
chicken Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Huhn, Hähnchen
Hähnchen, Huhn
Angsthase m
Lappalie f; ein paar Pfennige
Lappalie f, ein paar Pfennige
Backhuhn n cook.
fried chicken
gebratenes Huhn n; Brathähnchen n Dt.; Hähnchen Dt.; Brathuhn n Dt. Ös.; Brathendl n Bayr. Ös.; Hendl n Bayr. Ös.; Broiler m Ostdt.; Poulet n Schw.; Güggeli n Schw.; Mistkratzerli n Schw. cook.
roast chicken
gebratenes Huhn n; Brathähnchen n; Brathuhn n Ös.; Brathendl n Bayr. Ös.; Broiler m Ostdt.; Güggeli n Schw.; Mistkratzerli n Schw. cook.
roast chicken
roast chicken
chicken broth
Brathähnchen n cook.
roast chicken
Hühnerbrust f; Hühnchenbrust f Dt.; Hendlbrust f Ös.; Hendlbrüstl n Ös.; Pouletbrust f Schw.; Pouletbrüstchen n Schw. cook.
chicken breast
Hühnchenbrust f cook.
chicken breast
Hühnermist m agr.
chicken manure
chicken ladder
Hühnerbrust f; Hühnchenbrust f; Hendlbrust f Ös.; Hendlbrüstl n Ös.; Pouletbrust f Schw.; Pouletbrüstchen n Schw. cook.
chicken breast
frittierte Hähnchenstückchen pl cook.
chicken nuggets
Hosenscheißer m, Feigling m ugs.
chicken coll.
eine Mutprobe machen v
to play chicken
Duckmäuser m ugs.
chicken; coward
Hosenscheißer m; Feigling m ugs.
chicken coll.
Präriehuhn n ornith.
Prairie Chicken
Ich bin doch kein Kind mehr.
I'm no chicken.
eine Mutprobe machen
to play chicken
Hühnerbouillon f cook.
chicken bouillon
Hühnerzucht f agr.
chicken breeding
Maishähnchen n cook.
corn-fed chicken
chicken breeding
Hühnerzucht f
chicken breeding
Hühnerbrustfilet n cook.
chicken breast filet
Angstrand m; Angststreifen m (äußere Lauffläche beim Motorradreifen) ugs. auto
chicken strip coll.
Hühnerfleisch n cook.
chicken meat; chicken
Kleines Präriehuhn n ornith.
Lesser Prairie Chicken
Sauklaue f ugs.
chicken scratch coll.
Hähnchen n, junger Hahn ornith.
junges Hähnchen
spring chicken
Hühnerbein n
Hühnerbeine pl
chicken leg
chicken legs
Hühnersuppe f cook.
Hühnersuppen pl
chicken soup
chicken soups
frittierte Hähnchenflügel pl cook.
scharf gewürzte, frittierte Hähnchenflügel
chicken wings
buffalo wings
frittierte Hähnchenflügel pl cook.
scharf gewürzte frittierte Hähnchenflügel
chicken wings
buffalo wings
Hühnerbrühe f cook.
Hühnerbrühen pl
chicken broth
chicken broths
Leghorn-Huhn (Hühnerrasse) zool.
Leghorn chicken (chicken breed)
Drehgrill m; Drehspieß m cook.
gegrilltes Huhn n; Grillhähnchen n Dt.; Grillhendl n Ös.; Grillgüggeli n Schw.
rotisserie chicken
(vor etw.) kneifen, sich (vor etw.) drücken
to chicken out (of sth.) coll.
(vor etw.) kneifen; sich (vor etw.) drücken
to chicken out (of sth.) coll.
Hühnerleiter f
Hühnerleitern pl
chicken ladder
chicken ladders
Windpocken pl; Varizella f; Kindsblattern pl Süddt.; Schafblattern pl Ös.; Feuchtblattern pl Ös.; wilde spitze Blattern pl Schw. med.
chickenpox; chicken-pox; varicella
Windpocken pl, Varizella f med.
chickenpox, chicken pox, varicella
Katzendreck m ugs. (lächerlich geringe Summe)
chicken-feed slang (a paltry sum)
Masthuhn n agr.
Masthühner pl
fattened chicken
fattened chickens
Hähnchen n; junger Hahn ornith.
Hähnchen pl; junge Hähne
junges Hähnchen
spring chicken
Jungspund m ugs.
younker obs.; spring chicken coll.
Jungspund m ugs.
younker obs., spring chicken coll.
Hühnerfleisch n; Hähnchenfleisch n; Hähnchen n cook.
frittierte Hähnchenstückchen pl
chicken meat; chicken
chicken nuggets
Suppenhuhn n cook.
boiling fowl; boiling chicken; boiling hen
Volierendraht m; Vogeldraht m; Kaninchendraht m
chicken wire; bird netting; rabbit fencing
Frikassee n cook.
Eierfrikasse n
Hühnerfrikassee n
egg fricassee
chicken fricassee
Hühnerkeule f cook.
Hühnerkeulen pl
gebratene Hühnerkeule
chicken leg
chicken legs
roast chicken leg
Hühnerkeule f; Hähnchenkeule f cook.
Hühnerkeulen pl; Hähnchenkeulen pl
gebratene Hühnerkeule
chicken leg
chicken legs
roast chicken leg
Raslinge pl; Schwärzlinge pl (Lyophyllum) (Pilzgattung) myc.
Büscheliger Rasling m; Brauner Rasling (Lyophyllum decastes, syn. Lyophyllum aggregatum) myc.
lyophyllum (genus of fungi)
fried chicken mushroom
Brutfarn m; Mutterfarn m; Henne-und-Huhn-Farn m (Asplenium bulbiferum) bot.
mother fern; mother spleenwort; hen-and-chicken fern
es (bei etw.) mit der Angst (zu tun) bekommen kriegen; den Schwanz einziehen v (und etw. Geplantes nicht tun)
Mach dir nicht in die Hose!
to chicken out (of sth.) coll.
Don't chicken out!
Legohrn (Hühnerrasse benannt nach der ital. Stadt Livorno) zool.
Leghorn (chicken breed named after the Ital. city of Livorno)
Maishuhn n; Maishähnchen n Dt.; Maishendl n Bayr. Ös. cook.
maize-fed chicken Br.; corn-fed chicken Am. Austr. NZ
Das ist kein Pappenstiel. ugs.
That's not (exactly) chicken feed.; That's not peanuts. coll.
Hühnerstall m agr.
Hühnerställe pl
hen house; hen coop; chicken coop
hen houses; hen coops; chicken coops
gackern (Hühner); schnattern (Gänse, Enten) v
gackernd; schnatternd
gegackert; geschnattert
Das Huhn gackert.
to cackle (hens; geese; ducks)
The chicken is cackling.
Hühnerfiletstsreifen pl; Hühnerstreifen pl cook.
Gegrillte Hühnerfiletstreifen auf Salat der Saison
strips of chicken
Strips of grilled chicken served on a bed of seasonal salad
feige; feig; memmenhaft geh. adv
faint-heartedly; chicken-heartedly; cravenly formal; pusillanimously formal
feige; feig adj
feige sein
chicken; yellow; yellow-bellied coll.
to be a chicken; to be yellow; to have no guts
feige, feig adj
feige sein
chicken, yellow, yellow-bellied coll.
to be a chicken, to be yellow, to have no guts
Huhn n
Hühner pl
mit den Hühnern aufstehen
mit den Hühnern zu Bett gehen
to get up (early) with the chickens
to go to bed (early) with the chickens
zuerst da sein; früher kommen; eher eintreten v
je nachdem, was zuerst eher eintritt jur.
Was war zuerst da? Die Henne oder das Ei?
Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst. Sprw.
to come first
whichever comes first
Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
First come, first served.
Schneehühner pl (Lagopus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Moorschneehuhn n (Lagopus lagopus)
Alpenschneehuhn n (Lagopus muta)
Weißschwanz-Schneehuhn n (Lagopus leucura)
ptarmigans (zoological genus)
willow ptarmigan; willow grouse
rock ptarmigan; snow chicken Am.
white-tailed ptarmigan
Feigling m; Schisser m; Angsthase m; Hasenfuß m (veraltet); Dadalotsch m Ös.; Knira m Ös. ugs.
Feiglinge pl; Schisser pl; Angsthasen pl; Hasenfüße pl; Dadalotschen pl Ös.; Kniras pl
coward; chicken; craven; faintheart; yellow-belly; dastard coll.; fraidy cat slang
cowards; chickens; cravens; fainthearts; yellow-bellies; dastards; fraidy cats
aussehen (wie)
sie sieht aus
sie sah aus
sie hat
hatte ausgesehen
gut (attraktiv) aussehen
gut (gesund) aussehen
wie ein gerupftes Huhn aussehen übtr.
to look (like)
she looks
she looked
she has
had looked
to look good, to be good-looking
to look well
to look like a plucked chicken, to look like a shorn sheep fig.
etw. mitessen v (genauso wie das Ãœbrige essen) cook.
Kann man die Rinde vom Käse mitessen?
Normalerweise esse ich die Haut beim Brathuhn nicht mit.
to eat sth. too; to eat sth. as well; to eat sth. along with the rest (of sth.)
Can you eat the cheese rind as well?; Can you eat the rind along with the cheese?
I don't usually eat the skin on my roast chicken.
Fond m; Sud m; Grundbrühe f Dt.; Brühe f Dt. (Flüssigkeit, in der Fleisch, Fisch oder Gemüse gekocht wurde) cook.
Butterfond m; Butterbrühe f
Hühnerfond m; Hühnerbrühe f
Fleischfond m; Fleischbrühe f
Gemüsefond m; Gemüsebrühe f
Rindsfond m; Rinderfond m Norddt. Mitteldt.; Rinderbrühe f Norddt. Mitteldt.; Rindsbrühe f Süddt.
Wildfond m; Wildbrühe f
stock; broth (liquid in which meat, fish, or vegetables have been cooked)
stock and butter
chicken stock; chicken broth
meat stock; meat broth
vegetable stock; vegetable broth
beef stock; beef broth
game stock; game broth
Huhn n; Hinkel n; Hendl n Bayr. Ös.; Pipihenderl n Bayr. Ös. (Kindersprache) ornith. agr. cook.
Hühner pl
mit den Hühnern aufstehen übtr.
mit den Hühnern zu Bett gehen übtr.
wie ein gerupftes Huhn aussehen
Ich habe mit ihm noch ein Hühnchen zu rupfen. übtr.
Auch ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn Sprw.
chicken; chook Austr. coll.
to get up (early) with the chickens
to go to bed (early) with the chickens
to look like a plucked chicken a shorn sheep
I have a bone to pick with him.
Every dog has its day. prov.
Feigling m; Angsthase m; Hasenfuß m veraltend; Trauminet m Ös.; Dadalotsch m Ös.; Knira m Ös. ugs.
Feiglinge pl; Angsthasen pl; Hasenfüße pl; Traumineten pl; Dadalotschen pl; Kniren pl
So ein Feigling!
coward; faint heart; chicken coll.; scaredy-cat coll.; fraidy cat children's speech; craven archaic; yellow-belly coll. dated
cowards; faint hearts; chickens; scaredy-cats; fraidy cats; cravens; yellow-bellies
Such a coward!
feige; feig; memmenhaft geh.; hasenfüßig veraltet adj
feige sein
Diese Tour ist nichts für Feiglinge für schwache Nerven.
Dieser Film ist nichts für schwache Nerven für zarte Gemüter.
cowardly; faint-hearted; chicken-hearted; chicken-livered; chicken; pigeon-hearted; yellow; craven formal; pusillanimous formal; gutless coll.; lily-livered dated; yellow-bellied coll. dated
to be a chicken; to be yellow; to have no guts
This tour is not for the faint-hearted.
This film is not for the faint-hearted.
Huhn n; Hinkel n; Hendl n Bayr. Ös.; Pipihenderl n Bayr. Ös. Kindersprache ornith. agr. cook.
Hühner pl
Hybridhuhn n agr.
Schwarzfederhuhn n
Schwedisches Schwarzhuhn n; Bohus-Dal Schwarzhuhn n (Hühnerrasse)
mit den Hühnern aufstehen übtr.
mit den Hühnern zu Bett gehen übtr.
wie ein gerupftes Huhn aussehen übtr.
mit jdm. ein Hühnchen zu rupfen haben übtr.
Ich habe mit ihm noch ein Hühnchen zu rupfen. übtr.
Auch ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn Sprw.
chicken; chook Austr. coll.
hybrid chicken
black feather chicken
Swedish Black Chicken; Svarthöna (chicken breed)
to get up (early) with the chickens
to go to bed (early) with the chickens
to look like a plucked chicken a shorn sheep fig.
to have an axe to grind with sb.
I have a bone to pick with him.
Every dog has its day. prov.
Streifenfarne pl (Asplenium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
brauner Streifenfarn; Steinfeder (Asplenium trichomanes)
braungrüner Streifenfarn (Asplenium adulterinum)
Brutfarn m; Mutterfarn m; Henne-und-Huhn-Farn m (Asplenium bulbiferum)
deutscher Streifenfarn (Asplenium alternifolium)
Ebenholzstreifenfarn m; breitnerviger Streifenfarn (Asplenium platyneuron)
Gabelstreifenfarn m; nordischer Streifenfarn (Asplenium septentrionale)
grüner Streifenfarn; Grünstiel-Streifenfarn (Asplenium viride Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum)
Hirschzungenfarn m; Hirschzunge f (Asplenium scolopendrium Phyllitis scolopendrium)
Jura-Streifenfarn m (Asplenium fontanum Asplenium exiguum)
kriechender Streifenfarn (Asplenium rhizophyllum Camptosorus rhizophyllus)
lanzettblättriger Streifenfarn; Billots Streifenfarn (Asplenium billotii)
Mauerraute f; Mauer-Streifenfarn m (Asplenium ruta-muraria)
Milzfarn m; Schriftfarn m (Asplenium ceterach Ceterach officinarum)
Nestfarn m; Vogelnestfarn m; afrikanischer Nestfarn m (Asplenium nidus)
schwarzer Streifenfarn (Asplenium adiantum-nigrum)
Serpentin-Streifenfarn m (Asplenium cuneifolium)
Spitzer Streifenfarn m; Spitzer Strichfarn m (Asplenium onopteris)
spleenworts (botanical genus)
common dwarf maidenhair spleenwort; English maidenhair
ladder spleenwort
mother fern; mother spleenwort; hen-and-chicken fern
alternate-leaved spleenwort
ebony spleenwort
grass fern; forked spleenwort; Northern spleenwort
green spleenwort; bright-green spleenwort
hart's-tongue fern; hart's-tongue
little spleenwort; smooth (rock) spleenwort
walking fern; walking leaf
lanceolatespleenwort; Billot's spleenwort
wall rue; wall-rue spleenwort; white maidenhair
rustyback fern; scale scaly fern; scaly spleenwort
bird's nest fern
black spleenwort
serpentine spleenwort
acute-leaved spleenwort; Irish spleenwort; Western black spleenwort

Deutsche Huhn Hähnchen Synonyme

Hendl  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂHenne  ÂHuhn  ÂLegehenne  ÂLeghenne  

Englische chicken Synonyme

chicken  Ancona  Andalusian  Australorp  Bantam  Brahma  Campine  Cochin  Cornish  Cornish hen  Hamburg  Hershey bar  Leghorn  Lord Fauntleroy  Milquetoast  New Hampshire red  Orpington  Percy  Plymouth Rock  Rhode Island red  Rock Cornish  Sumatra  Sussex  afraid  anemic  asthenic  auntie  aviation badge  baby  back out  badge  banty  bar  barn-door fowl  barnyard fowl  bi-guy  biddy  big baby  bisexual  black Minorca  black Spanish  black Sumatra  bloodless  blue Orpington  boggle  broiler  brooder  broody hen  buff Orpington  bull dyke  butch  caille  canard  caneton  capon  catamite  chanticleer  chapon  chevron  chick  chickabiddy  chicken liver  chicken out  chickenhearted  chicky  cock  cockerel  coward  cowardly  cowed  craven  cream puff  crybaby  dastard  daunted  debilitated  desert under fire  dindon  dismayed  domestic fowl  doormat  drake  drooping  droopy  duck  duckling  dull  dull tool  dunghill fowl  dyke  eagle  effeminate  effete  epaulet  etiolated  fag  faggot  faint  fainthearted  faintish  fairy  faisan  falter  fearful  feeble  femme  flabby  flaccid  flit  floppy  fowl  fraid-cat  fraidy-cat  fricatrice  fruit  fryer  funk  funk out  funker  funking  funky  game fowl  gander  get cold feet  gobbler  gone  goody-goody  goose  gosling  grouse  guinea cock  guinea fowl  guinea hen  gunsel  gutless  gutless wonder  hash mark  hen  hen turkey  henhearted  homo  homophile  homosexual  homosexualist  imbecile  impotent  insignia of branch  intimidated  invert  invertebrate  jellyfish  languid  languorous  lesbian  lightweight  lily  lily liver  lily-livered  limber  limp  listless  lose courage  lustless  marrowless  meek soul  milk-livered  milksop  milksoppish  milksoppy  mollycoddle  mouse  mousy  muliebrous  namby-pamby  nance  nancy  nebbish  nerveless  nonentity  oak leaf  oie  old woman  old-womanish  organization insignia  overseas bar  overtimid  overtimorous  panic-prone  panicky  pansy  pantywaist  parachute badge  partlet  partridge  p  
chicken feed  barley  bird seed  bran  bric-a-brac  cat food  chaff  chickenshit  chop  corn  details  dog food  eatage  ensilage  feed  fodder  forage  froth  gimcrackery  grain  hay  knickknackery  mash  meal  minutiae  oats  pasturage  pasture  peanuts  pet food  provender  rubbish  scratch  scratch feed  silage  slops  small beer  small change  straw  swill  trash  trifles  trivia  trumpery  wheat  

chicken Definition

(n.) A young bird or fowl, esp. a young barnyard fowl.
(n.) A young person
(a.) Having a narrow, projecting chest, caused by forward curvature of the vertebral column.
(a.) Timid
Chicken pox
() A mild, eruptive disease, generally attacking children only
Water chicken
() The common American gallinule.

chicken Bedeutung

chicken hawk
hen hawk
nontechnical term for any hawks said to prey on poultry
Egyptian vulture
Pharaoh's chicken
Neophron percnopterus
small mostly white vulture of Africa and southern Eurasia
chicken snake large North American snake
chicken Gallus gallus a domestic fowl bred for flesh or eggs, believed to have been developed from the red jungle fowl
spring chicken a young chicken having tender meat
prairie chicken
prairie grouse
prairie fowl
brown mottled North American grouse of western prairies
greater prairie chicken
Tympanuchus cupido
the most common variety of prairie chicken
lesser prairie chicken
Tympanuchus pallidicinctus
a smaller prairie chicken of western Texas
chicken roundworm
Ascaridia galli
intestinal parasite of domestic fowl
Mother Carey's chicken
Mother Carey's hen
Oceanites oceanicus
medium-sized storm petrel
chicken louse
shaft louse
Menopon palladum
Menopon gallinae
a louse parasitic on poultry
chicken coop
coop hencoop
a farm building for housing poultry
chicken farm farm where chickens are raised for sale
chicken wire a galvanized wire network with a hexagonal mesh, used to build fences
chicken yard
hen yard
chicken run
fowl run
an enclosed yard for keeping poultry
c methamphetamine
methamphetamine hydrochloride
chalk chicken feed
crank glass ice shabu
an amphetamine derivative (trade name Methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride, used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant
chicken scratch cramped or illegible handwriting
chicken a foolhardy competition, a dangerous activity that is continued until one competitor becomes afraid and stops
chicken casserole chicken cooked and served in a casserole
chicken cacciatore
chicken cacciatora
hunter's chicken
chicken casserole prepared with tomatoes and mushrooms and herbs in the Italian style
chicken broth
chicken stock
a stock made with chicken
chicken soup soup made from chicken broth
chicken purloo
thick stew made of rice and chicken and small game, southern U.S.
chicken stew a stew made with chicken
chicken mousse mousse made with chicken
the flesh of a chicken used for food
chicken leg
chicken drumstick
the lower joint of the leg of a chicken
chicken wing the wing of a chicken
chicken liver liver of a chicken used as meat
chicken sandwich a sandwich made with a filling of sliced chicken
chicken feed
dry mash for poultry
chicken salad salad composed primarily of chopped chicken meat
chicken provencale chicken cooked in a sauce made with tomatoes, garlic, and olive oil
chicken and rice rice and chicken cooked together with or without other ingredients and variously seasoned
chicken Marengo braised chicken with onions and mushrooms in a wine and tomato sauce
chicken cordon bleu thin slices of chicken stuffed with cheese and ham and then sauteed
Maryland chicken chicken fried than oven-baked and served with milk gravy
chicken paprika
chicken paprikash
chicken simmered in broth with onions and paprika then mixed with sour cream
chicken Tetrazzini chicken prepared in a cream sauce with mushrooms and served over pasta, usually topped with cheese
chicken Kiev pounded chicken cutlets rolled around butter (that has been seasoned with herbs) and then covered with crumbs and fried
chicken taco a taco with a chicken filling
Chicken Little a fictional character who was hit on the head with an acorn and believed that the sky was falling
a person who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washy
young person
spring chicken
a young person (especially a young man or boy)
pigeon breast
chicken breast
abnormal protrusion of the breastbone caused by rickets
chicken manure chicken excreta used as fertilizer
fight while sitting on somebody's shoulders
chicken out
back off
pull out
back down
bow out
remove oneself from an obligation, He bowed out when he heard how much work was involved
easily frightened
having a chest deformity marked by a projecting breastbone caused by infantile rickets
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The chicken is a type of domesticated fowl, a subspecies of the red junglefowl. It is one of the most common and widespread domestic animals, with a population of more than 19 billion as of 2011. Humans keep chickens primarily as a source of food, consuming both their meat and their eggs.

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