
attack Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

angreifen, Angriff
Angriff, Anfall, angreifen
to attack
Kampfhund m
attack dog
gas attack
Neuzugangsziffer f
attack rate
attack rate
feint attack
flank attack
heart attack
Herzkasper m humor.
heart attack
Insektenbefall m
insect attack
Angriffsgeist m
attack spirit
Angriffsbereich m
zone of attack
Frontalangriff m
frontal attack
Milzbrandattentat n
anthrax attack
counter attack
angriffsschwach adj sport
weak in attack
Anstellwinkel m
angle of attack
attack of fever
surprise attack
Sickerwasserangriff m envir.
leachate attack
angriffsbereit adj
poised to attack
low level attack
angriffsstark adj sport
strong in attack
Angriffsbedingungen pl
attack conditions
Migräneanfall m med.
attack of migraine
Vergeltungsschlag m mil.
retaliatory attack
Bodenangriffsflugzeug n mil.
ground attack plane
Bombenangriff m, Bombardement n mil.
bomb attack, air raid
Herzinfarkt m med.
heart attack, coronary
Anfall m, Krampf m, Attacke f med.
Anfälle pl, Krämpfe pl, Attacken pl
leichter Anfall
Gasangriff m mil.
Gasangriffe pl
gas attack
gas attacks
Wellenangriffsrichtung f
direction of wave attack
hinterlistig adj
attack-dog fig. coll.
Er starb an einem Herzschlag
he died of a heart attack
Angriffsvorbereitung f mil.
preparation for an attack
Wurmbefall m
Wurmbefälle pl
worm attack
worm attacks
Er starb an einem Herzschlag.
He died of a heart attack.
Privatsphäre f, private Lebenssphäre
Eingriff in die Privatsphäre
attack on privacy
Flankenangriff m
Flankenangriffe pl
flank attack
flank attacks
Herzanfall m med.
Herzanfälle pl
heart attack
heart attacks
Scheinangriff m
Scheinangriffe pl
feint attack
feint attacks
Angriffsbefehl m mil.
Angriffsbefehle pl
attack order
attack orders
Krankheitsanfall m; Krankheitsschub m; Paroxysmus m med.
attack of sickness; paroxysm
Luft Bodenangriff m (durch Luftstreitkräfte) mil.
ground attack (by air forces)
Bodenangriff m mil.
Bodenangriffe pl
ground attack
ground attacks
Gallenkolik f med.
bilious attack, biliary colics
Gallenkolik f; Gallenkrampf m med.
bilious attack; biliary colics
Angriff m Schüsse pl eines Heckenschützen
sniper attack; sniper shooting
Panikattacke f psych.
Panikattacken pl
a panic attack
panic attacks
Schlafanfall m; (anfallartige) Schlafsucht f; Schlummersucht f; Narkolepsie f med.
narcoleptic attack; narcolepsy
Angriffspunkt m
Angriffspunkte pl
attack vector
attack vectors
Bodenangriff m (durch Landstreitkräfte) mil.
ground attack (by land forces)
Angriff m Schüsse pl eines Heckenschützen
sniper attack; sniper shooting
Mordanschlag m
Mordanschläge pl
murder attack
murders attacks
Wiederaufnahme f des Angriffs (Fechten) sport
reprise of the attack (fencing)
jdn. scharf angreifen
to make a scathing attack on sb.
Angriffsbereich m
Angriffsbereiche pl
zone of attack
zones of attack
Angstattacke f; panischer Angstanfall
Angstattacken pl; panischer Angstanfälle
anxiety attack
anxiety attacks
Frontalangriff m
Frontalangriffe pl
frontal attack
frontal attacks
Angriffsfläche f
Angriffsflächen pl
attack surface
attack surfaces
Hackerangriff m comp.
Hackerangriffe pl
hacking attack
hacking attacks
jdn. scharf angreifen v
to make a scathing attack on sb.
angriffsschwach adj (Sportmannschaft) sport
weak in attack (of a sports team)
Angriff m mil.
Angriffe pl
zum Angriff bereit
ready to attack
Fieberanfall m med.
Fieberanfälle pl
attack of fever
attacks of fever
angriffsstark adj (Sportmannschaft) sport
strong in attack (of a sports team)
Asthmaanfall m med.
Asthmaanfälle pl
asthmatic attack
asthmatic attacks
Tiefangriff m mil.
Tiefangriffe pl
low level attack
low level attacks
Tieffliegerangriff m mil.
Tieffliegerangriffe pl
low level attack
low level attacks
Tieffliegerangriff m; Tiefflugangriff m; Tiefangriff m mil.
Tieffliegerangriffe pl; Tiefflugangriffe pl; Tiefangriffe pl
low-level attack
low-level attacks
Angriffshubschrauber m mil. aviat.
Angriffshubschrauber pl
attack helicopter
attack helicopters
Brandanschlag m
Brandanschläge pl
incendiary attack
incendiary attacks
Giftgasangriff m mil.
Giftgasangriffe pl
poison gas attack
poison gas attacks
Ãœberfall m (auf)
Überfälle pl
attack (on), raid (on)
attacks, raids
Migräneanfall m med.
Migräneanfälle pl
attack of migraine
attacks of migraine
Aufprallkorrosion f
impingement corrosion; impingement attack
Angriff m, Anschlag m (auf)
Angriffe pl, Anschläge pl
einem Anschlag zum Opfer fallen
attack (on)
to be assassinated
Angriff m; Anschlag m (auf)
Angriffe pl; Anschläge pl
einem Anschlag zum Opfer fallen
attack (on)
to be assassinated
Bodenangriffsflugzeug n mil.
Bodenangriffsflugzeuge pl
ground attack plane
ground attack planes
Streifschlag m; Streifung f med.
ministroke; transient ischaemic attack TIA
Scheinangriff m; Finte f mil.
Scheinangriffe pl; Finten pl
feint attack; feint
feint attacks; feints
Anschlag m (auf jdn. etw.)
Anschläge pl
Anschlag mit einer Brandbombe; Brandanschlag m
attack (on sb. sth.)
firebomb attack
Angriff m sport
Angriffe pl
attack, offensive move
attacks, offensive moves
(einzelner) Angriff m sport
Angriffe pl
attack; offensive move
attacks; offensive moves
Tatwaffe f
the weapon involved (in the crime offence attack)
Flanke f (Fußball) sport
Flanken pl
über die Flanken angreifen
wing (football)
to attack down the wings
fremdenfeindlich; xenophob adj
ein fremdenfeindlicher Anschlag
hostile to strangers; xenophobic
a racist attack
Tiefflieger m mil. aviat.
Tiefflieger pl
low-level attack aircraft
low-level attack aircraft
gegen U-Boote gerichtet; U-Boot-Abwehr…; U-Jagd…; zur U-Boot-Bekämpfung (nachgestellt) mil.
atomgetriebenes Unterseeboot zur U-Boot-Bekämpfung
anti-submarine A S
nuclear-powered attack submarine
Anfall m; Krampfanfall m; Attacke f med.
Anfälle pl; Krampfanfälle pl; Attacken pl
leichter Anfall
seizure; fit; attack
seizures; fits; attacks
Bombenanschlag m
Bombenanschläge pl
bomb attack, bombing raid
bomb attacks, bombing raids
verbaler Rundumschlag m; Rundumschlag m; Tirade f (gegen jdn. etw.)
sweeping attack; philhippic formal (against sb. sth.)
Ãœberraschungsangriff m
Ãœberraschungsangriffe pl
surprise attack, dawn raid
surprise attacks, dawn raids
Herzanfall m; Herzschlag m med.
Herzanfälle pl; Herzschläge pl
Er starb an einem Herzschlag.
heart attack
heart attacks
He died of a heart attack.
Ãœberraschungsangriff m
Ãœberraschungsangriffe pl
surprise attack; dawn raid
surprise attacks; dawn raids
Herzanfall m; Herzschlag m med. attacke>
Herzanfälle pl; Herzschläge pl
Er starb an einem Herzschlag.
heart attack
heart attacks
He died of a heart attack.
Konter m, Gegenangriff m, Gegenzug m sport
counter-attack, counterattack, counteroffensive, breakaway
Konter m; Gegenangriff m; Gegenzug m sport
counter-attack; counterattack; counteroffensive; breakaway
Schlafanfall m; (anfallartige) Schlafsucht f; Schlummersucht f; Narkolepsie f med.
sleep attack; narcoleptic attack; narcoleptic fit; narcolepsy
angreifen v sport
mit drei Stürmern angreifen
to attack
to attack with three forwards
Fieberanfall m med.
Fieberanfälle pl
attack of fever; bout of fever
attacks of fever; bouts of fever
Raketenangriff m mil.
Raketenangriffe pl
missile attack; missile strike
missile attacks; missile strikes
Terroranschlag m, Terrorangriff m
Terroranschläge pl, Terrorangriffe pl
terrorist attack, terror attack
terrorist attacks, terror attacks
Asthmaanfall m med.
Asthmaanfälle pl
asthmatic attack; fit of asthma
asthmatic attacks; fits of asthma
Brandanschlag m
Brandanschläge pl
incendiary attack; arson attack
incendiary attacks; arson attacks
Terroranschlag m; Terrorangriff m
Terroranschläge pl; Terrorangriffe pl
terrorist attack; terror attack
terrorist attacks; terror attacks
Anstellwinkelbereich m aviat.
Anstellwinkelbereiche pl
range of attack; incidence range
ranges of attack; incidence ranges
Milzbrandattentat n; Milzbrandanschlag m (Terrorismus)
Milzbrandattentate pl; Milzbrandanschläge pl
Angriff mit einer Anthrax-Sendung
anthrax attack (terrorism)
anthrax attacks
anthrax mailing attack
Bombenangriff m; Bombardement n mil.
Bombenangriffe pl; Bombardements pl
bomb attack; air raid; bombardment
bomb attacks; air raids; bombardments
Privatsphäre f; Persönlichkeitsbereich m; private Lebenssphäre f soc.
Eingriff in die Privatsphäre
OECD-Leitlinien für den Schutz des Persönlichkeitsbereichs
attack on privacy
OECD guidelines on the protection of privacy
(taktischer) Kamikazeangriff m mil. hist.
Kamikazeangriffe pl
kamikaze attack; kamikaze operation
kamikaze attacks; kamikaze operations
Angriff m (Fechten) sport
Gegenangriff m
Laufangriff m; Sturzangriff m; Flèche
zusammengesetzter Angriff
attack (fencing)
running attack; flèche
compound attack
Durchblutungsstörung f med.
Durchblutungsstörungen pl
vorübergehende Durchblutungsstörung
circulatory disorder
circulatory disorders
transient ischemic attack TIA
Angriffspunkt m
einen Angriffspunkt bieten
keine Angriffspunkte bieten
weak point
to lay oneself open to attack
not to lay oneself open to attack
Durchblutungsstörung f med.
Durchblutungsstörungen pl
vorübergehende Durchblutungsstörung
circulatory disorder
circulatory disorders
transient ischemic attack (TIA)
Durchblutungsstörung f med.
Durchblutungsstörungen pl
vorübergehende Durchblutungsstörung
circulatory disorder
circulatory disorders
transient ischemic attack TIA
Cyberangriff m (Hackerangriff auf ein Computersystem über das Internet) comp.
Cyberangriffe pl
cyberattack (hacker attack on a computer system, using the Internet)
Schimpftirade f; Geläster n; Lästerei f; Herziehen n (gegen über jdn. etw.)
tirade of abuse; harangue; diatribe; vituperative attack (against about on sb. sth.)
Erstickungsanfall m med.
Erstickungsanfälle pl
attack of suffocation; choking fit; chokes
attacks of suffocation; choking fits; chokeses
Gegenangriff m, Gegenschlag m
Gegenangriffe pl, Gegenschläge pl
counter-attack, counterattack, counterstrike
counter-attacks, counterattacks, counterstrikes
Handstreich m
Handstreiche pl
surprise attack; surprise raid; coup de main
surprise attacks; surprise raids; coup de mains
angreifen, attackieren, anfallen, überfallen v
angreifend, attackierend, anfallend, überfallend
angegriffen, attackiert, angefallen, überfallen
sie greift an, er
sie überfällt
sie griff an, ich
sie überfiel
sie hat
hatte angegriffen, er
sie hat
hatte überfallen
to attack
she attacks
she attacked
she has
had attacked
Bodenkampfflugzeug n mil.
Bodenkampfflugzeuge pl
ground attack aircraft; close support aircraft
ground attack aircraft; close support aircraft
Anstellwinkelanzeiger m aviat.
Anstellwinkelanzeiger pl
angle-of-attack indicator; incidence indicator
angle-of-attack indicators; incidence indicators
Schlachtflugzeug n; Bodenkampfunterstützungsflugzeug n mil.
Schlachtflugzeuge pl; Bodenkampfunterstützungsflugzeuge pl
ground-attack aircraft; ground-support aircraft
ground-attack aircraft; ground-support aircraft
jdn. angreifen; attackieren; überfallen; anfallen (Tier) v
angreifend; attackierend; überfallend; anfallend
angegriffen; attackiert; überfallen; angefallen
er sie greift an; er sie überfällt
ich er sie griff an; ich er sie überfiel
er sie hat hatte angegriffen; er sie hat hatte überfallen
to attack sb.
he she attacks
I he she attacked
he she has had attacked
Dienstblockade f comp.
Dienstblockadeangriff m; Angriff zur Dienstblockade (im Internet)
verteilte Dienstblockade
denial of service (DoS)
denial-of-service attack; DoS attack
distributed denial of service DDoS
Dienstblockade f comp.
Dienstblockadeangriff m; Angriff zur Dienstblockade (im Internet)
verteilte Dienstblockade
denial of service (DoS)
denial-of-service attack; DoS attck
distributed denial of service DDoS
Geldautomatensprengung f; Bankomatsprengung f
Geldautomatensprengungen pl; Bankomatsprengungen pl
cash machine blast; ATM blast; ATM blast attack
cash machine blasts; ATM blasts; ATM blast attacks
Spekulationsangriff m; Spekulationsattacke f (Börse) fin.
Spekulationsangriffe pl; Spekulationsattacken pl
speculative attack; speculative assault (stock exchange)
speculative attacks; speculative assaults
Bombenanschlag m; Bombenattentat n (auf etw.)
Bombenanschläge pl; Bombenattentate pl
ein verbrecherischer Bombenanschlag
bomb attack; bombing raid (on sth.); bombing (of sth.)
bomb attacks; bombing raids; bombings
a bomb outrage
Menschheit f
zum Wohle der Menschheit; der Menschheit zum Wohle
Angriff auf die gesamte Menschheit
mankind; human race; humanity
for the benefit of mankind; for the good of humanity
attack against all humanity
Selbstmordattentat n
Selbstmordattentate pl
suicide attack; suicide assassination; suicide bombing
suicide attacks; suicide assassinations; suicide bombings
sturmreif adj mil.
etw. sturmreif schießen
etw. sturmreif schießen übtr.
ready to be stormed
to weaken sth. in preparation for an attack
to weaken undermine sth. and expose it to attack
Gegenangriff m; Gegenschlag m mil.
Gegenangriffe pl; Gegenschläge pl
zum Gegenschlag ausholen
counter-attack; counterattack; counterstrike
counter-attacks; counterattacks; counterstrikes
to start to hit back
gewaltsam; gewalttätig (Person); Gewalt … adj
ein gewaltsamer Tod
Gewalttat f
Gewalttäter m
violent; savage
a violent death; a savage death
violent attack; savage attack
violent criminal; savage criminal
Einrichtung f; Anlage f (Objekt)
Einrichtungen pl; Anlagen pl
kerntechnische Anlage
medizinische Einrichtungen
militärische Anlage
Angriff auf Anlagen
nuclear facility
medical facilities
military facility
attack on facilities; facility attack
etw. vereiteln; zunichtemachen; zum Scheitern bringen; zu Fall bringen; platzen lassen v
vereitelnd; zunichtemachend; zum Scheitern bringend; zu Fall bringend; platzen lassend
vereitelt; zunichtegemacht; zum Scheitern gebracht; zu Fall gebracht; platzen lassen
ein vereitelter Terroranschlag
to thwart; to foil; to scuttle sth.
thwarting; foiling; scuttling
thwarted; foiled; scuttled
a foiled terror attack
Anstellwinkel m aviat.
Anstellwinkel pl
Anstellwinkel des geringsten Widerstands
geometrischer Anstellwinkel; scheinbarer Anstellwinkel
angle of attack; angle of incidence Br.
angles of attack
angle of attack of minimum drag
geometrical angle of attack
Plan m (Vorhaben)
Pläne pl
Angriffsplan m mil.
plangemäß ablaufen laufen ugs.
jdn. in einen Plan einweihen
plan (project)
plan of attack; plan of assault
to go according to plan
to outline unveil present a plan to sb.
etw. vervielfachen; um ein Vielfaches steigern v
vervielfachend; um ein Vielfaches steigernd
vervielfacht; um ein Vielfaches gesteigert
sein Vermögen vervielfachen
Diese Praxis vervielfacht das Risiko eines Cyberangriffs.
to multiply sth.
to multiply your wealth
This practice multiplies the risk of a cyber attack.
(potenziell) tödlich adj
am tödlichsten
eine tödliche Waffe
ein tödliches Virus
ein tödlicher Terroranschlag
eine tödliche Umklammerung
a deadly weapon
a deadly virus
a deadly terrorist attack
a deadly deathly poet. embrace
Bombenanschlag m; Bombenattentat n (auf jdn. etw.)
Bombenanschläge pl; Bombenattentate pl
ein verbrecherischer Bombenanschlag
bomb attack; bomb assault; bomb raid (on sb. sth.); bombing
bomb attacks; bomb assaults; bomb raids; bombings
a bomb outrage
Sprengstoffanschlag m
Sprengstoffanschläge pl
Selbstmordanschlag m; Selbstmordattentat n (mit einem Sprengkörper)
bomb attack; bombing attack; attack with explosives
bomb attacks; bombing attacks; attacks with explosives
suicide bomb attack
Sprengstoffanschlag m
Sprengstoffanschläge pl
Selbstmordanschlag m; Selbstmordattentat n (mit einem Sprengkörper)
bomb attack; bombing attack; attack with explosives
bomb attacks; bombing attacks; attacks with explosiveses
suicide bomb attack
Flugzeugträger m mil.
Flugzeugträger pl
atomgetriebener Flugzeugträger
aircraft carrier, flattop, attack aircraft carrier
aircraft carriers, flattops, attack aircraft carrier
carrier vessel nuclear (CVN)

Deutsche angreifen Angriff Synonyme

anfallen  Âangreifen  
angreifen  Âattackieren  Âüberfallen  
Angriff  (auf)  ÂÃœberfall  (auf)  ÂEinfall  (in)  
Angriff  ÂÃœberfall  ÂÃœbergriff  ÂOffensive  ÂSturm  
Polemik  Âscharfe  Kritik  Âunsachlicher  Angriff  
adressieren  Âangehen  Âbefassen  (mit)  Âbehandeln  Âin  Angriff  nehmen  
(seine)  Arbeit  aufnehmen  Âanfangen  Âbeginnen  Âden  Arsch  hochkriegen  (derb)  Âeinsetzen  Âetwas  in  Angriff  nehmen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âin  die  Gänge  kommen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âloslegen  Âstarten  
Angriff (auf)  Ãœberfall (auf)  Einfall (in)  
Angriff  Ãœberfall  Ãœbergriff  Offensive  Sturm  
angreifen  attackieren  Ã¼berfallen  

Englische attack Synonyme

attack  Jacksonian epilepsy  MO  Rolandic epilepsy  abdominal epilepsy  abuse  accept  access  acquired epilepsy  action  activated epilepsy  activation  affect  affect epilepsy  affection  aggression  aggressiveness  ailment  akinetic epilepsy  algorithm  all-out war  ambush  amok  apoplexy  appeal to arms  approach  armed combat  armed conflict  arrangement  arrest  articulation  assail  assailing  assailment  assault  assume  attack  attempt  autonomic epilepsy  barbarize  batter  battering  battle  begin  beleaguer  bellicosity  belligerence  belligerency  berate  berating  beset  besiege  bitter words  blackening  blister  blitz  blockade  blockage  bloodshed  blueprint  blueprinting  bout  brutalize  buckle down  buckle to  burn  bushwhack  butcher  butchery  calculation  cardiac epilepsy  carry on  castigate  censure  challenge  charge  charting  chauvinism  citation  clonic spasm  clonus  combat  combativeness  come at  come down on  complaint  conception  condemn  contrivance  contumely  convulsion  corrode  corrosion  cortical epilepsy  course  crack down on  cramp  criminate  criticism  criticize  cry out against  cry out on  cry shame upon  cursive epilepsy  declare war  decompose  decrial  decry  defy  delivery  denigrate  denigration  denounce  denunciation  deprecate  deprecation  descend on  descend upon  descent  design  destroy  destruction  device  devour  diatribe  disease  disorder  disorderliness  disparage  disparagement  disposition  dissolve  diurnal epilepsy  dive into  draw first blood  drive  eat  eclampsia  embark in  embark upon  encompass  endeavor  engage in  engage in battle  enter on  enter upon  enterprise  enunciation  envisagement  epilepsia  epilepsia gravior  epilepsia major  epilepsia minor  epilepsia mitior  epilepsia nutans  epilepsia tarda  epilepsy  epitasis  erode  erosion  excoriate  execration  fall  fall into  fall on  fall to  fall upon  falling sickness  fashion  fay  fever  fight  fighting  figuring  fit  focal epil  

attack Definition

(v. t.) To fall upon with force
(v. t.) To assail with unfriendly speech or writing
(v. t.) To set to work upon, as upon a task or problem, or some object of labor or investigation.
(v. t.) To begin to affect
(v. i.) To make an onset or attack.
(n.) The act of attacking, or falling on with force or violence
(n.) An assault upon one's feelings or reputation with unfriendly or bitter words.
(n.) A setting to work upon some task, etc.
(n.) An access of disease
(n.) The beginning of corrosive, decomposing, or destructive action, by a chemical agent.

attack Bedeutung

attack tone-beginning a decisive manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase
attack an offensive move in a sport or game, they won the game with a -hit attack in the th inning
attack attempt the act of attacking, attacks on women increased last year, they made an attempt on his life
approach attack plan of attack ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation, his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons, an attack on inflation, his plan of attack was misguided
biological warfare
biological attack
biologic attack
the use of bacteria or viruses or toxins to destroy men and animals or food
onset onrush
(military) an offensive against an enemy (using weapons), the attack began at dawn
air raid
air attack
an attack by armed planes on a surface target
ground attack an attack by ground troops
banzai attack
banzai charge
a mass attack of troops without concern for casualties, originated by Japanese who accompanied it with yells of `banzai'
diversion diversionary attack an attack calculated to draw enemy defense away from the point of the principal attack
preventive strike
preventive attack
a strike that is carried out in order to deter expected aggression by hostile forces
attack strong criticism, he published an unexpected attack on my work
surprise attack
coup de main
an attack without warning
terrorist attack a surprise attack involving the deliberate use of violence against civilians in the hope of attaining political or religious aims
attack dog a watchdog trained to attack on command
aircraft carrier
carrier flattop
attack aircraft carrier
a large warship that carries planes and has a long flat deck for takeoffs and landings
attack submarine a military submarine designed and armed to attack enemy shipping
fighter aircraft
attack aircraft
a high-speed military or naval airplane designed to destroy enemy aircraft in the air
Joint Direct Attack Munition
a pinpoint bomb guidance device that can be strapped to a gravity bomb thus converting dumb bombs into smart bombs
intense adverse criticism, Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party, the government has come under attack, don't give me any flak
warning of attack a warning to national policy makers that an enemy intends to launch an attack in the near future
panic attack
a sudden attack of fear
attack the onset of a corrosive or destructive process (as by a chemical agent), the film was sensitive to attack by acids, open to attack by the elements
angle of attack the acute angle between the direction of the undisturbed relative wind and the chord of an airfoil
attack a sudden occurrence of an uncontrollable condition, an attack of diarrhea
anxiety attack a sudden acute episode of intense anxiety and feelings of panic
heart attack a sudden severe instance of abnormal heart function
asthma attack
bronchial asthma
respiratory disorder characterized by wheezing, usually of allergic origin
transient ischemic attack
brief episode in which the brain gets insufficient blood supply, symptoms depend on the site of the blockage
attack begin to injure, The cancer cells are attacking his liver, Rust is attacking the metal
attack set to work upon, turn one's energies vigorously to a task, I attacked the problem as soon as I got out of bed
round b assail
lash out b snipe b assault
attack in speech or writing, The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker
attack aggress take the initiative and go on the offensive, The Serbs attacked the village at night, The visiting team started to attack
launch an attack or assault on, begin hostilities or start warfare with, Hitler attacked Poland on September , and started World War II, Serbian forces assailed Bosnian towns all week
set on
attack someone physically or emotionally, The mugger assaulted the woman, Nightmares assailed him regularly
under attack(p)
under fire(p)
subjected to enemy attack or censure, an official under fire for mismanagement
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129 Bewertungen 3


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