
church Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

beim Gottesdienst
at church
church tax
Kirchenbesucher m
church goer
KirchengestĂĽhl n
church pews
Kirchenglocke f
church bell
Kirchensteuer f
church rate
church bell
church goer
church rate
freikirchlich adj relig.
Kirchenchor n
church choir
church clock
church going
zur Kirche gehen
go to church
state church
Hofkirche f
court church
Kirchenorgel f mus.
church organ
Kirchplatz m
church square
church service
church steeple
Kirchenvolk n relig. soc.
church members
church congress
in die Kirche gehen
to go to church
Amtskirche f relig.
Church hierachy
Herrnhuter BrĂĽdergemeinde f relig.
Moravian Church
Kirchenslawisch n ling.
Church Slavonic
Gedächtniskirche f
memorial church
Kirchencapella f, Kirchenkapelle f
church orchestra
Wehrkirche f
fortified church
in die Kirche eintreten
enter the church
Kirchencapella f; Kirchenkapelle f
church orchestra
Amtskirche f relig.
Church hierarchy
Stiftskirche f
collegiate church
Wallfahrtskirche f
pilgrimage church
Church of St Karl
collegiate church
im Kircheninneren
in church interior
Eigenkirche f hist.
proprietary church
Bronzekirchenglocke f relig. constr.
bronze church-bell
attendance at church
Griechisch-Orthodoxe Kirche f relig.
Greek Orthodox Church
arm wie eine Kirchenmaus ĂĽbtr.
poor as a church mouse
Hieronymus (Kirchenvater) relig.
Jerome (church father)
Stift n (christliches Internat) relig.
church boarding school
Langhaus n (einer Kirche) arch.
main body of the church
Kirchenvorstand m
parochial church council
Chorumgang m; Ambulatorium n; Deambulatorium n (in einer Kirche) arch.
ambulatory (in a church)
Kreuzkirche f relig.
Church of the Holy Cross
Kirchenvorstand m; Kirchenrat m
parochial church council
Kirchgang m
church going, churchgoing
Kirchenlager n
Kirchenlager pl
church camp
church camps
Kirchenglocke f
Kirchenglocken pl
church bell
church bells
Landeskirche f (katholisch) relig.
national church (Catholic)
Auferstehungskirche f relig.
Church of the Resurrection
Hallenkirche f
Hallenkirchen pl
hall church
hall churches
Reformierter m relig.
member of a Reformed Church
Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD)
Protestant Church in Germany
Kirchengruppe f
Kirchengruppen pl
church group
church groups
Kirchenuhr f, Kirchturmuhr f
Kirchenuhren pl, Kirchturmuhren pl
church clock
church clocks
EKD : Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland
Protestant Church in Germany
Kirchenchor m mus.
Kirchenchöre pl
church choir
church choirs
Kirchenuhr f; Kirchturmuhr f
Kirchenuhren pl; Kirchturmuhren pl
church clock
church clocks
Landeskirche f (evangelisch) relig.
regional church (Protestant)
Seitenschiff n (einer Kirche) arch.
Seitenschiffe pl
aisle (of a church)
Kirchenlehrer m; Kirchenlehrerin f relig.
Doctor of the Church; Doctor
Kirchenbank f, Kirchenstuhl m
pew, church pew, church bench
die schönste gotische Kirche
the most superb Gothic church
Kirchenbank f; Kirchenstuhl m
pew; church pew; church bench
Kirchweih f; Kirchtag m; Kirmes f; Kirmse f; Kirbe f; Dult f; Kirta m Bayr.; Kirtag m Ă–s.; Kilbi f Schw.; Chilbi f Schw.
church jamboree; kermis Am.
Stabkirche f arch. hist.
Stabkirchen pl
stave church
stave churches
Kirchenregister n
church records, parish records
Anglikanische Kirche
CE, C of E : Church of England
Kirchenfeindlichkeit f
hostility to(wards) the church
Kirchenregister n
church records; parish records
Kirchenslawisch n ling.
Church Slavic; Church Slavonic
Trauungsmesse f; Brautmesse f; Brautamt n (katholische Kirche) relig.
nuptial Mass (Catholic Church)
kirchenslawisch adj ling.
Church Slavic; Church Slavonic
Pfarrkirche f
Pfarrkirchen pl
parish church
parish churches
Pfarrkirche f Norddt. Mitteldt. Ă–s.; Pfarreikirche f BW Schw. relig.
Pfarrkirchen pl; Pfarreikirchen pl
parish church
parish churches
Staatskirche f
state church, Established Church
Narthex m (Vorhof Vorhalle am Haupteingang einer Kirche) arch.
narthex (lobby area of a church)
Staatskirche f relig.
state church; Established Church
Alte Peterskirche f (Leipzig)
Old St. Peter's Church (Leipzig)
Kirchenbesuch m
attendance at church, churchgoing
Kirchenbuch n
KirchenbĂĽcher pl
church register
church registers
Kirchentag m
Kirchentage pl
church congress
church congresses
Simultankirche f; paritätische Kirche f; Simultaneum n relig.
simultaneum (mixtum); shared church
Kantate f mus.
Kantaten pl
Kirchenkantate f
church cantata
Kirchenschändung f
sacrilege, profanation of the church
Kirchenschändung f
sacrilege; profanation of the church
Zeremonie f des Heiligen Feuers (orthodoxe Kirche) relig.
Holy Fire ceremony (Orthodox Church)
in die Kirche gehend adj; ... der in die Kirche geht relig.
ein Lehrer der in die Kirche geht
a church-going teacher
Allerheiligenkirche f relig.
All Saints Church; All Hallows Church
Dechant m; Dekan m (katholische Kirche) relig.
Dechante pl; Dekane pl
Domdechant m; Domdekan m
dean (Catholic Church)
in die Kirche gehend adj; …, der in die Kirche geht relig.
ein Lehrer, der in die Kirche geht
a church-going teacher
Propst m; Probst m obs. (hoher kirchlicher Amtsträger) relig.
provost (senior church office holder)
Kirchengeschichte f
church history, ecclesiastical history
Kirchengeschichte f
church history; ecclesiastical history
Stiftskirche f
Stiftskirchen pl
collegiate church
collegiate churches
Wallfahrtskirche f
Wallfahrtskirchen pl
pilgrimage church
pilgrimage churches
Chorherrn-Stiftskirche f; Kollegiatskirche f relig.
Chorherrn-Stiftskirchen pl; Kollegiatskirchen pl
collegiate church
collegiate churches
der FriedensgruĂź (im Gottesdienst) relig.
the rite of peace (at a church service)
Kirchenschiff n arch.
Kirchenschiffe pl
church nave; nave
church naves; naves
Orgelempore f; Orgelprieche f Norddt. (in einer Kirche) arch.
organ gallery; organ loft (in a church)
Wallfahrtskirche f relig.
Wallfahrtskirchen pl
pilgrimage church
pilgrimage churches
anglikanisch adj
Anglikanische Kirche
Church of England CE; C of E
Kirchenaustritt m; Austritt m aus der Kirche relig.
aus der Kirche austreten
leaving the Church
to leave the Church
Querschiff n; Querhaus n; Transept n (einer Kirche) arch.
Querschiffe pl; Querhäuser pl; Transepte pl
cross aisle (of a church)
cross aisles
anglikanisch adj
Anglikanische Kirche
Church of England CE; C of E
Frauenkirche f
Dresdner Frauenkirche
Church of Our Lady
Dresden Frauenkirche
russisch-orthodox adj
russisch-orthodoxe Kirche f
Russian Orthodox
Russian Orthodox Church
Würdenträger m
Würdenträger pl
kirchlicher Würdenträger
church dignitary
vom Staat trennen
die Kirche vom Staat trennen
to disestablish
to disestablish the Church
vom Staat trennen v pol.
die Kirche vom Staat trennen
to disestablish
to disestablish the Church
Agape f (Imbiss im Anschluss an eine kirchliche Feier) relig.
agape (light meal after a church celebration)
Akolyth m (Messdiener am Altar in der katholischen Kirche) relig.
acolyte (altar server in the Catholic Church)
Episkopalkirche f relig.
Angehörige m, f der Episkopalkirche
zu einer Episkopalkirche gehörig
Episcopal church
Gotteshaus n
Gotteshäuser pl
house of God, church
houses of God, churches
Episkopalkirche f relig.
Angehörige(r) m f der Episkopalkirche
zu einer Episkopalkirche gehörig
Episcopal church
Episkopalkirche f relig.
Angehörige(r) m,f der Episkopalkirche
zu einer Episkopalkirche gehörig
Episcopal church
Turmspitze f; Turmhelm m arch.
Turmspitzen pl; Turmhelme pl
Kirchturmspitze f
durchbrochene Turmspitze
church spire
openwork spire
katholisch adj
die katholische Kirche
the Catholic Church
Gotteshaus n (Kirche) relig.
Gotteshäuser pl
house of God (church)
houses of God; churches
evangelisch ev. ; protestantisch adj
Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland EKD
Protestant Prot.
Protestant Church in Germany
evangelisch ev. ; protestantisch adj
Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland EKD
Protestant Prot.
Protestant Church in Germany
Vierung f (Kreuzungspunkt von Mittel- und Querschiff einer Kirche) arch.
crossing (between a church nave and the transepts)
Besucher m
Besucher pl
ein regelmäßiger Kirchenbesucher
a regular attender at church
Kirchenkalender m; liturgischer Jahreskalender m relig.
Church calendar; ecclesiastical liturgical calendar
Kirchenstaat m pol.
State of the Church; Papal States; Pontifical States
Asylrecht n soc.
Kirchenasyl n
das Asylrecht verletzen
church sanctuary
to break the sanctuary
Kirchturm m; Kirchenturm m arch.
KirchtĂĽrme pl; KirchentĂĽrme pl
spitzer Kirchturm; Spitzturm m
church tower
church towers
steeple tower; steeple
Basilika f arch. relig.
Basiliken pl
basilica church; basilica
basilica churches; basilicas
katholisch adj relig. kath.
die katholische Kirche
römisch-katholisch rk., r.-k.
Catholic Cath.
the Catholic Church
Roman-Catholic RC
Kirche f
Kirchen pl
in der Kirche
in die Kirche gehen, zur Kirche gehen
at church, in church
to go to church
Kirchenjahr n relig.
church year; Christian year; ecclesiastical liturgical year
katholisch adj relig. kath.
die katholische Kirche
römisch-katholisch rk. r.-k.
Catholic Cath.
the Catholic Church
Roman-Catholic RC
Querschiff n; Querhaus n; Transept n (einer Kirche) arch.
Querschiffe pl; Querhäuser pl; Transepte pl
cross aisle; transept (of a church)
cross aisles; transepts
Querarme pl (die beiden Seiten des Querschiffs einer Kirche) arch.
transepts (the two parts forming the cross aisle of a church)
'Elegie auf einem Dorfkirchhof' (von Gray Werktitel) lit.
'Elegy written on a Country Church Yard' (by Gray work title)
Grabeskirche f; Kirche vom heiligen Grab (in Jerusalem und diverse Nachbildungen) relig.
Church of the Holy Sepulchre (in Jerusalem and various copies)
Kirchenchor m mus.
Kirchenchöre pl
Lynn singt im Kirchenchor.
church choir
church choirs
Lynn sings in the church choir.
eine Kirche usw. entwidmen; profanieren; dekonsekrieren selten v (oft fälschlich: profanisieren) relig.
entwidmend; profanierend; dekonsekrierend
entwidmt; profaniert; dekonsekriert
to deconsecrate a church etc.
'Elegie auf einem Dorfkirchhof' (von Gray Werktitel) lit.
'Elegy written on a Country Church Yard' (by Gray work title)
Gangsitzplatz m; Gangplatz m; Gangsitz m; Platz m am Mittelgang (Flugzeug, Zug, Theater, Kirche usw.)
Gangsitzplätze pl; Gangplätze pl; Gangsitze pl; Plätze pl am Mittelgang
aisle seat (aircraft; train; theatre; church etc.)
aisle seats
Kirchweihfest n; Kirchweih f Süddt. Westös.; Kirmes f Mitteldt.; Kirmse f Ostdt.; Messe f BW Schw.; Dult f Bayr. Salzburg; Kirchtag m Bayr. Westös.; Kirta m Bayr. Südostös.; Kirtag m Ös.; Kilbi f BW Vorarlberg Schw.; Kirbe BW; Chilbi f Schw. soc.
church festival; church fair; church jamboree Br.; kermis Am.
schwindelerregend; schwindlig adv
schwindelerregend hoch; schwindlig hoch
eine Kirche mit einer schwindelerregend hohen Turmspitze
vertiginously high
a vertiginously spired church
Baumeister m arch. constr.
Baumeister pl
Kirchenbaumeister m
master builder; builder
master builders; builders
church builder
Kasualie f; Amtshandlung f (kirchliche Zeremonie) relig.
Kasualien pl; Amtshandlungen pl
official (pastoral) act (church ceremony)
official (pastoral) acts

Deutsche Kirche Synonyme

Dom  ÂKathedrale  ÂKirche  ÂMĂĽnster  
EKD  ÂEvangelische  Kirche  in  Deutschland  
Abwendung  von  der  Kirche  ÂSäkularisation  ÂSäkularisierung  ÂVerweltlichung  
Andachtsgebäude  ÂGebetshaus  ÂGotteshaus  ÂKirche  ÂTempel  
Gottesstaat  ÂTheokratie  Âvon  der  Kirche  gelenkte  Staatsform  
Laizismus  ÂLaizität  ÂTrennung  von  Staat  und  Kirche  
die  Kirche  ums  Dorf  tragen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âerschweren  Âkompliziert  machen  Âverkomplizieren  
Bischof  von  Rom  ÂKirchenfĂĽrst  ÂKirchenoberhaupt  (der  katholischen  Kirche)  ÂNachfolger  Petri  ÂPapst  ÂPatriarch  von  Alexandria  ÂPontifex  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂPontifex  Maximus  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂStellvertreter  Christi  auf  Erden  
Abwendung von der Kirche  Säkularisation  Säkularisierung  Verweltlichung  
die Kirche ums Dorf tragen (umgangssprachlich)  erschweren  kompliziert machen  verkomplizieren  

Englische church Synonyme

church  Mass  adherents  affiliation  apostleship  bedtime prayer  body  branch  call  camp meeting  care of souls  church service  churchly  class  communion  community  compline  confession  connection  creed  cult  denomination  devotions  disciples  divine service  division  duty  evening devotions  evensong  exercises  faction  faith  fellowship  followers  group  holy orders  house of prayer  ism  lauds  liturgy  matins  meeting  morning devotions  night song  none  nones  novena  office  offshoot  order  organization  party  pastorage  pastoral care  pastorate  persuasion  praise meeting  prayer  prayer meeting  prayers  priesthood  priestship  prime  prime song  public worship  rabbinate  religious order  revival  revival meeting  sacred calling  schism  school  sect  sectarism  segment  service  sext  society  spiritual  tabernacle  temple  tent meeting  the church  the cloth  the desk  the ministry  the pulpit  tierce  undersong  variety  version  vesper  vespers  vigils  vocation  watch meeting  watch night  watch-night service  
church house  basilica  bethel  cathedral  cathedral church  church  clergy house  conventicle  deanery  duomo  glebe  house of God  house of prayer  house of worship  kirk  manse  meetinghouse  minor basilica  mission  parsonage  pastorage  pastorate  patriarchal basilica  place of worship  presbytery  rectory  vicarage  
church music  Negro spiritual  anthem  cantata  canticle  chorale  doxology  gospel  gospel music  hymn  hymn-tune  hymnody  hymnology  introit  mass  motet  offertory  offertory sentence  oratorio  paean  passion  prosodion  psalm  psalmody  recessional  requiem  requiem mass  sacred music  spiritual  white spiritual  
churchgoer  Christian  God-fearing man  accepter  adorer  assembly  beadsman  believer  brethren  catechumen  celebrant  chapelgoer  churchgoers  churchite  churchman  class  communicant  congregation  convert  daily communicant  devotee  devotionalist  disciple  evangelist  fanatic  flock  fold  follower  good Christian  idolater  laity  laymen  minyan  neophyte  nonclerics  nonordained persons  parish  parishioners  people  petitioner  pietist  prayer  proselyte  receiver  religionist  revivalist  saint  seculars  sheep  society  suppliant  supplicant  supplicator  theist  truster  venerator  votary  worshiper  zealot  
churchly  abbatial  abbatical  archiepiscopal  canonical  capitular  capitulary  cathedral-like  cathedralesque  church  churchish  churchlike  clerical  ecclesiastic  ecclesiastical  episcopal  episcopalian  evangelistic  ministerial  pantheonic  pastoral  prelatial  prelatic  priest-ridden  priestish  priestly  rabbinic  sacerdotal  spiritual  synagogal  synagogical  tabernacular  templelike  ultramontane  
churchman  Christian  DD  Doctor of Divinity  God-fearing man  Holy Joe  abbe  accepter  believer  brother  catechumen  chaplain  church member  churchgoer  churchite  churchwoman  clergyman  cleric  clerical  clerk  communicant  convert  curate  cure  daily communicant  devotee  devotionalist  disciple  divine  ecclesiastic  fanatic  follower  good Christian  laic  lay brother  lay sister  layman  laywoman  man of God  military chaplain  minister  neophyte  padre  parishioner  parson  pastor  pietist  preacher  proselyte  receiver  rector  religionist  reverend  saint  secular  servant of God  shepherd  sister  sky pilot  supply clergy  supply minister  the Reverend  the very Reverend  theist  tonsured cleric  truster  votary  zealot  

church Definition

Broad Church
() A portion of the Church of England, consisting of persons who claim to hold a position, in respect to doctrine and fellowship, intermediate between the High Church party and the Low Church, or evangelical, party. The term has been applied to other bodies of men holding liberal or comprehensive views of Christian doctrine and fellowship.
(n.) A building set apart for Christian worship.
(n.) A Jewish or heathen temple.
(n.) A formally organized body of Christian believers worshiping together.
(n.) A body of Christian believers, holding the same creed, observing the same rites, and acknowledging the same ecclesiastical authority
(n.) The collective body of Christians.
(n.) Any body of worshipers
(n.) The aggregate of religious influences in a community
(v. t.) To bless according to a prescribed form, or to unite with in publicly returning thanks in church, as after deliverance from the dangers of childbirth
(n.) A church or parish festival (as in commemoration of the dedication of a church), at which much ale was used.
(n.) A seat in the porch of a church.
(n.) Churchyard.
Church modes
() The modes or scales used in ancient church music. See Gregorian.
(a.) Of or pertaining to, or favoring, the party called the High Church, or their doctrines or policy. See High Church, under High, a.
(a.) Not placing a high estimate on ecclesiastical organizations or forms

church Bedeutung

church service
a service conducted in a house of worship, don't be late for church
church mouse a fictional mouse created by Lewis Carroll
church building
a place for public (especially Christian) worship, the church was empty
church bell a bell in a church tower (usually sounded to summon people to church), church bells were ringing all over town
church hat a fanciful hat of the kind worn by Black women for Sunday worship
church key can opener that has a triangular pointed end that pierces the tops of cans
church tower the tower of a church
funeral home
funeral parlor
funeral parlour
funeral chapel
funeral church
a mortuary where those who knew the deceased can come to pay their last respects
church bench
long bench with backs, used in church by the congregation
church roll a list of the members of church
religious doctrine
church doctrine
gospel creed
the written body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group
ecclesiastical mode
Gregorian mode
church mode
medieval mode
any of a system of modes used in Gregorian chants up until , derived historically from the Greek mode
Old Church Slavonic
Old Church Slavic
Church Slavic
Old Bulgarian
the Slavic language into which the Bible was translated in the th century
religious music
church music
genre of music composed for performance as part of religious ceremonies
Christian church
one of the groups of Christians who have their own beliefs and forms of worship
church the body of people who attend or belong to a particular local church, our church is hosting a picnic next week
Armenian Church
Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church
an independent Christian church established in Armenia since , was influenced by both Roman and Byzantine traditions
Catholic Church any of several churches claiming to have maintained historical continuity with the original Christian Church
Roman Catholic
Western Church
Roman Catholic Church
Church of Rome
Roman Church
the Christian Church based in the Vatican and presided over by a pope and an episcopal hierarchy
Nestorian Church a Christian Church in the Middle East that followed Nestorianism, there is still a small Nestorian Church in Iraq
Old Catholic Church Catholic churches that broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in the th century
Eastern Church
Byzantine Church
the Catholic Church as it existed in the Byzantine Empire
Orthodox Church
Orthodox Catholic Church
Eastern Orthodox Church
Eastern Church Eastern Orthodox
derived from the Byzantine Church and adhering to Byzantine rites
Greek Orthodox Church
Greek Church
state church of Greece, an autonomous part of the Eastern Orthodox Church
Russian Orthodox Church an independent church with its own Patriarch, until it was the established church or Russia
Uniat Church
Uniate Church
any of several churches in eastern Europe or the Middle East that acknowledge papal authority but retain their own liturgy
Coptic Church the ancient Christian church of Egypt
Protestant Church
the Protestant churches and denominations collectively
Christian Church Disciples of Christ a Protestant church that accepts the Bible as the only source of true Christian faith and practices baptism by immersion
Anglican Church
Anglican Communion
Church of England
the national church of England (and all other churches in other countries that share its beliefs), has its see in Canterbury and the sovereign as its temporal head
Episcopal Church Protestant Episcopal Church United States church that is in communication with the see of Canterbury
Church of Ireland autonomous branch of the Church of England in Ireland
Episcopal Church Episcopal Church of Scotland an autonomous branch of the Anglican Communion in Scotland
High Church
High Anglican Church
a group in the Anglican Church that emphasizes the Catholic tradition (especially in sacraments and rituals and obedience to church authority)
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Mormon Church
church founded by Joseph Smith inwith headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah
Baptist Church
any of various evangelical Protestant churches that believe in the baptism of voluntary believers
Church of the Brethren
a Baptist denomination founded inby Americans of German descent, opposed to military service and taking legal oaths, practiced trine immersion
Christian Science
Church of Christ Scientist
Protestant denomination founded by Mary Baker Eddy in
Congregational Church a Protestant denomination holding that each individual congregation should be self-governing
Congregational Christian Church merger of the Congregational Church and the Christian Church
Evangelical and Reformed Church a Protestant denomination of Calvinist faith
United Church of Christ merger of the Congregational Christian Church and the Evangelical and Reformed Church in
Lutheran Church the Protestant denomination adhering to the views of Martin Luther
Presbyterian Church the Protestant denomination adhering to the views of John Calvin
Unitarian Church the Protestant denomination that rejects the doctrine of the Trinity
Arminian Church the Protestant denomination adhering to the views of Jacobus Arminius
Methodist Church
a Protestant denomination founded on the principles of John Wesley and Charles Wesley
Wesleyan Methodist Church
Wesleyan Methodists
the original Methodist Church
Evangelical United Brethren Church a Methodist denomination
United Methodist Church union of the Wesleyan Methodist Church and the Evangelical United Brethren Church
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