
at seat Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Platz, Sitz, setzen
Sitz, Sitzplatz
Sitz; Platz
sich setzen
to seat
Sitzkopfmuffe f techn.
seat lug
Mutternsitz m
nut seat
Nabensitz m
hub seat
Mutternsitz m techn.
nut seat
Bussitz m techn.
bus seat
Konus m für die Befestigungsmutter
cone seat
back seat
seat belt
Vordersitz m
front seat
front seat
valve seat
Sitzfläche f
seat squab
sich setzen
take a seat
Eckbank f
corner seat
Fensterbank f
window seat
corner seat
Platz nehmen
take a seat
window seat
jdn. setzen; platzieren; jdm. einen Platz anweisen v
to seat sb.
Soziussitz m
pillion seat
ejector seat
pillion seat
sliding seat
Ledersitz m
leather seat
Sitzerhöhung f
booster seat
Sitzplatz reservieren
retain a seat
Fahrersitz m auto
driver's seat
einen Platz besorgen
get me a seat
Beifahrersitz m, Soziussitz m
pillion (seat)
Stammsitz m
ancestral seat
ancestral seat
Platz nehmen
to take a seat
Rücksitzlehne f auto
rear seat back
Schulterbreite f
bead seat width
Schulterwinkel m
bead seat angle
Wulstsitzwinkel m (Reifen)
bead seat angle
Federtellersitz m
spring cup seat
Fußsitz m
spring cup seat
Fußsitz m techn.
spring cup seat
Sitzverstellung f auto
seat adjustment
als Sitz dienen
serve for a seat
Platzreservierung f
seat reservation
Wulstsitzradius m (Reifen)
bead seat radius
Felgenschulterradius m
bead seat radius
Sicherheitsgurt anlegen
fasten seat-belt
seat reservation
Platzreservierung f; Platzreservation f
seat reservation
zusammensetzen v
to seat together
seinen Sitz wieder einnehmen
resume one's seat
Sattelstützkloben m
seat pillar clamp
Ventilfedersitz m techn.
valve spring seat
Regierungssitz m
seat of government
Wulstsitz m (Felge) (Reifen)
bead seat (of rim)
Wulstsitzdruck m (Reifen)
bead seat pressure
Felgenschulter f
bead seat (of rim)
Wulstsitz m (Felge) auto
bead seat (of rim)
Aufrollvorrichtung f (für Gurte) auto
seat belt retractor
Bitte nehmen Sie Platz!
Please take a seat!
Ist dieser Platz frei?
Is this seat taken?
bitte, nehmen Sie Platz
have a seat, please
Beifahrersitz m
front passenger seat
Logenplatz m
Logenplätze pl
box seat
box seats
Bitte, nehmen Sie Platz!
Have a seat, please!
auf dem Rücksitz sitzen
sit in the back seat
Sitzkopfmuffe f techn.
Sitzkopfmuffen pl
seat lug
seat lugs
Bitte nehmen Sie Platz!
Have a seat please!
Patronenanschlag m (Schusswaffe) mil.
cartridge seat (gun)
Notsitz m, Klappsitz m
jump seat, rumbleseat
Rücksitzlehne f
auto rear seat back
Schulterschräge f
bead seat inclination
Schrägschulterfelge f
tapered bead seat rim
haben dort ihren Sitz
have their seat there
Notsitz m; Klappsitz m
jump seat; rumbleseat
Einwegsitzschoner m
disposable seat cover
Plan m (grafische Darstellung)
Pläne pl
Sitzplan m
seat map
Fondsitz m, Rücksitz m auto
Fondsitze pl, Rücksitze pl
rear seat
rear seats
Sattelstütze f
Sattelstützen pl
seat post
seat posts
Sitzrohr n
Sitzrohre pl
seat tube
seat tubes
Sitzstrebe f, Sattelstrebe f
Sitzstreben pl, Sattelstreben pl
seat stay
seat stays
Ventilsitz m techn.
Dichtring m eines Ventilsitzes
valve seat
seat ring
Ist dieser Platz belegt?, Ist dieser Platz reserviert?
Is this seat reserved?
ist dieser Platz belegt?
is this seat reserved?
Fondsitz m; Rücksitz m auto
Fondsitze pl; Rücksitze pl
rear seat
rear seats
Freiplatz m (kostenloser Sitzplatz) art
Freiplätze pl
free seat
free seats
Sitzstrebe f; Sattelstrebe f
Sitzstreben pl; Sattelstreben pl
seat stay
seat stays
fassen v (Halle Stadion)
1500 Leute fassen
to seat
to seat 1500
Ist dieser Platz belegt?; Ist dieser Platz reserviert?
Is this seat reserved?
Schulterkontur f (Felge)
bead seat contour (rim)
Wulstsitzwinkel m (Felge) (Reifen)
bead seat contour (rim)
Halte mir einen Platz frei, bitte!
Please, save me a seat!
Halte mir einen Platz frei bitte!
Please save me a seat!
Wulstsitzwinkel m (Felge) auto
bead seat contour (rim)
Sattelklemme f, Sattelkloben m
seat clamp, saddle clamp
Sitzschiene f aviat. (im Flugzeug zur Befestigung)
Sitzschienen pl
seat track
seat tracks
Stammplatz m
Stammplätze pl
usual seat
usual seats
Sitzbezug m
Sitzbezüge pl
seat cover
seat covers
Abteilservice n (Bahn)
at-seat service (railway)
Eckplatz m
Eckplätze pl
corner seat
corner seats
Fensterplatz m
Fensterplätze pl
window seat
window seats
Stammburg f
Stammburgen pl
family seat
family seats
Toilettenbrille f, WC-Brille f
Toilettenbrillen pl, WC-Brillen pl
toilet seat
toilet seats
Alternativkontur f der Schultern
bead seat optional contour
Bedauere, dieser Platz ist besetzt.
Sorry, this seat is taken.
Alternativkontur f der Schultern (Reifen)
bead seat optional contour
Eckbank f
Eckbänke pl
corner seat
corner seats
Federsattelstütze f (Fahrrad)
spring seat post (bicycle)
Fensterbank f constr.
Fensterbänke pl
window seat
window seats
Schalensitz m auto
Schalensitze pl
bucket seat
bucket seats
Toilettenbrille f; WC-Brille f; Klobrille f
Toilettenbrillen pl; WC-Brillen pl; Klobrillen pl
toilet seat
toilet seats
Werkstückaufnahme f; Aufnahme f; Sitz m mach.
receiver; receptable; seat
Duschsitz m
Duschsitze pl
shower seat
shower seats
Mandat n; Abgeordnetensitz m
sein Mandat niederlegen zurücklegen Ös.
to resign your seat
Toilettensitz m; Toilettenbrille f; WC-Brille f; Klobrille f
Toilettensitze pl; Toilettenbrillen pl; WC-Brillen pl; Klobrillen pl
toilet seat
toilet seats
Mandat n, Abgeordnetensitz m
sein Mandat niederlegen
to resign one's seat
Komfortsitzverstellung f auto
convenience seat adjustment
Mandat n; Abgeordnetensitz m
sein Mandat niederlegen
to resign one's seat
Ãœberzug m; Decke f textil.
Überzüge pl; Decken pl
Sitzüberzug m
seat cover
Sitzhöhe f
seat height; sitting height
Kindersitz m
Kindersitze pl
child's seat
child's seats
Schiebesitz m
Schiebesitze pl
sliding seat
sliding seats
Hängesessel m
Hängesessel pl
hanging seat
hanging seats
Kugelpfanne f mach.
Kugelpfannen pl
conical seat
conical seats
Sitzpolster n
Sitzpolster pl
seat bolster
seat bolsters
Hornfußradius m
bead seat radius, heel radius
Gestatten Sie, ist dieser Platz frei?
Excuse me. Is this seat free?
Aufsichtsratssitz m; Verwaltungsratssitz m Schw. adm. econ.
seat on the supervisory board
Hornfußradius m
bead seat radius; heel radius
Gestatten Sie ist dieser Platz frei?
Excuse me. Is this seat free?
Fahrersitz m auto
Fahrersitze pl
driver's seat
driver's seats
Beifahrer m, Beifahrerin f
co-driver, front-seat passenger
Liegesitz m, verstellbarer Sitz
Liegesitze pl, verstellbare Sitze
reclining seat
reclining seats
Liegesitz m; verstellbarer Sitz
Liegesitze pl; verstellbare Sitze
reclining seat
reclining seats
Amtssitz m
official seat, location of office
Kindersitz m auto
child safety seat, child car seat
Amtssitz m
official seat; location of office
Ventilsitzwinkel m techn.
Ventilsitzwinkel pl
valve seat angle
valve seat angles
Baby-Sicherheitssitz m
Baby-Sicherheitssitze pl
baby safety seat
baby safety seats
Doppelsitzventil n techn.
double seat valve; double-seat valve
Platzreservierung f; Sitzplatzreservierung f; Platzreservation f
Platzreservierungen pl; Sitzplatzreservierungen pl; Platzreservationen pl
seat reservation
seat reservations
Sitzplatz m
Sitzplätze pl
Sitzplätze pl
seating accommodations
Gurtschloss n
buckle; belt buckle; seat belt buckle
Ventiltasche f techn.
Ventiltaschen pl
valve seat pocket
valve seat pockets
Geschosszapfen m; Geschoßzapfen m Ös. mil.
stud of the projectile; detonator seat

Deutsche Sitz Synonyme

Aufstellungsort  ÂSitz  ÂStandort  
Platz  ÂSitz  ÂSitzgelegenheit  ÂSitzplatz  
Hocker  ÂSchemel  ÂSessel  ÂSitz  ÂStuhl  

Englische seat Synonyme

at seat Definition

Country seat
() A dwelling in the country, used as a place of retirement from the city.
(n.) The place or thing upon which one sits
(n.) The place occupied by anything, or where any person or thing is situated, resides, or abides
(n.) That part of a thing on which a person sits
(n.) A sitting
(n.) Posture, or way of sitting, on horseback.
(n.) A part or surface on which another part or surface rests
(v. t.) To place on a seat
(v. t.) To cause to occupy a post, site, situation, or the like
(v. t.) To assign a seat to, or the seats of
(v. t.) To fix
(v. t.) To settle
(v. t.) To put a seat or bottom in
(v. i.) To rest

at seat Bedeutung

hot seat a difficult position where you are subjected to stress and criticism
bell seat
balloon seat
a seat that has a bell shape (on some th century chairs)
bicycle seat
a seat for the rider of a bicycle
box box seat the driver's seat on a coach, an armed guard sat in the box with the driver
box seat a special seat in a theater or grandstand box
bucket seat a low single seat as in cars or planes
car seat a seat in a car
death seat the car seat beside the driver of an automobile, believed to be the most dangerous place to sit in a car in case of an accident
dickey dickie dicky dickey-seat
a small third seat in the back of an old-fashioned two-seater
ejection seat
ejector seat
a pilot's seat in an airplane that can be forcibly ejected in the case of an emergency, then the pilot descends by parachute
electric chair
chair death chair
hot seat
an instrument of execution by electrocution, resembles an ordinary seat for one person, the murderer was sentenced to die in the chair
jump seat a folding seat in an automobile
love seat
small sofa that seats two people
mercy seat the golden covering of the ark of the covenant
mercy seat the throne of God
plane seat a seat on a commercial airliner
potty seat
potty chair
toilet consisting of a small seat used by young children
ringside seat
first row of seating, has an unobstructed view of a boxing or wrestling ring
rumble seat a folding outside seat in the back of some early cars
saddle seat a chair seat that is slightly concave and sometimes has a thickened ridge in the center, the saddle seat fitted his buttocks nicely
seat any support where you can sit (especially the part of a chair or bench etc. on which you sit), he dusted off the seat before sitting down
seat furniture that is designed for sitting on, there were not enough seats for all the guests
seat the cloth covering for the buttocks, the seat of his pants was worn through
seat a part of a machine that supports or guides another part
seat belt
a safety belt used in a car or plane to hold you in your seat in case of an accident
seat cushion a cushion that makes a seat more comfortable
sliding seat rower's seat that slides fore and aft
tiered seat seating that is arranged in sloping tiers so that spectators in the back can see over the heads of those in front
toilet seat the hinged seat on a toilet
window seat a bench or similar seat built into a window recess
seat the legal right to sit as a member in a legislative or similar body, he was elected to a seat in the Senate
c buttocks
arse butt
hind end
rear end
tail tail end
ass a d
the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on, he deserves a good kick in the butt, are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?
seat the location (metaphorically speaking) where something is based, the brain is said to be the seat of reason
county seat
county courthouse
the town or city that is the seat of government for a county
seat place a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane), he booked their seats in advance, he sat in someone else's place
seat a center of authority (as a city from which authority is exercised)
sit sit down
show to a seat, assign a seat for, The host seated me next to Mrs. Smith
seat place in or on a seat, the mother seated the toddler on the high chair
seat place or attach firmly in or on a base, seat the camera on the tripod
seat provide with seats, seat a concert hall
seat put a seat on a chair
invest seat
place ceremoniously or formally in an office or position, there was a ceremony to induct the president of the Academy
seat be able to seat, The theater seats ,
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