
cerebral Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

zerebral; Gehirn… med.
zerebral, Gehirn... med.
geistig, vergeistigt, intellektuell, klug, zerebral adj
geistig; vergeistigt; intellektuell; klug; zerebral adj
zerebral; Gehirn... med.
Zerebralparese f med.
cerebral palsy
Gehirntumor m med.
cerebral tumour
Gehirnmasse f
cerebral matter
Gehirnmasse f biol.
cerebral matter
cerebral tumour
cerebral apoplexy
Hirndurchblutung f
cerebral perfusion
Gehirnprellung f
cerebral contusion
Gehirn… anat.
cerebral; cerebric
Gehirn... anat.
cerebral; cerebric
cerebral apoplexies
Hirnkreislauf m; Gehirnkreislauf m med.
cerebral circulation
Hirntumor m; Gehirntumor m med.
cerebral tumour; brain tumour
Porenzephalie f med.
porencephaly; cerebral porosis
Hirnrinde f anat.
cortex (of brain); cerebral cortex
Dysfunktion f, Funktionsstörung f, Fehlfunktion f
zerebrale Dysfunktion, cerebrale Dysfunktion
cerebral dysfunction
Dysfunktion f; Funktionsstörung f; Fehlfunktion f
zerebrale Dysfunktion; cerebrale Dysfunktion
cerebral dysfunction
Hirnrinde f anat.
cortex (of brain), cerebral cortex
Gehirnerschütterung f med.
cerebral concussion, brain concussion
Gyrusexzision f; Gyrektomie f med.
excision of a cerebral gyrus; gyrectomy
Gehirnschlag m, Hirnschlag m, Apoplexie f med.
Gehirnschläge pl, Hirnschläge pl
cerebral apoplexy
cerebral apoplexies
Bewegungsblindheit f; Akinetopsie f med.
motion blindness; (cerebral) akinetopsia
Gehirnprellung f med.
Gehirnprellungen pl
cerebral contusion
cerebral contusions
Blut-Hirn-Schranke f, Blut-Gehirn-Schranke f
blood-brain barrier, blood-cerebral barrier
Blut-Hirn-Schranke f; Blut-Gehirn-Schranke f
blood-brain barrier; blood-cerebral barrier
Hirntod m; irreversibles Koma n med.
brain death; cerebral death; irreversible coma
Hirnblutung f; Gehirnblutung f med.
cerebral hemorrhage; intracerebral hemorrhage ICH
Hirnblutung f; Gehirnblutung f med.
cerebral hemorrhage; intracerebral hemorrhage ICH
Gehirnschädel m; Hirnschädel m; Neurokranium n anat.
brain case; brain pan; cerebral cranium; neurocranium
Großhirnrinde f; Hirnrinde f; Rinde f; Kortex f (Cortex cerebri) anat.
cerebral cortex; cortex of the cerebrum; cortex; pallium
Sylvische Wasserleitung f (Aquaeductus mesencephali cerebri; Aquaeductus sylvii) anat.
mesencephalic duct; cerebral aqueduct; aqueduct of Sylvius
präfrontaler Cortex m (Teil des Frontallappens der Großhirnrinde) anat.
prefrontal cortex (part of the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex)
Gehirnerschütterung f (Commotio cerebri) med.
eine schwere Gehirnerschütterung
eine Gehirnerschütterung haben erleiden
cerebral concussion; brain concussion
a severe concussion
to be concussed
Lähmung f, Paralyse f med.
einseitige Lähmung
zerebrale Lähmung
paralysis, palsy
paralysis of one side of the body, hemiplegia
cerebral palsy
Durchblutung f
Hirndurchblutung f
koronare Durchblutung
blood flow; circulation; blood supply; perfusion
cerebral perfusion
coronary circulation
Ödem n; Wasseransammlung in Gefäßen med.
Ödeme pl
angioneurotisches Ödem; Flüssigkeitsansammlung im Gewebe
allergisches Ödem
Hirnödem n
oedema Br.; edema Am.
oedemata; edemata
allergic edema
brain edema; cerebral edema
Lähmung f; Paralyse f med.
einseitige Lähmung
krampfartige Lähmung
zerebrale Lähmung
Spätlähmung f
paralysis; palsy
paralysis of one side of the body; hemiplegia
spastic paralysis
cerebral palsy
late paralysis
Lähmung f; Paralyse f med.
einseitige Lähmung
familiäre periodische Paralyse
krampfartige Lähmung
zerebrale Lähmung
Spätlähmung f
paralysis; palsy
paralysis of one side of the body; hemiplegia
familial periodic paralysis
spastic paralysis
cerebral palsy
late paralysis
Gehirnschwund m; Hirnatrophie f; Enzephalatrophie f med.
umschriebene Hirnatrophie; Konvolutionshirnatrophie; Pick'sche Hirnatrophie; Morbus Pick
shrinking of the brain; brain shrinking; cerebral atrophy; encephalatrophy; phrenatrophy
circumscribed cerebral atrophy; convolutional cerebral atrophy; Pick's convolutional atrophy
Schlaganfall m; Gehirnschlag m; Hirnschlag m; Hirninfarkt m; Gehirninfarkt m; Schlagfluss m; zerebrale Apoplexie f; Apoplex m ugs.; apoplektischer Insult m (Apoplexia cerebri) med.
Schlaganfälle pl; Gehirnschläge pl; Hirnschläge pl; Hirninfarkte pl; Gehirninfarkte pl; Schlagflüsse pl; zerebrale Apoplexien pl; Apoplexe pl; apopplektische Insulte pl
leichter Schlaganfall
akuter Schlaganfall
Bulbärapoplexie f
Scheinapoplexie f
(apoplectic) stroke; cerebrovascular accident CVA ; cerebral apoplexy; cerebral infarction; cerebral infarct
strokes; cerebrovascular accidents; cerebral apoplexies; cerebral infarctions; cerebral infarcts
acute stroke
bulbar apoplexy
Schlaganfall m; Gehirnschlag m; Hirnschlag m; Hirninfarkt m; Schlagfluss m; zerebrale Apoplexie f; Apoplex m ugs.; apoplektischer Insult m (Apoplexia cerebri) med.
Schlaganfälle pl; Gehirnschläge pl; Hirnschläge pl; Hirninfarkte pl; Schlagflüsse pl; zerebrale Apoplexien pl; Apoplexe pl; apopplektische Insulte pl
leichter Schlaganfall
akuter Schlaganfall
Bulbärapoplexie f
Scheinapoplexie f
(apoplectic) stroke; cerebrovascular accident CVA ; cerebral apoplexy; cerebral infarction; cerebral infarct
strokes; cerebrovascular accidents; cerebral apoplexies; cerebral infarctions; cerebral infarcts
acute stroke
bulbar apoplexy
Schwindel m; Vertigo f med.
Augenschwindel m
Dauerschwindel m
Magenschwindel m
Ohrschwindel m; vestibulärer Schwindel
horizontaler vertikaler Schwindel
objektiver subjektiver Schwindel
neurasthenischer Schwindel
paralytischer Schwindel
zentraler Schwindel
dizziness; giddiness; vertigo; lipothymia; dinus
ocular vertigo
permanent vertigo
stomachal vertigo
aural vertigo; auditory vertigo; vestibular vertigo
horizontal vertical vertigo
objective subjective vertigo
neurasthenic vertigo
paralytic vertigo
central vertigo; cerebral vertigo
Schwindel m; Vertigo f med.
Augenschwindel m
Dauerschwindel m
Liftschwindel m; Liftgefühl n; Liftempfindung f
Magenschwindel m
Ohrschwindel m; vestibulärer Schwindel
horizontaler vertikaler Schwindel
objektiver subjektiver Schwindel
neurasthenischer Schwindel
paralytischer Schwindel
zentraler Schwindel
dizziness; giddiness; vertigo; lipothymia; dinus
ocular vertigo
permanent vertigo
elevation-induced vertigo
stomachal vertigo
aural vertigo; auditory vertigo; vestibular vertigo
horizontal vertical vertigo
objective subjective vertigo
neurasthenic vertigo
paralytic vertigo
central vertigo; cerebral vertigo
Sklerose f; Verhärtung f; Verkalkung f ugs. (von Geweben Organen) med.
Arteriosklerose f; vaskuläre Sklerose f; Arterienverkalkung f; Schlagaderverkalkung f
Aortensklerose f
Bulbärsklerose f
Sklerose der Gehörknöchelchen; Verknöcherung der Gehörknöchelchen; Otosklerose
Sklerose der Haut; Sklerem (Sclerema)
Sklerose der Hirnwindungen; Sklerogyrie
Sklerose des Nervengewebes; Nervengewebeverkalkung; Neuroklerose
Sklerose durch Faservermehrung; Inosklerose
Sklerose mit Eiteransammlung; Pyosklerose
allgemeine Sklerose; generalisierte Sklerose
amyotrophische Lateralsklerose f ALS ; amyotrophe Lateralsklerose f; myatrophe Lateralsklerose f; Lou-Gehrig-Syndrom n
familiäre zentrolobuläre Sklerose
konzentrische Sklerose; Leucoencephalitis periaxialis; Baló'sche Krankheit (Enzephalomyelitis periaxialis concentrica)
multiple Sklerose MS
posterolaterale Sklerose; subakute kombinierte Rückenmarkdegeneration; funikuläre Spinalerkrankung; funikuläre Myelose; Lichtheim-Syndrom; Putnam-Dana-Syndrom
progressive systemische Sklerose; Madonnenfinger (Sclerodermia diffusa progressiva)
systemische Sklerose
tuberöse Sklerose; Bourneville'sche Krankheit; Bourneville-Syndrom
sclerosis; hardening (of tissues organs)
arteriosclerosis; arteriosclerotic vascular disease ASVD ; vascular sclerosis
aortic sclerosis
bulbar sclerosis
otosclerosis; otospongiosis
sclerosis of the skin; sclerema
atrophic scarring of the cerebral convulsions; sclerogyria
general sclerosis
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS ; myotrophic lateral sclerosis; motor neurone disease MND ; Charcot's disease; Charcot's syndrome; Lou Gehrig's disease Am.
familial centrolobular sclerosis; Pllizaeus-Merzbacher disease
Baló's concentric sclerosis; Baló's disease; concentric periaxial leucoencephalitis; demyelinating encephalopathy
multiple sclerosis MS ; polysclerosis; multilocular sclerosis; disseminated sclerosis; diffuse sclerosis; cerebrospinal sclerosis; insular sclerosis
posterolateral sclerosis; Lichtheim's syndrome; Putnam-Dana syndrome
progressive systemic sclerosis; Madonna finger
systemic sclerosis
tuberous sclerosis; epiloia; Bourneville's disease

Deutsche zerebral; Gehirn… [med.] Synonyme

Gehirn...  Âzerebral  
geistig  ÂGemüts...  Âseelisch  Âzerebral  
Denkapparat  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂDenkorgan  ÂGehirn  Âgraue  Zellen  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂHirn  ÂOberstübchen  (umgangssprachlich)  
Gehirn...  zerebral  

Englische cerebral Synonyme

cerebral  accented  alveolar  apical  apico-alveolar  apico-dental  articulated  assimilated  back  barytone  bilabial  broad  cacuminal  central  checked  close  conceptive  conceptual  consonant  consonantal  continuant  dental  dissimilated  dorsal  endopsychic  flat  front  glide  glossal  glottal  guttural  hard  heavy  high  highbrow  highbrowed  intellectual  intellectualistic  intelligent  internal  intonated  labial  labiodental  labiovelar  lateral  lax  light  lingual  liquid  low  mental  mid  monophthongal  muted  narrow  nasal  nasalized  noetic  noological  occlusive  open  oxytone  palatal  palatalized  pharyngeal  pharyngealized  phonemic  phonetic  phonic  phrenic  pitch  pitched  posttonic  psychic  psychical  psychologic  psychological  rational  reasoning  retroflex  rounded  semivowel  soft  sonant  spiritual  stopped  stressed  strong  subjective  surd  syllabic  tense  thick  thinking  throaty  tonal  tonic  twangy  unaccented  unrounded  unstressed  velar  vocalic  vocoid  voiced  voiceless  vowel  vowellike  weak  wide  
cerebral cortex  afferent neuron  arachnoid  arbor vitae  archipallium  autonomic nervous system  axon  between brain  brain  brain stem  central nervous system  cerebellar hemispheres  cerebellum  cerebrospinal fluid  cerebrum  convolution  corpus callosum  corpus striatum  craniosacral nervous system  dendrite  diencephalon  dura mater  effector organ  efferent neuron  endbrain  fissure  folia  forebrain  fornix  frontal lobe  ganglion  glial cells  globus pallidus  gray matter  gyrus  hindbrain  hippocampus  hypothalamus  internuncial neuron  lenticular nucleus  limbic lobe  little brain  lobe  mantle  medulla oblongata  medullary sheath  meninges  mesencephalon  metencephalon  midbrain  myelencephalon  neopallium  nerve  nerve trunk  nervous system  neuron  occipital lobe  optic chiasm  pallium  parietal lobe  peripheral nervous system  pia mater  pineal body  pituitary body  plexus  pons  reticular system  rhombencephalon  sensorium  sensory area  sensory cell  solar plexus  spinal cord  subthalamus  synapse  telencephalon  temporal lobe  thalamus  thoracolumbar nervous system  ventricle  vermis  white matter  
cerebral palsy  MS  amyotrophic lateral sclerosis  brain disease  cephalalgia  chorea  emotional disorder  epilepsy  falling sickness  glossopharyngeal neuralgia  headache  herpes zoster  ischialgia  migraine  multiple sclerosis  nervous disorder  neuralgia  neuritis  neuropathy  organic psychosis  palsy  polyneuritis  pressure neuropathy  priapism  radiculitis  sciatic neuritis  sciatica  shaking palsy  shingles  spastic paralysis  the jerks  tic douloureux  toxic psychosis  

cerebral Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to the cerebrum.
(n.) One of a class of lingual consonants in the East Indian languages. See Lingual, n.

cerebral Bedeutung

fissure of Sylvius
Sylvian fissure
lateral cerebral sulcus
sulcus lateralis cerebri
the deepest and most prominent of the cortical fissures, separates the frontal lobes and temporal lobes in both hemispheres
cerebral artery
arteria cerebri
any of the arteries supplying blood to the cerebral cortex
anterior cerebral artery one of two branches of the internal carotid artery, divides into two branches that serve () the thalamus and () parts of the frontal and parietal cortex
middle cerebral artery one of two branches of the internal carotid artery, divides into three branches
posterior cerebral artery arises from the basilar artery, divides into three branches
cerebral vein
vena cerebri
any of several veins serving the cerebral hemispheres of the brain
anterior cerebral vein
vena cerebri anterior
accompanies the anterior cerebral artery and empties into the basal vein
great cerebral vein
vena cerebri magna
a cerebral vein formed by the two internal cerebral veins and continuing into the sinus rectus
inferior cerebral vein
venae cerebrum inferior
veins that drain the undersurface of the cerebral hemispheres and empty into the cavernous and transverse sinuses
internal cerebral vein
vena cerebrum internus
two paired veins passing caudally near the midline and uniting to form the great cerebral vein
middle cerebral vein
vena cerebri media
either of two cerebral veins
deep middle cerebral vein accompanies the middle cerebral artery deep in the Sylvian fissure, empties into the basal vein
superficial middle cerebral vein a large vein along the line of the Sylvian fissure to the cavernous sinus
superior cerebral vein
vena cerebrum superior
a cerebral vein that drains the dorsal convexity of the cerebral hemisphere and empties into the cavernous sinus
cerebral peduncle
a bundle of myelinated neurons joining different parts of the brain
cerebral hemisphere
either half of the cerebrum
cerebral cortex
cerebral mantle
pallium cortex
the layer of unmyelinated neurons (the grey matter) forming the cortex of the cerebrum
cerebral aqueduct
Sylvian aqueduct
aqueductus cerebri
a canal connecting the third and fourth ventricles
brain death
cerebral death
death when respiration and other reflexes are absent, consciousness is gone, organs can be removed for transplantation before the heartbeat stops
cerebral palsy
spastic paralysis
a loss or deficiency of motor control with involuntary spasms caused by permanent brain damage present at birth
cerebral thrombosis a blood clot in a cerebral artery or vein
cerebral aneurysm an aneurysm of the carotid artery
cerebral edema
brain edema
swelling of the brain due to the uptake of water in the neuropile and white matter
cerebral hemorrhage bleeding from a ruptured blood vessel in the brain
involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct, a cerebral approach to the problem, cerebral drama
cerebral of or relating to the cerebrum or brain, cerebral hemisphere, cerebral activity
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