
calf Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Kalb, Wade
jugendliche Schwärmerei f
calf love
Wadenmuskel m
calf muscle
Kalb n zool.
Kälber pl
Kalb n zool. agr.
Kälber pl
Wadenkrampf m med.
cramp in the calf
cramp in the calf
Wade f anat.
Waden pl
calf, sura
Wade f anat.
Waden pl
calf; sura
Kalbsleberparfait n cook.
calf's liver parfait
calf plural: calves
wadenlang adj (Kleidungsstück) textil.
calf skimming (garment)
Walkalb n zool.
Walkälber pl
whale calf
whale calves
Kälbchen n
Kälbchen pl
little calf
little calves
weggebrochene Eisplatte f geogr.
calf (detached piece of ice)
Kälbertränkeautomat m; Tränkeautomat m für Kälber (Rinderhaltung) agr.
calf feeder (cattle farming)
Wadenbein n anat.
fibula; splinter bone; calf bone
Wadenbein n anat.
fibula, splinter bone, calf bone
Wadenkrampf m med.
Wadenkrämpfe pl
cramp in the calf
cramps in the calf
Kahlwild n zool.
female game animal; calf without antlers
Kaldaunen pl; Kutteln pl; Gekröse n cook.
Kalbskutteln pl
Rinderkutteln pl Norddt. Mitteldt.; Rindskutteln pl Süddt. Ös. Schw.
Schweinekutteln pl Norddt. Mitteldt.; Schweinskutteln pl Süddt. Ös. Schw.
Schafskutteln pl
chitlins; chitterlings; entrails; tripe
calf's tripe
beef tripe
pork tripe; pig
sheep tripe; pig's tripe
Löwenmäuler pl; Löwenmäulchen pl; Froschgoscherln pl Ös. (Antirrhinum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Große Löwenmaul n; Garten-Löwenmaul n (Antirrhinum majus)
gewöhnliches Acker-Löwenmaul n; Feldlöwenmaul n; Katzenmaul n (Misopates orontium)
snapdragons; dragon flowers (botanical genus)
snapdragon; common snapdragon
weasel's-snout; calf's snout; lesser snapdragon
Thrombose f; Blutpfropfbildung f med.
Thrombosen pl
tiefe Beinvenenthrombose
tiefe Venenthrombose TVT ; Phlebothrombose
1-Etagen-TVT; 1-Etagen-Phlebothrombose
2-Etagen-TVT; 2-Etagen-Phlebothrombose
3-Etagen-TVT; 3-Etagen-Phlebothrombose
4-Etagen-TVT; 4-Etagen-Phlebothrombose
thrombosis; thrombose
deep vein thrombosis DVT of the leg
deep vein thrombosis; deep venous thrombosis DVT
isolated calf DVT; DVT of the calf veins
popliteal and calf DVT; DVT involving the calf and popliteal vessels
femoropopliteal and calf DVT; DVT involving calf, popliteal, and femoral vessels
iliofemoral, femoropopliteal and calf DVT; DVT involving calf, popliteal, femoral, and iliac vessels
Muskelkrampf m; Krampf m (unwillkürliche Muskelkontraktionen) med.
Muskelkrämpfe pl; Krämpfe pl
Muskelkrampf der Extremitäten
generalisierter Muskelkrampf
sich generalisierender Muskelkrampf
klonischer Muskelkrampf; Muskelklonus m; Klonus m
klonisch-tonischer Krampf
Schreibkrampf m
tonischer Muskelkrampf
Uhrmacherkrampf m
Wadenkrampf m; Krampf der Wadenmuskulatur
einen Krampf bekommen
einen Krampf haben
muscle cramp; cramp; muscular spasm; myospasm (involuntary muscular contractions)
muscle cramps; cramps; muscular spasms; myospasms
generalized muscular spasm; generalized tonic spasm; holotetanus; holotonia
clonic muscle cramp; clonic cramp; clonus
clonic-tonic cramp; clonicotonic cramp
writer's cramp; spasm in writing
tonic muscle spasm; myotonus
watchmaker's cramp
cramp in the calf; calf cramp; spasm of the calf muscles; systremma
to get a cramp
to have a cramp

Deutsche Kalb Synonyme

Jungrind  ÂKalb  

Englische calf Synonyme

calf  Brahman  Dry Ice  Indian buffalo  ankle  aurochs  bayonet legs  beef  beef cattle  beeves  berg  birdling  bison  bossy  bovine  bovine animal  bowlegs  buffalo  bull  bullock  carabao  catling  cattle  chick  chickling  chicky  cnemis  colt  cow  critter  cryosphere  cub  dairy cattle  dairy cow  dogie  drumstick  duckling  fawn  firn  fledgling  floe  foal  foreleg  frazil  frozen water  fryer  gamb  gambrel  gigot  glaciation  glacier  glacieret  glaze  glazed frost  gosling  granular snow  ground ice  growler  ham  heifer  hind leg  hock  hornless cow  ice  ice banner  ice barrier  ice belt  ice cave  ice cubes  ice dike  ice field  ice floe  ice foot  ice front  ice island  ice needle  ice pack  ice pinnacle  ice raft  ice sheet  iceberg  icefall  icequake  icicle  jamb  jokul  kid  kine  kit  kitten  knee  lamb  lambkin  leg  leppy  limb  litter  lolly  maverick  milch cow  milcher  milk cow  milker  muley cow  muley head  musk-ox  neat  nest  nestling  neve  nieve penitente  ox  oxen  pack ice  piglet  pigling  podite  polliwog  popliteal space  pullet  pup  puppy  scissor-legs  serac  shank  shelf ice  shin  shoat  sleet  slob  sludge  snow ice  snowberg  steer  stems  stirk  stot  stumps  tadpole  tarsus  trotters  weaner  whelp  wisent  yak  yeanling  yearling  zebu  


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A calf is the young of domestic cattle. Calves are reared to become adult cattle, or are slaughtered for their meat, called veal, and for their calfskin.