
anti American Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

amerikafeindlich; antiamerikanisch adj pol.
anti-dumping policy
anti-dumping duty
anti-inflationary policy
anti-trust laws
anti-trust legislation
antizyklische Wirtschaftspolitik
anti-cyclical economic policy
Abhebesicherung f, Absturzsicherung f
anti-derail device
Abtreibungsgegner m, Abtreibungsgegnerin f
anti-abortionist, pro-life activist
Afroamerikaner m, Afroamerikanerin f
Afroamerikaner pl, Afroamerikanerinnen pl
Amerikanistik f
American studies
Anthelminthikum n, Wurmmittel n med. pharm.
anthelmintic, anti-worm drug
Antiabtreibungskampagne f
anti-abortion campaign
Antiarrhythmikum n med.
Antiblockiersystem n (ABS), Blockierschutzbremssystem n auto
Bremssystem n mit ABS
anti-lock braking system (ABS)
antilock brakes
Antidiskriminierung f
Antidumping-Vorschriften pl
anti-dumping provisions
Antiepileptikum n med. pharm.
Antifaltencreme f
anti-wrinkle cream
Anti-Inflationspolitik f
anti-inflationary policy
Anti-Korruptionsgesetz n
Anti-Korruptionsgesetze pl
anti-corruption law
anti-corruption laws
Antikommunist m, Antikommunistin f pol.
Antikommunisten pl, Antikommunistinnen pl
anti-communist, anticommunist
anti-communists, anticommunists
Antipersonenmine f, Tretmine f, Schützenabwehrmine f mil.
Antipersonenminen pl, Tretminen pl, Schützenabwehrminen pl
anti-personnel mine
anti-personnel mines
Anti-Rutschbelag m
anti-slip covering
Antischaummittel n
anti-foaming agent
Antisemit m, Antisemitin f
Antisemiten pl, Antisemitinnen pl
Antisemitismus m
Anti-Aliasing n, Kantenglättung f comp.
anti-aliasing, antialiasing, dejagging
Anti-Atombewegung f, Anti-Atom-Bewegung f, Antiatomkraft-Bewegung f
anti-nuclear movement
Anti-Subventionsverfahren n
anti-subsidy procedure
Anti-Viren-Programm m comp.
Antivirus-Software f comp.
anti-virus software
Arbeitsmatte f
Arbeitsmatten pl
anti-slip mat
anti-slip mats
Aufsteigesicherung f
anti-derail device
Ausländerfeindlichkeit f
anti-alien feeling
Beitrittsgegner m
Blendschutzfilter m
anti-dazzle filter
Blendschutzschild n
anti-glare shield
Blockierschutzbremsen pl
anti-lock brakes
Diabetes f, Zuckerkrankheit f med.
Diabetes verhütend
Diebstahlsicherung f
anti-theft device, anti-theft system
Diebstahlsicherungswarnleuchte f
Diebstahlsicherungswarnleuchten pl
anti-theft warning light
anti-theft warning lights
Diebstahlwarnanlage f
anti-theft alarm
Eliteuniversitäten im Nordosten der USA
the Ivy League, group of prestigious US American East coast universities
Entzündungshemmer m
Flak f, Flakgeschütz n mil.
Flaks pl, Flakgeschütze pl
anti-aircraft gun
anti-aircraft guns
Flakartillerie f mil.
anti-aircraft artillery
Flakfeuer n mil.
anti-aircraft fire, flak, aerial barrage
Fliegerabwehr f mil.
Flugabwehrrakete f mil.
Flugabwehrraketen pl
anti-aircraft missile
anti-aircraft missiles
Frostschutzmittel n auto
antifreeze, anti-freeze, antifreeze admixture
Football m sport
American football
Gefrierschutz m
Gegenauslese f
Gegenübernahmeangebot n
anti-takeover proposal
Gegner m, Gegnerin f
Gegner pl
Geruchsverschluss m
mit Geruchsverschluss versehen
anti-siphon trap
to provide with a water seal, to seal
Globalisierungsgegner m, Globalisierungsgegnerin f pol.
Globalisierungsgegner pl, Globalisierungsgegnerinnen pl
anti-globalization activist, anti-globalization protester
anti-globalization activists, anti-globalization protesters
Indianer m, Indianerin f, Indio m
Indianer pl, Indianerinnen pl, Indios pl
Indianer des Amazonasgebiets
Red Indian, (American) Indian
Red Indians, Indians
Amazonian Indians
Induktionsschutz m
anti-inductive protection
Inertisierung f, Inertisieren n chem.
von der Schulter abzufeuernde Infanterie-Flugabwehrwaffe
inertization Am., inertisation Br., inerting
shoulder launched infantry anti-aircraft weapon
Infanterie-Flugabwehrwaffe f mil.
infantry anti-aircraft weapon
Judenhass m
Kartellgesetz n, Kartellrecht n
anti-trust law Am., monopolies law
Kartellgesetzgebung f
anti-trust legislation Am., legislation against monopolies
Kernkraftgegner m, Kernkraftgegnerin f, Atomkraftgegner m, Atomkraftgegnerin f
Kernkraftgegner pl, Kernkraftgegnerinnen pl, Atomkraftgegner pl, Atomkraftgegnerinnen pl
anti-nuclear activist
anti-nuclear activists
Kernwaffengegner m, Atomwaffengegner m
Kernwaffengegner pl, Atomwaffengegner pl
anti-nuclear protester
anti-nuclear protesters
Krisenkartell n
anti-crisis cartel
Linebacker m sport
linebacker (American football)
Luftverteidigung f mil.
anti-aircraft defence
Numerus m
anti log
Opposition f
der Opposition angehören
in Opposition
to be in opposition
Panzerabwehrmine f mil.
Panzerabwehrminen pl
anti-tank mine
anti-tank mines
Panzerabwehrwaffe f mil.
Panzerabwehrwaffen pl
leichte Panzerabwehrwaffe
anti-tank weapon
anti-tank weapons
light anti-tank weapon
Panzerbüchse f mil.
Panzerbüchsen pl
anti-tank rifle
anti-tank rifles
Querstabilisator m
Querstabilisatoren pl
anti-roll bar
anti-roll bars
Radbruchstütze f
anti-derail device, wheel collapse support
Anti-Raketen-Rakete f, Abfangrakete f mil.
Anti-Raketen-Raketen pl, Abfangraketen pl
anti-ballistic missile (ABM)
anti-ballistic missiles
Raketenabwehrvertrag m, ABM-Vertrag m pol.
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, ABM Treaty
Rostschutzfarbe f
anti-rust paint, rust protection paint
Schuppen pl, Hautschuppen pl, Kopfschuppen pl
gegen Schuppen
Schwingungsdämpfer m
pulse damper, vibration damper, anti-vibration damper
Sezessionskrieg m, US-amerikanischer Bürgerkrieg hist.
American Civil War
Stabilisator m
anti-roll bar, stabilizer bar
Touchdown m sport
touchdown (American football)
Tränenblech n
raised pattern plate, chequer plate, checkered plate, non-slip steel floor plate, safety tread floor plate, anti-slip plate Am.
Trennpapier n
anti-adhesive paper
im Uhrzeigersinn
entgegen dem Uhrzeigersinn
mathematischer Uhrzeigersinn (linksdrehend)
counter-clockwise Am., anti-clockwise Br., contra clockwise
counter-clockwise (CCW)
Ureinwohner Nordamerikas
Native American
vertraglicher Verzicht auf gegenseitige Abwerbung
anti-pirating agreement
Walzlager n techn.
Walzlager pl
anti-friction bearing
anti-friction bearings
Warensicherung f (gegen Diebstahl)
antishoplifting, anti-shoplifting
Whiskey m (irisch, amerikanisch)
whiskey (Irish, American)
Windsicherung f
wind drift safety device, anti-storm device
Zertifikat über die Hinterlegung ausländischer Aktien
American Depository Receipt
US-Zollbewertung nach dem inländischen Verkaufspreis
American Selling Price
antiarrhythmisch adj
antiemetisch adj med.
antiepileptisch adj med.
antisemitisch adj
antitumorös, geschwulsthemmend adj med.
antitumour, anti-cancer
arbeitnehmerfeindlich adj
asozial adj
am asozialsten
anti-social, asocial
more anti-social
most anti-social
blendfrei adj
deutschfeindlich adj
entzündungshemmend adj
grundsätzlich gegen alles
anti everything
inflationär, inflationistisch adj
antiinflationär adj
inflationäre Tendenz
inflationary trend
kinderfeindlich adj
nordamerikanisch adj geogr.
North American
proamerikanisch adj
rutschfest, rutschsicher adj
antiskid, nonskid, anti-skidding, skid-resistant, nonslip, slip-resistant
staatsgefährdend adj
subversive, anti-state
unamerikanisch adj
wälzgelagert adj
mounted in anti-friction bearing
wettbewerbswidrig, wettbewerbsschädlich adj econ.
wettbewerbswidrige Vereinbarungen
wettbewerbswidriges Verhalten
wettbewerbsschädliche Kartelle
anti-competitive agreements
anticompetitive practice
anti-competitive cartels
Breitnasenaffe m zool.
Breitnasenaffen pl
new-world monkey, platyrrhine monkey, American monkey
new-world monkeys, platyrrhine monkeys, American monkeys
griffig adj
Ich bin Amerikaner (Kanadier, Deutscher).
I am an American (a Canadian, a German).
Ich bin Amerikanerin (Kanadierin, Deutsche).
I am an American (a Canadian, a German) (woman).
Sind Sie dafür? - Nein, ich bin dagegen!
Are you in favour? - No, I'm anti.
Amerikanisch-Samoa geogr.
American Samoa (as)
Amerikaner m, Amerikanerin f geogr.
-in französischer Abstammung in Louisiana bzw. deren Kultur (Musik, Essen)
-in asiatischer Abstammung
amerikanisch adj geogr.
Angloamerikaner m, Angloamerikanerin f
angloamerikanisch adj
Anglo-American, Angloamerican
Lateinamerikaner m, Lateinamerikanerin f geogr.
Lateinamerikaner pl, Lateinamerikanerinnen pl
lateinamerikanisch adj geogr.
Pago Pago (Hauptstadt von Amerikanisch-Samoa)
Pago Pago (capital of American Samoa)
Amerikanischer Goldregenpfeifer m ornith.
American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica)
Nordamerikanische Pfeifente f ornith.
American Wigeon (Anas americana)
Amerikanische Silbermöwe f ornith.
American Herring Gull (Larus smithsonianus)
Wanderdrossel f ornith.
American Robin (Turdus migratorius)
Nashornpelikan m ornith.
American White Pelican
Amerikanischer Schlangenhalsvogel m ornith.
American Darter
Nordamerikanische Rohrdommel f ornith.
American Bittern
Waldstorch m ornith.
American Wood Ibis
Nordamerik. Pfeifente f ornith.
American Wigeon
Dunkelente f ornith.
North American Black Duck

Deutsche amerikafeindlich; antiamerikanisch {adj} [pol.] Synonyme

Englische anti-American Synonyme

anti American Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to America
(a.) Of or pertaining to the United States.
(n.) A native of America
() A prefix meaning against, opposite or opposed to, contrary, or in place of
(a.) Opposed to the Americans, their aims, or interests, or to the genius of American institutions.
(n.) One of party opposed to a federative government
(a.) Opposed to what is Gallic or French.
(n.) A tropical wind blowing steadily in a direction opposite to the trade wind.
(a.) Of or pertaining to both North and South America.

anti American Bedeutung

American football
American football game
a game played by two teams of players on a rectangular field yards long, teams try to get possession of the ball and advance it across the opponents goal line in a series of (running or passing) plays
anti-takeover defense resistance to or defense against a hostile takeover
anti-war movement a campaign against entering or continuing a war
North American Free Trade Agreement
an agreement for free trade between the United States and Canada and Mexico, became effective in for ten years
American Civil War
United States Civil War
War between the States
civil war in the United States between the North and the South, -
American Revolution
American Revolutionary War
War of American Independence
American War of Independence
the revolution of the American Colonies against Great Britain, -
Spanish-American War
Spanish War
a war between the United States and Spain in
American flagfish
Jordanella floridae
a fish with a dark-blue back and whitish sides with red stripes, found in swamps and streams of Florida
American smooth dogfish
Mustelus canis
found along the Atlantic coast of the Americas
robin American robin
Turdus migratorius
large American thrush having a rusted breast and abdomen
American redstart
redstart Setophaga ruticilla
flycatching warbler of eastern North America the male having bright orange on sides and wings and tail
New World oriole
American oriole
American songbird, male is black and orange or yellow
American crow
Corvus brachyrhyncos
common crow of North America
American magpie
Pica pica hudsonia
a magpie of Rocky Mountains in North America
brown creeper
American creeper
Certhia americana
a common creeper in North America with a downurved bill
American water ouzel
Cinclus mexicanus
a water ouzel of western North America
sparrow hawk American kestrel
kestrel Falco sparverius
small North American falcon
bald eagle
American eagle
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
a large eagle of North America that has a white head and dark wings and body
South American bullfrog
Leptodactylus pentadactylus
large toothed frog of South America and Central America resembling the bullfrog
American toad
Bufo americanus
common toad of America
American green toad
Bufo debilis
small green or yellow-green toad with small black bars and stripes
South American poison toad a South American toad
American chameleon
Anolis carolinensis
small arboreal tropical American insectivorous lizards with the ability to change skin color
American alligator
Alligator mississipiensis
large alligator of the southeastern United States
wood tick
American dog tick
Dermacentor variabilis
common tick that can transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia
American widgeon
Anas americana
a widgeon the male of which has a white crown
American merganser
Mergus merganser americanus
common North American diving duck considered a variety of the European goosander
American shrew mole
Neurotrichus gibbsii
greyish-black shrew mole of the United States and Canada
American water shrew
Sorex palustris
water shrew of North America
American lady crab
lady crab
calico crab
Ovalipes ocellatus
brightly spotted crab of sandy beaches of the Atlantic coast of the United States
American lobster
Northern lobster
Maine lobster
Homarus americanus
lobster of Atlantic coast of America
American crayfish common large crayfishes of eastern North America
American egret
great white heron Egretta albus
a common egret of the genus Egretta found in America, it is a variety of the Old World white egret Casmerodius albus
American bittern
stake driver
Botaurus lentiginosus
a kind of bittern
American gallinule
Porphyrula martinica
American purple gallinule
American coot
marsh hen mud hen
water hen Fulica americana
a coot found in North America
American woodcock
woodcock snipe Philohela minor
small long-billed woodcock, prized as a game bird
South American sea lion
Otaria Byronia
of the southern coast of South America
American foxhound an American breed of foxhounds used for hunting both in packs and individually
American Staffordshire terrier
Staffordshire terrier
American pit bull terrier
pit bull terrier
American breed of muscular terriers with a short close-lying stiff coat
American water spaniel breed of medium-sized spaniels originating in America having chocolate or liverolored curly coat
American black bear
black bear Ursus americanus
Euarctos americanus
brown to black North American bear, smaller and less ferocious than the brown bear
American cockroach
Periplaneta americana
large reddish brown free-flying cockroach originally from southern United States but now widely distributed
woolly apple aphid
American blight
Eriosoma lanigerum
primarily a bark feeder on aerial parts and roots of apple and other trees
American copper
Lycaena hypophlaeas
common copper butterfly of central and eastern North America
American harvest mouse
harvest mouse
any of several small greyish New World mice inhabiting e.g. grain fields
American red squirrel
spruce squirrel
red squirrel Sciurus hudsonicus
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
of northern United States and Canada
American flying squirrel New World flying squirrels
American saddle horse a high-stepping horse originating in Kentucky
American bison
American buffalo
buffalo Bison bison
large shaggy-haired brown bison of North American plains
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