
camp Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Camp n
kampieren, lagern
zelten, lagern
to camp
to camp
zelten; lagern
to camp
lagern v; sich niederlassen v
to camp
camp bed
Feldlager n für Rekruten mil.
boot camp
army camp
camp site
tent camp
das Lager abbrechen
raise camp
labour camp
Arbeitslager n
labour camp
prison camp
im Freien draußen lagern kampieren
to camp out
Landschulheim n
school camp
Schullandheim n
school camp
holiday camp
Durchgangslager n
transit camp
Flüchtlingslager n
refugee camp
refugee camp
Camp n
Camps pl
Feldlager m mil.
Feldlager pl
sozialistisches Lager
socialist camp
Warteschaltung f
camp-on circuit
camp-on circuit
mit einem dem femininen Gehabe (nachgestellt); tuntenhaft ugs.; tuntig slang adj (Mann)
camp (of a man)
Flügeladjutant m mil. pol.
aide-de-camp ADC
Konzentrationslager n (KZ, KL)
concentration camp
Vernichtungslager n
extermination camp
concentration camp
extermination camp
Basislager n
Basislager pl
base camp
base camps
Heereslager n mil.
Heereslager pl
army camp
army camps
Zeltlager n
Zeltlager pl
tent camp
tent camps
Ausbildungslager n; Feldlager n für Rekruten; Rekrutenschule f mil.
Ausbildungslager pl; Feldlager pl für Rekruten; Rekrutenschulen pl
boot camp
boot camps
Jugendlager n; Jugendfreizeit f Dt. soc.
Jugendlager pl; Jugendfreizeiten pl
youth camp
youth camps
Todeslager n
Todeslager pl
death camp
death camps
Dachau; KZ Dachau; Konzentrationslager Dachau hist.
Dachau concentration camp
Gefangenenlager n
Gefangenenlager pl
prison camp
prison camps
Kirchenlager n
Kirchenlager pl
church camp
church camps
Arbeitslager n
Arbeitslager pl
labour camp
labour camps
Familienlager n; Familienfreizeit f Dt. soc.
Familienlager pl; Familienfreizeiten pl
family camp
family camps
Mädchenlager n; Mädchenfreizeit f Dt. soc.
Mädchenlager pl; Mädchenfreizeiten pl
girls' camp
girls' camps
Lagerleiter m
Lagerleiter pl
camp leader
camp leaders
Campinggrill m; Campinggriller m cook.
Campinggrills pl; Campinggriller pl
camp grill
camping grills
Adjutant m mil.
adjutant, aide-de-camp (ADC)
Flüchtlingslager n
Flüchtlingslager pl
refugee camp
refugee camps
Schülerlager n; Schülerfreizeit f Dt. soc.
Schülerlager pl; Schülerfreizeiten pl
student camp
student camps
Auschwitz; KZ Auschwitz; Konzentrationslager Auschwitz hist.
Auschwitz concentration camp
Militärlager n mil.
Militärlager pl
military camp
military camps
Feldbett n
Feldbetten pl
camp bed, cot
camp beds, cots
Auffanglager n
Auffanglager pl
reception camp
reception camps
Internierungslager n
Internierungslager pl
internment camp
internment camps
Feldbett n
Feldbetten pl
camp bed; cot Am.
camp beds; cots
der Standort von etw.; die (geografische) Lage von etw.
der Standort des Lagers
the lay of sth.
the lay of the camp
Umerziehungslager n
Umerziehungslager pl
re-education camp
re-education camps
im Freien lagern; draußen kampieren v
im Freien lagernd; draußen kampierend
im Freien gelagert; draußen kampiert
to camp out
camping out
camped out
Basislager n (Bergsteigen)
Basislager pl
base camp (mountaineering)
base camps
Hochlager n (Bergsteigen)
Hochlager pl
high camp (mountaineering)
high camps
Konzentrationslager n KZ; KL
Konzentrationslager pl
concentration camp
concentration camps
Vernichtungslager n
Vernichtungslager pl
extermination camp
extermination camps
Campingplatz m
camp site, campground, camping ground Am.
Campingstuhl m
Campingstühle pl
(folding) camp chair
(folding) camp chairs
Campingtisch m
Campingtische pl
(folding) camp table
(folding) camp tables
Kriegsgefangenenlager n mil. pol.
Kriegsgefangenenlager pl
prisoner-of-war camp
prisoner-of-war camps
sie kampiert
to camp
she camps
kampieren v
er sie kampiert
to camp
he she camps
Straflager n
Straflager pl
prison camp; penal camp
prison camps; penal camps
Ãœberlebender m; Ãœberlebende f
Ãœberlebende pl
KZ-Ãœberlebende pl hist.
concentration camp survivors
Stammlager n; Stalag n hist. mil.
stalag (German prisoner-of-war camp in World War II)
Adjutant m mil.
Adjutanten pl
adjutant; aide-de-camp ADC
adjutants; aide-de-camps
Betreuer m; Betreuerin f in einem Sommerlager soc.
counselor Am. (supervisor at a children's summer camp)
KZ-Ãœberlebende m f; KZ-Ãœberlebender
KZ-Ãœberlebenden pl; KZ-Ãœberlebende
concentration camp survivor
concentration camp survivors
Lager n, Zeltlager n, Zeltstadt f, Massenquartier n
Lager pl, Zeltlager pl, Zeltstädte pl, Massenquartiere pl
ein Lager aufschlagen
das Lager abbrechen
to pitch camp
to strike camp, to break camp
Lager n; Zeltlager n; Zeltstadt f; Massenquartier n
Lager pl; Zeltlager pl; Zeltstädte pl; Massenquartiere pl
ein Lager aufschlagen
das Lager abbrechen
to pitch camp
to strike camp; to break camp
Lager n (Partei)
Lager pl
zwei verschiedene Lager
zwischen verschiedenen Lagern
two different camps
between different parties
die Deutschgesinnten pl pol. hist.
the pro-German faction; the pro-German party; the pro-German camp
Campingbett n; Campingliege f; Gartenliege f; Sonnenliege f; Dreibeinliege f
Campingbetten pl; Campingliegen pl; Gartenliegen pl; Sonnenliegen pl; Dreibeinliegen pl
camp bed Br.; sunbed Br.; cot Am.
camp beds; sunbeds; cots
Lager n (Partei) pol.
Lager pl
zwei verschiedene Lager
in allen politischen Lagern
two different camps
across the political spectrum
Vernichtungslager n
Vernichtungslager pl
das Vernichtungslager Treblinka
extermination camp
extermination camps
Treblinka extermination camp
Squattersiedlung f; illegale Siedlung f
Squattersiedlungen pl; illegale Siedlungen pl
squatter camp; squatter settlement
squatter camps; squatter settlements
Ausbildungslager n (für Kämpfer)
Ausbildungslager pl
training camp; training base (for fighters)
training camps; training bases
Trainingslager n (für Sportler)
Trainingslager pl
training camp; training base (for athletes)
training camps; training bases
Konzentrationslager n KZ; KL
Konzentrationslager pl
das Frauenkonzentrationslager Ravensbrück hist.
concentration camp
concentration camps
the Ravensbruck women's concentration camp
Campingkocher m
Campingkocher pl
camping stove; camp stove; camping cooker
camping stoves; camp stoves; camping cookers
Buchenwald m hist.
Buchenwald; KZ Buchenwald; Konzentrationslager Buchenwald
beech wood; beech woods; beech forest (depending on its size)
Buchenwald concentration camp
sie zeltet
sie zeltete
to camp, to tent
camping, tenting
camped, tented
she camps, he
she tents
she camped, I
she tented
Ferienlager n; Ferienfreizeit f Dt. soc.
Ferienlager pl; Ferienfreizeiten pl
ins Ferienlager fahren
holiday camp; vacation camp Am.; summer camp
holiday camps; vacation camps; summer camps
to go to a holiday vacation camp
Ferienlager n; Ferienfreizeit f Dt. soc. camp>
Ferienlager pl; Ferienfreizeiten pl
ins Ferienlager fahren
holiday camp Br.; vacation camp Am.; summer camp
holiday camps; vacation camps; summer camps
to go to a holiday vacation camp
zelten; campieren; campen v
zeltend; campierend; campend
gezeltet; campiert; gecampt
er sie zeltet
ich er sie zeltete
zelten gehen
Zelten verboten!
to camp; to tent
camping; tenting
camped; tented
he she camps; he she tents
I he she camped; I he she tented
to go camping
No camping!
gezeichnet adj übtr.
von jahrelanger KZ-Haft gezeichnet sein
fürs Leben gezeichnet sein (Verunstaltung, Trauma)
scarred; marked fig.
to be scarred by his her their years in a concentration camp
to be left scarred for life; to be marked for life (disfiguration, trauma)
Abbau m; Abbauen n; Demontage f; Zerlegen n (eines Baukörpers einer Maschine)
Abbau eines Messestands
der Abbruch des Protestlagers
das Unbrauchbarmachen der Waffen und Flugkörper
dismantlement; dismantling (of a structure machine)
dismantlement of a stand at a fair
the dismantling of the protest camp
the dismantlement of the weapons and missiles
Campingplatzparzelle f; Campingparzelle f; Campingstandplatz m; Campingstellplatz m
Campingplatzparzellen pl; Campingparzellen pl; Campingstandplätze pl; Campingstellplätze pl
camping pitch; camping site; campsite Am.; camp and caravan site Br.; camper with trailer site Am.
camping pitches; camping sites; campsites; camp and caravan sites; camper with trailer sites
Notaufnahmelager n (für Flüchtlinge); Flüchtlingscamp n
Notaufnahmelager pl; Flüchtlingscamps pl
emergency accommodation centre; emergency accommodation center; transit camp; temporary reception camp
emergency accommodation centres; emergency accommodation centers; transit camps; temporary reception camps
Geschossdecke f; Geschoßdecke f Ös.; Zimmerdecke f; Decke f arch.
Geschossdecken pl; Geschoßdecken pl; Zimmerdecken pl; Decken pl
unter der Decke
abgehängte Decke
begehbare Decke
drucklose Decke
eingezogene Decke
gestülpte Holzdecke; Stülpdecke
Scheindecke f
beiderseits abgeschrägte Decke
verzierte Zimmerdecke
eine Zimmerdecke einziehen
(Zimmerdecke) verputzen; gipsen; täfeln; verschalen
an die Decke gehen
under the ceiling
suspended ceiling; drop ceiling
accessible ceiling
non-pressurized ceiling
false ceiling
clincher built ceiling
false ceiling
camp ceiling
decorated ceiling; plafond
to install a ceiling (to ceil)
to ceil obs.
to hit the ceiling
Zimmerdecke f; Geschossdecke f; Geschoßdecke f Ös.; Decke f; Plafond m Süddt. Ös. Schw. constr.
Zimmerdecken pl; Geschossdecken pl; Geschoßdecken pl; Decken pl; Plafonden pl
Balkendecke f; Gebälkdecke f; Decke mit sichtbaren Balken
unter der Decke
abgehängte Decke
begehbare Decke
drucklose Decke
eingezogene Decke
gestülpte Holzdecke; Stülpdecke
Museumsdecke f
Scheindecke f
beiderseits abgeschrägte Decke
verzierte Zimmerdecke
(Zimmerdecke) verputzen; gipsen; täfeln; verschalen
an die Decke gehen
joist ceiling; trabeated ceiling
under the ceiling
suspended ceiling; drop ceiling
accessible ceiling
non-pressurized ceiling
false ceiling
clincher built ceiling
museum ceiling
false ceiling
camp ceiling
decorated ceiling; plafond
to ceil obs.
to hit the ceiling
aufbrechen v; sich aufmachen; losziehen; ausziehen altertümlich v (nach einem Ort zu einem Unternehmen)
aufbrechend; sich aufmachend; losziehend; ausziehend
aufgebrochen; sich aufgemacht; losgezogen; ausgezogen
zu einem Abenteuer aufbrechen
eine Reise antreten
ausziehen, um sein Glück zu machen altertümlich
Die ersten Gäste brachen um halb elf nach Hause auf.; Um half elf machten sich die ersten Gäste auf den Heimweg.
Wir sollten uns auf den Rückweg ins Lager machen, bevor es dunkel wird.
to start; to set forth archaic; to set forward archaic (for a place on an undertaking)
starting; setting forth; setting forward
started; set forth; set forward
to set forth on an adventure
to set out on start on a journey
to set forward to seek your fortune archaic
Guests started (heading) for home at 10.30.
We should start back to the camp before it gets dark.
Näherung f; Approximation f math.
erste Näherung
in erster Näherung
Näherung nach Esseen
Näherung durch Polynome
Harley'sche Approximation
Näherung durch Potenzreihenentwicklung
Satterthwaite-Approximation; Satterthwaite-Test
beschleunigte stochastische Approximation
Dvoretsky'sches Theorem über stochastische Näherung
first-order approximation
in the first approximation
Bayes' approximation
Blum approximation
Borges' approximation
Burkholder approximation
Camp-Paulson approximation
Hastings approximation
Laplace approximation
Merrington-Pearson approximation
Esseen-type approximation
polynominal approximation
Harley approximation
power series approximation
Poisson approximation
saddle point approximation
Satterthwaite's approximation; Satterthwaite's test
accelerated stochastic approximation
Dvoretsky's stochastic approximation theorem
Näherung f; Approximation f math.
erste Näherung
in erster Näherung
Näherung nach Esseen
Näherung durch Polynome
Harleysche Approximation
Näherung durch Potenzreihenentwicklung
Satterthwaite-Approximation; Satterthwaite-Test
stochastisches Näherungsverfahren
beschleunigte stochastische Approximation
Dvoretskysches Theorem über stochastische Näherung
first-order approximation
in the first approximation
Blum approximation
Borges' approximation
Burkholder approximation
Camp-Paulson approximation
Hastings approximation
Laplace approximation
Merrington-Pearson approximation
Esseen-type approximation
polynominal approximation
Harley approximation
power series approximation
Poisson approximation
saddle point approximation
Satterthwaite's approximation; Satterthwaite's test
stochastic approximation procedure
accelerated stochastic approximation
Dvoretsky's stochastic approximation theorem
Arzt m; Doktor m ugs.
Ärzte pl; Doktoren pl
Ärztin f; Frau Doktor
Bahnarzt m
Lagerarzt m
der behandelnde Arzt
niedergelassener Arzt
zum Arzt gehen
Arzt im Praktikum (AiP); Turnusarzt m Ös.
Arzt im ersten Praktikumsjahr; Turnusarzt im ersten Jahr Ös.
Arzt in der Ausbildung
Dienst habender Arzt; behandelnder Arzt
angehender Arzt
Jungassistent m
Altassistent m
Wir ließen den Arzt kommen.
Kannst du mir einen guten Hausarzt empfehlen?
Er war beim Arzt.
medical doctor M.D. ; doctor; medic coll.; physician
medical doctors; doctors; medics; physicians
female doctor; lady doctor rare
railway doctor; railway medical officer Br.; railroad doctor Am.
camp doctor; camp medical officer Br.
the attending physician; the attending doctor
physician in private practice; registered doctor with his her own practice
to go to the doctor; to go to the doctor's
foundation house officer FHO Br.; house officer Br.; houseman Br.; resident physician Am.; resident Am.
pre-registration house officer Br.; intern Am.; first-year resident Am.
doctor in charge; physician in charge
senior house officer SHO Br.; resident Am.
registrar Br.; fellow Am.
We sent for the doctor.
Can you recommend a good family doctor?
He has been to see the doctor.

Deutsche Camp {n} Synonyme

camp  American Party  Anti-Monopoly Party  Babbittry  Bull Moose Party  Communist Party  Conservative Party  Constitutional Union Party  Democratic Party  Democratic-Republican Party  
concentration camp  Belsen  Konzentrationslager  Lager  POW camp  abattoir  aceldama  barrack  barracks  bastille  
high camp  Babbittry  Thalia  arlequinade  bad taste  black comedy  bourgeois taste  broad comedy  burlesque  burletta  
labor camp  POW camp  bastille  black hole  borstal  borstal institution  bridewell  brig  cell  concentration camp  

Englische camp Synonyme

camp  American Party  Anti-Monopoly Party  Babbittry  Bull Moose Party  Communist Party  Conservative Party  Constitutional Union Party  Democratic Party  Democratic-Republican Party  Farmer-Labor Party  Federalist Party  Free Soil Party  Greenback Party  Know-Nothing Party  Konzentrationslager  Labour Party  Lager  Liberal Party  Liberal Republican Party  Liberty Party  National Republican Party  Populist Party  Progressive Party  Prohibition Party  Republican Party  Socialist Labor Party  Socialist Party  Socialist Workers Party  Tammany Hall  Thalia  Tory Party  Whig Party  affected  anchor  arlequinade  artificial  artless  bad taste  barrack  barracks  billet at  bivouac  bivouacking  black comedy  body  bourgeois taste  box  breakaway group  broad comedy  burlesque  burletta  burrow  cabal  cabin  caboose  camarilla  camp out  campground  campiness  camping  campsite  campy  cantonment  casern  caucus  circle  city hall  clan  clique  colonize  come to anchor  comedie bouffe  comedie larmoyante  comedie rosse  comedietta  comedy  comedy ballet  comedy of humors  comedy of ideas  comedy of intrigue  comedy of manners  comedy of situation  comedy relief  comic  comic muse  comic opera  comic relief  concentration camp  cot  coterie  cottage  crash  dark comedy  detention camp  division  domestic comedy  domesticate  drive stakes  drop anchor  effeminate  encamp  encampment  ensconce  establish residence  ethnic group  exaggerate  exaggerated  exode  extravagant  faction  farce  farce comedy  farcical  flamboyant  flaunt  flounce  genteel comedy  go camping  group  ham  harlequinade  high camp  hive  hobo jungle  hut  impropriety  inappropriateness  inartistic  indecency  indecorousness  indecorum  indelicacy  inelegance  inelegancy  ingroup  inhabit  interest  interest group  keep house  kitsch  light  light comedy  lines  live at  locate  lodge  low camp  low comedy  machine  major party  mannered  maroon  mime  minor party  minority group  mob  moor  move  mul  
campaign  action  activity  all-out campaign  campaign button  campaign commitments  campaign contribution  campaign fund  canvass  cause  circuit  commitment  compete  competition  contest  course  cruise  crusade  drive  effort  electioneer  excursion  expedition  faith  fare  globe-trot  go abroad  go on safari  go overseas  grand tour  grass-roots campaign  great cause  hard-hitting campaign  hit the trail  holy war  hurrah campaign  interest  issue  jaunt  jihad  journey  junket  lifework  make a journey  make a pilgrimage  make a trip  make an expedition  mass movement  media campaign  movement  offensive  operations  outing  package tour  peregrinate  peregrination  pilgrim  pilgrimage  pleasure trip  principle  progress  push  race  range the world  reason for being  ring doorbells  rivalry  round trip  rubberneck  rubberneck tour  run  safari  sally  shoot  sight-see  solicit votes  solicitation  stalk  stand  struggle  stump  stump excursion  stump the country  stumping tour  take a trip  take the road  take the stump  tour  trek  trip  turn  undertake operations  voyage  war  wayfare  whistle-stop  whistle-stop campaign  
campanile  antenna tower  barbican  belfry  bell tower  carillon  colossus  column  cupola  derrick  dome  fire tower  lantern  lighthouse  martello  martello tower  mast  minaret  monument  obelisk  observation tower  pagoda  pilaster  pillar  pinnacle  pole  pylon  pyramid  shaft  skyscraper  spire  standpipe  steeple  stupa  television mast  tope  tour  tower  turret  water tower  windmill tower  
camper  adventurer  alpinist  astronaut  camp trailer  caravan  climber  comers and goers  commuter  cosmopolite  cruiser  excursionist  explorer  fare  globe-girdler  globe-trotter  goer  hajji  house trailer  jet set  jet-setter  journeyer  mariner  mobile home  mountaineer  palmer  passenger  passerby  pathfinder  pilgrim  pioneer  rubberneck  rubbernecker  sailor  semitrailer  sightseer  straphanger  tourer  tourist  trail car  trailblazer  trailbreaker  trailer  trailer camp  trailer court  trailer park  transient  traveler  trekker  tripper  truck trailer  viator  visiting fireman  voortrekker  voyager  voyageur  wayfarer  world-traveler  
campo  agora  alkali flat  alluvial plain  basin  bottomland  bushveld  champaign  champaign country  coastal plain  delta  desert  down  downs  fell  flat  flat country  flatland  flats  forum  grass  grass veld  grassland  grazing  haugh  haughland  heath  lande  lea  level  llano  lowland  lowlands  lunar mare  mare  market  market cross  marketplace  mart  mead  meadow  meadow land  mesa  mesilla  moor  moorland  open country  pampa  pampas  park  pasturage  pasture  pasture land  peneplain  piazza  place  plain  plains  plateau  playa  plaza  prairie  range  rialto  salt flat  salt marsh  salt pan  savanna  sebkha  square  steppe  steppeland  swale  table  tableland  tree veld  tundra  upland  vega  veld  weald  wide-open spaces  wold  
campus  agora  amphitheater  arena  athletic field  auditorium  background  bear garden  bowl  boxing ring  bull ring  canvas  circus  classroom building  cockpit  coliseum  colosseum  course  field  floor  forum  ground  gym  gymnasium  hall  hippodrome  lists  little red schoolhouse  locale  marketplace  mat  milieu  open forum  palaestra  parade ground  pit  place  platform  precinct  prize ring  public square  purlieu  range  ring  scene  scene of action  scenery  school building  schoolhouse  setting  site  sphere  squared circle  stadium  stage  stage set  stage setting  terrain  theater  tilting ground  tiltyard  walk  wrestling ring  

camp Definition

(pl. ) of Aid-de-camp
(n.) An officer selected by a general to carry orders, also to assist or represent him in correspondence and in directing movements.
(n.) The ground or spot on which tents, huts, etc., are erected for shelter, as for an army or for lumbermen, etc.
(n.) A collection of tents, huts, etc., for shelter, commonly arranged in an orderly manner.
(n.) A single hut or shelter
(n.) The company or body of persons encamped, as of soldiers, of surveyors, of lumbermen, etc.
(n.) A mound of earth in which potatoes and other vegetables are stored for protection against frost
(n.) An ancient game of football, played in some parts of England.
(v. t.) To afford rest or lodging for, as an army or travelers.
(v. i.) To pitch or prepare a camp
(n.) To play the game called camp.

camp Bedeutung

Canada jay
grey jay
gray jay
camp robber
whisker jack
Perisoreus canadensis
a jay of northern North America with blackapped head and no crest, noted for boldness in thievery
boot camp camp for training military recruits
temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers, wherever he went in the camp the men were grumbling
camp temporary lodgings in the country for travelers or vacationers, level ground is best for parking and camp areas
camp a penal institution (often for forced labor), China has many camps for political prisoners
camp summer camp a site where care and activities are provided for children during the summer months, city kids get to see the country at a summer camp
camp refugee camp shelter for persons displaced by war or political oppression or for religious beliefs
camp chair a light folding chair
concentration camp
a penal camp where political prisoners or prisoners of war are confined (usually under harsh conditions)
camp bed
a small bed that folds up for storage or transport
day camp a camp providing care and activities for children during the daytime
death camp a concentration camp where prisoners are likely to die or be killed
detention home
detention house
house of detention
detention camp
an institution where juvenile offenders can be held temporarily (usually under the supervision of a juvenile court)
labor camp
labour camp
a penal institution for political prisoners who are used as forced labor
prison camp internment camp
prisoner of war camp
POW camp
a camp for prisoners of war
tennis camp a camp where tennis is taught
trailer camp
trailer park
a camp where space for house trailers can be rented, utilities are generally provided
work camp
prison camp
prison farm
a camp for trustworthy prisoners employed in government projects
camp something that is considered amusing not because of its originality but because of its unoriginality, the living room was pure camp
inner circle
pack camp
an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
camp meeting religious (usually evangelistic) meeting held in a large tent or outdoors and lasting several days
camp a group of people living together in a camp, the whole camp laughed at his mistake
hobo camp
a place where hoboes camp
Camp David a retreat to the northwest of Washington that is used by the president of the United States
camp follower a follower who is not a member of an ingroup
camp follower a prostitute who provides service to military personnel
King Camp Gilette
United States inventor and manufacturer who developed the safety razor (-)
concentration camp a situation characterized by crowding and extremely harsh conditions
camp give an artificially banal or sexual quality to
camp down
establish or set up a camp
decamp break camp leave a camp, The hikers decamped before dawn
camp out
live in or as if in a tent, Can we go camping again this summer?, The circus tented near the town, The houseguests had to camp in the living room
camp-made made as part of the arts-and-crafts program at summer camp, my camp-made leather wallet
providing sophisticated amusement by virtue of having artificially (and vulgarly) mannered or banal or sentimental qualities, they played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect, campy Hollywood musicals of the 's
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