
clear water Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

etw. auswaschen v med.
Die Wunde mit klarem Wasser auswaschen.
to bathe sth.
Bathe the wound with clear water.
Trinkwasserreservoir n; Trinkwasserspeicher m
Trinkwasserreservoires pl; Trinkwasserspeicher pl
clear-water reservoir; distribution reservoir; service reservoir
clear-water reservoirs; distribution reservoirs; service reservoirs
Fluss m geogr.
Flüsse pl
Gebirgsfluss m
Klarwasserfluss m
rückgebaute Flüsse
schiffbarer Fluss
staugeregelter Fluss
stauregulierter Fluss
verzweigter Fluss; verästelter Fluss
river; higher-order stream
rivers; higher-order streams
mountain river; torrential river
clear-water river
reconverted rivers
navigable river
regulated river
impounded river
braided river
das Spiegelbild von etw. zurückwerfen; etw. widerspiegeln v phys.
Die unbewegte Oberfläche des Wassers warf das Spiegelbild ihres Gesichts zurück.
Der blaue Himmel spiegelte sich im klaren Wasser.
Die alte Kirche spiegelt sich in der Glasfassade des Bürogebäudes.
Ich sah ihr Gesicht im Spiegel der Windschutzscheibe.
to mirror sth.; to reflect sth. rare
The water's still surface mirrored her face.
The clear water mirrored the blue sky.; The blue sky was mirrored in the clear water.
The old church is reflected in the glass facade of the office building.
I could see her face reflected in the car's windscreen.
Binnensee m; See m (größeres Gewässer mit stehendem Wasser)
Binnenseen pl; Seen pl
Alpensee m
abflussloser See
Alpenrandsee m
glazialer See
Klarwassersee n
kleiner See
kleiner natürlicher See
periodischer See
verlandeter See
Vulkansee m
zuflussloser See
See mit Ausfluss
See mit geschichtetem Wasserkörper
ein Haus am See
inland lake; lake (large body of standing water)
inland lakes; lakes
Alpine lake
lake without outflow; imprisoned lake
perialpine lake
glacial lake
clear-water lake
lakelet ~tarn
seasonal lake; temporary lake; intermittent lake
extinct lake; filled lake
volcanic lake
dead lake
open lake
stratified lake
a house on a lake; a lake house
Zelle f biol.
Zellen pl
Adventitialzelle f; Rouget'sche Zelle; Perizyt m
Alphazelle f
Alzheimer'sche Zelle
amöboide Zelle
Anitschkow'sche Zelle
argentaffine Zelle
Assoziationszelle f; Amakrinzelle f; amakrine Zelle f
Balgzelle f; tormogene Zelle
begeißelte Zelle
Belegzelle f; Parietalzelle f; salzsäureproduzierende Zelle; säureproduzierende Zelle
Cajal'sche Zelle
enterochromaffine Zelle
fettig degenerierte Zelle
fettverzehrende Zelle
gelb pigmentierte Zelle
Geleitzelle f
Hansen'sche Zelle
Hortega'sche Zelle
hyperchromatische Zelle
immunokompetente Zelle
jugendliche Zelle
keratinproduzierende Zelle
kernlose Zelle; Zelle ohne Kern
kleine Zelle
Knochenbildungszelle f; osteogene Zelle
Knochenmarkzelle f; myeloische Zelle
Körperzelle f; somatische Zelle
Mott'sche Zelle
pigmentierte Zelle
pigmenttragende Zelle
Pigmentzelle f; pigmentbildende Zelle; melaninbildende Zelle; Melanozyt m
Pflanzenzelle f
Produzentenzelle f
Purkinje'sche Zelle
Reed-Sternberg'sche Zelle
Retikulumzelle f; Retikuloendothelzelle f; retikuloendotheliale Zelle
schleimig-seröse Zelle; mukoseröse Zelle; seromuköse Zelle
Sertoli'sche Zelle
tierische Zelle
Verbraucherzelle f
wasserhelle Zelle
Zelle mit vielgestaltigem Kern; polymorphkernige Zelle; Polymorphozyt m
adventitial cell; Rouget's cell; pericyte
alpha cell
Alzheimer cell
amaeboid cell
caterpillar cell; Anichkov cell
argentaffine cell
association cell; amacrine cell; brachine cell; shortine cell
socket-forming cell; tormogen cell
flagellate cell
acid cell; parietal cell; oxyphilic cell; oxyntic cell
Cajal's cell
enterochromaffin cell
bloated cell
companion cell; satellite cell
cell of Hansen
Hortega cell
hyperchromatic cell
immunocompetent cell
juvenile cell
cells without a nucleus; non-nucleated cell; akaryote cell; akaryote; akaryocyte
small cell
osteogenic cell
myeloid cell
body cell; somatic cell
morular cell of Mott
pigmented cell
pigment cell; chromatophore; naevus cell; melanocyte; melanoblast
plant cell
producer cell
Purkinje cell
Reed-Sternberg cell
reticuloendothelial cell
mucoserous cell
Sertoli cell
animal cell
consumer cell
water-clear cell
polymophonuclear cell; polymorphocyte

Deutsche etw. auswaschen {vt} [med.] / auswaschend / ausgewaschen / Die Wunde mit klarem Wasser auswaschen. Synonyme

auslaugen  Âauswaschen  
auswaschen  Âerodieren  
hydrophob  ÂWasser  abstoßend  ÂWasser  abweisend  ÂWasser  meidend  
Reinigung  mit  Wasser  ÂSpülung  ÂWaschung  mit  Wasser  
abgefärbt  Âausgewaschen  Âverblasst  
klaffende  Wunde  Âtiefer  Riss  Âtiefer  Schnitt  
aquatisch  ÂWasser...  
hart  (Wasser)  Âkalkhaltig  
Notlandung  im  Wasser  ÂNotwasserung  
im  Wasser  notlanden  Ânotwassern  
hydrophil  ÂWasser  liebend  
Eau  de  Cologne  ÂEdC  ÂKölnisch  Wasser  
Felsbank  (unter  Wasser)  ÂFelsenriff  
Amphibienfahrzeug  ÂLand-Wasser-Fahrzeug  
schwemmen  Âwässern  Âweichen  (in  Wasser)  
Dekantation  ÂDekantieren  Âvorsichtiges  Abgießen  (von  Wein,  Wasser)  
Rehydratation  (fachsprachlich)  ÂZufuhr  von  Wasser  oder  Salzlösungen  
Mineral  (österr.,  schweiz.)  ÂMineralwasser  ÂSelters  (Markenbegriff)  ÂSelterswasser  ÂSoda  ÂSodawasser  ÂSprudel  ÂSprudelwasser  ÂTafelwasser  ÂWasser  
blaues  Gold  Âdas  nasse  Element  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂH2O  ÂNass  ÂQuell  des  Lebens  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂWasser  
(sich)  aus  dem  Fenster  lehnen  (umgangssprachlich)  Â(sich)  wagen  (an)  Âauf  schmalem  Grat  wandern  Âin  tiefes  Wasser  gehen  Âmutig  sein  ÂRisiko  auf  sich  nehmen  Âriskieren  Âtrauen  
(sich)  Ã¼ber  Wasser  halten  (umgangssprachlich)  Â(sich)  durchbeißen  (umgangssprachlich)  Â(sich)  durchkämpfen  Â(sich)  durchschlagen  Â(sich)  selbst  helfen  
austreten  (umgangssprachlich)  Âharnen  ÂLulu  machen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âmiktieren  (fachsprachlich)  Âpieseln  (umgangssprachlich)  Âpinkeln  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂPipi  machen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âpissen  (derb)  Âpullern  (umgangssprachlich)  Âschiffen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âstrullen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âurinieren  ÂWasser  lassen  
After-Shave-Lotion  ÂAftershave  ÂAftershavelotion  ÂEau  de  Cologne  ÂEau  de  Parfum  ÂEau  de  Toilette  ÂEaux  de  Cologne  ÂEaux  de  Parfum  ÂEaux  de  Toilette  ÂKölnisch  Wasser  ÂRasierwasser  
auswaschen  erodieren  

Englische to bathe sth. Synonyme

clear water Definition

Apollinaris water
() An effervescing alkaline mineral water used as a table beverage. It is obtained from a spring in Apollinarisburg, near Bonn.
(superl.) Free from opaqueness
(superl.) Free from ambiguity or indistinctness
(superl.) Able to perceive clearly
(superl.) Not clouded with passion
(superl.) Easily or distinctly heard
(superl.) Without mixture
(superl.) Without defect or blemish, such as freckles or knots
(superl.) Free from guilt or stain
(superl.) Without diminution
(superl.) Free from impediment or obstruction
(superl.) Free from embarrassment
(n.) Full extent
(adv.) In a clear manner
(adv.) Without limitation
(v. t.) To render bright, transparent, or undimmed
(v. t.) To free from impurities
(v. t.) To free from obscurity or ambiguity
(v. t.) To render more quick or acute, as the understanding
(v. t.) To free from impediment or incumbrance, from defilement, or from anything injurious, useless, or offensive
(v. t.) To free from the imputation of guilt
(v. t.) To leap or pass by, or over, without touching or failure
(v. t.) To gain without deduction
(v. i.) To become free from clouds or fog
(v. i.) To disengage one's self from incumbrances, distress, or entanglements
(v. i.) To make exchanges of checks and bills, and settle balances, as is done in a clearing house.
(v. i.) To obtain a clearance
(a.) Having a sharp, distinct outline, like that of a cameo.
(a.) Concisely and distinctly expressed.
(a.) Having a clear understanding
(a.) Having a clear physical or mental vision
(a.) Shining brightly.
(a.) Seeing with clearness
(n.) Acute discernment.
(a.) Of, pertaining to, or living in, water not salt
(a.) Accustomed to sail on fresh water only
(a.) Unskilled
Napha water
() A perfume distilled from orange flowers.
Rose water
() Water tinctured with roses by distillation.
(a.) Having the odor of rose water
Selters water
() A mineral water from Sellers, in the district of Nassan, Germany, containing much free carbonic acid.
Seltzer water
() See Selters water.
(n.) A channel at the end of a deck to restrain the water.
(n.) An acid.
(n.) Distilled or ardent spirits
(n.) Water for the cure of surfeits.
(n.) Water in a tailrace.
Vichy water
() A mineral water found at Vichy, France. It is essentially an effervescent solution of sodium, calcium, and magnetism carbonates, with sodium and potassium chlorides
(n.) The fluid which descends from the clouds in rain, and which forms rivers, lakes, seas, etc.
(n.) A body of water, standing or flowing

clear water Bedeutung

plain sailing
clear sailing
easy going
easy unobstructed progress, after we solved that problem the rest was plain sailing
water travel
travel by water
water sport
sports that involve bodies of water
water-skiing skiing on water while being towed by a motorboat
water polo a game played in a swimming pool by two teams of swimmers who try to throw an inflated ball into the opponents' goal
treading water a stroke that keeps the head above water by thrashing the legs and arms
water conservation the conservation of water resources
water development
water project
water program
making an area of water more useful
water thrush brownish North American warbler found near streams
water ouzel
small stocky diving bird without webbed feet, frequents fast-flowing streams and feeds along the bottom
European water ouzel
Cinclus aquaticus
a water ouzel of Europe
American water ouzel
Cinclus mexicanus
a water ouzel of western North America
water snake any of various mostly harmless snakes that live in or near water
common water snake
banded water snake
Natrix sipedon
Nerodia sipedon
in some classifications placed in the genus Nerodia, western United States snake that seldom ventures far from water
water moccasin any of numerous North American water snakes inhabiting fresh waters
water moccasin cottonmouth
cottonmouth moccasin
Agkistrodon piscivorus
venomous semiaquatic snake of swamps in southern United States
water bird
freshwater aquatic bird
water shrew any of several small semiaquatic shrews usually living near swift-flowing streams
American water shrew
Sorex palustris
water shrew of North America
European water shrew
Neomys fodiens
widely distributed Old World water shrew
Mediterranean water shrew
Neomys anomalus
a type of water shrew
water flea
minute freshwater crustacean having a round body enclosed in a transparent shell, moves about like a flea by means of hairy branched antennae
water flea
minute free-swimming freshwater copepod having a large median eye and pear-shaped body and long antennae used in swimming, important in some food chains and as intermediate hosts of parasitic worms that affect man e.g. Guinea worms
marsh hen water hen swamphen
any of various small aquatic birds of the genus Gallinula distinguished from rails by a frontal shield and a resemblance to domestic hens
American coot
marsh hen mud hen
water hen Fulica americana
a coot found in North America
water turkey
Anhinga anhinga
blackish New World snakebird of swampy regions
water dog a dog accustomed to water and usually trained to retrieve waterfowl
water spaniel any dog of two large curlyoated breeds used for hunting waterfowl
American water spaniel breed of medium-sized spaniels originating in America having chocolate or liverolored curly coat
Irish water spaniel breed of large spaniels developed in Ireland having a heavy coat of liverolored curls and a topknot of long curls and a nearly hairless tail
water vascular system system of fluid-filled tubes used by echinoderms in locomotion and feeding and respiration
water beetle any of numerous aquatic beetles usually having a smooth oval body and flattened hind legs for swimming
German cockroach
Croton bug
water bug Blattella germanica
small light-brown cockroach brought to United States from Europe, a common household pest
water bug a true bug: large aquatic bug adapted to living in or on the surface of water
giant water bug large water bug with piercing and sucking mouthparts, feeds on young fishes
water scorpion long-legged aquatic insect having the front legs fitted for seizing and holding prey and the abdomen extended by a long breathing tube
water boatman
boat bug
carnivorous aquatic bug having paddle-like hind legs
water strider
water skater
long-legged bug that skims about on the surface of water
water rat any of various amphibious rats
round-tailed muskrat
Florida water rat
Neofiber alleni
of Florida wetlands
water vole Richardson vole
Microtus richardsoni
of western North America
water vole water rat Arvicola amphibius common large Eurasian vole
water buffalo
water ox
Asiatic buffalo
Bubalus bubalis
an Asian buffalo that is often domesticated for use as a draft animal
water chevrotain
water deer
Hyemoschus aquaticus
largest chevrotain, of marshy areas of west Africa
boiling water reactor
a nuclear reactor that uses water as a coolant and moderator, the water boils in the reactor core and the steam produced can drive a steam turbine
cistern water tank a tank that holds the water used to flush a toilet
cold-water flat an apartment without modern conveniences
cologne water
eau de cologne
a perfumed liquid made of essential oils and alcohol
diuretic drug
water pill
any substance that tends to increase the flow of urine, which causes the body to get rid of excess water
divining rod
dowsing rod
water finder
forked stick that is said to dip down to indicate underground water or oil
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