
cardiac Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Herzmittel, herzkrank
Herz… anat.
herzkrank adj
Herz... anat.
Herzmittel n
Herzextraton m med.
cardiac click
Herzasthma n med.
cardiac asthma
cardiac defect
Herzgegend f anat.
cardiac region
Herzfehler m med.
cardiac defect
Herzgegend f
cardiac region
cardiac region
Herzkatheter m med.
cardiac catheter
Herzneurose f med.
cardiac neurosis
Herzindex m HI med.
cardiac index CI
Herzauswurfleistung f; Herzzeitvolumen n HZV med.
cardiac output CO
Herztamponade f med.
cardiac tamponade
Herzkranke m f , Herzkranker med.
Herzkranken pl, Herzkranke
cardiac infarction
Herzkranke m f; Herzkranker med.
Herzkranken pl; Herzkranke
Herzkranke m,f; Herzkranker med.
Herzkranken pl; Herzkranke
cardiac insufficiency
cardiac insufficiencies
Herzautomatismus m med.
cardiac self-regulation
Asystolie f; Herzstillstand m med.
asystole; cardiac arrest
Asystolie f Herzstillstand m med.
asystole, cardiac arrest
Herzklappe f med.
cardiac valve, heart valve
Herzchirurg m med.
heart surgeon, cardiac surgeon
Herzchirurgie f med.
heart surgery, cardiac surgery
Herzmassage f
heart massage, cardiac massage
Herzmassage f
heart massage; cardiac massage
Herzchirurg m med.
heart surgeon; cardiac surgeon
Herzchirurgie f med.
heart surgery; cardiac surgery
Herzgeschwulst f med.
Herzgeschwulste pl
cardiac tumour
cardiac tumours
Lagetyp normal (EKG-Befund) med.
normal cardiac axis (ECG summary)
Herzkatheter m med.
cardiac catheter; intracardiac catheter
Belastungsinsuffizienz f med.
exercise-induced (cardiac) insufficiency
Herzklopfen n
beating of the heart, cardiac palpations
Herzklopfen n
beating of the heart; cardiac palpations
Asthma n med.
Herzasthma n
Müllerastma n
cardiac asthma
miller's asthma
Herzinfarkt m med.
(cardiac) infarction, myocardial infarction
Stillstand m biol. med.
Herzstillstand m
Atemstillstand m
cardiac arrest
respiratory arrest
Herzschrittmacher m med.
pacemaker, cardiac pacemaker, heart pacemaker
Linksherzkatheter m med.
Linksherzkatheter pl
left cardiac catheter
left cardiac catheters
Herzdekompensation f med.
cardiac decompensation; congestive heart failure
Herzdekompensation f med.
cardiac decompensation, congestive heart failure
Herzklappe f med.
Herzklappen pl
cardiac valve; heart valve
cardiac valves; heart valves
Herzmuskel f; Myokard n anat.
Herzmuskeln pl; Myokarden pl
cardiac muscle; heart muscle
cardiac muscles; heart muscles
Herztod m med.
plötzlicher Herztod
death from heart disease, cardiac death
sudden cardiac death
Herztod m med.
plötzlicher Herztod
death from heart disease; cardiac death
sudden cardiac death
Herzfehler m med.
angeborener zyanotischer Herzfehler
heart defect; cardiac defect
cyanotic congential heart defect
Herzschwäche f med.
Herzschwächen pl
cardiac insufficiency, cardiac failure
cardiac insufficiencies
Herzschwäche f med.
Herzschwächen pl
cardiac insufficiency; cardiac failure
cardiac insufficiencies
Scheidewand f; Septum n anat.
kleine Scheidewand
Nasenscheidewand f
Scheidwand des Herzens
dividing wall; septum
nasal septum
cardiac septum
Herzrhythmusstörung f med.
disturbance of the heart rhythm, disturbance of the cardiac rhythm
Behandlung f mit Digitalis; Digitalisbehandlung f; Digitalistherapie f; Herzglykosidtherapie f med.
digitalis treatment; digitalis therapy; cardiac glycoside treatment
Herzerweiterung f; Herzdilatation f med.
akute Herzdilatation
dilatation of the heart; cardiac dilatation
acute cardiac dilatation
Mageneingang m; Magenmund m; Kardia f (Ostium cardiacum) anat.
inlet of the stomach; cardiac orifice; cardia; oesophagogastric junction
Herzerweiterung f; Herzdilatation f med.
akute Herzdilatation
dilatation of the heart; cardiac dilatation; cardiectasis
acute cardiac dilatation
Herzinfarkt m; Myokardinfarkt m med.
Herzinfarkte pl; Myokardinfarkte pl
cardiac infarction; myocardial infarction
cardiac infarctions; myocardial infarctions
Herzkontraktion f med.
Herzkontraktionen pl
frustrane Herzkontraktion
cardiac contraction
cardiac contractions
h(a)emodynamically inefficient cardiac contraction
Herzschrittmacher m med.
Herzschrittmacher pl
pacemaker; cardiac pacemaker; heart pacemaker
pacemakers; cardiac pacemakers; heart pacemakers
Herzmuskel f; Myokard n anat.
Herzmuskeln pl; Myokarden pl
ventrikuläres Myokard
cardiac muscle; heart muscle; myocardium
cardiac muscles; heart muscles
ventricular myocardium
Herzrhythmusstörung f med.
cardiac dysrhythmia; arrhythmia; disturbance of the heart rhythm; disturbance of the cardiac rhythm
medizinische Untersuchung; Exploration f med.
Herzuntersuchung f; Herzexploration f
Untersuchung mit den Fingern; Fingeruntersuchung; digitale Exploration
medical examination; exploration
cardiac examination; cardiac exploration
finger examination; digital exploration
Herzkatheter m med.
Herzkatheter pl
Linksherzkatheter m
cardiac catheter; intracardiac catheter; cardiac cath
cardiac catheters; intracardiac catheters
left cardiac catheter
Herzversagen n; Herzinsuffizienz f med.
akutes Herzversagen
primäre Herzinsuffizienz
an Herzversagen sterben
heart failure; heart insufficiency; cardiac (power) failure
acute heart failure
primary cardiac insufficiency
to die of from heart failure
Herzgeräusch n med.
Herzgeräuschen pl
anorganisches akzidentelles Herzgeräusch
diastolisches Herzgeräusch
organisches Herzgeräusch
systolisches Herzgeräusch
heart souffle; heart murmur; cardiac murmur
heart souffles; heart murmurs; cardiac murmurs
accidental murmur
diastolic murmur
organic murmur
systolic murmur
Herzversagen n; Herzinsuffizienz f med.
akutes Herzversagen
kongestive Herzinsuffizienz
primäre Herzinsuffizienz
an Herzversagen sterben
heart failure; heart insufficiency; cardiac (power) failure
acute heart failure
congestive heart failure
primary cardiac insufficiency
to die of from heart failure
Befund m; Befundbericht m (schriftliches Untersuchungsergebnis) med.
Befunde pl; Befundberichte pl
ärztlicher Befund
Herzkatheterbefund m
Herz-Ultraschallbefund m
Befund des Krankenhauses
Befund des behandelnden Arztes
medical report; findings report
medical reports; findings reports
doctor's report; medical report
cardiac catheter report; cardiovascular catheterization report
echocardiography report
clinical report
report of the physician in charge
Herzinfarkt m; Myokardinfarkt m med.
Herzinfarkte pl; Myokardinfarkte pl
Herzinfarkt mit ST-Streckenhebung
Hinterwandinfarkt m
Seitenwandinfarkt m
Vorderwandinfarkt m
cardiac infarction; myocardial infarction MI ; heart attack coll. (cardiac infarct)
cardiac infarctions; myocardial infarctions
ST segment elevation myocardial infarction
inferior myocardial infarction
medial myocardial infarction
anterior myocardial infarction
Neurose f psych.
Neurosen pl
Abwehrneurose f
Aktualneurose f
angstbedingte Neurose; Angstneurose f
Begehrensneurose f; Tendenzneurose f
Herzneurose f
hysterische Neurose
frühkindliche Neurose; infantile Neurose
konfiktbedingte Neurose; psychogene Neurose; Psychoneurose f
lokale Neurose
narzisstische Neurose (Freud)
Profilneurose f
traumatische Neurose
Ãœbertragungsneurose f (Freud)
vegetative Neurose
Zwangsneurose f
defence neurosis Br.; defense neurosis Am.
actual neurosis
anxiety neurosis
compensating neurosis
cardiac neurosis
hysterical neurosis
infantile neurosis; childhood neurosis
psychoneurosis; psychoneurotic disorder
localized neurosis; toponeurosis
narcissistic neurosis (Freud)
neurotic need for social recognition
traumatic neurosis
transference neurosis (Freud)
vegetative neurosis
compulsion neurosis; obsessive-compulsive disorder; obsessive neurosis; obsessional neurosis
Herzton m med.
Herztöne pl
akzentuierter Herzton
deutlicher Herzton
diastolischer systolischer Herzton
betonter erster Herzton
dritter Herzton; ventrikulärer Herzton
erster Herzton
erster und zweiter Herzton
gedoppelter Herzton
gespaltener Herzton
schwacher Herzton; leiser Herzton
vierter Herzton
zweiter Herzton
fötale Herztöne
kindliche Herztöne
Anspannungston m
heart sound; cardiac sound; heart tone
heart sounds; cardiac sounds; heart tones
accentuated heart tone
strong heart sound
diastolic systolic cardiac sound
cannon sound
third heart sound; ventricular heart-filling sound; ventricular heart sound; filling gallop
first heart sound; lubb
reduplicated heart tone; doubling of cardiac sound
splitting of the heart tone; heart-sound splitting
weak faint quiet cardiac sound
fourth heart sound
second heart sound; dupp
foetal cardiac sounds
infantile heart sounds
tension sound
Herzgeräusch n med.
Herzgeräusche pl
anorganisches akzidentelles Herzgeräusch
bandförmiges Herzgeräusch
blasendes Herzgeräusch
diastolisches Herzgeräusch
fortgeleitetes Herzgeräusch
lautes Herzgeräusch
leises Herzgeräusch; schwaches Herzgeräusch
organisches Herzgeräusch
präsystolisches Herzgeräusch
protodiastolisches Herzgeräusch
raues Herzgeräusch
spindelförmiges Herzgeräusch
systolisches Herzgeräusch
weiches Herzgeräusch
Herzgeräusch mit hoher Amplitude
Herzgeräusch mit niedriger Amplitude
murmur of the heart; heart murmur; cardiac murmur; heart souffle, heart bruit
murmurs of the heart; heart murmurs; cardiac murmurs; heart souffle, heart bruits
accidental murmur
band-shaped heart murmur
blowing cardiac murmur
diastolic murmur
transmitted heart murmur; conducted heart murmur; conduction of cardiac murmur
loud heart murmur
low heart murmur; gentle heart murmur; faint heart murmur
organic murmur
presystolic heart murmur
early diastolic heart murmur; protodiastolic cardiac murmur
coarse heart murmur; rough heart murmur; harsh heart murmur
spindle-shaped heart murmur
systolic murmur
soft heart murmur
high-amplitude heart murmur
low-amplitude heart murmur
Tod m; Lebensende n; Exitus m med.
biologischer Tod
genetischer Tod
Hungertod m
juristischer Tod
klinischer Tod
normaler Tod
örtlicher Tod (von Körperteilen)
perinataler Tod
plötzlicher Tod (Mors subitanea)
schmerzhafter Tod
Bergungstod m
Erfrierungstod m; Tod durch Erfrieren
Hitzetod m
Infarkttod m; Tod durch Herzinfarkt
Strahlungstod m; Tod durch Strahlung
Tod im Kindbett; Tod der Mutter bei der Geburt
Unfalltod m; Tod durch Unfall
sofortiger Eintritt des Todes
bei Eintritt des Todes
bis ans Lebensende; bis an sein Lebensende
zum Tode führen (Sache)
an der Schwelle des Todes
dem Tode ins Auge sehen
„Tod den Spaniern! Es lebe die Unabhängigkeit!“ hist.
death; exitus
biological death
genetic death
death by from famine; death by from starvation
legal death
clinical death
normal death; orthothanasia
local death (of body parts)
perinatal death
sudden death
painful death; dystanasia
post-rescue death
death by (cold-weather) exposure; death from exposure to cold
heat death; thermal death; death due to linked to as a result of exposure to hot weather
death from (cardiac) infarction
death by radiation
maternal death
accidental death; death by accident
immediate death
at death
until your death
to lead to death (of a thing)
at death's door
to come face to face with death
"Death to Spain! Long live independence!"

Deutsche Herzmittel herzkrank Synonyme

Englische cardiac Synonyme

cardiac  abdominal  anal  appendical  cecal  colic  colonic  coronary  duodenal  enteric  gastric  ileac  intestinal  jejunal  mesogastric  pyloric  rectal  splanchnic  visceral  
cardiac arrest  angina  angina pectoris  aortic insufficiency  aortic stenosis  apoplectic stroke  apoplexy  arrhythmia  arteriosclerosis  atherosclerosis  atrial fibrillation  auricular fibrillation  beriberi heart  cardiac insufficiency  cardiac shock  cardiac stenosis  cardiac thrombosis  carditis  congenital heart disease  cor biloculare  cor juvenum  cor triatriatum  coronary  coronary insufficiency  coronary thrombosis  diastolic hypertension  encased heart  endocarditis  extrasystole  fatty heart  fibroid heart  flask-shaped heart  frosted heart  hairy heart  heart attack  heart block  heart condition  heart disease  heart failure  high blood pressure  hypertension  hypertensive heart disease  ischemic heart disease  mitral insufficiency  mitral stenosis  myocardial infarction  myocardial insufficiency  myocarditis  myovascular insufficiency  ox heart  palpitation  paralytic stroke  paroxysmal tachycardia  pericarditis  pile  premature beat  pseudoaortic insufficiency  pulmonary insufficiency  pulmonary stenosis  rheumatic heart disease  round heart  sclerosis  stony heart  stroke  tachycardia  thrombosis  tricuspid insufficiency  tricuspid stenosis  turtle heart  varicose veins  varix  ventricular fibrillation  

cardiac Definition

(a.) Pertaining to, resembling, or hear the heart
(a.) Exciting action in the heart, through the medium of the stomach
(n.) A medicine which excites action in the stomach

cardiac Bedeutung

cardiac massage
heart massage
an emergency procedure that employs rhythmic compression of the heart (either through the chest wall or, during surgery, directly to the heart) in an attempt to maintain circulation during cardiac arrest
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
cardiac resuscitation
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
kiss of life
an emergency procedure consisting of external cardiac massage and artificial respiration, the first treatment for a person who has collapsed and has no pulse and has stopped breathing, attempts to restore circulation of the blood and prevent death or brain damage due to lack of oxygen
cardiac monitor
heart monitor
a piece of electronic equipment for continual observation of the function of the heart
cardiac rhythm
heart rhythm
the rhythm of a beating heart
cardiac pacemaker
sinoatrial node
SA node
a specialized bit of heart tissue that controls the heartbeat
cardiac muscle
heart muscle
the muscle tissue of the heart, adapted to continued rhythmic contraction
area of cardiac dullness a triangular area of the front of the chest (determined by percussion), corresponds to the part of the heart not covered by the lungs
heart valve
cardiac valve
a valve to control one-way flow of blood
cardiac plexus
plexus cardiacus
a plexus of nerves supplying the heart and nearby structures
cardiac sphincter the valve between the distal end of the esophagus and the stomach, the physiological sphincter at the esophagogastric junction
cardiac cycle the complete cycle of events in the heart from the beginning of one heart beat to the beginning of the next, an electrical impulse conducted through the heart muscle that constricts the atria which is followed by constriction of the ventricles, the cardiac cycle can be shown on an electrocardiogram
cardiac arrest
cardiopulmonary arrest
absence of systole, failure of the ventricles of the heart to contract (usually caused by ventricular fibrillation) with consequent absence of the heart beat leading to oxygen lack and eventually to death
cardiac arrhythmia
an abnormal rate of muscle contractions in the heart
coronary insufficiency
cardiac insufficiency
inadequate blood flow to the heart muscles, can cause angina pectoris
heart murmur
cardiac murmur
an abnormal sound of the heart, sometimes a sign of abnormal function of the heart valves
cardiac tamponade mechanical compression of the heart resulting from large amounts of fluid collecting in the pericardial space and limiting the heart's normal range of motion
cardiac glycoside
cardiac glucoside
obtained from a number of plants and used to stimulate the heart in cases of heart failure
cardiac output the amount of blood pumped out by the ventricles in a given period of time, a resting adult has a cardiac output of about three quarts a minute
cardiac of or relating to the heart, cardiac arrest
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