anat.
wiry; sinewy (person animal)
Maul n
Mäuler pl
mouth (of an animal)
Teilstück n (eines geschlachteten Tieres) cook.
cut (from a butchered animal)
Tiergeist m
Tiergeister pl
spirit animal
spirit animals
nach etw. schnappen (Tier) v zool.
to snap at sth. (of an animal)
räuberisch adj (Tier) zool.
predacious; predatory (animal)
Seetier n zool.
Seetiere pl
Tierpfleger m, Tierpflegerin f
Tierpfleger pl
animal keeper
animal keepers
Tierhalter m; Tierhalterin f
Tierhalter pl; Tierhalterinnen pl
animal keeper
animal keepers
Zirkustier n
Zirkustiere pl
circus animal
circus animals
Sommergast m (Tier, Pflanze)
summer visitor (animal, plant)
Reittier n
Reittiere pl
riding animal
riding animals
Fluchttier n zool.
Fluchttiere pl
flight animal
flight animals
urzeitlich adj
ein urzeitliches Tier
a primitive animal
Sommergast m (Tier Pflanze)
summer visitor (animal plant)
Tierstreu f; Lagerstreu f; Einstreu f; Strohlage f agr.
animal bedding; bedding; litter
Scheren n; Schur f (eines Nutztiers) agr.
shearing (of a domestic animal)
Scheckung f; gescheckte Färbung f (Tier) zool.
spotting pattern (of an animal)
Nutztier m
Nutztiere pl
working animal
working animals
Zugtier n
Zugtiere pl
draught animal
draught animals
Abrichter m; Abrichterin f; Dresseur m; Dresseurin f
Abrichter pl; Abrichterinnen pl; Dresseure pl; Dresseurinnen pl
animal trainer
animal trainers
Futter n; Viehfutter n; Tierfutter n agr.
fodder; animal feed; animal food
drollig; possierlich adj (kleines Tier)
droll; funny (of a little animal)
ein Tier in einen Baum jagen; einen Baum hinaufjagen v (Jagd)
to tree an animal Am. (hunting)
Nesthocker m zool.
nidicolous bird, nidicolous animal
eingehen v ugs. (sterben) (Haustier)
to die (pet animal)
Wappentier n
Wappentiere pl
heraldic animal
heraldic animals
Tiertrainer m (für Film- und Fernsehproduktionen)
Tiertrainer pl
animal wrangler
animal wranglers
Tierkrankenhaus n; Tierspital n Ös. Schw.
Tierkrankenhäuser pl; Tierspitale pl
animal hospital
animal hospitals
Spiegelfechten n (Verhalten von Tieren) zool.
mirror-fighting (animal behaviour)
Nutztier n agr.
Nutztiere pl
domestic animal
domestic animals
ein anderes Tier wegbeißen v (durch Schnappen vertreiben) zool.
to bite to keep away another animal
ein Tier mit einer Schlinge fangen v (Jagd)
mit Schlingen gefangen
to wire an animal (hunting)
Studium n der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung; Anthrozoologie f
human-animal studies; anthrozoology
Jungtier n; Junges n zool.
Jungtiere pl; Junge pl
young animal; young
young animals
ein Tier ausweiden; ausnehmen; ausschlachten v zool.
ausweidend; ausnehmend; ausschlachtend
ausgeweidet; ausgenommen; ausgeschlachtet
to gut an animal
'Die Farm der Tiere' (von Orwell Werktitel) lit.
'Animal Farm' (by Orwell work title)
störrisch adj
recalcitrant {adj} formal (animal)
Wühltier n zool.
Wühltiere pl
burrowing animal
burrowing animals
Tiergehege n
Tiergehege pl
animal enclosure
animal enclosures
Fütterungstechnik f (Tierhaltung) agr.
feeding technique (animal husbandry)
Tierhaltung f; Haltung f von Tieren agr. zool.
animal husbandry; keeping of animals
Tierbestand m; Bestand m zool.
animal population; number of animals
Dompteur m; Dompteuse f
Dompteure pl; Dompteusen pl
(animal) trainer
(animal) trainers
Bioakustik f; Tierstimmenforschung f
bioacoustics; animal sounds research
Einhorn n (Fabeltier) lit.
Einhorne pl; Einhörner pl
unicorn (legendary animal)
'Die Farm der Tiere' (von Orwell Werktitel) lit.
'Animal Farm' (by Orwell work title)
Herdentier n zool.
Herdentiere pl
gregarious animal
gregarious animals
Tierversuch m; Tierexperiment n
Tierversuche pl; Tierexperimente pl
animal experiment
animal experiments
Versuchstier n
Versuchstiere pl
laboratory animal
laboratory animals
Tierversuch m, Tierexperiment n
Tierversuche pl, Tierexperimente pl
animal experiment
animal experiments
Bocken n (eines Reittiers Nutztiers)
bucking (of a riding or working animal)
Wirtstier n zool.
Wirtstiere pl
host animal; host
host animals; hosts
Wirtstier n zool.
Wirtstiere pl
host animal, host
host animals, hosts
Opfertier n; Schlachtopfer n relig.
Opfertiere pl; Schlachtopfer pl
sacrificial animal
sacrificial animals
Kahlwild n zool.
female game animal; calf without antlers
Selbstmedikation f von Tieren; Zoopharmakognosie f zool.
animal self-medication; zoopharmacognosy
Pelztier n
Pelztiere pl
fur bearing animal
fur bearing animals

animal like Definition

(n.) An organized living being endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion, and also characterized by taking its food into an internal cavity or stomach for digestion
(n.) One of the lower animals
(a.) Of or relating to animals
(a.) Pertaining to the merely sentient part of a creature, as distinguished from the intellectual, rational, or spiritual part
(a.) Consisting of the flesh of animals
(a.) Partaking of the nature both of vegetable and animal matter

animal like Bedeutung

animate being
a living organism characterized by voluntary movement
animal husbandry breeding and caring for farm animals
the worship of animals
kingdom Animalia
animal kingdom
taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct animals
range animal any animal that lives and grazes in the grassy open land of western North America (especially horses, cattle, sheep)
work animal an animal trained for and used for heavy labor
draft animal an animal used for pulling heavy loads
pack animal
an animal (such as a mule or burro or horse) used to carry loads
domestic animal
domesticated animal
any of various animals that have been tamed and made fit for a human environment
marine animal
marine creature
sea animal
sea creature
any of numerous animals inhabiting the sea including e.g. fishes and molluscs and many mammals
animal virus an animal pathogen that is a virus
animal order the order of animals
farm animal
any animals kept for use or profit
predatory animal
any animal that lives by preying on other animals
animal foot
the pedal extremity of vertebrates other than human beings
sea mat
sea moss
moss animal
sessile aquatic animal forming mossy colonies of small polyps each having a curved or circular ridge bearing tentacles, attach to stones or seaweed and reproduce by budding
caprine animal
any of numerous agile ruminants related to sheep but having a beard and straight horns
fictional animal animals that exist only in fiction (usually in children's stories)
animal leg the leg of an animal
animal nature
the physical (or animal) side of a person as opposed to the spirit or intellect
animal magnetismb
magnetic personal charm
animal tissue the tissue in the bodies of animals
comparative psychology
animal psychology
the branch of psychology concerned with the behavior of animals
animal communication communication between animals (of the same species)
animal group a group of animals
animal fancier a person who breeds animals
animal trainer
one who trains or exhibits animals
animal stuffer
a craftsman who stuffs and mounts the skins of animals for display
animal scientist
a specialist in the branch of biology dealing with animals
animal disease a disease that typically does not affect human beings
bone black
bone char
animal black
animal charcoal
black substance containing char in the form of carbonized bone, used as a black pigment
animal product a product made from animal material
animal glue a protein gelatin obtained by boiling e.g. skins and hoofs of cattle and horses
animal oil any oil obtained from animal substances
animal material material derived from animals
animal pigment pigment occurring in animals
animal skin the outer covering of an animal
animal fat any fat obtained from animals, animal fat is high in saturated fatty acids
animal starch
one form in which body fuel is stored, stored primarily in the liver and broken down into glucose when needed by the body
animal fiber
animal fibre
fiber derived from animals
animal toxin
a toxin resembling bacterial toxins in its antigenic properties that is found in the fluids of certain animals
marked by the appetites and passions of the body, animal instincts, carnal knowledge, fleshly desire, a sensual delight in eating, music is the only sensual pleasure without vice
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