
ca Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Gewöhnlicher Grindwal m, Schwarzwal m, Langflossen-Grindwal m zool.
long-finned pilot whale, Atlantic pilot whale, Caaing whale, pothead, blackfish (Globicephala melas)
Grindwale pl; Pilotwale pl (Globicephala) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Gewöhnlicher Grindwal m; Schwarzwal m; Langflossen-Grindwal m (Globicephala melas)
Indischer Grindwal m; Schwarzwal m; Kurzflossengrindwal m (Globicephala macrorhynchus)
pilot whales (zoological genus)
long-finned pilot whale; Atlantic pilot whale; Caaing whale; pothead; blackfish
short-finned pilot whale; shortfin pilot whale; pothead whale; pacific pilot whale
Catinga f (brasilianische Savanne) geogr.
caatinga; catinga (Brasilian savannah)
brasilianische Dornenvegetation f geogr. bot.
to cabal
intrigieren v
to cabal
konspirativer Zirkel m; Verschwörergruppe f pol.
Umkleidehäuschen n
Umkleidehäuschen pl
Strandpavillion m
Strandpavillions pl
Strandpavillon m
Strandpavillons pl
Cabanisbülbül m ornith.
Cabanis' Greenbul
Cabanisammer f ornith.
Cabanis's Yellow Bunting
Kabarett n
cabaret (show), (satirical) show
Kabarettist m
cabaret artist
Kleinkunst f
Alpenbirkenzeisig m ornith.
Lesser Redpoll (Carduelis cabaret)
Amüsierlokal n; Amüsierbetrieb m; Nachtlokal n (mit Unterhaltungsprogramm); Nachtschuppen m ugs.
Das berühmteste Pariser Amüsierlokal ist das Moulin Rouge.
The most famous Parisian cabaret is the Moulin Rouge.
Kleinkunstbühne f; Kabarettbühne f; Kabarett-Theater n art
Kleinkunstbühnen pl; Kabarettbühnen pl; Kabarett-Theater pl
cabaret theatre; satirical theatre
cabaret theatres; satirical theatres
Nachtklubunterhaltung f
Vergnügungslokal n; Amüsierlokal n; Amüsierbetrieb m; Etablissement n; Nachtlokal n (mit Unterhaltungsprogramm); Nachtschuppen m ugs.
Vergnügungslokale pl; Amüsierlokale pl; Amüsierbetriebe pl; Etablissements pl; Nachtlokale pl; Nachtschuppen pl
Das berühmteste Pariser Amüsierlokal ist das Moulin Rouge.
The most famous Parisian cabaret is the Moulin Rouge.
kabarettistisch adj
Kürbisrassel f; Cabasa f; Cabaza f (Schlaginstrument) mus.
Kürbisrasseln pl; Cabasas pl; Cabazas pl
cabasa (percussion instrument)
Frühkohl m bot. cook.
spring cabbage
Kohl m bot.
Kohlkopf m bot.
Kohlrabi m bot.
kohlrabi, cabbage turnip Br.
Kopfsalat m bot. cook.
lettuce, head lettuce, cabbage lettuce
Kraut n
cabbage, sauerkraut, kraut
Krautsuppe f cook.
cabbage soup
Rotkohl m, Rotkraut n bot. cook.
red cabbage
Weißkohl m, Weißkraut n bot. cook.
white cabbage
Wirsing m, Wirsingkohl m, Savoyerkohl m bot.
Wirsingkohle pl
savoy, savoy cabbage
Wirsingröllchen pl cook.
savoy-cabbage rolls
to cabbage
Kohlweißling m zool.
Kohlweißlinge pl
cabbage white butterfly
cabbage white butterflies
Gelappte Lederkoralle f (Sinularia dura) zool.
cabbage coral
white cabbage
Acker-Morikandie f (Moricandia arvensis) bot.
violet cabbage; purple mistress
Ausdauernder Rapsdotter m; Stauden-Rapsdotter m; Stauden-Windsbock m (Rapistrum rugosum) bot.
perennial bastard cabbage; steppe cabbage
Chinakohl m; Jägersalat m Ös. cook.
Chinese cabbage
Kerguelenkohl m (Pringlea antiscorbutica) bot.
Kerguelen cabbage
Kohl m (Brassica) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Grünkohl m; Krauskohl m; Winterkohl m; Braunkohl m Norddt.; Federkohl m Schw. (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica L.)
Palmkohl m; Schwarzkohl m; Italienischer Kohl m; Toskanischer Kohl m (Brassica oleracea var. palmifolia)
Rotkohl m; Rotkraut n; Blaukraut n Süddt. Ös.; Rotkabis n Schw.; Blaukabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. rubra L.)
Weißkohl m; Weißkraut n; Kraut n; Kappes n Mittelwestdt.; Weißkabis n Schw.; Kabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. alba)
Wirsingkohl m; Welschkohl m; Welschkraut n; Savoyerkohl m; Wirsing m Dt.; Kohl m Ös.; Wirz m Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. sabauda L.)
Zierkohl m (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)
cabbages; mustards; cruciferous vegetables (botanical genus)
kale; borecole
palm tree kale; black Tuscan palm; black kale cabbage; Italian kale; Tuscan kale cabbage; Lacinato kale
red cabbage
white cabbage
savoy cabbage; savoy
collard; collard greens
Kohlkopf m bot. cook.
Kohlrabi m bot. cook.
kohlrabi; cabbage turnip Br.
Kohlroulade f; Krautroulade f Ös.; Krautwickel n Süddt. Ös. Schw. cook.
Kohlrouladen pl; Krautrouladen pl; Krautwickel pl
stuffed cabbage leaves
stuffed cabbage leaves
Kopfsalat m agr. cook.
head lettuce; cabbage lettuce
Kraut n cook.
cabbage; sauerkraut; kraut
Krautsuppe f cook.
Krautsuppen pl
cabbage soup
cabbage soups
Kreuzblütengewächse pl; Kreuzblütler pl (Brassicaceae Cruciferae) (botanische Familie) bot.
mustard flowers; mustards; crucifers; cabbage family (botanical family)
Rundkohl m bot. cook.
round-headed cabbage; ball-headed cabbage
Runzeliger Rapsdotter m; Runzeliger Windsbock m (Rapistrum rugosum) bot.
annual bastard cabbage; common giant mustard; turnipweed
Scheinkalla f; Riesenaronstab m; Stinkkohl m; Stinktierkohl m (Lysichiton) (botanische Gattung) bot.
swamp lanterns; skunk cabbage (botanical genus)
Spitzkohl m bot. cook.
pointed cabbage; sweetheart cabbage
Wassersalat m; Grüne Wasserrose f; Muschelblume f (Pistia stratiotes) bot.
water cabbage; water lettuce; Nile cabbage; shellflower
Zackenschötchen pl (Bunias) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Orientalisches Zackenschötchen; Glattes Zackenschötchen; Türkische Rauke (Bunias orientalis)
warty cabbages (botanical genus)
Turkish warty cabbage; Turkish rocket; hill mustard
etw. mitgehen lassen; etw. stibitzen; etw. mausen; sich etw. einnähen ugs. (aus einem Ort) v
mitgehen lassend; stibitzend; mausend; sich einnähend
mitgehen lassen; stibitzt; gemaust; sich eingenäht
heimlich aus dem Kühlschrank naschen
Sie hat bei der Arbeit Stifte und Papier mitgehen lassen.
Sie wurde erwischt als sie aus der Kasse etwas mitgehen ließ.
to pilfer sth.; to snarf sth. (food); to cabbage sth. Br. (from a place)
pilfering; snarfing; cabbaging
pilferred; snarfed; cabbaged
to pilfer from the fridge
She pilfered pens and paper from work.
She was caught pilfering from the till.
Chinakohl m; Pekingkohl m; Japankohl m; Jägersalat m Ös. cook.
Chinese cabbage; napa cabbage; nappa cabbage
Gemüsekohl m (Brassica oleracea) bot.
Keulenlilien pl (Cordyline) (botanische Gattung) bot.
cabbage palms (botanical genus)
Kohl m (Brassica) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Brokkoli m; Broccoli m; Bröckelkohl m selten; Spargelkohl m selten (Brassica oleracea var. italica)
Grünkohl m; Krauskohl m; Winterkohl m; Braunkohl m Norddt.; Federkohl m Schw. (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica L.)
Kopfkohl m (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata L.)
Palmkohl m; Schwarzkohl m; Italienischer Kohl m; Toskanischer Kohl m (Brassica oleracea var. palmifolia)
Rosenkohl m Dt. Schw.; Rosenköhlchen pl Dt.; Sprossenkohl m Ös.; Kohlsprossen pl Ös. (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera)
Rotkohl m; Rotkraut n; Blaukraut n Süddt. Ös.; Rotkabis n Schw.; Blaukabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. rubra L.)
Weißkohl m; Weißkraut n; Kraut n; Kappes n Mittelwestdt.; Weißkabis n Schw.; Kabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. alba)
Wirsingkohl m; Welschkohl m; Welschkraut n; Savoyerkohl m; Wirsing m Dt.; Kohl m Ös.; Wirz m Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. sabauda L.)
Zierkohl m (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)
Blattkohl m
cabbages; mustards; cruciferous vegetables (botanical genus)
kale; borecole
head cabbage; heading cabbage
palm tree kale; black Tuscan palm; black kale cabbage; Italian kale; Tuscan kale cabbage; Lacinato kale
Brussel sprout; Brussels sprout; Brussels sprouts; sprout Br.
red cabbage
white cabbage
savoy cabbage; savoy
collard; collard greens
collard greens; collards
Kohlrabi m bot. cook.
Kohlrabis pl
kohlrabi; cabbage turnip Br.
kohlrabi; cabbage turnips

Deutsche Gewöhnlicher Grindwal {m} Schwarzwal {m} Langflossen-Grindwal {m} [zool.] Synonyme

Englische long-finned pilot whale Atlantic pilot whale Caaing whale pothead blackfish Synonyme

cabal  Anschluss  addition  affiliation  age group  agglomeration  aggregation  agreement  alliance  amalgamation  artifice  assimilation  association  band  battalion  bevy  blend  blending  body  brigade  bunch  cadre  camarilla  cartel  cast  caucus  cell  centralization  charmed circle  circle  clan  clique  closed circle  club  coalescence  coalition  cohort  collusion  combination  combine  combo  company  complement  complicity  complot  composition  confederacy  confederation  congeries  conglomeration  conjugation  conjunction  connivance  connive  consolidation  conspiracy  conspire  contingent  contrivance  contriving  corps  coterie  counterplot  covey  covin  crew  crowd  deep-laid plot  detachment  detail  division  ecumenism  elite  elite group  embodiment  encompassment  engineering  enosis  faction  federalization  federation  finagling  finesse  fleet  frame-up  fusion  game  gang  group  grouping  groupment  hookup  in-group  inclusion  incorporation  ingroup  inner circle  integration  intrigue  junction  junta  junto  league  little game  machinate  machination  maneuvering  manipulation  marriage  meld  melding  merger  mob  movement  out-group  outfit  pack  package  package deal  party  peer group  phalanx  platoon  plot  plotting  posse  regiment  rigging  ring  salon  scheme  schemery  scheming  set  solidification  squad  stable  stratagem  string  syncretism  syndication  syneresis  synthesis  team  tie-up  tribe  trick  troop  troupe  underplot  unification  union  unit  we-group  web of intrigue  wedding  wing  wire-pulling  
cabala  anagoge  anagogics  anthroposophy  arcanum  cabalism  classified information  confidence  confidential communication  enigma  esoterica  esotericism  esoterics  esoterism  esotery  guarded secret  hermetics  hocus-pocus  mumbo jumbo  mystery  mystery of mysteries  mysticism  mystification  occultism  personal matter  private matter  privileged communication  privity  profound secret  restricted information  sealed book  secret  symbolics  symbolism  the occult  yoga  yogeeism  yogism  
caballero  Bayard  Casanova  Don Juan  Don Quixote  Gawain  Lancelot  Lothario  Ritter  Romeo  Sidney  Sir Galahad  amoroso  bachelor  banneret  baronet  beau  boyfriend  broncobuster  buckaroo  cavalier  cavaliere servente  cavalryman  chevalier  circus rider  companion  cowboy  cowgirl  cowpuncher  equestrian  equestrienne  esquire  fellow  flame  gallant  gaucho  gigolo  horse soldier  horseback rider  horsebacker  horseman  horsewoman  inamorato  jockey  knight  knight bachelor  knight banneret  knight baronet  knight-errant  lady-killer  love-maker  man  mounted policeman  necker  old man  petter  philanderer  postboy  postilion  puncher  rider  roughrider  seducer  sheik  squire  steeplechaser  sugar daddy  swain  trick rider  vaquero  young man  
cabaret  Elizabethan theater  Globe Theatre  Greek theater  alehouse  amphitheater  amusement  amusement park  arena theater  auditorium  ballroom  bar  barrel house  barroom  beer garden  beer parlor  bistro  blind tiger  cafe  cafe chantant  cafe dansant  casino  circle theater  club  cocktail lounge  concert hall  dance floor  dance hall  dancing pavilion  dive  dramshop  drinking saloon  entertainment  entertainment industry  floor show  fun-fair  gin mill  groggery  grogshop  hall  honky-tonk  house  juke joint  little theater  local  music hall  night spot  nightclub  nitery  opera  opera house  outdoor theater  playhouse  pothouse  pub  public  public house  rathskeller  resort  roadhouse  rumshop  saloon  saloon bar  show  show biz  show business  showboat  speakeasy  taproom  tavern  theater  theater-in-the-round  theatron  wine shop  
cabbage  Irish potato  Kraut  aubergine  beans  blunt  boodle  brass  bread  bucks  chips  dinero  dough  eggplant  gelt  gilt  grease  green  green stuff  greens  jack  kale  legumes  love apple  mad apple  mazuma  moolah  mopus  oil of palms  ointment  oof  ooftish  pieplant  potato  potherbs  produce  rhino  rhubarb  rocks  shekels  simoleons  spondulics  spud  sugar  tater  the needful  tin  tomato  vegetables  wampum  white potato  
cabdriver  Jehu  Sunday driver  backseat driver  bullwhacker  bus driver  busman  cabby  cabman  cameleer  carter  cartman  charioteer  chauffeur  coachman  coachy  cocher  cochero  drayman  driver  elephant driver  gharry-wallah  hack  hackdriver  hackman  hacky  harness racer  hit-and-run driver  jitney driver  joyrider  mahout  motorist  mule skinner  muleteer  reinsman  road hog  skinner  speeder  stage coachman  taxidriver  teamster  truck driver  trucker  truckman  vetturino  voiturier  wagoner  wagonman  whip  
cabin  berth  blockhouse  box  bungalow  chalet  compartment  cot  cote  cottage  cuddy  deckhouse  house  hut  lodge  log cabin  love nest  pied-a-terre  saloon  shack  shanty  shelter cabin  snuggery  stateroom  
cabin boy  Ganymede  Hebe  airline hostess  airline stewardess  attendant  bakehead  batman  bellboy  bellhop  bellman  black gang  boilerman  bootblack  boots  bungs  caddie  chips  chore boy  commissary steward  complement  copyboy  cupbearer  deckhand  deckie  errand boy  errand girl  fireman  footboy  gofer  gun loader  gunner  hand  hospital steward  hostess  landing signalman  mail orderly  navigator  office boy  office girl  oiler  orderly  page  purser  radio operator  roustabout  snip  snips  sparks  squire  steward  stewardess  stoker  tender  torpedoman  trainbearer  usher  watch  yeoman  
cabinet  British Cabinet  Canterbury  Sanhedrin  US Cabinet  advisors  advisory body  advisory council  adytum  armoire  assembly  association  bench  board  board of directors  board of regents  board of trustees  body of advisers  booking office  borough council  box office  brain trust  branch  branch office  buffet  bunker  bureau  cadre  camarilla  cellaret  chamber  chambers  chancellery  chancery  chassis  chest  chest of drawers  chiffonier  city council  closet  clothespress  committee  commode  common council  conference  congress  console  consulate  consultative assembly  corporate headquarters  council  council fire  council of ministers  council of state  council of war  county council  court  credenza  cupboard  davenport  deliberative assembly  den  desk  diet  directorate  directory  divan  drawer  dresser  embassy  escritoire  executive arm  executive committee  executive hierarchy  executive office  governing board  governing body  headquarters  holy of holies  home office  housing  infrastructure  interlocking directorate  junta  kitchen cabinet  legation  legislature  locker  lowboy  main office  management  ministry  office  parish council  press  privy council  radio  radio receiver  radio set  radio telescope  receiver  receiving set  retreat  sanctum  sanctum sanctorum  secretaire  secretary  set  shadow cabinet  shelf  shop  sideboard  soviet  staff  steering committee  study  syndicate  synod  tallboy  the administration  the brass  the executive  the people upstairs  ticket office  top brass  tribunal  vargueno  vitrine  wardrobe  whatnot  wireless  wireless set  
cable  BX cable  Teletype  WATS  WATS line  armored cable  battery cable  bell wire  braid  brail  cablegram  chain  co-ax  coaxial cable  concentric cable  cord  day letter  electric cable  electric cord  fast telegram  flash  guy  hawser  highline  hookup wire  lead  ligament  ligation  ligature  line  mooring  night letter  party line  power line  private line  radio  radiogram  rope  send a wire  sign off  sign on  spun yarn  strand  string  telegram  telegraph  telegraph cable  telegraph line  telephone line  telex  tendon  thong  three-wire cable  transmission line  triaxial cable  trunk  trunk line  twine  twist  underground cable  wire  wire line  yarn  
caboose  Pullman  Pullman car  baggage car  bakehouse  bakery  boxcar  camboose  car  carriage  chair car  coach  coal car  cookery  cookhouse  cookroom  covered waggon  cuisine  day coach  diner  dinghy  dining car  drawing room  flat  flatcar  galley  gondola  kitchen  kitchenette  local  luggage van  mail car  mail van  palace car  parlor car  passenger car  railway car  reefer  refrigerator car  roomette  scullery  sleeper  smoker  smoking car  stockcar  tank  tender  truck  van  waggon  
cache  asylum  backlog  bank  bolt-hole  bosom  bottle up  bundle away  bury  coffer  conceal  concealment  corner  cover  covert  coverture  cranny  cubby  cubbyhole  dark corner  den  deposit  dugout  embosom  file  file and forget  foxhole  funk hole  hide  hide away  hideaway  hideout  hidey hole  hiding  hiding place  hoard  hole  hutch  keep hidden  keep secret  lair  lay away  lay down  lay in  lay in store  lock up  lodge  nest egg  niche  nook  pack away  plant  put away  recess  refuge  reposit  repository  reserve  reserve fund  reserve supply  reserves  reservoir  resource  retreat  salt away  salt down  sanctuary  savings  seal up  secret place  secrete  sinking fund  something in reserve  squirrel away  stash  stockpile  store  store away  stow  stow away  stow down  supply  undercovert  unexpended balance  vault  warehouse  
cachet  aroma  attribute  badge  billhead  book stamp  bookplate  brand  broad arrow  cast  character  characteristic  check  colophon  configuration  counterfoil  countermark  cut  differentia  differential  dignity  distinction  distinctive feature  docket  earmark  feature  figure  flavor  government mark  government stamp  gust  hallmark  identification  idiocrasy  idiosyncrasy  importance  impress  impression  imprint  index  individualism  keynote  label  letterhead  lineaments  logo  logotype  mannerism  mark  marking  masthead  mold  nature  odor  particularity  peculiarity  plate  prestige  price tag  prominence  property  quality  quirk  registered trademark  running head  running title  savor  seal  shape  sigil  signet  singularity  smack  specialty  stamp  sticker  stub  tag  taint  tally  tang  taste  ticket  title page  token  trade name  trademark  trademark name  trait  trick  
cackle  call  carol  caw  chatter  cheep  chirk  chirp  chirr  chirrup  chitter  chuck  clack  cluck  coo  croak  cronk  crow  cuckoo  drum  gabble  gaggle  gobble  guggle  honk  hoo  hoot  peep  pip  pipe  quack  roll  scold  sing  squawk  trill  tweet  twit  twitter  warble  whistle  
cackle  Homeric laughter  babble  babblement  bark  bavardage  bawl  be in stitches  belch  bellow  belly laugh  bibble-babble  blab  blabber  blah-blah  blare  blat  blather  blether  blethers  blubber  boff  boffola  boom  bray  break up  breathe  burr  burst into laughter  burst of laughter  burst out  burst out laughing  burst with laughter  bust a gut  buzz  cachinnate  cachinnation  call  caquet  caqueterie  carol  caw  chant  chat  chatter  cheep  chirk  chirp  chirr  chirrup  chitter  chitter-chatter  chortle  chuck  chuckle  clack  clang  clangor  clank  clash  clatter  cluck  cock-a-doodle-doo  convulsion  coo  craunch  croak  cronk  crow  crump  crunch  cuckoo  drawl  drum  exclaim  fit of laughter  flute  gab  gabble  gaggle  gales of laughter  gas  gasp  gibber  gibble-gabble  giggle  go into convulsions  gobble  gossip  grind  groan  growl  grumble  grunt  guff  guffaw  guggle  ha-ha  hearty laugh  hee-haw  hee-hee  hilarity  hiss  ho-ho  honk  hoo  hoot  horselaugh  hot air  idle talk  jabber  jangle  jar  keen  laugh  laugh it up  laugh outright  laughing  laughter  lilt  mere talk  mumble  murmur  mutter  natter  nearly die laughing  nonsense talk  outburst of laughter  palaver  pant  peal of laughter  peep  pip  pipe  prate  prating  prattle  prittle-prattle  quack  rasp  risibility  roar  roar of laughter  roar with laughter  roll  rumble  scold  scranch  scrape  scratch  scream  screech  scrunch  shake like jelly  shake with laughter  shout  shout of laughter  shriek  sibilate  sigh  sing  snap  snarl  snicker  snigger  snore  snort  sob  split  split with laughter  squall  squawk  squeal  talkee-talkee  tee-hee  thunder  titter  tittle-tattle  trill  trumpet  twaddle  twang  twattle  tweet  twit  twitter  wail  warble  whine  whisper  whistle  yak  yakkety-yak  yap  yawp  yell  yelp  yuck  yuk-yuk  
cacophony  Babel  Gothicism  agitation  atonalism  atonality  bad taste  barbarism  barbarousness  bedlam  bluster  bombasticness  brawl  broil  brouhaha  cacology  chaos  clinker  clumsiness  coarseness  commotion  confusion of tongues  cracked voice  crudeness  cumbrousness  defacement  discord  discordance  discordancy  disfigurement  disharmony  dissonance  dissonancy  dissonant chord  disturbance  dryness  dysphemism  ebullition  embroilment  fanaticism  ferment  flap  flatness  fomentation  foofaraw  frenzy  fume  furor  furore  fury  fuss  gracelessness  grossness  gruffness  gutturalism  gutturality  gutturalness  harshness  heaviness  hell  hoarseness  homeliness  hubbub  huskiness  ill-balanced sentences  ill-favoredness  impropriety  impurity  inconcinnity  incorrectness  indecorousness  inelegance  inelegancy  infelicity  inharmoniousness  inharmony  lack of finish  lack of polish  leadenness  noise  off note  pandemonium  passion  plainness  pompousness  ponderousness  poor diction  racket  rage  raspiness  raucity  roughness  row  ruckus  rudeness  rumpus  scrapiness  scratchiness  sesquipedalianism  sesquipedality  shapelessness  sharpness  slipshod construction  sour note  sourness  static  stertorousness  stiltedness  storminess  stridor  tastelessness  tempestuousness  thickness  throatiness  tumult  tumultuousness  tunelessness  turbulence  turgidity  turmoil  uglification  uglifying  ugliness  unaestheticness  unattractiveness  unbeautifulness  uncomeliness  uncouthness  uneuphoniousness  ungainliness  ungracefulness  unhandsomeness  unharmoniousness  unloveliness  unmusicality  unpleasingness  unprettiness  unrefinement  unseemliness  unshapeliness  unsightliness  untunefulness  unwieldiness  uproar  upset  vulgarism  vulgarity  wildness  wolf  zeal  zealousness  
cactus  bramble  brier  bristle  burr  catchweed  cleavers  goose grass  needle  nettle  pine needle  prickle  quill  spicule  spiculum  spike  spikelet  spine  sticker  thistle  thorn  yucca  
cad  Babbitt  Philistine  arriviste  boor  bounder  bourgeois  churl  clown  epicier  groundling  guttersnipe  hooligan  ill-bred fellow  looby  lout  low fellow  mucker  nouveau riche  parvenu  peasant  ribald  rotter  rough  roughneck  rowdy  ruffian  upstart  vulgarian  vulgarist  yokel  
cadaver  ashes  body  bones  carcass  carrion  clay  corpse  corpus delicti  crowbait  dead body  dead man  dead person  decedent  dry bones  dust  earth  embalmed corpse  food for worms  late lamented  mortal remains  mummification  mummy  organic remains  relics  reliquiae  remains  skeleton  stiff  tenement of clay  the dead  the deceased  the defunct  the departed  the loved one  
cadaverous  achromatic  achromic  anemic  ashen  ashy  attenuated  bled white  bloodless  blue  chloranemic  colorless  corpselike  dead  deadly  deadly pale  deathlike  deathly  deathly pale  dim  dimmed  dingy  discolored  dull  eerie  emacerated  emaciate  emaciated  etiolated  exsanguinated  exsanguine  exsanguineous  faded  faint  fallow  flat  ghastly  ghostlike  ghostly  gray  grisly  gruesome  haggard  hollow-eyed  hueless  hypochromic  jejune  lackluster  leaden  livid  lurid  lusterless  macabre  marantic  marasmic  mat  mealy  mortuary  muddy  neutral  pale  pale as death  pale-faced  pallid  pasty  peaked  peaky  pinched  poor  puny  sallow  shriveled  sickly  skeletal  starved  starveling  tabetic  tabid  tallow-faced  toneless  uncanny  uncolored  underfed  undernourished  unearthly  wan  washed-out  wasted  waxen  weak  weazeny  weird  whey-faced  white  withered  wizened  wraithlike  

ca Definition

ca Bedeutung

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