
catch Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

fangen, Fang
Fang m
Raste f
Schnappverschluss m
auffangen, fangen
nehmen; kriegen
to catch
Sammelplatz m; Auffangbecken n übtr.
in Brand geraten
catch fire
Rohrzieher m; Rohrzange f min.
Zwischenfrucht f agr.
catch crop
Fangbereich m
catch range
to catch up
Aushängesicherung f
safety catch
Sicherheitsverschluss m
safety catch
Sicherung f, Sicherungssperrklinke f (an einer Waffe) mil.
safety catch
Sicherungsstück n (am Lasthaken) techn.
safety catch
erkaelte, erkaeltet
catch a cold
sich erkälten
catch a cold
einen Ball fangen
catch a ball
catch (irr.)
Kugelrastung f techn.
bullet catch
Sicherung f; Sicherungssperrklinke f (an einer Waffe) mil.
safety catch
einen Zug nehmen
catch a train
catch hold of
sich erkaelten
to catch cold
Feuer fangen
to catch fire
in Brand geraten
to catch fire
einholen, aufarbeiten
catch up with
catch sight of
to catch sight
Magnetverschluss m
magnetic catch
Aufholeffekt m
catch-up effect
flüchtig sehen
catch a glimpse
to catch cold
to catch a cold
sich erkaelten
to catch a cold
den Zug erreichen
catch the train
Klettball-Fangspiel n
catch ball game
Sperrstift m; Sperrklinke f
Sperrstifte pl; Sperrklinken pl
to catch hold of
to catch hold of
Aufholjagd f
race to catch up
Fangstatistik f zool.
catch statistics
Aufholbedarf m
need to catch up
jdn. überrumpeln v
to catch sb. out
mache einen guten Fang
make a good catch
to catch sight of
unterirdische Dränrohrleitung f; Dränrohr n agr. constr.
catch-water drain
Ausgleichsvergütung f
catch-up allowance
flüchtig sehen
to catch a glimpse
den Zug erreichen
to catch the train
to catch sight (of)
sich über etw. informieren, auf den neuesten Stand kommen
to catch up on sth.
Allerwelts...; Universal...
catch-all; catchall
Selbsthaltung f (Relais) electr.
lock; catch (relay)
jdm. ins Auge fallen v
to catch sb.'s eyes
sich über etw. informieren; auf den neuesten Stand kommen
to catch up on sth.
Allerwelts…; Universal…
catch-all; catchall
sich über etw. informieren; auf den neuesten Stand kommen v
to catch up on sth.
Atem holen
to catch one's breath
Lasthakensicherung f
load hook safety catch
erwischen, ertappen (bei)
to catch (at)
Er hat eine lange Leitung.
He's slow to catch on.
jdn. unvorbereitet treffen; jdn. kalt erwischen übtr.; jdn. überraschen
to catch so. off guard
jdn. unvorbereitet treffen; jdn. kalt erwischen übtr.; jdn. überraschen v
to catch sb. off guard
er holt Sie ein
he'll catch up with you
ich habe das Wort nicht verstanden
i didn't catch the word
Er holt Sie ein.
He'll catch up with you.
Ich habe das Wort nicht verstanden.
I didn't catch the word.
to catch (caught,caught)
rechtzeitig für das Schiff
in time to catch the boat
rechtzeitig für das Flugzeug
in time to catch the plane
rechtzeitig für den Zug
in time to catch the train
Schmutzfänger m (im Kabelschacht) electr.
catch pan (in a cable pit)
Sperrhebel m
Sperrhebel pl
catch lever
catch levers
sich dabei ertappen, etw. zu tun
to catch oneself doing sth.
etwas zu Gesicht bekommen
to catch sight of something
Sondenfänger m min.
Sondenfänger pl
sound catch
sound catches
Ich habe den Satz nicht verstanden.
I didn't catch the sentence.
Sicherungsbügel m
Sicherungsbügel pl
safety catch
safety catches
to be alight, to catch alight
brennen v
to be alight; to catch alight
Fangfrage f
trick question, catch question
sich bei dem Gedanken ertappen, dass ...
to catch oneself thinking that
jdn. etw. flüchtig sehen; von jdm. etw. einen flüchtigen Blick erhaschen v
to catch a glimpse of sb. sth.
Dass du dich nur ja nicht erkältest!
Now, don't go and catch a cold!
Ich habe die letzten Worte überhört.
I didn't catch your last words.
Raste f; Anschlag m techn.
Rasten pl; Anschläge pl
catch; notch
catches; notches
jdn. überrumpeln; jdn. überraschen
to catch so. on the hop coll.
jdn. überrumpeln; jdn. überraschen v
to catch sb. on the hop coll.
Dilemma n
dilemma, fix, catch-22 situation
Viele Hunde sind des Hasen Tod.
Many hounds soon catch the hare.
Allerweltswort n ling.
Allerweltswörter pl
catch-all term
catch-all terms
Viele Hunde sind des Hasen Tod. Sprw.
Many hounds soon catch the hare.
sich etw. einfangen übtr. ugs.
to catch the lurgy fig. coll.
jdn. ergreifen; festnehmen v; jds. habhaft werden geh.
ergreifend; festnehmend; habhaft werdend
ergriffen; festgenommen; habhaft geworden
to catch sb.
sich etw. einfangen v übtr. ugs.
to catch the lurgy fig. coll.
Aufholeffekt m
Aufholeffekte pl
catch-up effect
catch-up effects
Ich habe Sie akustisch nicht verstanden.
I didn't quite catch what you said.
Aufholentwicklung f; nachholende Entwicklung (eines Landes) f pol.
catch-up development (of a country)
etwas jemandem habhaft werden
to catch; to get hold of; to arrest
Aufholentwicklung f; nachholende Entwicklung f (eines Landes) pol.
catch-up development (of a country)
Ballfanggitter n techn. sport.
Ballfanggitter pl
ball catch fence
ball catch fences
Ballfanggitter n sport
Ballfanggitter pl
ball catch fence
ball catch fences
aufholen v
to catch up
catching up
caught up
einfallen v (Raste) techn.
to engage (catch)
Fangbescheinigung f
Fangbescheinigungen pl
catch certificate
catch certificates
Es gibt einen Haken (dabei).; Die Sache hat einen Haken. übtr.
There is a catch caveat (in it). fig.
Magazinhaltermutter f mil.
Magazinhaltermuttern pl
magazine catch nut
magazine catch nuts
Magazinhalterstift m mil.
Magazinhalterstifte pl
magazine catch pin
magazine catch pins
Werbespruch m, Slogan m, Schlagwort n
Werbesprüche pl, Slogans pl, Schlagwörter pl
slogan, catch word
slogans, catch words
jdn. ansprechen, jdm. gefallen
to catch sb.'s fancy, to take sb.'s fancy
Werbespruch m; Slogan m; Schlagwort n
Werbesprüche pl; Slogans pl; Schlagwörter pl
slogan; catch word
slogans; catch words
jdn. ansprechen; jdm. gefallen
to catch sb.'s fancy; to take sb.'s fancy
Slogan m; Schlagwort n
Slogans pl; Schlagwörter pl
slogan; catch word
slogans; catch words
jdn. ansprechen v; jdm. gefallen v
to catch sb.'s fancy; to take sb.'s fancy
Der wundersame Fischzug des Petrus (Kunstsujet) art
The miraculous catch of fish (art subject)
Magazinhaltekopf m mil.
Magazinhalteköpfe pl
magazine catch head
magazine catch heads
Magazinhalterriegel m mil.
Magazinhalterriegel pl
magazine catch lock
magazine catch locks
etw. zu Gesicht bekommen
to catch sight of sth., to set eyes on sth.
Man soll die Beute nicht vor dem Sieg teilen. Sprw.
First catch your hare then cook it. prov.
Fangvorrichtung f techn.
safety gear; safety catch; safety stop gear
etw. zu Gesicht bekommen
to catch sight of sth.; to set eyes on sth.
etw. zu Gesicht bekommen v
to catch sight of sth.; to set eyes on sth.
Magazinhalterschraube f mil.
Magazinhalterschrauben pl
magazine catch screw
magazine catch screws
Schlagzeile f
Schlagzeilen pl
catch line, headline
catch lines, headlines
jdn. einholen
to catch up with sb.
catching up
caught up
Anlandung f (von etw.) naut.
Anlandung eines Fischfangs
landing (of sth.)
landing of a fishing catch
die Aufmerksamkeit des Redners erregen (damit er einem als nächstes das Wort erteilt )
to catch the speaker's eye Br. (in Parliament)
Ausklinkfeder f techn.
Ausklinkfedern pl
retaining catch spring
retaining catch springs
die Aufmerksamkeit des Redners erregen v (damit er einem als nächstes das Wort erteilt)
to catch the speaker's eye Br. (in Parliament)
Laufverriegelungsbolzen m (Kipplaufwaffe) mil.
Laufverriegelungsbolzen pl
barrel catch bolt (break-down gun)
barrel catch bolts
Auffangbehälter m
Auffangbehälter pl
collection cup, catch tank
collection cups, catch tanks
Auffangbehälter m
Auffangbehälter pl
collection cup; catch tank
collection cups; catch tanks
Fang m; Fangmenge f agr. zool.
zulässige Fangmenge
Probenentnahme aus den Fängen
fish catch; catch
allowable catch
sampling of catches
mit etw. hängenbleiben (in an etw.) v
Ich blieb mit der Hose am Zaun hängen.
to catch sth. in on sth.
I caught my trousers on the fence.
Laufverriegelungsstück n (Kipplaufwaffe) mil.
Laufverriegelungsstücke pl
barrel release catch (break-down gun)
barrel release catches
Auffangwanne f
Auffangwannen pl
collecting trough, catch basin
collecting troughs, catch basins
Auffangwanne f
Auffangwannen pl
collecting trough; catch basin
collecting troughs; catch basins
Scheusal n; Widerling m geh.; Ungustl m Ös. pej.
an den Falschen geraten
tartar dated (of a harsh and fierce person)
to catch a tartar
das nachholen v (nicht zustande gekommene gemeinsame Unternehmung) soc.
Wir holen das (bald einmal) nach.
to catch up with sb.
I'll catch up with you another time (soon).
Schule machen v (viele Nachahmer finden)
ein Beispiel, das Schule macht
Wenn das Schule macht, dann …
to catch on
an example that catches on
If that catches on, then …
Brand m
Brände pl
in Brand geraten, Feuer fangen
etw. in Brand setzen, etw. in Brand stecken
to catch fire
to set sth. on fire, to set sth. alight
Splitterfänger m
Splitterfänger pl
splinter catch; splinter catcher
splinter catches; splinter catchers
etw. mitbekommen; mitkriegen ugs. v (ein Ereignis geistig erfassen)
mitbekommend; mitkriegend
mitbekommen; mitgekriegt
Hast du mitbekommen, dass sie geheiratet hat?
to catch sth.
Did you catch that she got married?
etw. mitbekommen; mitkriegen ugs. v (ein Ereignis geistig erfassen)
mitbekommend; mitkriegend
mitbekommen; mitgekriegt
Hast du mitbekommen dass sie geheiratet hat?
to catch sth.
Did you catch that she got married?
jdm. etw. hinterherhecheln v ugs.
to try to catch up with sb. sth.
trying to catch up
tried to catch up

Deutsche fangen Fang Synonyme

Fang  ÂFischzug  
hineinziehen  (in)  Âim  Netz  fangen  Âverstricken  Âverwickeln  
auffangen  Âerwischen  Âfangen  Âhaschen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âschnappen  
(jemandes)  habhaft  werden  Âam  Schlaffitchen  zu  fassen  kriegen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âaufgreifen  Âergreifen  Âertappen  Âerwischen  Âfangen  Âfassen  Âfestnehmen  Âgreifen  Âpacken  (umgangssprachlich)  Âschnappen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âverhaften  
Fang  Fischzug  
fang  baby tooth  beesting  bicuspid  bucktooth  canine  claws  clutches  cog  comb  

Englische catch Synonyme

catch  OD  abash  abduction  absorb  absorb the attention  accept  acquire  acquisition  allure  ambition  anchor  appreciate  apprehend  apprehension  arrest  arrestation  artful dodge  artifice  assimilate  astonishment  attract  baffle  bag  bag of tricks  bait the hook  bamboozle  be brought down  be felled  be seized of  be struck down  be traumatized  be with one  become popular  bewitch  biff  birdlime  blaze  blaze up  blemish  blind  block  blockade  blockbuster  blow  bluff  board  boast  bomb  bombshell  booty  bosey  bottleneck  boundary condition  box  break out  bug  burn  burst into flame  canon  captivate  captive  capture  catch at  catch cold  catch fire  catch flat-footed  catch napping  catch off side  catch off-guard  catch on  catch on fire  catch on to  catch out  catch red-handed  catch tripping  catch up  catch-22  catching  charm  check  chicane  chicanery  chouse  clasp  clause  clip  clout  clutch  collapse  collar  collaring  combust  come by  come down with  come in for  come into  come upon  come with child  comprehend  con  conceive  condition  confound  confuse  conquest  contract  coquette  cordon  corral  coup  crack  crux  curb  curtain  curve  curve-ball  cut off  date  dearest wish  decoy  defect  defection  deficiency  deliver  derive  descry  desideration  desideratum  design  desire  detect  determent  deterrent  device  diamond  difficulty  dig  digest  ding  dirty deal  dirty trick  disadvantage  discern  discover  disturb  dodge  donnee  drag down  dragnet  draw  drawback  earn  earthshaker  embarrass  enchant  encounter  engage  engage the attention  engage the mind  engage the thoughts  engross  engross the mind  engross the thoughts  enmesh  ensnare  ensnarl  entangle  enter into possession  enthrall  entice  entoil  entrap  enweb  erupt  escalator clause  escape clause  escape hatch  espouse  espy  exercise  eye-opener  failing  failure  fascinate  fast deal  fastener  fastening  fathom  fault  faute  feint  fetch  fev  
catch at straws  ask for it  be hopeful  be rash  be reckless  carp  cavil  cut up  fault-find  find fault  go too far  keep hope alive  keep hoping  knock on wood  never say die  nitpick  pettifog  pick holes  pick to pieces  pull apart  pull to pieces  quibble  take exception  take heart  tear apart  tear to pieces  
catch on  absorb  appreciate  apprehend  ascertain  assimilate  be blooded  be hep to  be on to  be successful  be wise to  be with one  become popular  become the rage  catch  catch on to  click  come off  comprehend  conceive  connect  determine  dig  digest  farewell  fathom  find out  follow  get  get hold of  get the drift  get the idea  get the picture  go  go great guns  go off  go over  go over big  go to town  graduate  grasp  have  have it taped  hear  ken  know  learn  make a hit  master  meet with success  pass  penetrate  prevail  prosper  qualify  read  realize  savvy  see  see through  seize  seize the meaning  sense  succeed  take  take in  tumble  tumble to  understand  unearth  wise up to  work well  work wonders  
catch up  abduct  carry off  catch up with  come up to  come up with  ensnare  entangle  entrap  fascinate  gain on  gain upon  grip  hold  kidnap  lap  leave behind  leave standing  mesmerize  outpace  outrun  outsail  outstrip  overhaul  overtake  pass  shanghai  snare  spellbind  tangle  throttle  trap  
catcher  amateur athlete  archer  athlete  ballplayer  baseballer  baseman  batter  battery  blocking back  bowman  captor  capturer  center  coach  competitor  cricketer  defensive lineman  end  footballer  games-player  gamester  guard  infielder  jock  jumper  lineman  offensive lineman  outfield  outfielder  partaker  player  poloist  professional athlete  pugilist  quarterback  racer  skater  sport  sportsman  tackle  tailback  taker  toxophilite  wingback  wrestler  
catching  alluring  annexational  appealing  appetizing  attractive  beguiling  bewitching  blandishing  cajoling  captivating  charismatic  charming  coaxing  come-hither  communicable  confiscatory  contagious  coquettish  deadly  deprivative  destructive  enchanting  endemic  engaging  enravishing  enthralling  enticing  entrancing  envenomed  epidemial  epidemic  epiphytotic  epizootic  exciting  exotic  expropriatory  fascinating  fetching  flirtatious  glamorous  hypnotic  infectious  infective  inoculable  interesting  intriguing  inviting  irresistible  malign  malignant  mephitic  mesmeric  miasmal  miasmatic  miasmic  mouth-watering  noxious  pandemic  pestiferous  pestilential  piquant  poisonous  prepossessing  privative  provocative  provoquant  ravishing  seducing  seductive  siren  sirenic  spellbinding  spellful  sporadic  spreading  taking  tantalizing  teasing  tempting  thievish  tickling  titillating  titillative  toxic  toxicant  toxiferous  transmissible  transmittable  venenate  veneniferous  venenous  venomous  virulent  winning  winsome  witching  zymotic  
catchword  acknowledgments  adage  ana  analects  aphorism  apothegm  axiom  back  back matter  bastard title  battle cry  bibliography  bugle call  byword  call to arms  call-up  catch line  catch phrase  clarion  clarion call  cliche  clue  collected sayings  colophon  conscription  contents  contents page  copyright page  cry  cue  cue word  current saying  dedication  device  dictate  dictum  distich  endleaf  endpaper  endsheet  epigram  epigraph  epithet  errata  evidence  exhortation  expression  fad word  flyleaf  folio  fore edge  foreword  front matter  gnome  go for broke  golden saying  gung ho  half-title page  head  hint  hot lead  imprint  index  inscription  intimation  introduction  key  key word  lead  leaf  levy  makeup  maxim  mobilization  moral  mot  motto  muster  oracle  page  pet expression  phrase  pithy saying  precept  preface  preliminaries  prescript  proverb  proverbial saying  proverbs  rally  rallying cry  rebel yell  recruitment  recto  reverso  running title  saw  saying  scent  sentence  sententious expression  shibboleth  signature  slogan  sloka  spoor  stock saying  subtitle  suggestion  sutra  table of contents  tag line  tail  teaching  telltale  text  tip-off  title  title page  trace  trim size  trumpet call  type page  verse  verso  vestige  vogue word  war cry  war whoop  watchword  whiff  wisdom  wisdom literature  wise saying  witticism  word  words of wisdom  
catchy  achingly sweet  agreeable  agreeable-sounding  appealing  ariose  arioso  beguiling  broken  canorous  cantabile  capricious  careening  choppy  deceiving  deceptive  delusive  delusory  desultory  deviative  disconnected  discontinuous  dubious  dulcet  eccentric  erratic  euphonic  euphonious  euphonous  fallacious  false  fine-toned  fishy  fitful  flickering  fluctuating  golden  golden-tongued  golden-voiced  guttering  hallucinatory  halting  herky-jerky  heteroclite  honeyed  illusive  illusory  immethodical  inconstant  intermittent  intermitting  irregular  jerky  lurching  melic  mellifluent  mellifluous  mellisonant  mellow  melodic  melodious  misleading  music-flowing  music-like  musical  nonuniform  on-again-off-again  patchy  pleasant  pleasant-sounding  questionable  rambling  rich  rough  scrappy  silver-toned  silver-tongued  silver-voiced  silvery  singable  snatchy  songful  songlike  sonorous  spasmatic  spasmic  spasmodic  spastic  sporadic  spotty  staggering  sweet  sweet-flowing  sweet-sounding  trickish  tricksy  tricky  tunable  tuneful  uncertain  unequal  uneven  unmethodical  unmetrical  unregular  unrhythmical  unsettled  unsteady  unsystematic  variable  veering  wandering  wavering  wobbling  wobbly  

catch Definition

(v. t.) To lay hold on
(v. t.) To seize after pursuing
(v. t.) To take captive, as in a snare or net, or on a hook
(v. t.) Hence: To insnare
(v. t.) To seize with the senses or the mind
(v. t.) To communicate to
(v. t.) To engage and attach
(v. t.) To get possession of
(v. t.) To take or receive
(v. t.) To come upon unexpectedly or by surprise
(v. t.) To reach in time
(v. i.) To attain possession.
(v. i.) To be held or impeded by entanglement or a light obstruction
(v. i.) To take hold
(v. i.) To spread by, or as by, infecting
(n.) Act of seizing
(n.) That by which anything is caught or temporarily fastened
(n.) The posture of seizing
(n.) That which is caught or taken
(n.) Something desirable to be caught, esp. a husband or wife in matrimony.
(n.) Passing opportunities seized
(n.) A slight remembrance
(n.) A humorous canon or round, so contrived that the singers catch up each other's words.
(n.) A cistern or vault at the point where a street gutter discharges into a sewer, to catch bulky matters which would not pass readily through the sewer.
(n.) A meadow irrigated by water from a spring or rivulet on the side of hill.
(v. t.) To deceive

catch Bedeutung

catch collar
pinch taking into custody
the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal), the policeman on the beat got credit for the collar
the act of catching an object with the hands, Mays made the catch with his back to the plate, he made a grab for the ball before it landed, Martin's snatch at the bridle failed and the horse raced away, the infielder's snap and throw was a single motion
fair catch (American football) a catch of a punt on the fly by a defensive player who has signalled that he will not run and so should not be tackled
shoestring catch (baseball) a running catch made near the ground
catch a cooperative game in which a ball is passed back and forth, he played catch with his son in the backyard
catch a fastener that fastens or locks a door or window
catch stop a restraint that checks the motion of something, he used a book as a stop to hold the door open
safety catch
safety lock
guard consisting of a locking device that prevents a weapon from being fired
a drawback or difficulty that is not readily evident, it sounds good but what's the catch?
catch a break or check in the voice (usually a sign of strong emotion)
glottal stop
glottal plosive
glottal catch
a stop consonant articulated by releasing pressure at the glottis, as in the sudden onset of a vowel
catch phrase
a phrase that has become a catchword
catch anything that is caught (especially if it is worth catching), he shared his catch with the others
a person regarded as a good matrimonial prospect
catch crop a crop that grows quickly (e.g. lettuce) and can be planted between two regular crops grown in successive seasons or between two rows of crops in the same season
the quantity that was caught, the catch was onlyfish
log Z's
catch some Z's
be asleep
catch a wink
take a siesta, She naps everyday after lunch for an hour
catch contract, did you catch a cold?
catch cold come down with a cold
catch d delay or hold up, prevent from proceeding on schedule or as planned, I was caught in traffic and missed the meeting
catch be struck or affected by, catch fire, catch the mood
catch on become popular, This fashion caught on in Paris
catch get grasp with the mind or develop an understanding of, did you catch that allusion?, We caught something of his theory in the lecture, don't catch your meaning, did you get it?, She didn't get the joke, I just don't get him
catch on
get wise
get onto
latch on
cotton on
get it
understand, usually after some initial difficulty, She didn't know what her classmates were plotting but finally caught on
catch up learn belatedly, find out about something after it happened, I'm trying to catch up with the latest developments in molecular biology
trip up
detect a blunder or misstep, The reporter tripped up the senator
catch discover or come upon accidentally, suddenly, or unexpectedly, catch somebody doing something or in a certain state, She caught her son eating candy, She was caught shoplifting
catch become aware of, he caught her staring out the window
find out catch out trap, especially in an error or in a reprehensible act, He was caught out, She was found out when she tried to cash the stolen checks
catch one's breath
take a breather
take a short break from one's activities in order to relax
catch be the catcher, Who is catching?
catch a catch up with
catch up with and possibly overtake, The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp
get catch capture succeed in catching or seizing, especially after a chase, We finally got the suspect, Did you catch the thief?
to hook or entangle, One foot caught in the stirrup
catch cause to become accidentally or suddenly caught, ensnared, or entangled, I caught the hem of my dress in the brambles
catch b spread or be communicated, The fashion did not catch
get a catch d reach with a blow or hit in a particular spot, the rock caught her in the back of the head, The blow got him in the back, The punch caught him in the stomach
take hold of
take hold of so as to seize or restrain or stop the motion of, Catch the ball!, Grab the elevator door!
capture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping, I caught a rabbit in the trap today
catch c take in and retain, We have a big barrel to catch the rainwater
catch arrest get attract and fix, His look caught her, She caught his eye, Catch the attention of the waiter
catch get e apprehend and reproduce accurately, She really caught the spirit of the place in her drawings, She got the mood just right in her photographs
d capture
catch becharm
fascinate bewitch
enchant dcba
attract, cause to be enamored, She captured all the men's hearts
catch up reach the point where one should be after a delay, I caught up on my homework
catch reach in time, I have to catch a train at o'clock
catch get suffer from the receipt of, She will catch hell for this behavior!
catch pick up perceive with the senses quickly, suddenly, or momentarily, I caught the aroma of coffee, He caught the allusion in her glance, ears open to catch every sound, The dog picked up the scent, Catch a glimpse
catch sight
get a look
catch a glimpse
see something for a brief time
watch view see catch take in see or watch, view a show on television, This program will be seen all over the world, view an exhibition, Catch a show on Broadway, see a movie
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